First Choice

By Blitx20

15.4K 376 27

Esme had been found in an alley by an actor who should have been dead due to his addictions, but when Robert... More

Author's Note
1-Iron Man
2-Iron Man 2
3-The Avengers
4-Iron Man 3
4 1/2-The Judge/John Wick/The Lego Movie
5-Avengers: Age Of Ultron
5 1/2-Houseboat Incident
6-Captain America: Civil War
7-John Wick: Chapter 2/Spider-Man: Homecoming
8-The White Force
10-Avengers: Infinity War
11-Avengers: Endgame
11 1/2-The Lego Movie 2/John Wick 3/ The Devil All The Time/Supernatural
12-NCIS/Grey's Anatomy
13-Spider-Man: No Way Home
14-Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness
15-The White Forces
16-Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
17-David Letterman Show/Lip Sync Battle (Esme V. Tom)
18-Masked Singer
19- Epilogue
Esme Juneau Downey
0.0-Author's Note/ The White Force Release Date
19 1/2- Death of Robert Downey Senior (UPDATED: 2021)
Cherry/ Euphoria (2021/2022)
Dolittle (2020)
The Custody Of Esme Downey Trial (2018)
The Tessa Marx Trial (2018)
Downey Leaving The MCU

9-Black Panther

406 9 1
By Blitx20

2018 (17):

Esme got a call in the middle of the night and when she looked at her phone, she saw it was Tessa. she immediately sat up and answered,

"Tess? What's wrong?" She could hear sobbing on the other side of the line.

"Ez, I need you to come pick me up..please?"

"Tessa? What's going on? Are you hurt? Where are you?" Esme asked, shoving her feet into her shoes. She swiped her keys from her nightstand and went to her parent's room to tell them where she's going.

"I'm at my house. My parents are kicking me out." Tessa starts sobbing and Esme couldn't understand her. She shook her dad, if you woke Susan up, start digging a grave. You're not gonna live after that. Esme whispered to her dad and said, 'Tessa need a place to stay. I'm gonna pick her up.' Her dad nodded and fell back asleep. She headed to her car and Esme said,

"Tessa, I'm coming. Just gather your stuff and I'll be there in about 20 minutes." Tessa acknowledged Esme and they hung up. She sped as fast as she legally could and when she arrived, the scene was messy. Tessa's things were being thrown at Tessa, who was on the ground sobbing, her parents yelling at her. Esme sprung into action, first leading Tessa to her car, then grabbing her things but of course that pissed Tessa's parents off and they start throwing things at her until a rock collided with Esme's head and Esme fell over. She touched her head and she felt something wet and sticky. She saw blood on her hand and that gave her the motivation to go faster. Her parents kept yelling until Esme snapped,

"You do realize my dad is going to throw a fucking FIT when he sees my head?! The way you have treated your daughter is disgusting and I hope you rot in hell!" She got the rest of Tessa's stuff plus any important documents Tessa may have needed and drove Tessa back to her house. When they got in, as predicted, Robert threw a hissy fit seeing his daughter with a bloody head. Susan went to take care of the girls while Robert called Mr. and Mrs. Marx and Robert telling them that he's suing them for hurting his daughter and kicking Tessa out, and whatever he can sue them for. Esme held a rag to her head in the bathroom as Susan helped Tessa into the bath, fully clothed to calm her down in the warm water. It helped Esme with her anxiety, and it seemed to have helped Tessa calm down.

"I'm sorry, Ezzy" Tessa whispered. Esme rubbed Tessa's arm and said,

"Don't, Tessa. You don't deserve them. They're pieces of shit." Tessa curled into a ball and whispered really softly,

"imlesbian" Esme was confused. She figured the rock hit her head too hard and she can't hear what Tessa's saying.

"Hon, I didn't hear. What did you say?"

"I'm That's why they threw me out." Esme set her rag down and hugged Tessa. Tessa hugged back, getting both the girls wet.

"You are still my best friend. I don't care what you are, as long as you're happy." They pulled away and Esme said, "My dad has a habit of adopting kids; Ty, Tom, me. If you want, he and my mom can adopt you legally. You will always have a home here." Tessa let a few tears slip and Susan came back in with clean clothes and a towel and Esme asked, "Mom, would you and dad adopt Tessa?"

"Your father already began the process 20 minutes ago. He's on the phone with his lawyer abut adopting and suing Tessa's asshole of parents." Esme looked at Tessa and said,

"See. Us Downey's got you. I'll get a bed set up for you in my room." Esme left to her room and got a blow up bed ready. Robert came in and he said,

"I'm adopting Tessa. But I'm suing her parents and you have to testify, since you are a victim of assault."

