A vigilante who heals villain...

By Rebel6610

25.1K 902 741

Tommmy is a vigilante. He finds a villain, heals them and goes on with life as if nothing happened. Nothing c... More

Chapter 1: The first meeting
Chapter 2: Life sometimes takes turns you don't intend on taking
Chapter 3: Wilbur is an annoying old man. But he's nice to be around.
Chapter 4: (my Chapter Title Is Too Long)
Chapter 5: Just hold on a moment! I'm supposed to sneak out of here?
Chapter 6: Because I am him
Chapter 7: On unstable waters
CH9 Dreaming of a better life
CH10 A forgotten memory
Chapter 11: The heroes vs a bird Part1
Chapter 12: The heroes vs a bird part2
Chapter 13: The fiancés
Chapter 14: Mending the past
Chapter 15: Tubbo in trouble
Chapter 16: The dinner
Chapter 17: Bedrock bros, assemble!
Chapter 18: Hidden clues
Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!
Chapter ??: A Taster
Chapter 20: Plot escalation my a- wait, what?
Chapter 21: Meanwhile... (in our universe)
Chapter 22: Pointlessness and misery
Dude 🫱 Why?
Get Ready...
CH23 The Search Begins

Chapter 8: There's no fixing this now, is there?

1.1K 40 39
By Rebel6610

It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


Somewhere in the more poorer areas, there was a fight...

"Nuke, dodge!" Ender shouted as he dodged a projectile as well.

They got caught in a villain vs hero fight, and now they have to dodge the attacks of both heroes and villains.

"We have to get out of here!" Nuke said as he ducked behind some debris.

"I know. But how? I don't think I can teleport us out far enough. I'm exhausted", Ender said sitting down.

"Alright, then we'll just stay here a little until you can teleport us and we'll keep doing that until we're far enough", Nuke said.

"Okay", Ender said grabbing Nuke's hand and teleporting them a little farther away.

"Woah, I didn't mean right away, bossman. It's okay, take a breath", Nuke said as Ender took deep breaths.

"Alright, I'll take it easy", Ender said as he took his goggles off.

After a few minutes they were a decent lenght away, so they changed into civilian clothes and headed home.

"How did we even get into that fight?" Ranboo asked as Tubbo closed the apartment door.

"I dunno. One moment we were patrolling, the next moment a villain flying towards us obscures our view, we then unvoluntarily join the fight. Do the pieces make sense?" Tubbo answered as he sat down on the couch.

"I'm too exhausted to make sense of anything right now", Ranboo said.

"I think I'm gonna just head to bed", he continued.

"Alright bossman. Good night Boo", Tubbo replied reaching for a book.

"Good night Bee", Ranboo said ad he walked into the bedroom.

Tommy woke up to the noise of the TV.

"Hello mate. Did you sleep well?" Phil asked him.

"What's the time?" Tommy asked.

"Almost 10pm. You slept quite a lot", Phil said. At the same time the news reporter was saying something about a three way fight.

"Huh? A three way fight? You mean villains vs heroes vs vigilantes? Those are rare", Tommy said as he paid more attention to the TV.

"The Dream Team was fighting the villains Pyromanic and Oleander when suddenly the wanted vigilantes Nuke and Ender showed up", the news reporter said.

Tommy's eyes widened. On the TV there was a recording of the fight.

"Are you okay mate? You look mortified", Phil asked worried.

"Yeah, I am... It's just... That's actually quite close to where my roommates live...", Tommy said.

"Wilbur wouldn't probably mind if I just went to check if they're okay, I reckon", Tommy said getting up.

"I'm sure he doesn't", Phil said.

"They are your roommates after all", he added.

"Yeah...", Tommy replied. He went to put his shoes on and grabbed his bag. "If something bad would happen, I'll call", Tommy said as he left.

Once he was far enough he started bolting towards the apartment. He was thankful that his powers let him go faster than an average human being.

Once he was there he took a deep breath and walked up the stairway. He knocked on the apartment door. He heard some shuffling inside an a muttered "Fuck".

The door then opened and a very shocked looking Tubbo was standing there.

"Tommy?" he asked.

"Hey... I umm... I saw the fight... On TV... And just... You know, wanted to make sure you guys were okay...", Tommy awkwardly muttered.

"Oh. Yeah, don't worry, we're okay! We got out safe", Tubbo said. "You, umm... Wanna come in?" he asked.

"Sure...", Tommy answered.

"Ranboo's already sleeping", Tubbo said as he sat down on the couch. Tommy sat into a chair.

