The Forgotten Salvatore Book 5

Por Gh0stFac31996

5K 71 5

After Dahlia, Daniel has been practicing with his new power. But time will tell if that power will be used fo... Más

For The Next Millennium
You Hung the Moon
I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
A Walk on the Wild Side
Best Served Cold
Out of the Easy
Important Question
The Other Girl in New Orleans
A Ghost Along the Mississippi
Wild at Heart
Loft Layout
Heart Shaped Box
A Streetcar Named Desire
An Old Friend Calls
Alone with Everybody
Behind the Black Horizon
The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
No More Heartbreaks
Where Nothing Stays Buried
Give 'Em Hell Kid
The Bloody Crown
I Was Feeling Epic
New Book

Beautiful Mistake

191 3 0
Por Gh0stFac31996

Mikaelson Compound

Freya has just returned to the compound, and she immediately pauses in the doorway when she notices all of the destruction in the foyer. Looking worried, she slowly makes her way into the courtyard as she gets visions of Klaus and Elijah's fight.

First, she nearly trips over what remains of the bar as she receives a flash of Elijah tackling Klaus onto it. She then sees several overturned wooden chairs, causing her to see when Klaus grabbed Elijah in a headlock from behind, which led to Elijah elbowing him in the face and throwing him across the courtyard into the chairs. Next, she sees the chandelier, which has been pulled down from the ceiling, scattering the taper candles in it across the floor next to a small puddle of blood, which she sees has come from when Klaus, whom Elijah had in a choke-hold, bit Elijah on the forearm to get out of it. On top of the overturned footstool, she finds a broken chair leg that is soaked in blood, which she picks up in case she needs to arm herself.

She then hears something moving. She turns around and sees Daniel walking in with a women she's never seen before. "What the hell happened?" Daniel asked. "Elijah and Klaus." Freya said. Daniel nodded slowly. "Gotcha." Daniel said. Great then turns her attention to the woman. "Who are you?" Freya asked her. "I'm Emma." Emma said. Freya looked at Daniel for further explanation. "Emma is my twin sister." Daniel said. Freya looked at her shocked. "I met her after I met my birth father." Daniel said. Freya then grew more shocked.

Before she could reply, the three hear the doors to the dining room creak open. When they look toward the source of the noise, they sees Klaus and Elijah, both of whom are covered in blood and are wearing the tattered remains of their clothing, silently and calmly sitting at the table together as though they hadn't just had a violet confrontation. Freya, annoyed, drops the stake and rushes into the room, Daniel and Emma following, where Elijah is absentmindedly fiddling with what remains of his tie while Klaus drains some of his blood into a glass. There is a seeping wound on Elijah's wrist from where Klaus bit him, and the sleeve of his jacket has almost been ripped off.

"May I ask what happened?" Freya asked unimpressed. Klaus smirked. "We had a little chat about the past." Klaus said. Freya rolls her eyes in exasperation, and Elijah, sounding exhausted, explains what happened. "I informed Niklaus I am not his enemy. And, though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us. A fact that required a little bit of... gentle persuasion..." Elijah trailed off. Freya and Daniel is visibly amused by this, but they keep their faces blank in order to not encourage their behavior and turns to look at Klaus.

"And so I reminded our brother, who angered them in the first place..." Klaus said. "And, after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?" Daniel asked annoyed. "That we expose and destroy our first sired." Elijah said. Klaus smiles happily before sliding the glass of his blood across the table to him. He then picks up a glass of bourbon that he poured himself. "Couldn't agree more. You see, gentlemen know when to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction." Klaus said. Klaus holds his glass up toward Elijah, who lifts his own glass with his hybrid-bitten hand to clink it against Klaus' before they each take a drink. "This is normal, right?" Emma asked Daniel. "Yeah, this is them calm." Daniel said and Emma nodded slowly.

Klaus then noticed the new person in the room and sped over to her. "And who is this?" Klaus asked. "Emma." Daniel said. Emma kept a blank face but was slightly scared on the inside. "And why is she here?" Elijah asked. "She's my twin sister." Daniel said. Klaus and Elijah looked at them and noticed that they did look alike. "I met her after I my birth father." Daniel said. "When did this happen?" Elijah asked. "I'll explain later. We have more important things to do." Daniel said.

Later ~ French Quarter

Daniel was showing Emma around the city and her being amazed would be an understatement. She fell in love with the city. "So, how's New Orleans to your liking?" Daniel asked his twin. "This place is incredible." Emma said. "Glad you like it." Daniel said. Daniel then saw Mia walking down the pavement. "Hey I want you to meet someone." Daniel said and he guided her towards Mia. "Mia." Daniel called out. Mia looked over and saw Daniel and she then smiled. She picked up her pace and jumped into his arms. "You're back." Mia said. "I'm back." Daniel said. Mia pulled away from the hug and kissed him. Emma smiled at the sight of his brother happy. The couple pulled away and Mia then noticed Emma stood there.

