NOON a fang-tastic love story

By Bowkid_Publications

256 23 46

The second Bellons got a new roommate, a long pale hunky woman named Edwrina; he knew his life would be chang... More

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter ten
chapter 11
chapter twelve
chapter 13

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

12 2 1
By Bowkid_Publications

    Edwrina paused, startled that Bellon had noticed something was different about her, she had thought she was hiding it so well.
    “Ummm, well Bellon, i don't know what you ar-” Edwrina started to say, but was interrupted by a average sized girl popping out of the cupboard at Edwrinas feet. Jacella had been squatting under the sink for 5 hours now and had just now appeared.
    “Edwrina is a filthy blood-sucker Bellon!”
    Bellon froze, and he gasped, dramatic Indian melodramma music played in his head.
    “Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you lie!” Bellon shouted, thick oozy salt water welling up in his vision slots.
    “No, Bellon, the rodent child is correct, I am a blood-sucker.” Then the pale woman lifted up her shirt, revealing, to Bellons horror, upside down abbs.
    Edwrina sighed and walked over to the screaming trembling emo boy.
    “Bellon, look at me, it's okay, blood-sucker or not I'm still me!” She said, her lip quivering.
    “No, E-E-E-E-Edwrina, you d-d-d-d-don't understand, my p-p-parents wer-!” Edwrina covered Bellons mouth, shook her head, and started to smirk such a big smirk it put all other smirks to shame.
    “No Bellon,” And her abnormally large hands crept down and slowly lifted his shirt up, revealing his crooked abs, “Don't you realize what this means?", she asked him. Bellon looked down, in both confusion and terror, but mostly confusion. What could this mean?
    “.....T-t-t-that I have s-sideways ab d-d-d-disorder.” Bellon said dumbly.
    Edwrina rolled her black-hole orbs,"No, it means you and the same. You're just a…diluted version of me."
    “No he is not.” Jacella sneared, “He is not and he will not ever be like your kind.”
“Too late,” Edwrina laughed, "The damage is done. He's at least half, what did you call us? ‘Bloodsuckers’. Just look at his abs.”
Jacella scoffed and looked at the teeny fragile emo boys abs. They were indeed sideways. She was surprised she hadn't noticed before, especially considering she stalked the emo boy for months before formally introducing herself. She shook her head in disbelief, and looked back up at the tall, pasty, athletic woman.
    "How is this possible? I thought your kind didn't favor…his kind.", Jacella said, gesturing towards Edwrina and Bellon both. Edwrina just shrugged.
    "Apparently one of my kind took a liking to his mother. This wouldn't have happened if it was with his father.", she said, looking down at Bellon. He looked mega confused. While the two women talked, he looked down at his sideways abs.
"Am I…I couldn't be. Right?", he thought to himself. His mother wouldn't be unfaithful, and even if she would, not with one of them. He was questioning everything. Who was his father really? These questions, along with others, were playing over and over in his mind. He walked to his room and sat on his bed, leaving the other two to argue. They didn't seem to notice.
    Heartbroken and confused, Bellon started to wander up to the roof of his mansion, he climbed up the drainage pipe and climbed up to the tippy top of the roof, even climbing on top of the lightning rod-grate thing. The short little petite emo boy felt the wind blow through his long emo bangs and started to sing a song.
His high pitched emo cries drift down in the wind passing into the shattered windows where Edwrina and Jacella were having a shouting match.
    “Wow, Is that Bellon” Whispered Jacella,
    “Of course it's Bellon, this is why you will never be with him, I'm just better at understanding him!” Tall pasty woman smirked, listening to Bellons sobs, “Like right now, I understand that he is mildly upset. Because. Of. You.”
    Jacella and Edwrina looked at each other, knowing what the other was going to do right before she did it, both girls started sprinting through the house up to the roof. Edwrina was running really fast, just barely beating Jacella, but Jacella stopped and started to run on all fours, making squeaky noises. Rats ran along Jacella back until Jacella caught up to Edwrina, the cat-sized-rats all leapt off of Jacellas hunched form and onto Edwrina, biting and scratching at her coal-colored vision spheres.
    “SQUEEK SQUEEK SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-” Is all Edwrina heard from Jacella as she ran down the hallway, while her big rat friends were attempting to blind the pasty long girl.
    “Bellon!” Jacella grabbed the tiny emo boys hand, “Bellon stop singing, its okay, im here”
