Terminal Diagnosis

By triumphantlamb

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This kind of subject is and has been an open wound on me for 3 years it is no walk in the park for me to thin... More

Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 1
Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 2
Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 3
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Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 19
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Terminal Diagnosis final Chpter

Terminal Diagnosis Chpter 17

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By triumphantlamb

Lesley and Jessie met Claudia after a few hours down at Kelly's for lunch and were just about finished as Claudia had an errand, and Lesley had to head back for the hospital on an emergency 

" Claudia go on ahead Jessie and I have to go back to the hospital for alittle bit anyway." Lesley insisted as she looked towards Claudia.

" Lesley are you sure, I don't mean to pry but Lesley you don't look well are you really sure you're feeling ok?" Claudia asked 

Lesley took a minute as she started to feel abit lightheaded and sick again and Claudia was the 3rd person that day to ask if she was feeling alright. Truth be told, Lesley knew she was terminal and was sick but she didn’t want to worry anyone else. 

" I'm okay, I'm just tired from the last couple of days between the hospital and the kids and I've been trying to get everything done and I've also been trying to keep up with appointments With Dr. Quartermaine and sometimes Dr Cunningham along with another doctor I've been seeing with Jessie."

Claudia got ready to go and paid for their lunch " Please call me if you need anything and please Lesley get some rest." Claudia asked as she moved to leave

" Claudia… there is something I still need to tell you about what's going on…" Lesley let out a moderate sigh and prepared to tell Claudia before leaving to go back to the hospital.

" Lesley what is it?"

" It came back the cancer I mean… it's come back again and this time it’s um spread enough that treatment has ended…" Lesley tried not to cry

" Lesley, what can Brian and I do. There should be something we can do for you." Claudia exclaimed

" You both are already doing what you can… you both are my friends and I love you more than you know…. The doctors I've been seeing with Jessie, they've done all that they can and after this week, I am gonna be placed into hospice care at home." Lesley finally gotten around to tell Claudia.

" Lesley you will always be a friend… I'm just sorry there's nothing more I can do for you." Claudia hugged Lesley and paid for lunch as she left.

" Lesley you know that you're gonna have to tell Rick, I haven't because I know you don't want me to but I've let this go on too long..." Jessie pointed out

" I know Jessie and you're right... But it scares me to face him because... and what am I supposed to tell him..... " Lesley replied.

" Lesley I know it isn't easy, to tell him about the cancer becoming terminal, but at some point... We're gonna have to tell him..." Jessie pointed out gently

" It just scares me Jessie... and to tell him that I only have a small number of weeks left Jessie how do you tell somebody that... You only have another 5, maybe 6 weeks to live... It would devastate him. I just don’t want to be the one that will end up hurting him Jessie. “


Lesley had just came into the lobby with Jessie when Bobbi called out to her to tell her she had a phone call. 

" This is Doctor Webber.... Y-Yes Zack, I'm on my... I'm on my way up. I just came in with Jessie, we’ll be right there." Lesley answered and moved to hand bobbi back the phone. 

" Lesley, are you feeling alright?" Bobbi asked.

" Yeah, I'm ok it's just one of those days. I don't think I haven't had much sleep in the last couple days with everything going on lately..." Lesley replied

Lesley caught the first elevator to get up to the clinic to help Zack with an emergency before she finally had a few moments to relax; feeling alittle like she was gonna be sick again, Lesley decided to take a minute, she was just finishing up and putting her stuff away and taking her medication when Rick had just stopped by to surprise her with an early dinner.

" Les, are you ok?" Rick asked

" Ah yeah, everythings good.... what's this?" she replied and looked up at him

" Well I thought I'd surprise my beautiful wife for an early evening out for dinner. I made reservations for 2 to the Rib...." Rick said from his heart as he looked at the woman he loves more than anything else.

" Well when you..... when you put it that way, I will finish up a patient's paperwork, and i'll meet you down in the lobby in say 15?" Lesley said with a smile pretending not to notice how more concerned Rick started to become. 

" My dear, you have yourself a date" Rick said with a smile as he leaned over to give her a kiss.