"Who's this?" Mia asked confused. Daniel smiled. "Mia, this is Emma. My twin sister." Daniel said. "This is Mia?" Emma asked. "Yeah." Daniel said. Mia was shocked at the fact Daniel had a sister. "Daniel's told me all about you." Emma said. "Really?" Mia asked. "Yeah. In simple terms, he loves you so much that he can't see his life without you in it." Emma said. Daniel blushed in embarrassment. "Really?" Mia asked. "Yeah." Daniel said. "So, how did you two meet?" Mia asked. "Well, I found Emma when I met my birth father." Daniel said. "You found your birth father?" Mia asked shocked. "Yeah." Daniel said happily.

"When?" Mia asked. "In Mystic Falls." The twins said at the same time. Mia laughed a little as she would do that with her twin, Davina. Suddenly, the three heard a fight happening. They walked over to an alley to see Hayley punch a man in the face, but he dodges it easily, along with the kicks and punches that followed it. When she goes to hit him again, the man breaks her arm, kicks her in the abdomen, and shoves her against the wall before grabbing her throat in a choke-hold. Hayley grabs her throat and gasps dramatically for breath, and just when he thinks the fight is over, she shoves her palm into his face, distracting him enough to grab his hand and bite it hard, causing him to roar in pain. Hayley pulls away, her vampire eyes and fangs out, and while the man cradles his bitten hand, Hayley kicks him away from her.

Daniel uses his magic to snap his neck. Hayley looked over and saw the three of them, sighing in relief. "When did you get back?" Hayley asked. "This morning." Daniel said and then looked down at the man. "Need help?" Daniel asked and Hayley nodded.

Later ~ St. Anne's Church

Marcel has just met Hayley, Daniel, Mia and Emma at the vampires' fight gym, where Hayley's stalker from earlier has been thoroughly tied to a chair with rope and is still unconscious as a result of the hybrid bite and Daniel snapping his neck. "You might remember him from that pretentious excuse for a party." Hayley said. Marcel looks at the man for a moment. "Shen Min. 800 years old. According to Tristan, he was a torture consultant for Genghis Khan." Marcel said. "I don't care if he's a Gemini who likes long walks on the beach, Marcel. Why was he following me?" Hayley asked and Daniel chuckled at little at what she said.

"I don't know." Marcel said sighing. "You don't know, or you're sworn to a code of silence?" Daniel asked. "Hey! Easy. We're on the same side here." Marcel said defensively. "Then prove it." Hayley said. Marcel anxiously wipes at his face with his hands while he tries to think of his next move.


Hayley continues to pace back and forth in front of the chair where Shen Min pretends to still be unconscious. After a moment, Hayley loses patience and stops right in front of him. "So, what? You gonna sleep all day?" Hayley asked him. Daniel laughed a little and Hayley looked towards him. "Hope's missed you." Hayley said and Daniel smiled. "I've missed her." Daniel said. "Hope?" Emma asked. "My niece." Daniel said and Emma made a face of realisation. "Not to be rude, but, who are you?" Hayley asked. "I'm Emma. Daniel's twin sister." Emma said. Hayley looked at Daniel. "Long story." Daniel said. "Tell me later." Hayley said and Daniel nodded.

Just then, Shen Min slowly opens his eyes and looks up at Hayley, who smirks at him smugly. "Hmmm. About time. Now we can get started." Hayley said. Marcel walks into the room and joins them, frowning unhappily. At the sight of them, Shen smiles in amusement. "Yes, we certainly can." Shen Min said. Hayley then kneels in front of Shen so she can look him in the eyes. "There's still time. If you talk, maybe I'll even get you healed." Hayley said. Hayley forcefully pushes her index finger into the bite wound on his wrist she gave him earlier. It's clear that it is causing him pain, but Shen simply clenches his jaw and says nothing.

"Why were you following me?" Hayley asked. "Because we have a use for you. Or, is it some other reason? You'll never know. And, it won't matter, because when I get free, I'm going to break your jaw as you did mine and slowly pull your intestines out from your body." Shen Min said. Marcel, alarmed, interrupts his threats. "Hey! How about we just calm down?" Marcel asked. Shen turns his attention to Marcel and sneers at him. "And you. The others were so pleased when you joined our ranks, but I knew from the start you were filth. You've proven it by siding against us. For that, I will end you, but not before you watch her die... screaming." Shen Min said to Marcel.

Marcel sighs in exasperation and turns to Hayley as he rolls up the sleeves of his jacket. "Right. Well, that's about enough of that. Sorry Hayley. Your turn's over. He's got to die." Marcel said.

Marcel lunges forward to rip out Shen's heart, but before he can, Shen stands up and spins quickly, smashing the chair that he's tied to against the door frame to break it into pieces, allowing him to get free of his restraints. He picks up two broken chair legs, holding one in each hand as makeshift stakes. Marcel gets into a defensive position in preparation for a fight and lunges for him, only for Shen to block his hits with the stakes and shove him so hard he flies backward across the room.