They sat there in silence until Tubbo spoke up.
"So umm...", he started. He then took a deep breath. "I'm sorry... For everything... I shouldn't have gotten mad just cause you finally opened up to someone... I should have been happy for you, since you had it the hardest out of all of us. But I was rude and inconsiderate about it...", Tubbo said.

"Mhm...", was all Tommy could answer. He didn't want an apology from Tubbo. He didn't come to do this again. He just wanted to check if they were okay.

"I understand if you don't wanna come back and stay here, but both me and Boo miss you", Tubbo said.

"Yeah, of course you do...", Tommy said. "If you would, you wouldn't have snapped at me like 3 times. Let me guess, you and Ranboo had a thorough talk about this and he told you that you should apologise. I'm correct, aren't I?" Tommy asked looking up at Tubbo, already feeling the tears prickle at his eyes.

"What? No! It's not that. Yes, me and Boo did talk about it, but he only told me to let you go with your own pace on it. He never said anything about apologising!" Tubbo said.

"You think I'm gonna believe that? I know what Ranboo is like. I know you guys. Don't try to make me believe any of this crap", Tommy said.

Tubbo was about to open his mouth to say something when Tommy interrupted. "And don't even start with the 'We care about you'. I'm tired of it. Don't try to fool me into it! I know you don't! Or at least not anymore!" Tommy said standing up.

"We never stopped caring, what are you even on about, Tommy?! We never stopped!" Tubbo said also standing up.

"Oh don't come at me with that! If you would've cared, then you wouldn't have accused me of breaking our promise in the first place! Or even better, you wouldn't have gotten mad at me for finally finding someone that I can trust!" Tommy shouted, tears running down his. "And don't try to tell me that you were jealous or any of that shit! Cause if you would've cared, you would've been happy for me!" Tommy shouted. They were both crying at this point.

Then, a very confused looking Ranboo came in.
"What's with the yelling-", he started, but before he could even finish his sentence, the sight in front of him told him the answer.

Tubbo slightly crying, while Tommy was looking really mad having tears streaming down his face. Ranboo walked up to Tommy.

"What's wrong?" he tried to ask.

Tommy took a deap breath.
"Ranboo, tell me, and be honest with me, do you two actually care about me? Does he-", he pointed at Tubbo, "does he really care about me? I know you would, you never joined in into the shoutings, but I wanna know about him. Does he actually care, or is he just a dickhead?" Tommy asked.

"He did already answer your question, didn't he?" Ranboo asked.

"Then why... Then why is he like that...? Why can't he just be happy for me...?" Tommy asked his tall friend, now more sad than angry.

"It's alright Tommy. Everything's gonna be fine", Ranboo said as he pulled Tommy into a hug, into which Tommy melted.

Over the time of staying with Wilbur he had gained a great liking to hugs. And so, Tommy just hugged Ranboo back, hoping for this finally peaceful moment to last long.

"Tell me, what is your new friend like? Sorry, I already forgot his name", Ranboo asked.

"Wilbur. Wilbur's really nice. He lives with his father and twin brother. They are both nice people. Phil, his dad, is a great cook, tho when it comes to potato dishes it's always Techno's, Wil's brother's, job", Tommy started.

"That seems really nice. Tell me more, I wanna know", Ranboo said as he sat down with Tommy still clinging onto him.

"Well, Wilbur's a really clingy person, so I get like at least 15 hugs every day. And to be honest, I've gained a liking towards hugs", Tommy explained.

"I can see that", Ranboo commented.

"They live in a huge house! It has one floor for each of them! Plus the kitchen and the living room which have their own floor", Tommy said.

"That's definitely more than what we'll ever have", Ranboo said.

"Yeah...", Tommy said.

Tubbo just stood there watching Tommy talk about Wilbur and his family to Ranboo as if Wilbur would be someone really special. In Tubbo's eyes, Wilbur wasn't any special. In Tubbo's eyes, Wilbur was just another adult who would betray Tommy. Who would throw him out the moment he gets tired of him. In Tubbo's eyes, he was nothing more than that, and he would stay that.

"You're describing him like he's some god that saved you. He's nothing special. He's just another adult who'll throw you out the moment he'll get tired of you", Tubbo said.

Tommy just stayed quiet, not wanting another fight.

"Tubbo, please, don't. You've been fighting enough", Ranboo asked.

"No! I'm not gonna stop. Because I know, that he will turn out just like all the other adults that took Tommy in and cared for him! They threw him out the moment they got tired of him! And this Wilbur guy will do the same!" Tubbo shouted.