    “W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-where is E-Edwrina?” Little itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny emo boy asked, wiping the mingled snot and tears off of his face onto Jacellas arm. Jacella looked down at the emo snot and tears that slicked all over her arm,
    “Edwrina is busy right now, she's just making it easier to be in front of a mirror,” Jacella murmured while playing with Bellons sticky snot, making the green loogies stretch in between her average sized fingers.
    Meanwhile back in the mansion, Edwrina was having what you could call…an awful time. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY DARKLY COLORED VISION SPHERES!” Edwrina screamed and clawed at the large rats, “GET OFF ME YOU FREAKS OF NATURE '' Edwrina unhinged her large pale jaw and swallowed each rat whole, one by one. Edwria took a large hand and touched her face, her once beautiful black globes were gone, she stuck her finger into her jacked up visionless pit. She started to sob, she couldn't see anything at all. Edwrina would have to start using echolocation until her orbs grew back. Edwrina started to stumble to where she believed Bellon to be, using her echolocation to guide her.
    When Edwrina finally made it up onto the roof Jacella and Bellon turned around and looked at the gigantic pale face, covered in blood with scratch marks and two big gaping bloody holes where her inky orbs used to be. Bellon fell off the lightning rod thingy, with the quietest thud Jacella and Edwrina had ever heard. He stared at Edwrinas orb sockets and looked at Jacella in both fear and hardcore bewilderment.
    “W-w-w-w-what happened to y-y-y-y-you?” the little emo boy quivered. “Y-y-y-y-y-y-you look hawt!”He smirked and ran over the the tall woman and pulled her so she was in a kneeling position, and he stuck his tiny emo hands inside of her bloody oozing sockets playing with the exposed flesh and rubbing it on her face.
    “Just when I t-t-thought you c-c-c-c-couldnt get any h-hotter”, he said, hardcore smirking at Edwrina.
    Jacella stared, ‘I should have known that Bellon would be into vision sphere-less women.’ she thought, cursing herself for the oversight.
    “A bunch of ugly rodents attacked me Bellon,” Smirked Edwrina while Bellons hands were sinking and deeper into her bloody-face-pockets.
    “Um, Where are those rats….. Just out of like, curiosity or something.” Jacella asked, looking a bit confused and nervous.
    Edwrina turned to face where the sounds were coming from, Bellons fists making a squelching suction cup sound as they were pulled out of her ex-vision pits.
    Smirking, Edwrina explained how she had eaten all the thick hairy greasy brown rats, taking them all straight down her gullet and into her stomach. It was only then that Bellon and Edwrina noticed that Edwrinas stomach was huge, she looked like she was pregnant times 400.879. Jacella let out a sob and ran at the tall, pasty, large, chunky muscle woman.
    “You know better than to make an act like that. This means war and you know it!”Jacella shrieked.
    Edwrina would have rolled her orbs if she had any- so to make the same point, Edwrina swung her head around in a circular motion a few times. It looked pretty stupid, but Jacella was too mad to care and Bellon was like, obsessively in love with this weirdo so neither really reacted to it.
    Edwrina picked Bellon up and did some really sick parkour to get back inside. She set Bellon down, just as she heard Jacella climb back inside the mansion. Jacella gazed out the window, the night sky seemed to cast a shadow over the house. The cool breeze shimmered though the hair stubs on her head. The clouds were barely visible, until a light appeared, a spotlight aimed at the clouds with the silhouette of a rat.
    “The Ratsignal.” jacella murmured and transformed. The creature lept out of the window onto the bushes and scurried towards the Ratcave.
    “Would you like to meet my family Bellon?” Edwrina asked, leading the small boy out of the house into the darkness of the night.
    “I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I would l-l-l-love t-to,! But I-I simply fear i a-a-am t-to emo.” The emo boy exclaimed, passionately pushing his bangs behind his ears.
    “No, Bellon, of course you are emo, but you are an EMOtionally stable, handsome young man.,,,, And do you know what the last three letters of handsome spell when spelt backwards?”
    “N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no.” The little emo boy whispered, his blue spheres gazing up at edwrinas bloody sockets.
    “It spells emo, you are a handsemo little boy” Edrina smirked as Bellon swelled with pride.
    “I-I-I-I-I-I-I am a handsemo b-b-boy!” Bellon cried, throwing his fists into the air. “Let's meet your family!”

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