Roads That Cross...

By Fangirl_C

40.8K 1K 942

Living under the same roof turns out to be too much temptation. Having fallen into it, Simón will have to dea... More

... At Midnight (Part 1)
... At Midnight (Part 2)
... With Handwritings
... At Open Musics
... With New Beginnings
... With Luna (Part 1)
... With Luna (Part 2)
...With Amends and Breaks
... With Uncovered Feelings
... With Ramiro's Decision
... With a Gift
... With Ghosts From The Past
... With a Warning
... With Delfi and Jazmín (Part 1)
... With Delfi and Jazmín (Part 2)
... With a New Perspective
... with Interruptions (Part 1)
... With Interruptions (Part 2)
... with Pelfi
... With More Than a Music Video
... with a Reunion
... on a Day Off
... With a Mistake (Part 2)
... with a Return
...With an Announcement
... With Memories
...with Friendships
...even when you don't want them to
... With Distance
... with a Phone Call

... With a Mistake (Part 1)

464 10 8
By Fangirl_C


I'm genuinely so sorry for updating this late. I bring good news tho! This was originally just one long chapter that I had to split in two, so you'll have part 2 very soon!! Yay, two updates!

Now, fair warning: For those of you who like Lutteo: You're welcome. But if you're like me and couldn't care less, I am deeply sorry about this. I promise this is the only lutteo heavy one; I needed to get it out of the way.

Hope you like it.


"Oh no, the daisy wilted..."

Simón looked up from the bundle of lights in his hands and looked at Ámbar. She was crossing her room towards to her nightstand, or more specifically, to the little glass of water that sat on top of it. He approached from his spot at her closet, leaving the light garlands on the bed bench, and followed her gaze. There was the daisy had given her the other day. He still remembered how it'd looked on her, how its yellow matched her hair— He had pictures of it, in fact. Now the flower laid curved down against the rim of the glass, having lost its strength and most of its once vivid color.

Ámbar abandoned the blanket in her arms in favor of grabbing the tiny flower. They were in the process of taking down the blanket fort and putting everything back in its place after they woke up that morning.

Simón had been surprised she'd wanted to sleep on the floor. He had been ready to take down the fort before they went to bed last night, but Ámbar had wanted to keep it for as long as possible. He doubted she had ever slept on such a hard surface before— Her bed was small but still had the best mattress and softest sheets he'd ever felt. She hadn't complained one bit though.

Simón could understand why. It was actually quite cozy, what with the many blankets and pillows they had at their disposal in their little fort. It was definitely not the hardest surface he had ever slept on –He remembered summers with his friends, laying shirtless on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor, trying not to die from the heat— since Ámbar's fur carpet cushioned it somewhat. And to sleep holding each other... well, that was always a marvel.

And speaking of marvels...

Simón took the chance to take her in for the umpteenth time that morning. She just looked so soft and cute, wearing his t-shirt over her cotton pajama capris. It was "warmer than her own clothes" she'd claimed the night prior, before stealing it for herself along with another piece of his heart. Seeing her engulfed in his too-big clothes —she looked so small, he wanted to hold her— pleased him more than it probably should.

The sight was only marred by the sad look on her face, a tiny pout on her lips as she sighed, twirling the daisy between her fingers. "I don't wanna throw it away..."

Simón's heart squeezed. A tiny smile curled the corners of his mouth. He wondered if she knew those were the little things that made him feel she really loved him.

"It's okay," he said tenderly. "I'll give you more, remember?"

More flowers, more t-shirts— Hell, my whole closet. Name it and it's yours.

Ámbar's sadness abated as she looked at him, her own lips softening into a smile. Then her eyes widened slightly as if in realization. "Wait."

Simón watched with curiosity as she moved to her vanity set and opened the drawer on the right, daisy still held between her fingertips. From there she pulled out a small black planner, one he'd seen her use before to take notes while she worked at the Roller, and maneuvered to open it with her free hand. Choosing a blank spot, she placed the daisy between its pages, and, very carefully, closed the planner shut.

"There," Ámbar said triumphantly. "That way I can preserve it."

She looked so proud of herself, smiling happily for having thought of that.

Simón wondered if it was possible to die of love.

Ámbar put the planner back and closed the drawer. When she turned, he was waiting. He lifted his hands and cupped her face, more precious than the stone she was named after. He kissed her because he had to, he truly had to, or his heart might collapse from overload. There wasn't much movement, just two sets of lips fitting perfectly together and the strength of the feeling in his chest, quickly returned by the pressure of her mouth.

"I love you," he said the second he parted. Only then did the fist around his heart ease a little.

She smiled beautifully and kissed him again, bringing her hands to his neck, the touch of her lips soft and tender just like the feeling of having her in his arms. "I love you too."

