The Devil's Dance (Jikook)

By Moonmochi004

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"How can loving someone be a sin?" Park Jimin. Growing up in a household of strict Cristians, innocence and o... More

The Devils' Dance
(1) Black And White
(2) Unexpected Love
(3) Blondes
(4) Assumptions
(6) Secrets And Expectations
(7) I Like Boys
(8) Pushing Him Away
(9) Where It Began
(10) Never Friends
(11) Feelings Mutal
(12) Insecurities
(13) The Women
(14) Soft Spots
(15) The Question Game
(16) It Feels Right
(17) Future Marriage
(18) The Harsh Reality
(19) Because He Cares

(5) No Longer Strangers

573 37 10
By Moonmochi004

''You could break my heart a thousand times and in the end it would still be your heart to break.'

~Author's POV~

Blue eyes meet black as Jimin once again tries to steal a glance at Jungkook, the raven sitting against a tree as he notes that this is the eleventh time Jimin has chosen to look at him in the past hour.

He had been counting.

The blonde averts his eyes back to Jennie and Lisa's conversation, a subtle pink ghosting his cheeks when he realizes he's been caught once more by the elder brother.

It had been this way all evening.

Lisa and Jennie would talk, asking the boys questions once in a while, and the boys would steal glances at eachother. Jimin would do it shyly and Jungkook would do it shamelessly, but both of them would still study each other non-the-less.

Jimin didn't know why he was so fascinated by the man, constantly scolding himself when he would subconsciously analyze his handsome features. Sometimes he would study his tattoos, embarrassment flooding him when he found himself occasionally admiring the define muscle underneath.

He couldn't tell if Jungkook disliked him or not. The man was harder to read than anyone he had ever met, and the only emotion he chose to show was a sly smirk on his face when him and Jimin would make eye contact.

Not that Jimin looked long enough to really read further..

Jennie and Lisa hold smiles on there faces from whatever was just said, the words being something Jimin had unfortunately zoned out on while looking at Jungkook. The blondes eyes solo on Jennie's hand as she places it on Lisas, his eyes blank he continues to stare.

Lisa immediately looks at the Jimin's face and quickly pools her hand away, giving the taller girl a pointed look to communicate something.

Jimin doesn't notice, but Jungkook does.

The ravens eyes eyes dart between the three in front of him, his eyebrows slightly furrowing as he sees Lisa yank her hand away the moment she looks at the blondes face.

'Does Jimin not know?' He asks himself, assuming from his sisters guilty expression that the small boy in fact might not.

What they didn't know was that the blonde actually hadn't cared about the action. Jimin had always loved giving affection, so he hadn't thought anything when they touched hands so lovingly.

He had always done it with Lisa, and was so naive that he thought it was normal to touch people you care about with love, well besides his parents of course.

But what he failed to understand was what type of love that was.

Lisa and Jennie were in love.. and Jimin had no clue.

"Come for a walk with me blondie." Jungkook says to break the silence, seeing from the girls expressions that they want to be left alone.

And Jungkook would be lying if he said he hadn't wanted to talk to Jimin all evening..

"W-what?" Jimin and Lisa both say at the same time, their eyes widening as they see the raven sit up and walk towards Jimin on the grass.

"You heard me, I want to talk to you." He continues, raising a brow when Jimin looks towards the ground in response.

"I-I think me and Lisa should be getting home-"

"He would love to." Lisa interrupts, a small smile on her face when Jimin sends her a small glare. It only made Jungkook want to laugh though, to him the blondes pout only made him look like a little angry duck.

This would be fun.

Jimin quickly scooches towards his sister and goes next to her ear, getting ready to say something so the others won't hear.

"Lisa I shouldn't. I don't know him.. and what about dad?" The blonde whisper in panic, knowing full well he was forbidden from talking to them, much less hanging out with one.

He didn't know what Jungkook might do.

"It'll be fine, he won't know. Have some fun Jim, I know Jungkook won't do anything, and it would make me really happy if you could become friends." She responds in Jimins ear, immediately smiling at him when she separates.

He doubted it, but oh well..

"F-fine, but only because it might help y'all." He finally answer, standing up and walking towards the tall man with a small blush.

