The Town and The Labyrinth

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The walk was rather awkward as they continued down the street after the 'incident' but the duo didn't let it bother them. A small town soon came into view after a bit of walking down the dirt path. The town was something Tohka had a familiar feeling of, but nothing clicked in her head as she tried to remember so she took her mind off of it.

"So Shido what is this place?" Tohka asked as they approached the town.

"This seems to look like Keren County, looks like we are safe here," Shido informed.

"Ok, well then, we can settle here for now right?" Tohka asked as she looked down at the young boy.

Shido shook his head.

"I can't stay here, I am branded, see here?" Shido lifted up his shirt to reveal a family crest burned into his chest. "If I get found out most people will assume I am just a family member and send me with the people that bought me."

"Hold on, since when did they do that?" Tohka asked.

"When we were being separated, the 2 guys had a hot iorn ready, for you they were going to tattoo you cause a hot iorn would ruin you skin, surprise surprise." Shido explained. "My healing abilities are good but not good enough to get rid of scars, the only thing that can get rid of them is time."

"Oh...well then, I guess you can just keep it hidden until then I guess and I will do most of the talking while you are behind me so you can whisper in my ear if I need to know something." Tohka said.

"Or, you could try learning Telepathy," Shido told Tohka without opening his mouth, smiling smugly as he looked at Tohka's shocked expression.

"!?" Tohka asked, an extremely confused look now on her face.

"It's simple really, you just try to project your thoughts to another person and hope it works." Shido explained.

"Hmm, let me give it a try." Tohka said as she closed her eyes and thought.

I want to eat some bread, I want to eat some bread, I do not know what bread is, I do not know what bread is. Tohka thought, trying her hardest to project her thoughts.

Yet no matter what she did, it was all fruitless.

"Um, how about I use telepathy and you respond with hand signals, how does that sound?" Shido asked.

"Hm, sounds good, thumbs up is yes, down is no, in between is unsure." Tohka told Shido.

"Ok, let's go, just say that I am servant and that I can't talk, there may be people who recognize my voice, ok?" Shido instructed Tohka.

"Umu, you have nothing to worry about Shido." Tohka told the boy with a smile.

"Thanks Tohka." Shido said.

Tohka and Shido then walked down and towards the gates of the town. The guards then looked at the 2 before blocking their path with their weapons.

"Stop, you need to pay a toll before we let you pass."

"Damn it, I forgot about the toll, do we still have some dragon leather with us?" Shido asked.

Tohka gave a thumbs up.

"Good, then let's try to trade that with them." Shido told Tohka.

"Well unfortunately we don't have any money but can we give you some dragon leather in exchange for letting us in." Tohka said as she pulled out all of the leather she had.

The guards then looked at the leather, then at Shido and Tohka as they considered the offer.

"Well the leather isn't the best quality but it is enough to cover both of you, you may pass." One of the guards said before they both pulled back their weapons to let the duo pass.

"Phew, that was close, now we need some money for the next time so we should tale some jobs that will keep us afloat." Shido said.

"Yeah, but who, we aren't qualified for any thing so I doubt most people would hire us." Tohka whispered

"Well, this will sound a bit dumb but how about we pose as Adventurers for a bit to get some coins." Shido suggested.

"Humu, I guess we could make it work, but we won't take jobs from the guild itself, we need to take jobs from everyone else."

"Well that's easy enough, we can just ask the tailor over there." Shido said as he nodded to a tailor who looked to be in a bit of a panic from the window.

"Sure, what could go wrong?" Tohka asked as she and Shido made their way to the shop.

The opened the door and much to Tohka's confusion, a bell ran that alerted the tailor.

"Oh sorry, I am little behind on some orders so I can't take new orders yet." The tailor said as he ran around searching for something.

"Well we aren't here for that, we are just here if you were offering a job for something." Tohka explained.

The tailor paused.

"A job to help me out huh, well I could give you something, just 200 Sariella coins for 2000 yards of spider slik from the Great Elore Labyrinth, will you take it?" The tailor asked.

"Um, sure, we could take it." Tohka said as she then left the store.

"So, do we got a job?" Shido asked.

"Yeah it's just collecting spider silk at the Great Elore Labyrinth." Tohka explained.

Shido's face turned white.

"We have to what?" Shido blurrted out.

"Go get some spider silk, no big deal." Tohka simply said.

"But at a very dangerous location." Shido said. "No way I am going."

"Well he said he would give us 200 Sariella coins for 200 yards of it." Tohka mentioned.

"200?" Shido's attention was drawn.

"Yeah, 200."

Shido sighed.

"Let's go and do it." Shido said reluctantly.

So I am Destruction, so you're here to kill me?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang