The Journey Continues, now with new clothes

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I yawned as I woke up. It was a few minutes before sunrise.

Huh, that's weird, I am usually not a morning person. I thought. Might as well.

I used Appraisal on my self again. A menu opened up, more new and improved, all of my current skills where there.

《Pure Spirit, level 3 <Tohka>》
《Sandalphon: level 2, Adonai Melek: level 2, Unsigned Angel: level 20 max, Detection: level 1》

All looked well and good, until...

《Error recognized, new skill, Taboo unlocked, now level 3, Spirit now level 5 out of 20》


None if this seemed right. I went too Taboo and praised it.

《Taboo: A skill given to those who commit atrocious acts and can only be leveled up with said acts. Must never be raised.》

The Appraisal gave a simple explanation, a very terrifying explanation.

Atrocious acts, what does it mean by that? I questioned myself as I looked down at the ground in thought, tapping my foot. Either way, I am hungry, I should probably give this more thought later.

I searched the area for kebabs that Shido may have left laying around.

Gosh darnit where could there be more, I am hungry!

I kept looking, under the logs, near the trees, all but to no use in finding the delicious treats. I sighed, and looked at Shido, more importantly, at his makeshift bag.

Wonder if Shido has some... I thought as I reached for Shido's bag.

"What are you doing?"

I froze, and then looked up. Shido looked down at me with disappointment. Shido shook his head and then grabbed his bag.

"I don't know what your parents taught you, but you are not supposed to go through people's things." Shido said. "I may trust you with my life, but you are not at the level of trust where you can touch my stuff."

"Oh...sorry." I apologize I got up with my head down in shame.

Shido's look softened, upon seeing my sad expression, shyly, he reached up, and put his hand on my head, rubbing it on my head. It felt funny, his hand felt good on my head, it gave me a sense of warmth and comfort I didn't think I would ever receive, I felt so...happy.

"There there, if you're hungry, I can make you some eggs if you want." Shido told me as he continued rubbing his hand on my head.

"Sure, I would like that." I replied, lost to the pleasure his hand was giving me.

"Then let's get to it." Shido said, before I suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait, remember all that left over skin from the wrym?" I reminded Shido.

"Um...that can be done later." Shido protested. "Plus you don't have any measuring tools."

"Oh that doesn't matter, I can just put the skin on while you are naked." I started to explain as I grabbed his 'pants' and pulled down. "And then make precise cu-"

........................................................................................................................................................................................7 inches...

I turned away and covered my eyes and blushed wildy after seeing it.

"You can put on the skin, and then I can cut it." I told a flustered Shido.

Time Skip

"Few that's done." Shido sighed with relief, his face very red like mine.

I just didn't speak. I just followed Shido down the road, holding my tomato red face.

What is a tomato?

The wonder of asking myself a question couldn't do anything to calm my mess of emotions. Shido sighed and pulled up his pants before continuing onwards

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