Would it ever lose its charm the way her eyes looked at him?

Ámbar gave him a quick peck and pulled back slightly. "Did you finish putting down the lights?"

"Yeah, I'll give them back to Mónica when we go downstairs for breakfast." He turned his head to her closet. "There's only those sheets left and taking down the cords from the ceiling."

"I'll do that," she said, finally stepping out of the circle of his arms. "Could you fold these blankets while I'm at it?" She asked him, gesturing to the pile on top of her bed.


Simón got to work while Ámbar disappeared to the back of the room. He was just finishing when a buzzing sound made him look up. Ámbar's phone was vibrating on the nightstand. It was upside down, but it was obvious from the continuity of it that it wasn't messages.

"Love, someone's calling you," Simón told her, and grabbed the phone to take it to her.

He didn't get a chance though, as Ámbar dashed and snatched it from his hand.

Simón startled a little.

"...Are you waiting for a call?" He asked with a disconcerted frown, watching as she checked the screen. For what other reason would she be so eager to get her phone?

Ámbar tapped something on the screen but didn't bring the phone to her ear so he assumed she hung up. "Yeah, I'm... waiting to hear from H.R. about the new hires," she said, finally lifting her gaze to his. "You know, so you guys can rest more often without having to do maneuvers. But it was just an unknown number; some telemarketing most probably, it doesn't matter."

For a moment, Simón got the weird feeling that her smile didn't look totally sincere. But, no, he must've been imagining it. He couldn't think of a reason why she'd lie.

"Oh, yeah, those are bothersome," he said finally, ditching that ridiculous notion and getting back to the conversation at hand. If he had a bill for each time he'd gotten a call from Movistar, he would have his own place already.

Ámbar threw her phone on the bed and grabbed his hands, pulling him to her. "Now," she started, smirking flirtatiously, "what do you say you come with me and we save some water?"

Simón raised his brows as she started walking backwards, the glint in her eyes taking him with her just as much as her hands. He could've pointed out that they would definitely not be saving water, but he followed her smilingly without a peep, internally basking in the knowledge that he not only got to see her in his t-shirt but he'd also get to take it off her.

This day couldn't have come up to a better start.


After a long day of classes, having his best friend by his side was dreamlike to Matteo.

Gastón had arranged to meet him at the entrance of his university once he got out of his last lecture of the day. Matteo had taken the opportunity to give him a tour of his faculty and the rest of the place, both because Gastón was curious and to try and convince him to study there once his exchange at Oxford ended. Their faculties would be a good 10-minute-walk apart, but it'd still be great to be able to have lunch together and hang out during their downtimes.

Gastón seemed to think so too.

As they made their way to the Jam & Roller, even though Matteo was smiling –or trying to, because he was truly happy to hang out with his friend— there was something that wouldn't stop fluttering around in his mind, filling his chest with some heavy discomfort. He had been trying all day, but despite all of his distractions, he couldn't stop thinking about his conversation with Michel the previous night.

For starters, he shouldn't have asked. He shouldn't have asked after seeing what he'd seen. He already knew, and yet...

'How's it going with Luna? All good?'

Just as expected, the guy had answered with a bright smile on his face.

'Yeah, everything's going great between us. We shared a very nice afternoon together... We're moving forward little by little... She means so much to me...'

Matteo didn't even remember anymore everything Michel had said but it didn't matter— He had enough with the confirmation that they were happy and the memory of them kissing.

He kept his hands buried in his pants' pockets so Gastón didn't notice the tension in his clenched fists. Being his best friend, he probably knew something was up with him anyway, he just hoped he wouldn't ask. He didn't want to talk about it. He knew he shouldn't feel this way. He'd been the one to tell Michel it was alright if he wanted to pursue Luna. He had been the one to decide that was the best thing to do.

It's too late. Even if it tears me up inside, there's nothing I can do.

Upon arriving at the Roller, they were greeted by a sign on the glass doors that read 'Closed for lunch'. Luckily, that usually only applied to the cafeteria, not the rink, so the doors weren't locked and they could get in with no problem. It was immediately noticeable that it was almost solely regulars inside. Matteo could only see one table with people who didn't look familiar, nursing the last of their drinks. They'd probably paid the check already. There was no sign of Pedro nor Simón, so he assumed they must've gone out to eat.

He walked to the back of the cafeteria with Gastón, where they could hear familiar voices coming from. It didn't take long to recognize it was Nina and Jim.

"I don't know, I mean, isn't it a little bit romantic?" Said the latter of the two. "Like, he couldn't hold back the urge to kiss her because he likes her so much."

The two boys turned the corner at the same time Nina replied.