" I'll be alright.... Oh um before I forget Jesslyn has her appointment with Alan coming up tomorrow after I see Monica and I was thinking after we do with that we can take the girls for alittle bit to see Laura up at cemetery, and then maybe just order in at Kelly's before we head home.." Lesley said while trying to not to worry Rick but Rick had already caught on 

" Sounds perfect to me.... Sweetheart, are you sure nothing is wrong? lately You've seemed to be alittle flushed and you’ve looked to be very pale lately and it's not the first time you've looked to be having a difficult time.... I'm really starting to worry about you. " 

" I'm alright Rick I promise you I only took an aspirin for a small headache.... Please don't worry so much... You go finish your rounds and I will see you in about 15 minutes.." Lesley replied hoping to ease Rick's fears for her that something was off

Lesley waited until Rick had left and let out a breath just as Monica had decided to stop by before leaving the hospital

" Lesley? Are you busy?" Monica asked

" Ah no... No I'm not real-really that busy I was just thinking and trying to work on a few files.." Lesley replied but started to feel sick to her stomach again. 

" Lesley are you alright? Forgive me for asking but you don't look well..."

" Monica... There's something else I should've told you months ago.... It's important..." Lesley looked up at Monica.

" Lesley... It's serious. I can see that what is it?" 

" I have been seeing Dr. Richards in oncology here and a consultant physician at Mercy again... With Jessie..." Lesley tried to hide that she felt like she was about to throw up. 

Monica sat next to Lesley by the window " How long have you known... If you don't mind I ask?" 

" Since last year but then it came back for a third time in Late January... Monica I'm s-sorry I should've told you because of my heart and the transplant, but I haven't even had a chance to break Rick's heart by telling him... I only have at most another few weeks if I'm lucky to live. Friday is my last day before Jessie is gonna be staying at the house when we officially start hospice.”

" Lesley, I wish l could understand how you feel... And I hope that you can get better because no matter our past, you are a great doctor here and I would like to consider you a friend" Monica replied.

" Dr. Richards and the other doctor stopped the treatment a couple of months ago because it's spreading quicker this time that treatment isn't gonna do anything this time and... that's where I have to tell him but Monica I don't know how to tell him that I only have up to a couple to a few weeks… how do I tell him that next week I will be home officially into hospice care under Jessie and another nurse's care. How do I tell him that I'm gonna...." 

" Truly I don't think I could do it if I were in your position..." 

Monica walked with Lesley but decided to have her admitted to the hospital for observation when Lesley started to feel like she was suffocating and could barely catch her breath...

" Georgia.... Um has Rick checked out?" Monica asked

" Rick checked out 15 minutes ago and he said something about a special night planned and Alan is waiting for you in the parking lot" Georgia replied.

" Alright call Rick at home tell him, I had to admit Lesley.... And could you get in touch with Dr. Richards and the consulting physician at Mercy on Dr Webber's case stat… I want to talk to those doctors who didn't bother to consult with me as Lesley was also a cardiac patient." 


Rick, with Alice's help got the house all prepared and he thanked her for the help which she was glad to help as Alice has always been fond of both him and Lesley.

" Alice, I really appreciate your help... when she gets home, she'll have the surprise of her life" Rick said 

" I'm happy to help....." Alice paused 

" Alice, is something wrong?" Rick asked

" Oh no I'm ok Dr. Webber.... i'm just alittle sidetracked." Alice replied quickly

" Does it have something to do with Lesley?" Rick asked

" Yeah it does... I'm really concerned about her... She said it was nothing but I can tell that she isn't well."

" Lesley will be alright.... If anything I'll make sure of it..." Rick stated 

Just before Rick was about to head upstairs to get changed is when he had gotten a frightening call from the hospital.

" Rick, it's Georgia.... Dr Quartermaine told me to call you at home.... It's Lesley, she's been admitted just... a few minutes ago Monica is real concerned and it doesn't look good... Monica had to try to keep Lesley from collapsing.”  Georgia explained over the phone

" Georgia I'll be right there if Jessie is there on duty please tell her to stay with Lesley I am leaving right now." Rick said and couldn't get off the phone fast enough to get to Lesley at the hospital

" Alice I'm sorry but I have to go back to the hospital, do you think you can try to save this for another night? Lesley was just admitted and by Monica, so something isn't right. Look, I'll call you and let you know what's up..." Rick asked

" Of course you just go and tell Dr Webber she's in my prayers." Alice said

Rick high tailed like a fire was lit on his pants to get to the hospital afraid because he doesn't know what's wrong or what happened with Lesley.


