The Labyrinth

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"So do you know where the labyrinth is?" Tohka asked as she walked alongside Shido.

The 2 had gone back to the tailor for more details and got the spools needed to collect the silk. Strangely the tailor looked a bit cross when he saw Tohka with Shido but Tohka just ignored the minor detail.

"Well, I have seen an opening in it while evading capture for a while," Shido answered.

"So...can we use that opening again to get in and then get the silk?" Tohka asked.

"We would have to find the Spider first Tohka," Shido answered with a chuckle.

"Right so where can we find one once we get there?" Tohka asked.

"Well, we can just follow the spider webs to find one," Shido said. 

"Ok, but we should be fast if we encounter a particularly dangerous spider," Tohka mentioned.

"Yeah but with 10 spools to fill, we need to be fast while not ruining the thread," Shido said. "But we run the risk of ruining the thread so I will be in charge of it then, I have experience with threads."

"Oh, you do?"

"Yeah, though I would rather not tell you how I got it," Shido said.

"Oh, ok but don't worry too much, I will have your back," Tohka said with a smile.

"Thanks, you are lovely you know," Shido said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Tohka asked.

"Nothing, we are close to the opening now," Shido said.

"Oh, where is it?" Tohka asked.

"Over here," Shido said as he walked over to a hill with Tohka trailing behind.

Shido then leaned over and grabbed under the grass. The boy hesitated before he lifted a hidden panel.

"Ok, so," Shido quickly jumped in, holding the hatch open before offering his hand. "Ready to go in?"

"Oh...sure," Tohka said with a light blush on her face.

Shido took Tohka's hand and helped her into the pit before lowering the hatch. The darkness coated the duo as the hatch closed before Shido lit up a torch.

"So, I wonder how much this place has changed," Shido said before he took a step. "So, let's go hunt a spider."

"Ok," Tohka said before she summoned her angel and followed.

The footsteps of the boy and spirit echoed in the dark tunnels, both looking for a strand of silk to find a spider.

"So, how long have you hidden here?" Tohka asked to break the silence.

"A year, I got Labyrinth sickness for a while so that was why I got out of here," Shido answered. "But with you around it shouldn't happen."

"Oh, what is that?" Tohka asked.

"It is a sickness of the mind that drives one to be crazy," Shido explained. "It is something very unpleasant so I wish to avoid it."

"Oh, how would I help with that?" Tohka asked.

"I don't know, but I just have a feeling."

"Oh, ok but even if I can't, I can still defend you," Tohka said.

Shido chuckled before laying down on the ground.

"This looks like a nice spot to sleep," Shido said before motioning to Tohka to lie down near him. "Come on, I don't want you to get Labyrinth sickness."

"Oh, really, but I am not tired," Tohka said.

Shido smiled.

"Well, you can just keep watch then in case we get attacked," Shido said. 

"Alight then," Tohka said as she went to sit next to Shido.

"Good night Tohka."

"Good night."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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