"Assault is a bit extreme, Dad. I had a rock thrown at me."

"Ah, ever so humble. Anyway, on top of that, your biological parents were caught stalking you and now they're going to court and since you are a victim of whatever the hell it was when you were 2."

"But what if I don't remember?" Esme wanted nothing to do with them and Robert sassed back,

"Baby Girl, you have a photographic memory. You remember everything, unfortunately." Esme sighed when she finished making up Tessa's bed until they can get her room set up. She sat on her bed and said,

"I thought we were past this, Dad. Why can't they leave me alone?"

"Because since you've been in the public eye since you were 7, they want to get a cut of your money, even though they have no legal claim over you."

"If I testify, will they go to jail?"

"For life." Robert confirmed. Esme put her head in her hands and sighed again.

"It's not like I have to testify for 2 other trials. Fine. I'll do it."


Esme arrived on set and saw Chadwick and Sebastian in a field. She was gonna be in the post credit scene where they reveal they can remove the Love Stone from Melani and they can hide it from whoever wants it for power. She was really excited cause she was confirmed to be in the third Avengers film but wasn't allowed to say a word about it. Kevin confirmed that Marvel Snipers are real and you will be shot on sight if you spoil any marvel film, especially Avengers: Infinity War. She had been warned and she was one of the very few people (i.e. Robert and her only) to get the real script. When she walked up to Chadwick and Sebastian, she did the Wakanda salute and Sebastian said,

"My favorite teen hero!" Chadwick and Sebastian took turns hugging Esme and she asked,

"Hey guys! Please tell me you two are in Infinity War?"

"We are!" Chadwick said. "I'm assuming you are?"

"I am! Im in Wakanda with you guys, obviously. Dad and Holland are somewhere else. I read the script."

"How bad is it?" Sebastian asked.

"I can't say anything." Tessa yelled for Esme to get into costume and get her hair and make up done for their scene.


Esme walked up to Sebastian and Chadwick and she said,

"Your Highness, Mr. Barnes. I hear you guys are good. Especially since you saved Hunter."

"What are we about to do?" Sebastian asked. Chadwick held Esme's wrist. Where there was a pink light to symbol where the Love stone was.

"We are going to attempt something no one has done. Removing a Stone from a human."

"Super human, King T'Challa."

"Regardless, it's dangerous."

"It's better than leaving it in me. I don't want anymore power than what I already have."

"What's wrong with that?" Sebastian asked.

"I was working with this doctor in hopes to move away with Hunter, my boyfriend. But then it all went south and now all this is my fault. Had I not gave myself up to save Hunter, we wouldn't be dealing with the Infinity Stones."

"Miss Jayce, it's not you fault that you have the final Infinity Stone. We will help you get it out." The three headed into the palace and met Letitia in Shore's lab. Esme laid down on the table and Letitia asked Esme,

"Would you like some anesthesia?"

"Nope, Mr. Barnes, care to do the honors of knocking me out with that arm?"

"I could kill you, Jayce." Sebastian said, holding up his soon to be CGI'd metal arm.

"I'm super hum-" Esme was cut off cause Sebastian had swung at her and she had to fall over to make it look like Bucky had hit Melani and that's how they ended the post-credit scene.


Esme Downey


*Sebastian, Chadwick, Esme, Justin, Letitia, Danai*

LET'S GO AVENGERS! #avengersinfinitywar @imsebastianstan @ChadwickBoseman @DanaiGurira @JayTomko @MarvelStudios Catch the movie May 16th, 2018!


Robert Downey Jr.


Hey @MarvelStudios any chance we can see #avengersinfinitywar earlier?


~Marvel Studios


Of Course Mr. Stark! How does April 27th sound?


~Justin Tomko


Did...did he just..does that mean we can finally know the answers instead being fed lies a week early?


~Tessa Downey




~Indio Downey


Damn Dad, go off ig?


~~Esme Downey


GET IT @RobertDowneyJr


Esme was waiting in the wings, she knew she was going against Keanu to kick off White Force press tour. She has a few tricks up her sleeve, as she has a degree in dancing and she had worked with THE Missy Elliott and luckily, she can throw Keanu off his game. Now she's not one to make fun of people's age but she knows she can beat him to Missy Elliott cause she grew up on Missy, Eminem, 50 Cent, Dr. Dre, all the famous hip hop rappers and Keanu grew up on classic rock so she had this is the bag. LL Cool J (Which she met while on set of NCIS: LA, the one time she accidentally wandered onto a set without realizing.) then called out,

"This beautiful young woman is known as the daughter of the legendary Robert Downey Jr, with her own Marvel hero film in the works, Esme Downey! Get out here!" Esme then picked up the microphone and ran out to the crowd, high fiving all the fans. When she stood next to LL Cool J, he called out, "Now we have seen this man in the Matrix, and as an assassin..bring out Keanu Reeves!" Keanu came out and did the same thing Esme did and she called out,

"Ya know, copying wont work?" She teased. She knew Keanu wouldn't be offended so he turned and said,

"Oh? Then explain why your dad got you a job in Marvel." The crowd, LL Cool J, and Chrissy oohed as Esme shook her head smiling.