Jessie sat with Lesley while waiting for the results and everything to come back along with Rick to be there 

" Jessie.... I'm so glad you're here with me" 

" Lesley you're gonna be okay Rick and I will be right here with you.... You need to try to rest..." Jessie replied

" I... I ca-cant.... I don't want to miss anything... And if I were to rest now, I feel like I may not wake up again..." Lesley said while trying to catch her breath.

“ I’m gonna see if I can find Monica and Steve… Lesley you’re gonna be alright..” Jessie stepped out to see if she could find Steve or Monica. 

Steve and Monica looked over Lesley’s chart and started to evaluate on whether they should place Lesley into acoma or not as her respiratory system had become compromised and was starting to decline more.

 “ Steve, we're gonna have to place her into a medical induced coma if we’re gonna be able to get her breathing under control at this rate but we have to talk with her oncologist and see if he agrees because she’s on medication that can’t be given with certain others.” Monica said

“ Georgia, would you have Dr. Richards paged?” Steve turned to Jessie 

Steve and Monica spoke with the Oncologist and determined to put Lesley back on the respirator as her breathing continued to decline and they were determined to prevent any future infections but before they could prepare to put Lesley into a medical induced coma, except Lesley's condition took a turn where she went into respiratory arrest before they could assess to intubate her..

“ Jessie where is she? Tell me Lesley is okay…” Rick said first thing after getting off the elevator to the ICU. 

“ I wish I could Rick but it’s not good. Lesley is in pulmonary distress Steve and Monica had to intubate when she went into respiratory arrest. She’s alive Rick but she’s critical and Steve is concerned that she won't make it through the night.."

Rick stepped in to sit by Lesley's side hoping she would be able to hear him " Lesley… I need you to fight like hell to come back to me… I don't know what I would be able to do if I were to lose you…" 

Over the following 3 weeks Rick took the time he had to stay by Lesley's side as there still hadn't been any change while she was still in the ICU. Jessie stopped by when she had the opportunity and saw that Rick was asleep by Lesley's side. 

" Rick?... Rick.." Jessie gently nudged Rick on his forearm.

" Lesley?!" Rick jumped

" No it's just Jessie…" 

" I hate it that I can't help her Jessie… I feel like I'm slowly losing her and I can't do anything about it to help her." Rick tried not to cry 

Rick wasn't sure that it was real or just an illusion as Lesley started to come to and Jessie started to watch as Lesley started to move her hand closer to Rick's arm

" Rick, look." 

" Les sweetheart I'm right here it's me… can you hear me it's Rick and Jessie, she's here too… sweetheart open your eyes… Lesley.." Rick held Lesley's hand hoping she would give him a sign that she was able to hear him.

" Jessie find Steve now." Rick looked at Jessie briefly after Lesley slightly squeezed his hand

A few hours after Steve and Martinson evaluated Lesley's condition they determined to keep her on the respirator just to be safe as Lesley still had alot of trouble with her breathing though Steve was hopeful that he was gonna be able to send Lesley home 

" My little bug's gonna be alright. I promise you Lesley I'm gonna never leave your side.”

Lesley was asleep off and on while Steve was focusing on monitoring her respiratory problem. 

" Rick, do you have a few minutes?" Steve asked 

" Sure Steve…" Rick stood up while Lesley had just nodded off 

" Lesley's condition has not started to improve where we can effectively remove the ventilator, at this point Rick she's gonna need to be on the respirator for the rest of her life if her breathing does not improve by the end of the week." Steve tried his best to explain where Lesley's condition stood.

" The problem Steve is Lesley has told me many times in the past she wouldn't want to be kept on a ventilator…. I don't want to lose her but I don't want to ignore her medical wishes either…." 

" Rick, she's gonna be on oxygen anyway because of her medical history and her medical situation. As far as the ventilator goes she may need that when she goes to bed at night." Steve exclaimed 

Throughout the next couple days Jessie stayed at Lesley's side while Rick made sure that the kids were taken care of and they were going to school before he went back up to the hospital. 

" Lesley it's alright…. Just try to rest… I'm gonna be right here when you need me." 

" Jess-Jessie I ca-can't I can't rest…. I'm scared that if I were to get some sleep I won't wake up again…" Lesley exclaimed 

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