A vigilante who heals villain...

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Tommmy is a vigilante. He finds a villain, heals them and goes on with life as if nothing happened. Nothing c... Több

Chapter 1: The first meeting
Chapter 2: Life sometimes takes turns you don't intend on taking
Chapter 3: Wilbur is an annoying old man. But he's nice to be around.
Chapter 4: (my Chapter Title Is Too Long)
Chapter 5: Just hold on a moment! I'm supposed to sneak out of here?
Chapter 6: Because I am him
Chapter 8: There's no fixing this now, is there?
CH9 Dreaming of a better life
CH10 A forgotten memory
Chapter 11: The heroes vs a bird Part1
Chapter 12: The heroes vs a bird part2
Chapter 13: The fiancés
Chapter 14: Mending the past
Chapter 15: Tubbo in trouble
Chapter 16: The dinner
Chapter 17: Bedrock bros, assemble!
Chapter 18: Hidden clues
Chapter 19: Why?!?!?!
Chapter ??: A Taster
Chapter 20: Plot escalation my a- wait, what?
Chapter 21: Meanwhile... (in our universe)
Chapter 22: Pointlessness and misery
Dude 🫱 Why?
Get Ready...
CH23 The Search Begins

Chapter 7: On unstable waters

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Rebel6610 által

It seems cc!Wilbur danger is over, so the title has been changed back. But, please do let me know if cc!Wilbur danger comes back!


After breakfast and multiple minutes of pleading, Tommy managed to make Wilbur agree to something. He wanted to go back to work. His bosses, Puffy and Bad, were most likely already very worried for him.

And so, Wilbur and Tommy sat on the tube line on their way to Puffy's delights.

"I hope Puffy and Bad aren't mad or sum shit. If anything, I hope the worst is going to be that they're worried", Tommy said as he leaned onto Wilbur.

"Oh, don't worry. If anything happens, I'll explain that you got hurt and I was the one in charge of taking care of you. I'm a responsible adult, so they'll probably even believe me", Wilbur said wrapping an arm around Tommy's shoulder.

"You? A responsible adult? You don't even look like one. You're wearing a slightly stained yellow sweater, some absolutely fake looking round glasses and even your hair looks like a mop of mess. If anything, you look like a homeless adult" Tommy stated.

"Shut up, child", Wilbur replied.

When they arrived Tommy dashed into the café looking for Bad, Puffy or Foolish, who was one of Puffy's sons.

"Hello and welcome to- TOMMY?!?" Foolish sputtered from behind the counter when he saw Tommy dashing in. "Oh my god, you're okay! Where were you? Mom and Bad were both worried sick! You know how they are!" Foolish asked running up to Tommy.

"I'm fine, but is either one of them here?" Tommy answered.

"Mom's in the back", Foolish said flabbergasted.

"Thanks! I'll be right back! Wil, you wait here!" Tommy shouted as he ran into the back of the building.

"And you are?" Foolish asked Wilbur.

"I'm Wilbur. Nice to meet you. I'm the one who took care of Tommy while he was 'disappeared'", Wilbur said quoting the word disappeared.

"Oh, okay", Foolish just said going back behind the counter.

As soon as Tommy ran in through the doors he saw Puffy.

"Puffy! I'm back! Please don't freak out, I'll explain!" Tommy said as he ran up to Puffy.

"Tommy? Where were you?! You could've sent me a message that you'd be missing an entire week!" Puffy exclaimed.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot. I got hurt, and I couldn't come to work. But all's okay now! I was in the care of 3 adults and I'm completely okay now", Tommy said. "One of them is actually here. He's out there is you wanna do the you know 'adult talk'", he added.

"No need for 'adult talk', but I'd like to meet one of the people whom you let take care of you. Cause last time I checked, Bad, Foolish and me were the only adults you trusted", Puffy said walking into the front Tommy behind her.

"Well, you see, he's different. Wilbur and his family are different", Tommy said.

As they stepped through the doors Tommy made a dash towards Wilbur, enveloping the brunette in a hug.

"Wil! We're okay! She's not that mad! She's more worried!" Tommy said.

"Oh, that's great Toms", Wilbur said wrapping his arms around Tommy enveloping the blonde in a hug as well.