"Now, This is a Missy Elliott tribute and so we will be battling using the power of the Goddess of Rap Music. Esme, you have the floor, what will we lip sync to today?"

"This is a personal favorite of mine from when I was growing up. We are gonna do some Gossip Folks." LL Cool J and Keanu went to sit off to the side as music played. Esme took off her oversized hoodie and showed off her Missy Elliott outfit from the music video and Keanu's jaw dropped as she lip synced and danced to the moves in the video.

The crowd was going wild and Keanu was realizing he had to step up his game. As she was popping, locking, and dropping, she goes over to Keanu and she starts rapping like Ludacris and she looked like she was made for the stage and as soon as Luda's part was over, she dropped the mic and the crowd cheered. Keanu came up and playfully shoved Esme away as he took the stage.

"And I will be bringing it back with Where they from." Keanu then starts pulling moves no one knew he had. Esme looked just as shocked as Chrissy and LL Cool J as Keanu was dancing and he looked like he knew every word. Esme was mentally taking notes on how to top Keanu in the second round cause thats where it really counts. When he starts rapping to Pharrell, Esme then got off her stool and bowed to Keanu like he's god. 

As soon as it was over, Esme said,

"You have truly shocked me, Reeves. Never would I ever think you know Missy Elliott."

"Esme, I'm 53 years old, I know who Missy Elliott is." Esme stuck her tongue out and LL Cool J announced,

"So while Keanu and Esme get ready for the second performance tonight, lets take a sneak peak of their new film, White Force."

~~~ROUND 2~~~

Esme had enlisted the help of her boyfriend, Justin as he is a professional dance choreographer. She was gonna do work it as it was the most popular Missy song and she knew ever word whether or not she was lip syncing. As she worked, her boyfriend helped her drop it low and pop, lock and drop it and Tessa had ran in yelling that she got the final piece to win the battle. It took a long time and she had to jump way too many loopholes to get it together but she knew that nothing would stop her from winning this battle. As soon as She stepped on stage, LL Cool J asked Esme,

"Esme, Do you wanna kick off round 2?"

"Nope, Keanu can start." Keanu got up and ran backstage to change and the lights dimmed as lose control plays. Esme starts laughing as Keanu struts out of the sliding doors and starts dancing.

He starts lip syncing to Missy's words and Esme doubled over and was laughing so hard she was crying. LL Cool J was shocked as usual and Chrissy was vibing. Keanu was recreating the video dance moves and Esme was just shocked that he had the dance moves. Keanu came up to Esme and was just breaking it down. Now don't get her wrong, he has seen this man do entire gun fu fight scene in one take on a 103 degree fever but the fact that he was dancing like a professional kinda scared her. Once the song was over, Esme was shocked, like when she was green-lighted for White Force excited. 

"Keanu, you certainly lost all control of the crowd. How do you feel?"

"I know what Esme is thinking, and yes, this was a lot more difficult than doing John Wick."

"It looked like it. You looked like you were in pain for a bit, nut you also did gun fu on an 103 degree fever so I figured this would be easier." Keanu playfully rolled his eyes and sat down as LL Cool J said,

"Now, Esme, It's your turn. Blow us away." Esme ran backstage and Tessa and Justin helped Esme into costume as Work It played. Esme came out and started lip syncing to the words with ease.

Esme was dancing like Missy, seeing that she grew up on it. The art of Justin was coming in as she was shuffling and sliding. She was dancing in front of the back up dancers and was smiling to Keanu, with him knowing that she had a surprise up her sleeve. The final minute, Missy came out and began lip syncing with Esme, Causing Keanu to throw his hands up in defeat. When the music ended, the crowd screamed so loud, the stage shook. Keanu and Esme stood on either side of LL Cool J and he said,

"Now, you guys looked at the assignment, understood it, and executed it so perfectly that this is tough to choose who is the winner. Now, is it Keanu Reeves?" The crowd screamed but it wasnt like earlier. LL Cool J Lifted Esme's hadn't and asked, "How about Esme Downey?" Again, The stage shook as LL Cool J announced, "Winner is Esme Downey!"

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