A Story from Nii-sama

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A young boy, who looked no older than 6 years old in soft pajamas, looked at an unusual piece of a fabric encased in a glass case, surrounded by magic to seemingly keep it stable as it glowed an eerie purple with a ridged part glowing black somehow. He looked up and down, not having gained appraisal yet, he can never know what it was at a glance.

"Shun, what are you doing?"

Shun turned to see Julius, his older brother, and current holder of the Hero title. Julius had the look of someone who would belong in modeling magazine, perfect jaw like wavy blue hair and beautiful eyes in the same color as his hair. However, his clothing was anything but something a model would wear, but more of the attire of a noble knight. A large breastplate protected most of his upper torso while his arms and shoulders were covered by their own armor, with cloth going underneath the plates and covering his lower torso in a long skirt, concealing the armor at his legs.

"Nothing, I was just looking, sorry." Shun answered.

"It's fine but please be careful around it, it is very delicate, surprisingly." Julius said and he kneeled down and put a hand on Shun's shoulder.

Like his brother, Shun, also had dark blue hair with blue eyes, the same type of blue as his own hair. Both brothers were princes to the Kingdom of Analeit, ruled by their father.

"Nii-sama, what is it?" Shun began. "You said it was surprisingly delicate, so is it strong, and why does it glow black?"

Julius sighed.

"I guess I will tell you about it, come." Julius said as he motioned to a seat to the room.

Shun followed and took a seat next to his brother, whose expression was a mixture of fear and guilt.

"So...have you heard of the story of Destruction?" Julius asked.

"Well...no." Shun answered.

"Then, get ready, it's not a pretty story." Julius said. " I was there at her first appearance, at the year 842, during the war between the Ohts region and the Sariella region."

"I was told about that, wasn't the Demon King and the Nightmare of the Labyrinth there?" Shun asked.

"Yeah, they were there too." Julius answered. "But they weren't prepared for the what was to come, neither was I."

Julius clenched his hands together.

"It all started when we noticed that all of our magic was becoming less effective, so some of us checked our MP levels, they were somehow dropping, it wasn't limited to us, Nightmare and the Demon King were experiencing the same thing." Julius said. "Then it suddenly stopped for an odd reason, just as quickly as it began."

"Was it Destruction?" Julius asked.

"Yes, we learned that soon enough when the sky suddenly released all the MP, it wiped out most of the soliders in both armies alone, before Destruction appeared." Julius continued. "It then all went so fast...everyone was dying left and right with deep cuts or missing parts of their body. I watched how she killed, Destruction would switch weapons and they would have some sort of ability some how, like controlling the water or fire. Anything in Destruction's hands was a weapon to her, even her bare hands could go through most high level equipment. Nightmare could barely keep up and the Demon King fought at the same level as Destruction."

"And, how did you get out, and what does it have to do with the cloth?" Shun asked.

"Well, Destruction was about to kill me, had it not been for Ronandt sama, but even he didn't escape with injuries, he was healed eventually." Julius answered. "But Ronandt managed to break off a piece of Destruction's armor, which we have here."

"So that..."

"Yep, now go to bed, I don't want to be the cause of your tiredness." Julius said with a smile.

"Ok, thanks for telling me Nii-sama." Shun said as he left.

So I am Destruction, so you're here to kill me?Where stories live. Discover now