"Ranboo, I wanna go. I'm glad you guys are okay after that fight and all, but I really wanna leave now", Tommy said.

"Of course. You go ahead. Wilbur is probably already waiting for you", Ranboo said as he got up.

"Yeah, he most likely is", Tommy said giving a small smile.

And so, Tommy left with Tubbo's shouting and Ranboo's quiet voice as a background noise.

He was just stepping off of the stairs outside when the foor behind him opened and a limping and sad but terrified Ranboo stepped out.

"Ranboo? What happened?" Tommy asked rushing over to his friend.

"Do you think Wilbur will mind another person staying there?" he asked.

"Most definitely not. Come on, let's go. We'll take the tube line", Tommy said leading Ranboo away.

They were on the other side of the road when someone burst through the door to the apartment building.

"Ranboo, wait, please! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" Tubbo shouted stopping at the stairs.

Ranboo only turned the other way looking Tommy. Ranboo was terrified. Of course, Tommy has seen Ranboo scared and all, but never this terrified. And so, he did what a good friend does.

"Ranboo, teleport us to the café", Tommy said quietly, so only Ranboo could hear him.

"Okay", was the answer.

And so, one moment they were in front of the apartment building, the next moment they were in front of Puffy's delights.

"Alright. It's not a long walk to the platform from here, can you go?" Tommy asked Ranboo.

"Yeah, I can do that", Ranboo answered.

They walked to the platform, got on the tube line and got off at the right stop.

"Okay, just a little bit more walking and we're there", Tommy said leading his tall friend to the exit.

"Alright. Do you think you could heal me a little before that? It hurts", Ranboo asked.

"Sure, big man. Let's just get into that alleyway and I'll heal you", Tommy said pointing at an alley.

They walked into the alley and Ranboo sat down. Tommy tried his best to heal his friend enough to continue, but it was taking a lot out of him, because he was tired from the shouting and the crying. When he thought his friend was healed enough, he sat down next to Ranboo.

"Feeling better?" he asked.

"Yeah. Thanks Tommy", Ranboo said.

Then, as if on some kind of que, a cloaked figure jumped down from the building above, blocking their way out.

"Who are you?!" Tommy said standing up.

"Chill kid, it's just happens to be the very lucky villain you saved at some point. Remember?" Siren asked stepping so that Tommy could see him.

"Oh thank god, I thought we were in great trouble, but it's just the idiot that almost died in an alley", Tommy said.

"You're cocky, kid. But you know what? I don't mind this once", Siren said.

"Tommy? What's going on?" Ranboo asked.

"Oh, right, so, remember the fair that I was late to? Yeah, so I was actually late because I had found Siren bleeding out and decided to save his life", Tommy said.

"Yeah, and that's why I'm here. I never really said a proper thank you. So, thank you", Siren said.

"Oh, uh, no problem I guess? I was just being a good person, like always", Tommy said.
"Oh, but we should most likely get back. Wilbur must be really waiting for me now", Tommy said.

"Yeah, you should probably go. It's also getting dark and-", Siren was saying stepping out of the way when he fell over grabbing onto his side.

"Siren? What the fuck happened?" Tommy asked.

"Right... I forgot... 404 is a bitch", Siren said clearly in pain.

"Show me. Now", Tommy demanded.

"Alright, alright, calm down", Siren said sitting up so that he was leaning onto the wall, letting Tommy see his injury.

"That looks pretty bad...", Tommy said as he kneeled down to take a proper look at the wound. "This might hurt a bit", he warned, before he put his hand on top of the wound and started to heal it.

Once the wound was healed enough, Tommy took his hands away and laid down on the ground.

"There. Now you can get home safe", Tommy said.

"Thank you. You really didn't have to do that", Siren said as stood up. "But still, thank you. I'll be on my way now, and so should you", he said before disappearing into the night.

"He's right we gotta go", Tommy said sitting up.

"You ready to switch positions?" Tommy then asked. "Of course. I'm guessing we tell them only about healing me, right?" Ranboo asked as he helped Tommy up.

"Yeah. Only that", Tommy confirmed.

"Alright. Where to now?" Ranboo asked as he helped Tommy lead them to the right place.

"Woah, that's a mansion!" Ranboo exclaimed when they arrived in front of the place.

"Yeah, it really is", Tommy said, already stable enough to stand and walk on his own. "Let's go", he then said, as he walked up to the gate, typed in the code and let Ranboo in. "Welcome to the front yard", the blond said.

"It looks nice", Ranboo said.

"Yeah, dadza takes good care of it", Tommy said.

