Choosing The Villainess As My...

By SassySugarLips

417K 16.9K 1.6K

Fern is the younger sister of a famous author known for 'The Promise Under The Moon.' At just fourteen, she w... More

Chapter 1 - The Book
Chapter 2 - Whimsical Encounter with Destiny
Chapter 3 - Unveiling the Past: Bosworth's Role
Chapter 4 - Winning Over Bosworth
Chapter 5 - Why so Flowery
Chapter 6 - Magic tricks?
Chapter 7 - Blossoming Friendships
Chapter 8 - Floral Offerings
Chapter 9 - A Thorn Amongst Roses
Chapter 10 - A Flower's Resilience
Chapter 11 - Unveiling Resentment
Chapter 12 - Embers of Change
Chapter 13 - Resonance of Freedom
Chapter 14 - Whispers of a Forgotten Past
Chapter 16 - Healing Shadows: A Night of Gentle Comfort
Chapter 15 - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 17 - Secrets in the Shadows
Chapter 18 - Morning Surprises
Chapter 19 - Could be a Plan?
Chapter 20 - A Stir of Emotions
Chapter 21 - A Mess in the Mansion
Chapter 22 - Fear of Heights
Chapter 23 - Threat
Chapter 24: Revelations and Reflections
Chapter 25 - The Surface
Chapter 26 - The Story
Chapter 27 - Flowers of Forgiveness
Chapter 28 - The Diary
Chapter 29 - Missing
Chapter 30 - The Encounter
Chapter 31 - The Encounter: Facing the Unknown
Chapter 32 - Trap
Chapter 33 - The Treants Test
Chapter 34 - The Monster
Chapter 35 - The Enchantress's Legacy
Chapter 36 - Guardians' Tales
Chapters 37 - Into the Black Lagoon Forest
Chapter 38 - Ilarion
Chapter 39 - A Pact with the Dragon
Chapter 40 - The Connection
Chapter 41 - Saving Mr. Bosworth
Chapter 42 - Secrets and Tears
Chapter 43 - Contemplation
Chapter 44 - Designs and Dilemmas
Chapter 45 - The Visitor
Chapter 46 - Is that A Joke?
Chapter 47 - The hundredth Life
Chapter 48 - Contract with the dress maker
Chapter 49 - Althea and Auriane's Encounter
Chapter 50 - The sunshine
Chapter 51 - Bosworth's Origin
Chapter 52 - Strawberry Tarts and Mother's Love
Chapter 53 - Chicken Exercise?
Chapter 54 - A Dance in the Garden
Chapter 55 - A Nutty Situation
Chapter 57 - Fun In The Garden
Chapter 58 - Found
Chapter 59 - The Dark Elves
Chapter 60 - Moments
Chapter 61 - The Unwelcome Visitor
Chapter 62 - Tea, Dresses and Lessons
Chapter 63 - Perhaps A New Friend?
Chapter 64 - Late For Lessons
Chapter 65 - Beware the Orphanage Spirits
Chapter 66 - The Haunting of Althea
Chapter 67 - A Stroll In The Garden
Chapter 68 - Drama
Chapter 69 - The Missing Daughter
Chapter 70 - The Children
Chapter 71 - Freedom for the spirits
Chapter 72 - The mighty dragon to the rescue
Chapter 73 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 74 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 75 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 76 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 77 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 78 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 79 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 80 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 81 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Not Part Of The Story
Chapter 82 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 83 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 84 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 85 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 86 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 87 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 88 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 89 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 90 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 91 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 92 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 93 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 94 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 95 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 96 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 97 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 98 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 99 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 100 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 101 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 102 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 103 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 104 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 105 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 106 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 107 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 108 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 109 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
Chapter 110 - Choosing The Villainess As My Mother
SEASON 1 - Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
You Can Skip If You Want
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 140

Chapter 56 - Breaking The Chains

3K 123 19
By SassySugarLips

˗ˏˋChoosing The Villainess As My Mother ࿐ྂ


Cynthia's (POV)

As soon as I arrived at the palace, the first thing I saw was Prince Lucien, surrounded by four noble ladies. Just looking at him, it seemed like he was enjoying himself with all these women around him.

(When will he ever change?)

(Well, I suppose he would change if THAT girl appeared, but this man is still the same... always.)

"Ah, Thia! You've finally arrived," he exclaimed, and I just stared at him.

(Who does he think he is, calling me by my nickname?)

(I mean, sure, I used to call him by his name many times, but that was all in the past... I've moved on.)

"Greetings," I said coldly, maintaining a neutral expression as I stared at him.

"How have you been doing these days?" Prince Lucien asked with a smile, but I simply took a deep breath in and out.

"Your highness, did you really call me here just to ask me that? You could have simply written it in a letter," I replied coldly, and he continued to smile.

"Ah, is it true that you have a daughter, Thia?" Prince Lucien asked, still smiling at me.

(Oh, I see how it is, he's avoiding it.)

"An adopted daughter, your highness. And yes, I do have a daughter," I replied, causing the other ladies to gasp and pretended to be shocked.

"Oh my~" one of the noble ladies exclaimed.

"Thia, do you even realize how the nobles would react if they discovered you have a daughter without being married?" Prince Lucien asked, his irritating smile still plastered on his face.

"And so? What's your point, your highness?" I retorted coldly, maintaining direct eye contact.

"You must understand that you already have a tainted reputation in society, and if this were to be revealed, it would only worsen," Prince Lucien explained.