"So, you're Wilbur?" Puffy asked as she walked up to them. "I've never seen Tommy this comfortable around any other adults. You really must be different, huh?" Puffy asked as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah, as said, Wilbur and his family are different. No buts or changes", Tommy said now only leaning onto Wilbur.

Puffy and Wilbur chatted a while about what happened, while Tommy just enjoyed the comfort and peace of leaning onto Wilbur.

Then suddenly, as if the world just didn't want Tommy to be happy, two familiar faces walked in. As soon as Tommy saw them his heart dropped and he leaned even more onto Wilbur, hoping that the taller got the hint. And luckily, Wilbur got the hint.

"What's wrong Toms?" he asked.

"Them...", Tommy just said. Wilbur then looked around and saw Tubbo and Ranboo.

"Oh. Uhm, well if you wanna, we can leave. We can go back", Wilbur suggested.

Tommy shook his head. "No, I wanna stay. I wanna do something else then being in the house all day", Tommy said.

"Alright then. But if you get uncomfortable with being here then just tell me and we'll leave", Wilbur said wrapping an arm around Tommy protectively. Tommy nodded as he leaned into the brunette's embrace.

"Aww, that's so cute. Tommy is okay with us, but he's not even with us this cuddly and hugging. I'm so glad he has someone like that now", Puffy said.

"Yeah...", Wilbur just said not taking his eyes off of Tommy.

Meanwhile, a few metres away someone was staring at them.

"Tubbo, come on, you gotta stop that. Let him be alone. He clearly doesn't wanna have anything to do with us, given that he called you Toby the last time we talked", Ranboo tried to convince his friend.

"And that's more the reason why I should keep doing this. Tommy calling me Toby? A very rare occasion, which means something is clearly up with him. And as his best friends it's our job to find out what it is", Tubbo said, trying to ignore how right his tall friend was.

He didn't want to admit that Tommy wanted to have nothing to do with them. He couldn't bear that. They were supposed to be best friends, and if he would've admitted to himself that Tommy wants to have nothing to do with them, it would just further prove his point that it's his fault. That he had driven Tommy away. Just because of some stupid promise that they made when they were younger.

"Tubbo, please stop. You're not only making it worse for Tommy, you're also making it worse for yourself. I know it's hard to accept that you messed up, but the only way that you'll be able to have at least some chance of fixing it is admitting that you messed up. You can't keep denying it forever", Ranboo said.

Tubbo sighed and turned towards Ranboo. "I know... It's just that I'm still mad that he just like that got so close with some random guy, even though he was the one if us who held most close to our promise. He had it worst, yet he opened up so easy to that Wilbur dude", Tubbo said. "But I still know that it's my fault... That I drove him away by being an absolute dick... But I still can't help but be mad for it...", he continued as he leaned onto the table resting his head on his palms.

"I know it's hard, but it's gonna get easier if you just accept that for right now, there is nothing you can do. Just let him be, and let him relax. He'll come back and we'll all make up and be friends again!" Ranboo said smiling.

"Yeah... You're right... I can't do anything about it for right now, but I might have a chance to turn events later if I now accept it...", Tubbo said. "Come on, let's go. The streets won't protect themselves. They need vigilantes", Tubbo said as he got up.

"Yeah", Ranbo said getting up as well.

"Okay, you head out already, I'll be there in a moment", Tubbo said as Ranboo nodded and walked away.

He then walked towards Wilbur, Tommy and Puffy and took a deep breath. "Hey, umm... I don't wanna bother you too much, but if you need me and Ranboo, Tommy, or just wanna talk about in general anything or for whatever reason you'd maybe want to see us, you're welcome to do so any time. Just letting you know that if you're ready to talk about our argument, then you can do so anytime... Well, umm, see ya, I guess?" Tubbo said as he walked off giving a small wave.

Tommy just stared as Tubbo walked away. As he disappeared from his vision, he leaned back onto Wilbur. Wilbur wrapped his arms around Tommy.

"Mom! Help!! Quick, please!!" they heard Foolish shout from the counter.

"Ah, I'd better go and help him before he messes up something. It was nice talking, Wilbur. I hope you come back to work soon Tommy! Bye!" Puffy said as she ran off to help her panicked son.

"Wanna head home?" Wilbur asked Tommy.

"Yeah...", Tommy replied. "Alright, let's go then", Wilbur said as he led Tommy out of the café.

"What did you do, Tubbo?" Ranboo asked when the smaller walked up to him.

