The Gangster's Girl (Process...

By Ironically_

373K 6.7K 278

Cover By ArabelleWinchester "Please Jack, I'm sorry," I begged him. I knew I looked like shit while he looke... More

Chapter 8: ice pack
Chapter 10: haha your soooo funny
Chapter 11: Katie
Chapter 12: Truth or joke?
Chapter 13: I. Don't. Need. Help.
Chapter 14: I'm so confused it makes me want to die in a hole
Chapter 16: I need to stop with the lists!!
Chapter 17: I'm not good at this ok?
Chapter 18: Ok, that sounded way more dramatic than it should.
Chapter 19: Australian Dingo
Chapter 20: Me dead? Yeah right, I'm a freakin' ninja.
Chapter 21: Dead on the dance floor
Chapter 22: Last time I watched that I pee myself every time I was in the dark.
Chapter 23: Cookie dough coffee
Chapter 24: Well, this is cliché.
Chapter 25: Tires bullshit!
Chapter 26: The race is on.

Chapter 9: You voice may say something but your eyes saying something else

11.7K 265 5
By Ironically_

Chapter 9: You voice may say something but your eyes saying something else


       “Alana Cooper, where on god’s green earth have you been?” My mom’s voice drifted to me as I walked into the house. I could hear the anger.

       “I-I,” I stumbled over my words.

       “You were at Jack’s I know,” her voice hardened. I looked over to the cream couch, my mother sat there, her face is beyond mad. I took a deep breath before stepping towards her. I’m so dead.

       “How did you know?” I asked my eyebrows scrunching together.

       “Jack’s mother called, the meeting is now tonight,” she growled before stomping up the stairs in her heels.  “Get ready we are leaving at five sharp.” I looked over at the clock and let out a deep breath. It was only 2:10. I slowly made my way up the stairs; I know it is going to take me forever to pick out an outfit.

       I looked in the mirror. I had on a light tan dress that ended at mid-thigh, in the middle it has a diamond. For shoes I had on six inch white pumps that made my short legs look endless. For jewelry I had a diamond heart shape charm necklace, a diamond ring on my middle figure and diamond dangly earrings. I grabbed my tan Coach purse and slowly left my room looking over my red lipstick and smoky eye.

       This outfit was one of my ways of making up to my mom plus I couldn’t help but think about Jack. I don’t know what was about him. Maybe was because he was dangerous or because he knew my secret but I wanted to impress him.

       “Took you long enough,” my dad mumbled under his breath as he hustled us out the door. I rolled my eyes. We hopped into my dad’s car and we were off. I heard my phone vibrate in my purse. I pulled it up to see the screen bright.

Katie: we need to talk!! Now!! PLZ don’t be mad at me Lov u! <3

       I read the text over and over. I slowly shook my head and shoved it back into my purse. I didn’t want to deal with any of that bull carp. Couldn't I have one night of drama free? God, why Katie? Why on the night I needed you the most?

       “Alana!” I heard a male voice shout, ending my thoughts. My head snapped up to my dad.

       “Sorry,” I said looking down and climbing out of the car. I closed the door while taking deep breath trying to calm myself. I didn’t need to have a nervous breakdown. I looked to see my dad and mom all ready at the door talking; actually it looked like they were having an argument. I shook my head and slowly made my way to them.

       “Table for three?” the waitress asked. Her face looked like it hurt from all the smiling. I felt pity for her.

       “We are meeting someone here,” my dad told her his voice coming out strong but rough. I bit my lip and looked over the small café, there were a lot of couples. What is it date night? God damn.

       “Oh yes, is that them?” she asked pointing over to a table farthest away from everyone.

       “Yes, that is them,” my father said with a nod of his head. I could make out three folks. Who is the third? My eyebrows rose in confusion. We made our way to them, I could see their faces clear now. Jack was in the inside of the booth than his mom and a mystery girl. She looked fifteen, dark hair like Jack’s and daring blue eyes. She was gorgeous.

       “Mr. Cooper,” Jack’s mom said smiling.

       “Please call me John,” my dad said with a friendly smile on his face, I rolled my eyes.

       “Well, you must be Alana,” she said with a great smile on her face.  I gave her a nod and smiled. “You are stunning my dear.”

       “Thank you,” I said while smiling at her. “You're beautiful yourself.” I heard a snort and my head shot over to Jack with raised eyebrows. He looked me up and down knowing  that I was looking at him. He finally met my eyes and smirked. I looked away while biting my bottom lip.  He was too hot.

      “I’m Mia, Jack’s little sister,” Mia induced herself. She gave me a small smile and I gave her one back.

   “Alana you can go in first,” my mother snapped at me, my eyes snapped to her only to receive the death stare. I felt my heart drop. What have I done now? I’ve been good! I can’t win can i? I wanted to punch something, I don’t know where that thought came from but it is true.

   I slid into the booth. I pushed the dress down a little so you didn’t see my underwear. I bit my lip again and looked up; Jack’s eyes were on my lips. I smirked before slowly licking my lips.  Jack’s tongue licked his own lips making a small chuckle escape my lips.  He eyes snapped up to mine. Wow, his eyes are breath taking.

  “Are you guys ready to order?” the smiling waitress asked. My eyes widen, crap what am I going to get?! I listened to what everyone was getting, none of it sounded good.

“I will have a plain hamburger,” I said but it sounded more like a question.

  “Would you like fries with it?” She asked me. I nodded my head. She left and I didn’t dare look over to my mom.  She thought you have to have a salad as a meal for everything.

        They started talking about business again and I spaced out. I heard my phone vibrate again; I reached for it pulling it out.

Katie: I know u saw the text answer me right now!!!!!!!  >:/

           I took a deep breath, I know I can’t stay mad at her forever but I didn’t want to talk to her now. I bit my lip.

Alana: not now

       I pressed send and turned off my phone. I was hoping she just takes the hint.  I felt a light tap on my foot snapping me out of my thoughts. My head snapped up to Jack. He looked at me with his eyebrows doing the worm. I gave him a questioning look.

    “Are you ok?” He asked. I looked around to see our parents in a deep conversation and Mia on her phone.

  “Fine why wouldn’t I be?” I asked him while smiling.

  “You voice may say something but your eyes are saying something else,” he said looking me in the eyes. I felt my breath speed up.

    “I-!-,” I started but didn’t finish because the food showed up. Are my eyes really an open book?

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