'Why does he have to be so scary..' The blonde thinks, knowing full well Jungkook was smirking like a cat from his submission.

Jimin wanted to say it's for Lisa, and that the blonde was too scared to even think of talking to him. It was partly true, but it was also because Jungkook intrigued the boy more than he'd like to admit.

'I should just stay away from him.. but maybe one conversation won't hurt.' Jimin convinces himself.

"Alright, let's go princess." He says, chuckling quietly when Jimin blushes at the name.

"D-Don't call me that.." The boy whispers when the girls are out of sight, flushing darker when Jungkook only laughs at his words.

"And why would I do that?" He asks, raising a brow when Jimin looks up at him with a frown.

"Because I'm a boy." The blonde answers immediately, crossing his arms when only amusement fills Jungkooks eyes.

"You know for a boy your awfully short, are you sure your not a girl?" He teases, looking into the smaller's eyes when his shyness is immediately replaced by anger.

"You know, not everyone can be as ginormous as you, and yes, I'm sure I'm a boy. Now stop calling me that." Jimin huffs, pouting when Jungkook doesn't seem to take the statement seriously at all.

"No, I don't think I will. You remind me of a princess. Living in your fancy castle with your fancy clothes and your fancy books. It's amusing honestly." He teases, but the comment couldn't help but feel like a jab to Jimin.

It's not what he really wanted to say. Honestly, Jimin reminded him of a princess because of how strikingly beautiful he was, and how his size was comparable to a woman's. But after all, Jungkook was an asshole, and you would be a fool to think that he'd say that out loud.

"Just because we live differently doesn't mean my life is perfect you know." The boy argues, clenching his jaw when Jungkook immediately pauses.

"You don't know the first thing about hardships blondie, trust me." Jungkook says, looking away as if he was thinking about something in particular.

Jimin knows the raven had probably had it harder than him, everyone from that side did, but he couldn't help but let the comment sting a little.

"You could live over here you know.. with us, you'd just have to convert to the church. I'm sure I could help you!" Jimin immediately tries to offer, knowing from Jungkooks expression that it was the wrong thing to say.

"I would rather die, but you continue to enjoy your Christian luxury." He spits harshly, pausing for a second when he sees Jimin flinch at the tone. The smaller boy looks towards the ground and bites his lip, a knot setting in his stomach from being scolded by the raven.

Jimin hated when people got mad at him..

"I-I'm sorry.." He quietly says, avoiding eye contact when he hears Jungkook sigh.

Jungkook usually never felt guilty about snapping at people, but he couldn't help but feel slightly bad when he saw the blonde basically holding back tears from the words.

"It's fine.. just don't talk about that shit again, okay?" Jungkook attempts to say nicely, running a hand through his hair when he sees Jimin quickly nod and smile once more.

Jungkook noticed Jimin smiled a lot..

"Why do you wear so much black?" Jimin subconsciously asks as he walks next to the raven, silently hoping the question didn't offend the man.

"Why do you wear so much white?" Jungkook immediately argues, smirking when he sees Jimin start to laugh.

"I suppose that's fair." The blonde says, shaking his head as they walk.

"How tall are you?" Jimin finds himself asking, his curiosity getting the best of him as he cranes his head to look up at the raven.

Jungkook chuckles.

"It's been a while, but last time I checked 6'4." He says after a moment, amusement dancing in his eyes when the blonde only looks up at him in amazement.

"You must have drank a lot of milk as a kid." Jimin whispers, continuing to look at the man in awe as Jungkook only chuckles at the dumb joke.

He found Jimin's expression cute.

"How bout you blondie? Let me guess.. five-foot." Jungkook teases, grimacing when Jimin tries to shoot the raven a glare.

Jungkook also realized that Jimin's really bad at being angry.

"..5'6, but I'm pretty sure I'm 5'7 because that was a month ago, and I'm sure I'm still growing so.." Jimin rants, holding his chin up as if he had proven something by his answer.


Jimin glances at Jungkook to see the man basically drowning in amusement, biting his pierced lip as if it was taking everything in him not to laugh in the blondes face.

"Hey, what's so funny? You should be scared I'm gonna catch up with you one day." Jimin huffs, biting his cheek when Jungkook only continues to hold his expression.