"I let Tommy know that he's welcome back home whenever he wants. And we're always available to talk or anything", Tubbo said pulling his vigilante gear on.

"That's good", Ranboo said giving Tubbo a smile before he pulled his own vigilante gear on.

Tommy and Wilbur just go out of the café, when they saw a fight a few metres away burst out. Someone flew towards them and just barely missed hitting Tommy over. Tommy yelped as the man flung right beside him.

"Are you okay Tommy?" Wilbur asked pulling Tommy a little farther away from the fight.

"Yeah...", Tommy said, still a little shocked.

"Not another step, civilians", they then heard someone say.

"Huh?. What?" Tommy asked.

Someone then jumped down from the building next to them and they got surrounded by villains.

"I said not another step. What are you, deaf?" the villain asked.

"Hey! Let the civilians go!" someone shouted.

'Oh great, were stuck in the crossfire of a hero vs villain fight... Great...', Tommy thought to himself.

"And why should I? It's just an advantage for me to hold them captive. I have a bargaining chip", the villain said.

'Yup, definitely stuck in the crossfire of a hero vs villain fight', Tommy thought.

"Okay, alright, you know we never agreed to be bargaining chips. And you just claiming us as those just breaks our rights. You know, we have rights. And one of them is the freedom to choose what we wanna be. And we never chose to be bargaining chips", Tommy said.

'I hate helping those self-centered heroes, but maybe this will get us out of this crossfire sooner. The villains always hate it when I do my talking', Tommy thought.

"What? You're being held captive by a villain and the most important thing on your mind is that you didn't have the chance to choose what you wanna be? Your complaint isn't that you're gonna die, it's some shit about having your right to choose what you wanna be taken away just because I called you bargaining chips?" the villain questioned.

"Yes, exactly", Tommy answered.

"What's wrong with you kid? What's wrong with him?" the villain first questioned Tommy then Wilbur.

"Absolutely nothing is wrong with me. What's wrong with you? I mean, you're the one here holding innocent people captive. The question should more likely be what's wrong with you, big man. There has to be something wrong if you're doing something like this", Tommy answered.

And just as Tommy finished his sentence, a giant projectile hit the villain, sending them flying. The hero then took care of the rest of them.

"Wow kid, you got some survival instincts. I couldn't even think of hero who could spark up a conversation like that with a villain making them so confused that it would act as a distraction. I gotta hand it to you, that was pretty clever", the hero said.

"Well, what can I do, I am pretty clever", Tommy said.

Once the hero made absolute sure that they weren't hurt, they let Tommy and Wilbur go and continue what they were doing.

"Thank Clementine we're out of there. I hate those heroes. Tho, Pride is one of the actually good heroes. They even said I was smart!" Tommy said.

"Yeah, they did. I'm glad we're out of that situation as well. Tho, that really was a smart move to start talking to distract the villains to give Pride the chance to land a good blow. I'm impressed Toms", Wilbur said as they continued their way back.

They chatted through the whole trip back about the previous situation.

"Hey mates. You guys took long", Phil remarked as Wilbur and Tommy stepped in.
"Yeah, we had a nice chat with one of Tommy's bosses. Then we almost got taken by a group of villains, but thank the heavens, LGBTQ hero Pride was there", Wilbur explained as he sat on the couch.

"Huh, busy day then", Phil answered as he turned the TV on.
"Oh hey look! That's us! On TV!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Seems like so...", Wilbur said as he sat down on the couch.

Tommy went into the kitchen to find Techno at the stove.

"What'cha making big T?" he asked.

"Big T? Is that what you're calling me now?" Techno answered with a question.

"Yes, it is. What are you making?" Tommy answered.

"Food", Techno said.

"Yes, I can see that, but what food is it?" Tommy asked curious.

"Curiosity killed the cat", Techno simply answered.

"Huh?" Tommy asked confused.

"Curiosity killed the cat. You'll find out what it is later", Techno said.

"Why?" Tommy asked dragging out the 'y'. "Why can't I know now?" he asked.

"Because it would be hard to explain to you what I'm doing without you getting confused", Techno answered.

"Fine", Tommy gave up.

He went back into the living room to find a sleeping Wilbur on the couch. Not having anything better to do, he sat down next to Wilbur and then laid down next to him. Soon he was asleep as well.

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