Sweet Revenge

By StaticRoyals

32.9K 1.1K 527

Izuku Midoriya was never a vengeful person, he never really wished for anything to happen to anyone even if h... More

-°~Chapter 1~°-
-°~Chapter 2~°-
-°~Chapter 3~°-
-°~Chapter 4~°-
-°~Chapter 5~°-
-°~Chapter 6~°-
-°~Chapter 7~°-
-°~Chapter 8~°-
-°~Chapter 9~°-
-°~Chapter 10~°-
-°~Chapter 11~°-
-°~Chapter 12~°-
-°~Chapter 13~°-
-°~Chapter 14~°-
-°~Chapter 16~°-
-°~Chapter 17~°-
-°~Chapter 18~°-
-°~Chapter 19~°-
-°~Chapter 20~°-
-°~Chapter 21~°-
-°~Chapter 22~°-
-°~Chapter 23~°-
-°~Chapter 24~°-

-°~Chapter 15~°-

1.1K 43 11
By StaticRoyals

Word Count: 1,053

My kittens are the fucking cutest.
No One's POV:

Izuku groaned as he felt the sun hit him in the eyes, for fucks sake why did the laser of the sky have to be a bitch so early in the fucking morning?

Or was it early in morning? With that thought Izuku sat up with a groan, he grabbed he's phone from the side table to check what time it was.

"10:30... Mm not so bad" Izuku stated just before he let out a yawn.

Yeah, after going threw 7 rounds of rough and kinky sex that mostly involved edging, biting, choking, and a whole lot of other stuff that we will not get into with it ending in some really nice aftercare which left the night ending at 3 in the morning he'd definitely say that 10:30 was not a bad time at all, though even if he had woken up later he wouldn't have minded in the slightest, he deserved some rest, he's ass especially.

Looking beside him he saw that Kirishima was fast asleep, he's arms were hanging losely around he's torso, he looked hella relaxed and comfortable seeing as he's mouth was wide open practically begging for a spider to come crawling in, though he weirdly looked peaceful.

Then he snored and suddenly it wasn't so weirdly peaceful.

Though Izuku couldn't help but snort, even in he's sleep he still managed to make Izuku the happiest man ever, Izuku tangled he's hand into Kirishima's hair to play with it while he's other hand started scrolling on tiktok to pass the time as he waited for Kirishima to wake up and carry him to the kitchen.

I mean, it's not like he can walk without falling on he's very fragile ass.

With a sigh he continued to mess around on he's phone as he played with Kirishima's hair, speaking of Kirishima's hair he's roots were starting to grow out they'd need to dye it soon but that's beside the point.

Suddenly he felt Kirishima move he's head around, he thought he was simply readjusting so he went to move he's hand away from Kirishima's hair to let him do so but the second he's hand left Kirishima's head he heard Kirishima rustle a bit more before stopping, Izuku figured he was adjusted but he didn't bother to put he's hand back into Kirishima's hair, he was to lazy for that now.

"Why'd you stop?" Kirishima slurred sleepily.

Izuku looked over and saw that Kirishima was indeed mostly awake and he couldn't help but give a quiet laugh as he watched Kirishima try to find he's hand which was resting on he's stomach, once Kirishima finally found he's hand he grabbed it and placed it on he's head.

"Keep doing that, felt good" Kirishima stated obviously tired.

Though he became increasingly annoyed as more time passed and Izuku did not play with he's hair or give him head scratches, after 10 minutes Kirishima opened an eye to give the quietly laughing Izuku a lazy glare.

"Pf- W-What?" Izuku asked trying to keep he's laughing fit at bay.

"Zuku do the thing" Kirishima whined dramatically.

"Do what?" Izuku questioned teasingly.

"Izukuuuu you know what" Kirishima stated with a pout, he was not a fan of izuku's morning mischievousness.

"I don't know, do I?" Izuku asked with a raised brow, he couldn't help but give a smug look as he saw Kirishima give him an unimpressed pout.

"Yes you do you fucking gremlin" Kirishima stated as he opened both eyes to glare at he's boyfriend.

"Aw~ Is my lil Ejiro upset?" Izuku continued to tease him, and when Kirishima gave a huff of annoyance he couldn't help but laugh.

At Izuku's reaction Kirishima couldn't help but let out a slight growl of frustration but the smile on he's face gave away he's fondness, he slightly moved himself to sit up before he flopped back down right on top of Izuku so he layer comfortably between he's legs, at the sudden weight Izuku let out an yelp before he himself looked down to glare at the now smug Kirishima.

"Can you play with my hair now?" Kirishima asked smugly as he nuzzled he's head into Izuku's cheek all annoyingly.

"Ugh- Your like an overly affectionate kitten Eji" Izuku stated as he started to scratch and play with Kirishima's hair making the big beefy boi relaxe agenst Izuku with he's head falling into the crook of he's neck.

"But you loveeee it~" Kirishima stated with a dopey smile as he lazily wrapped he's arms protectively around Izuku's body.

"Unfortunately you are correct, your lovely self has made me fall down a flight of stairs" Izuku stated jokingly as he put he's phone back on the night stand seeing as it had turned off a bit ago and he didn't really need it right now anyway.

"Mm remove the unfortunately" Kirishima all but demanded.

"Alright, fortunately for you I fell in love with your air headed self" Izuku stated just before he gave Kirishima a kiss on the forehead.

"Correct" Kirishima stated just before he hid himself in Izuku's neck, he could definitely fall asleep like this, in fact he could stay in this position forever and never wanna leave.

Izuku couldn't help but give a quiet chuckle at Kirishima's shenanigans, God he was the cutest when he just wakes up, he moved he's hand to grab the TV remote from he's night stand so he could watch TV, Kirishima was already close to falling asleep so Izuku just figured he'd turn on an anime or some criminal minds until Kirishima was ready to get up to eat and or get ready for he's night patrol which he assumes he has tonight sense he didn't have patrol yesterday or he did and skipped in which he would smack him upside the head if he did but besides the point, with a small sigh he turned on sk8 infinity, he's on the last few episodes and he is practically begging for Reki and Langa to have their gay kiss.

So he hit play, he laid the remote on Kirishima's back just before wrapping he's arm around Kirishima as he let he's head rest on Kirishima's.

Hopefully he gets he's gay ending.

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