Cherry/ Euphoria (2021/2022)

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Chapter 21- Cherry/Euphoria Season 2(Bonus Chapter)

2021/2022 (20/21)

While Esme was waiting for a script for White Forces, she was getting her schedule sorted out with Tessa. She was on a conference call with Tessa and her agent when she had a FaceTime call from Tom Holland, her best friend since 2016. She sent a message to him and told him that she would call him back after the call she was on. He texted back that he really needed to to talk to her about something. So she said give her an hour cause she had a ton of Marvel projects and she had accepted a role of Euphoria by Zendaya who had recommended her and asked if she could come and play a short role for a season, along with guest roles in NCIS and Grey's Anatomy, and she had a cameo in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, which would break way for White Forces. Once the call was over, Esme called Tom and said,

"Hey, sorry! I have a shit ton of projects to work on this year. What's up?"

'This is gonna seem like super weird but do you know the book Cherry? A guy who was in the army and became a drug addict and robbed banks?'

"Yeah, I just read that book a year ago while working on White Force..Why?"

'Well, The Russo Brothers and I are working on the movie and the girl who was supposed to play Emily, she was from Big Time Rush when it was a show, Ciara Bravo. She dropped for some other project she couldn't get out of and I had mentioned you might be a good fit since I worked with you before and I know you. Would you be interested?'

"Tom, that's a pretty dark movie, even for you. It talks about PTSD and narcotics. And I'm not sure how I can handle that kind of stuff. I can barely handle Euphoria and I have to play a battered girlfriend who exposed her boyfriend in front of everyone. I dunno how I feel."

'Look, I won't force you but I really feel like you could do it. Plus, I will be right there the whole time. I'm playing the harder role so I'll take all the hits. All you have to play is a sweet, innocent girl who is in love with me. I already talked to Justin and he said he is 100% okay with you playing my girlfriend cause he trusts me and you. I promise that if you feel overwhelmed, I will personally pull you from it and tell the Russos to suck it if needed. I told them that I wanted to at least talk to you about it first before we opened auditions for the role of Emily.' Esme looked at her planner she had opened and showed all the filming dates she had and was seriously considering it. She sighed and wrote it in and sent Tessa a text off her MacBook and said,

"I'll have to talk to my agent Mia and Tessa but yeah, I'll do it." Tom's face lit up and he ran a hand down his face and said,

'Thank you, Ez. If you need out, let me know right away so I can pull you out.' Esme nodded and said,

"If roles were reversed, you would do the same. I'll call the Russos and have them on a call with me, Mia and Tessa." With that, they said their goodbyes and Tom hung up. Esme set her phone down and rubbed her hands into her face, trying to rub the stress away. She was nervous about taking roles based on addiction cause it scared her. With Euphoria on top of it, she had to grab her build a bear her dad gave her when he first adopted her and took deep breaths. She felt tears run down her face as she realized that this was gonna be the toughest year for her.


Esme walked onto set and saw Zendaya. This was the last day before Esme had to go to Ohio to work with Tom on Cherry. Esme was dressed in jeans, combat boots and a tank to shortened to a crop top. She had bruises painted on her skin along with real ones from training in boxing for Doctor Strange.

"Hey, Zen! Final day for me." Esme said, and Zendaya said,

"I know. I'm gonna miss you. Would you come back if HBO asked?" Esme actually liked being on the show cause the cast made it fun so that the contents of the show wouldnt get to their heads and playing such a badass character was so much fun.

"Oh hell yeah. And Tessa has been asking to join too."

"Oh HELL yeah! Girl squad!" It was then that the cast was called onto set, seeing Zac Efron in position.


Playing a girl named Jayde Henrix, she was dating the high school jock named Steve Maxwell, who had been physically abusing Jayde since they got together. It wasnt until he had thrown her into a lake at the end of the second to last episode. He thought that she had died and told everyone that she ran away but it wasnt until Esme threw the doors open and walked like she meant business. Zendaya, Hunter, Mauve, Sidney, and rest of the main Euphoria Cast turned and watched Esme storm up to Zac and saw the bruises on her arms, chest, stomach and more so on her face. She had cleaned up from the lake and all the women followed behind her as she threw a mean right hook at Zac.

"Steve, who dont you tell everyone here where I was? Huh? What you have been doing to me for 8 months?" Zac turned to her and said,

"Don't do this."

"Don't do what? Tell everyone how I was a personal punching bag for 8 months? How you tried to kill me in that lake last night? How you raped me repeatedly to the point where I cant even conceive children anymore? The one thing I was living for in this goddamn planet! You are a fucking coward for putting hands on me." Esme sneered. She was trying to push Zac's buttons to put his hands on her and he finally grabbed her and slammed her into the lockers hard, causing the girls to try to fight him off of Esme and he was choking her. Esme was struggling to say, "You get off on choking, huh? Since you cant get off when I give head." That line wasnt in the script and threw everyone off guard except for Zac. He asked Esme to make something up to change the game on Euphoria and she did just that. Zac pressed against her throat and everyone, even the crew was freaking out cause it looked a little too real. When Jacob came and punched the lights out of Zac, Esme could breathe and she fell onto her knees, hand to her throat. Zendaya helped her up and touched her throat and walked her off camera.


When Esme sat down in front of an EMT they had on set due to the amount of injuries the cast had over the past couple seasons and gave her a check up and said,

"He squeezed your windpipe pretty tight and some bruising, and your eyes are gonna look bloodshot but you should be fine soon. No singing, no strain on the vocal cords for at least a week, Miss Downey." Esme nodded and got her phone out and opened the camera. And saw the bruising and winced. Her phone was ringing and it was a FaceTime call from Justin. She answered it and said,


"Hey?! Did you just say hey when your neck looks more purple than an eggplant?? What the hell happened?!" Justin had to move to his trailer in case Esme didnt want anyone to hear from his side.

"Things got a little out of hand between me and Zac. We took it too far but its okay. I'm fine."

"Jesus Esme. Are you sure youre okay?"

"Yes, babe. I'm fine. I promise. I cant strain my vocal cords for a week. Everything will be healed before I head to Ohio for Cherry." Esme swallowed and winced from the chokehold and Justin ran his hand down his face.

"Youre a handful to deal with sometimes, hon. You dont have to get hurt everytime you are doing a project."

"I dont get hurt everytime."

"Avengers Age Of Ultron-tripping on a rock, White Force- wire snapped and almost rebreaking your foot, Avengers Infinity War- falling down the hill and breaking a rib or 5, Avengers Endgame- rebreaking a rib or 2 in that once fight, and now Euphoria-being choked."

"Okay Infinity War, I had cracked ribs, YOU broke yours, Mr. I-Dont-Break-Anything." Justin laughs, silently thanking god that she can joke about anything even she got hurt on set by a co-star.

"Well, I have to go, I wanted to call you to say I love you and for you to not give me a heart attack."

"Call me when youre done filming for the day, I love you."

"I love you too, Ez, and for the love of god, stay safe." Esme kissed her hand and blew her kiss and Justin caught it and smiled before hanging up.

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