"But Luna had already told Michel that she didn't see him that way."

Matteo's feet came to a halt.

"It's not pretty when a guy just- goes and kisses you like that without asking..."

Jim's face gloomed with sympathy. "Right, like with you and Eric..."

Under different circumstances, Matteo would've noticed the way Gastón tensed up next to him.

But at that moment, all he could think was—

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Both girls turned in his direction and their eyes widened when they realized the presence of the two guys. They sat up straight in their seats, exchanging quick, alarmed glances between them.

"Matteo!" Jim said, worry and nervousness obvious in her voice. "Um... I don't think we should be telling you this—"

He raised a hand. "Just tell me if I heard that right," he said frowning. "Michel kissed Luna, but she didn't want to?"

Both girls shared a look again.

"Well..." Nina started, clearly troubled, her eyes wandering unsurely, "...yeah. But I'm sure he didn't have any bad intentions," she amended immediately, "it was just..."

But Matteo wasn't listening anymore. The moment she confirmed it, his hearing shut down to the world around him, focused instead on Michel's voice inside his memory, telling him that his day with Luna had gone great and that they were moving forwards.

Ardent, immeasurable rage filled him.

"That lying son of a—"

Before anyone could do anything, Matteo was running for the Roller's exit.

"Wait, Matteo!" Gastón ran after him. He tried to grab his arm, but Matteo broke free and ran off. "Matteo, stop, what are you gonna do?!"

Nina and Jim had caught up to him and stood there with matching faces of worry.

"What do we do?" Jim asked.

Gastón pulled out his phone. "I'm gonna call Luna." She had to know the shit storm that was coming her way. And if there was one person that could calm Matteo down, it was her.

As he waited for the line to connect, his eyes met Nina's. She averted her gaze quickly, looking down uncomfortably. She hadn't told him Eric had kissed her. She said that there was nothing between them, but if so, why didn't she tell him?

He tried to push those thoughts out of his mind for now. This wasn't the time. And even if it was— Did he even have the right to ask?

Gastón swallowed down all he was feeling and talked to Luna once she picked up.

First, they had to deal with this whole thing. Then he'd have time to be angry at himself.


Matteo stormed into the mansion, immediately encountering Maggie, who had been on her phone and quickly pretended to have been dusting the lobby centerpiece.

Matteo didn't notice any of that, focused on just one objective.

"Where is he?"

Maggie blinked confusedly. "Who?"

But Matteo was already searching around with his gaze, and he quickly found the one he was hunting.

"Okay, Nina, thank you for calling me," Michel said, cellphone by his ear, standing in the center of the living room. "Yeah, no..."


Michel's gaze met Matteo's as he strode toward him like an arrow. He only had time to lower his phone before Matteo was upon him, boiling with fury.

"You fucking liar, how dare you do that to Luna?!" He snarled, shoving the shocked guy and making him back a step. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

"Ma-Matteo, calm down, okay?" Michel said nervously, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "It wasn't my intention, it was just a misunderstanding, I didn't think—"

"Hell yeah you didn't think," he spat, "and now I'm gonna knock all your teeth down your—"


Right as he had Michel by the collar, Luna showed up behind them, approaching from the front door. She was wearing kneepads and other protections in her arms, sign that she had been skating when she heard what happened and hurried over there. Her rollerskates made a thud as she abandoned them in the lobby and ran towards them, trying to pull them apart. "Stop it! What are you doing?!"

Matteo turned to her with outrage and perplexity. "Are you seriously going to defend him?"

"What's going on here?" Miguel asked, arriving with Mónica in tow, both of them wearing similar expressions of concern.

"Nothing," Luna replied firmly before Matteo could say more. Not looking at him, she placed one hand on her hip and pointed with the other toward the kitchen. "Matteo, follow me outside."

"If you think I'm gonna let this bastard go—"

"MATTEO, I said follow me outside," Luna reiterated with a strength that seemed to render the rest of the room quiet.

Unwilling to wait for him, she quickly grabbed him by the shirt and began to pull him away to the kitchen, and Matteo, surprised by her outburst, had no other choice but to follow her, but not without glaring daggers at Michel until he couldn't see him anymore.

Luna stopped once they stood in the backyard and brusquely let go of his shirt.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She shot at him. "Were you seriously going to punch him? Are you insane or what?" She exclaimed, utterly looking at him like he'd lost his mind.

"You are insane!" He instantly retorted, tremendously frustrated. "You should let me beat him for kissing you without your consent."

Luna made a visible effort to calm down and spoke to him slowly and firmly. "Violence is never the answer, Matteo. Yes, I was shocked and I was upset with Michel, but I already told him off and I didn't need you to do that; I did it myself. And anyway, you have no right to say anything about this," she quickly changed gears, fully directing her indignation at him. "Why do you even care so much? You told him he had the road free, didn't you? Pretty much threw me into his arms."