"Dadza?" Ranboo asked.

"Oh, yeah. That's Phil. He told me to just call him dadza if I wanted, so I'm calling him dadza now", Tommy said.

"Let me guess, you just decided that now, didn't you? " Ranboo asked.

"Yeah, I might've", Tommy said walking up to the door.

"And now, welcome the actual place", Tommy said as he opened the door when Ranboo walked up.
"I'm back! Hope you don't mind Ranboo here. We're both kind of in a fight now with our third roommate", Tommy said as he walked in.

"It's all okay Tommy", Phil said. "Hello mate! I'm Phil. Also known as dadza by these little shits. Nice to meet you", Phil introduced himself.

"Little shits?" Ranboo asked confused.

"Yeah, me, Wil and Techno are the little shits", Tommy said, looking really proud as if being a 'little shit' was the best thing in the world.

"Alright", Ranboo said.

"Wil, careful! You idiot!" they heard Techno say.

"Wil!" Tommy shouted as he saw Wilbur limping down the stairs. "Are you okay?! What happened??!" he asked slightly panicked.

"Don't worry, it's just a small wound. I only fell", Wilbur said.

"I'll heal it, show me", Tommy said.

"No, don't worry, it's not that bad. Just let it heal by itself", Wilbur insisted.

"Are you sure?" Tommy asked looking worried.

"Yes, I'm sure", Wilbur said ruffling Tommy's hair, making Tommy smile a bit.

"Alright. But don't you dare go die on me!" Tommy said.

"I'll try Toms. I'll try", Wilbur said. Tommy sighed. "Need help sitting down? I can tell Techno's had enough of trying to help you", Tommy asked.

"Yes, take him from me. I can't stand all this nerd energy", Techno said as he left Tommy and Wilbur.

"And there he goes", Tommy said.

"So, what's he doing here?" Wilbur asked looking at Ranboo.

"Let's sit down and I'll explain", Tommy said helping Wilbur over to the couch.

They sat down and Tommy explained everything, of course once again leaving the vigilante parts out.

"Oh, I'm so sorry mate. Are you feeling okay?" Phil asked looking at Ranboo.

"I know Tommy already healed you up somewhat, I just wanna make sure", he continued.

"I'm okay", Ranboo said.

"Maybe like a hot chocolate would be good for the both of us", Tommy said.

"Of course. I'll go make some", Phil said smiling.

"Thanks dadza!" Tommy said as he leaned onto Wilbur, making sure he was leaning on the not injured side.

"So, you've decided to call him dadza now as well?" Wilbur asked.

"Yup. I have", Tommy said.

"So, you mean to say that your third roommate has anger issues, and because of that he attacked you? That sounds like something you should change", Techno summarised.

"You're one to talk", Wilbur said.

"I'm just sayin'. He should get some help with those anger issues. He could be a danger to not only them", Techno said.

"Don't worry, Tubbo doesn't have anger issues, he's just very defensive. He's a ram hybrid after all", Ranboo said.

"Yeah, I don't think Toby has any anger issues. If anything, he has terrible trust issues. I mean, yeah I know why, but like, he should try it at least. It's actually quite nice not thinking nonstop about someone betraying me. It feels refreshing", Tommy said.

"Tommy, can I ask something?" Ranboo asked.

"Sure. What's up big man?" Tommy asked.

"What do you call him that? I mean why do you not call Tubbo Tubbo?" Ranboo asked.

"He doesn't deserve to be called that by me. He just doesn't. I will only call him that when we are friends. As of right now, I don't consider us friends", Tommy explained. Ranboo just hummed as an answer.

"The hot chocolate is done!" Phil said walking in with a tray that had 5 mugs on it. He then handed one to everyone. "I put some painkillers in yours Wil. You better drink it", Phil warned.

"Alright dadza, I'll drink it", Wilbur said.

Ranboo took a sip of his hot chocolate and his eyes widened. "This is really good!" he exclaimed.

"I'm glad you think that mate", Phil said.

After some more talking Tommy and Ranboo helped Wilbur up to his own floor and then went to sleep.



/n Hello loves! It is I, your beloved author, Lixxie. I have come to tell you some important things about the book. Chapters 9 and 10 won't be available here on Wattpad for now. They are short fillers but a have a quite important part in the lore, but will not be posted here until the story is finished. You may read them on AO3(Archive Of Our Own) if you wish. I know some people have heard bad or unpleasant things about it, but I've tried to make it an as pleasant reading there as possible. You don't even need an account to read! Thank you for reading this small message!


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