(Really? If he's so concerned about my reputation already being tarnished, why would he bring it up in front of these other noble ladies?!)

(Is he daft? Or just plain foolish??)

"Your highness, I've endured far worse than their meaningless words and opinions," I replied sharply.

"Criticizing me won't bring me down. I'd rather hear them talking behind my back than converse with someone who pretends to be nice," I said, a smile playing on my lips, which caused Prince Lucien to frown.

"You can't always be like this, Thia. If you want to reclaim your reputation, you have no choice but to win their favor again," Prince Lucien insisted, but I smiled in response.

"Oh, your highness, if only you knew," I replied, wearing an odd smile.

"I've tried that countless times, but no matter how hard I've tried to win anyone over, it's been futile. I'm utterly exhausted by it all," I continued, still smiling.

"I've long grown weary of maintaining a facade of grace. If only his highness knew...I'm so tired of wearing a pretty smile when all I want is peace," I confessed, still smiling.

"In short, I couldn't care less about their opinions of me, your highness. If they see me as that type of woman, then I'll gladly become THAT woman," I concluded, the smile on my face remaining.

"I mean, isn't that what everyone wants me to become, your highness? The villain in their eyes, the antagonist in their story? Don't you agree?" I asked, smiling, while he remained silent.

"Still, a woman can't stand on their own without—" Prince Lucien began, but I interrupted him.

"We can stand and fight on our own, your highness. I'll be the one to prove that," I asserted, still smiling.

"Thia, I think you've changed a bit. Is it because I spend so much time with these beautiful ladies?" Prince Lucien asked, while I maintained my smile.

"You can always join, Thia," Prince Lucien offered, as I simply stared at him.

(This hoe...)

"You're always welcome to join, Thia," Prince Lucien says again, as the nobles behind him giggled.

"Pardon me, your highness, but I have absolutely no interest in becoming part of your harem," I declared while putting a smile on my face.

"I have no desire to be labeled as a... noble hoe," I continued, smiling at him, causing the other noble ladies with him to be taken aback by my bold statement.

"What did you just say, Thia?" Prince Lucien demanded, visibly surprised by my assertiveness.

Ignoring his question, I approached him, maintaining an intimidating presence.

"What are you doing?" Prince Lucien asked nervously, as I grabbed the ashtray from the table and pretended to raise it as if I were going to strike him with it. Though I had no intention of harming him, I wanted to assert my dominance and make him uneasy.

"Does his highness ever expect me to tolerate this behavior whenever I find him in the company of other noble ladies? Surely not," I remarked with a smile, leaving him speechless and unsettled.

"I may have acted out of line, but I would never actually harm someone with an ashtray, wouldn't you agree, your highness?" I said with a smile, placing the ashtray on the table and fixing my gaze on him once more.

"But do tell me, how did it feel, your highness, when I appeared as though I might strike you with the object on the table? Were you surprised?" I asked with a smile, leaving the other noble ladies speechless in shock.

*Chuckles* "Did his highness ever consider that I might actually be capable of causing harm with any object I lay my hands on?" I said with a smile.

"Or are you perhaps truly surprised that I used you as an example, your highness? *Smile* Well..." I trailed off as my smile faded.

"I simply want his highness to understand that when I'm pushed to my limits, I am not a very pleasant person. I am capable of inflicting harm with anything I hold," I stated with a smile, firm and serious.

"What are you implying, Thia? Are you suggesting that you would dare to harm a member of the royal family?" Prince Lucien asked, looking at me such expression his face.

"Oh, your highness," I replied with a smile.

"You do realize that making such statements could lead to—" Prince Lucien began, but I cut him off.

"*chuckles* Lead to what, your highness?" I asked, smiling as he mirrored my expression.

"Thia, if you're facing troubles, you can always talk to me. Come, sit next to me. I know deep down, I still hold a place in your heart," Prince Lucien urged, smiling at me.

"Your highness..." I started, my gaze fixed on him.

"What? Come on, just take a seat next to me and join us," Prince Lucien insisted, his smile unwavering.

(This dumbass...)

(He's completely oblivious, isn't he?)

(He truly believes I'm still head over hills for him.)

"Your highness, why would you want someone like Lady Cynthia to join us? Didn't you just call Lady Cynthia a bitch? That's what everyone else is saying about her in society," Noble Girl B remarked.

"That's right, she's just a bitch, desperate for attention from you, your highness," added Noble Girl A, as I sighed.

"Ladies, please refrain from speaking about my lovely fiancée in such a manner..." Prince Lucien says, smiling at the noble ladies, while I simply observed.

"Ah, so his highness has been spreading rumors about me? Well, he's right! I am exactly what he said, I am truly a bitch! A bitch that can kill you when you sleep tonight." I declared, meeting Prince Lucien's gaze as his eyebrows furrowed.

(He's clearly uncomfortable with how this is unfolding.)

(I will not let him let it all play the way he wants it to be from now on, not even everyone.)

"Was that a threat?" Prince Lucien started to say, but I cut him off.

"Pardon me, your highness... I am no longer hung up on you," I stated firmly.

"So if you believe I'm still holding onto feelings for you, let me assure you, I've let them go," I added with a smile.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, your highness, I must leave. I have more pressing matters to attend to at home," I said sincerely.

"And please, refrain from summoning me to the palace unless there is urgent business," I continued.

"That's all. Thank you, your highness. Have a pleasant day, I pray that you may rest in peace with your...snakes." I said with a smile, giving him a wink before exiting the room.


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