"Because I thought he could make you happy!" Matteo exclaimed, taking out what was killing him inside— What had been killing him inside for weeks, and now filled him with guilt because this was his fault, he had made this happen. "I thought you'd be happier with him, and after all I've done to you, the least I could do was step aside."

"Happier?" Luna repeated, annoyed and astonished, and, Matteo noticed with a pang in his chest, what looked like hurt. "You really thought I'd be happy if you made decisions for me without asking me first? What do you know about how I feel?"

"I know," he stated, serious. "I know because I know you. I know you're too good to be really mad at him so you'll probably forgive him after one penny 'sorry', but I can't and I won't do that. I'm gonna get in there and give him a piece of my mind until he regrets ever acting like a saint and then taking advantage of you, because I will never, ever let anyone or anything hurt you, you hear me? I will make sure that nothing even remotely sad happens to you because you deserve the whole universe and more, and if I have to personally make sure that you get it, I will."

Luna stared at him long and hard, her expression softening from anger to confusion to... something. Something that made him feel like she was staring at his soul, and only then did it really dawn on him everything he had just said.

"... You really mean that?" She said quietly.

Matteo gulped. Her bright green eyes were searching his and he felt vulnerable, exposed in front of them. His instinct told him to brush it off, play it off as friendly concern, run.

But he kept his feet firmly planted where he stood. He was done with running.

"Of course I do," he told her, and slowly, hesitantly, like one would approach a scared animal, he brought his hands up to cup her face. Except, of course, the scared one was himself.

—It was always him, that was why he ruined everything—

No more. Not now.

To his utter joy, Luna didn't push him away. She seemed just as transfixed in his gaze as he was in hers, and for the first time in what seemed like forever, he could feel her skin, soft and warm against his own.

"Luna, I..."

"Everything okay out here?"

The two separated quickly, startled, yanked out of their trance by Miguel's voice. He appeared by the kitchen door, immediately checking on the situation and his daughter.

Luna averted her gaze, nervous. "Y-yeah, everything's fine..."

Miguel stood with his hands on his hips, a reprimanding aura emanating from him as he looked at the boy. "What was that with Michel, Matteo?"

Matteo saw Luna's eyes, pleading with him not to make more of a fuss.

"...We had a misunderstanding," he finally answered in a quiet tone.

"Can I trust that you'll handle said misunderstanding in a civilized way?" Miguel stressed with a raised eyebrow. "Because I'm not going to allow fights in this house. People solve problems talking things out, that's the way it should be."

Matteo bowed his head. "Of course," he said solemnly. "Sorry about that, Miguel."

The man nodded. "Now get in there and talk with Michel."

Matteo brought his gaze back to Luna. Despite everything that had happened, Michel wasn't the one he wanted to talk to at this moment. If he really thought about it, maybe he never was.

I said I knew her, but I would give anything to know what she's thinking right now.

But it wasn't the time to ask questions, so he turned around to obey Miguel's directive.

As he walked inside the mansion, he couldn't stop remembering the look in Luna's eyes as he held her face.

Maybe it wasn't too late yet after all.

Still in the backyard, Miguel turned to his daughter.

"Don't think you'll get out of this one without explaining to me what's going on."

Luna had such a mix of feelings and thoughts at the moment that she had no idea if she could even voice any of them, but she had no choice but to nod.

This was going to be one awkward conversation. 





Short one but that's so I can post part 2 sooner!!

Now, some excuses as to why this took 8 months: 

First of all, I had other projects which I wanted to finish as soon as possible, which you already saw. So, for the first time in 3 years, I lowered Roads in my list of priorities, and it was actually great, it was a fun experience.

What was not fun though was that my 11 year old cat almost died. I spent a month nursing her back to health and it was a very tough time, but I'm happy to inform that she is now better than ever.

On a happier note, I had my university graduation ceremony! I already had my degree on a PDF but yeah, it was cool. It meant a looot of dress-shopping beforehand though.

AAAND, as of late December, I became an aunt!! My older sister had her first baby, a little girl who is now also my goddaughter, so, wow, I feel old all of the sudden.

And all of this was happening while I continued my 10 to 7pm job every day of the week (sometimes even weekends). So, I think you can imagine I didn't exactly have much time or peace of mind for anything. 

Now, if any of you got to this point of the Author's Notes, first of all, thank you for reading. Second of all, sorry for making you read all that about my life skjfnsd. Third, I'm counting on my life not being so crazy this year so that I can write more; fingers crossed.

Stay tuned for Part 2 and thank you for reading!  — ☾

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