While Marcel is down, Shen turns to Hayley, who manages to dodge his first few hits before quickly bending over to pick up a kettle-weight from the floor and swing it so hard it knocks one of the stakes out of his hands. She then uses the weight to slap him across the face twice in a row, but Shen recovers quickly and grabs her arm and twists it so hard she falls onto the floor. Just then, Marcel appears behind him and grabs him in a bear-hug and yells to Hayley. "UGH! Take him!" Marcel shouted to Hayley. Just as Hayley is about to rip out Shen's heart, Shen kicks her in the stomach, and she yells in pain as she doubles over. "AHH!" Hayley screamed.

Shen then elbows Marcel in the face and shoves him aside, where he is thrown into the side of the fight cage and bounces off of it. When he lands on his feet, Shen rushes over and plunges his hand into Marcel's chest, gripping his heart tightly. "AHHHHH!" Marcel screamed. When Hayley rushes over to stop Shen from killing Marcel, Shen shoves his free hand into Hayley's chest and grips her heart in his fist as well, causing her to shriek in agony. "AHH! AHHHHHHH!" Hayley screamed out. "How poetic. Two warriors fighting side-by-side, dying together." Shen Min said smugly.

Just as he's about to rip out their hearts, Shen groans in pain and throws his head back. Its revealed that Daniel has impaled him through the chest and abdomen with a large, sharp piece of wood, just barely missing his heart. Shen is so overcome by the pain that he lets go of Hayley and Marcel, who are both panting for breath as they recover from nearly dying. Elijah comes into the room and looks at Hayley with concern. "Are you okay?" Elijah asked Hayley. Hayley nods, and Marcel, looking both exasperated and offended, rolls his eyes as he continues to try to catch his breath. "Oh, I'm fine, thank you for asking." Marcel said. Mia runs over and helps Marcel up.

Elijah gives Marcel a look. "Marcellus, next time I ask you to take out the trash... try not to dally." Elijah asked. And maybe next time you do your own dirty work." Daniel said annoyed. Elijah pulls Shen Min, who still is impaled by the long piece of wood Elijah plunged into his abdomen, onto his knees. Shen groans in pain as Emma looks at them warily. "Between blood loss and that bite, I'm not sure you have enough time to get answers." Emma said. Elijah circles around Shen so he can face him before turning his head to address Emma. "Then let's make the most of it." Elijah said. Elijah turns back to Shen.

"I have questions." Elijah said. Elijah yanks the stake out of Shen's torso. "I want answers." Elijah then said. Shen Min turns around in an attempt to get to his feet and prepare to attack Elijah, but Elijah simply grabs him in a choke-hold and stares him in the eyes with a cold expression. "Why were you following Hayley?" Elijah asked, compelling him. Shen tries to remain silent, but Elijah's compulsion is too strong to resist. "I was ordered to remove her from the playing field. She is an obstacle to the thing we truly want." Shen Min said.

"Which is what?" Elijah growled. "Davina Claire." Shen Min said. Both Marcel and Elijah are unsettled and concerned by this confession and look over at Mia who looks shocked. "What do you want with Davina Claire?" Mia asked. "Tristan needs her to activate a weapon to use against your family." Shen Min said. "What weapon?" Elijah asked angrily. Shen Min uses all of his energy resisting Elijah's compulsion and remains silent. Elijah, not in the mood for games, squeezes his throat even tighter, causing Shen to gasp for breath.

"Forgive me. I'm having a little difficulty hearing you right now. Speak." Elijah said. "I'd... Rather... Die!" Shen Min said gasping for breath. Shen musters up all of his strength and pulls himself out of Elijah's grip. When he falls weakly to the floor, Shen removes his daylight ring, immediately bursting into flames as Elijah, Hayley, Daniel, Mia, Emma and Marcel watch in shock while he dies in front of them.


Hayley is in the room outside the gym, where she's looking at photos of Hope on her phone. After a moment, Elijah approaches her, and she looks up at him with a rueful smile. "There was a time when all I wanted was to find my family. It consumed me. And then, once I did, as crazy as it is, all I wanted was a home. And New Orleans is that home. And the Strix are trying to take that, aren't they?" Hayley said. Elijah's replies with a determined expression. "No. We won't let them." Elijah said.

Elijah and Hayley are distracted from their conversation by the sound of footsteps, and a moment later, Marcel, Daniel, Mia, Emma and Freya walk into the room to join them. "Might be harder than you think." Marcel said. Elijah realizes who is missing from their group and immediately becomes worried. "Where is Rebekah?" Elijah asked. Freya looks distraught as she replies. "We need to call Klaus." Freya said.

A/N: so I've made a decision. I've decided to have Emma be played by Selena Gomez. Thoughts???

Selena Gomez as Emma Salvatore

I don't actually know Julian's last name so I've put her last name as Salvatore. If you do know Julian's last name, please tell me.

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