"Oh yeah, I'm terrified sweetheart." Jungkook mocks, seeming anything but terrified as he looks down on the boy, crouching slightly as if to emphasize the difference.

Jimin only walks ahead with a sound of annoyance, not failing to hear Jungkook once again chuckle behind him.

They mostly talk about random things the whole way, Jungkook starting most of the conversations and Jimin carrying them when he got more comfortable. He even found himself starting to joke with the raven..

Jimin realized that Jungkooks company wasn't as bad as he had imagined, and that though the raven could be rude at times.. it wasn't enough to bother Jimin.

He was nicer than his father at least..

Jimin jumped slightly when Jungkooks large hand suddenly brushes his, the touch sending unfamiliar sparks up his arm making him immediately yank it away.

Did Jungkook feel that?

"It's starting to get dark, I think it's time we get you home blondie." Jungkooks voice immediately break his thoughts, making him look around to see the sun had indeed started to set.

"O-Okay, do you just want to head home now. I can walk by myself." Jimin says, knowing Lisa had probably already headed home. He was scared of the dark, but didn't want to be an inconvenience..

"Hell no, I'm not letting you walk all the way over there in the dark." Jungkook quickly says, leaving no room for me to reply as he starts to walk towards the direction of the church.

"I'm not going into that town though, it could get you and me both into trouble." He mutters, looking back at Jimin with a hard gaze as the blonde quickly nods his head.


Jimin was shocked when he found himself laughing most of the way home, finding himself more comfortable the more him and Jungkook talked.

They were so different and yet it felt like it came so easy to talk to one another. It was tense when they had first met because Jungkook was so intimidating. He still held an obvious wall around him, but the more Jimin spoke to him it seemed the the more comfortable they both got.

Jungkook noticed this.

The raven hated to admit it, but Jimin was actually fun to be around. He was shy at first, and at times he still was, but as he got more comfortable Jungkook felt himself wanting to laugh at how adorable the blonde was.

He was just so happy, and most of the time Jungkook would find people like that annoying, but somehow with Jimin it felt refreshing. He was so bubbly about everything and somehow found even the dumbest things admirable.

'Jungkook look at that butterfly over there! Hold on a moment, just let me get a picture for Lisa.'

'Your fingers are very large, have you ever thought of playing the piano? I could teach you if you want.'

'Sorry, am I babbling too much? I have a habit of doing that when I'm axious- not that I'm anxious right now or anyth-'

Jungkook didn't think he had felt this amused in his life as he listened to Jimin on their walk home. They had known each other for a few hours and yet he could see himself talking to the bubbly blonde like this every day.

Jimin actually made him want to laugh with his youthfulness..

He had expected Jimin to be boring since most people who looked like him were, but it seemed Jimin might've actually not been tainted yet.

He still seemed pure.

Jungkook was too stubborn to admit that he actually enjoyed the blondes company though, and that maybe.. just maybe he would enjoy being around Jimin in a way that wasn't just sexual.

And Jimin was too naive to think that the man that had just made him smile more this evening than the blonde had this entire week didn't have good intentions. Jimin thought he had just misjudged Jungkook, but he was wrong..

Jungkook didn't feel things for people.. and that wasn't about to change.

"What's your number blondie?" He asks when they arrive by the gates, hiding behind a dirty truck so they're not seen.

"I'm not suppose to give it out to strangers." Jimin says shyly, looking up only to feel Jungkook tucking a blonde strand of hair behind his ear.

"Well were not strangers anymore, right?" He teases, satisfaction filling his chest when he sees the blonde blush once more.

"O-okay." Jimin responds, typing his number on Jungkooks phone before walking towards the gates. Jungkook chuckles when the blonde gives a shy wave goodbye, completely disappearing after a minute and leaving the raven alone.

Though Jimin didn't know it, Jungkook was doing what he always did. He was doing exactly what he needed to get what he wanted, and Jimin was falling for it beautifully.

This was different though..

The difference was this time Jungkook felt different.. he found himself looking forward to seeing Jimin again.

He found himself smiling as he remembered touching Jimin's hand.


🌸(A/N)- Hello Lovlies🌸


I just love when Jungkook's a fuck boy I'm sorry

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