Desire Of The Soul ...

By tcsxkierra

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Sometimes the heart &' soul turn on one another, leaving the mind left to end the feud.... More

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287 15 9
By tcsxkierra


Three months has passed since Karen found out she was pregnant and everyday i been watching my baby grow everyday .. we've been more happier and stress free  .

"Baby can you bring me some orange juice " Karen yelled from the couch .. she's been on bed rest a lot because anything could happen and we wanna make sure she and our baby is healthy & okay . "Yeah ma i gotchu" i pour some orange juice into a glass cup .

As i walk to the couch to hand karen her orange juice i hear a knock on the door . "Who is it" i yell "POLICE OPEN THE HELL UP RIGHT NOW" my heart instantly drops .. i quickly open the door "HAAA got yo scary ass" Jacky yells

"Oh my god y'all are so stupid" i laugh, Dorinda stands in the door way laughing hard "Oh my godddd Jacky you got him good !"

I look over to Karen to see her laughing "What's funny little ma'am" i say kissing on her "Nothingg"
i notice she's laughing too hard .. "KAREN YOU KNEW??"

They begin to all laugh together in sync "Mannn yall crazy im heading upstairs J drew waiting on me" I walk up the stairs while they still laugh all together

Karen ..

    "Whewww that was hilarious oh my god y'all should of seen his face when y'all knocked" i say while rubbing my stomach Dorinda runs over to the couch "Awww !! look at my pregnant sisterrrrrrrrrr" she says in a baby voice "Girl your stomach bigger than it was with Kierra and J drew ! you sure it's not twins ? you only three months " Jacky said

"Jacky you know i ain't having no damn twins , i would lose my mind !" I say with a chuck "You right, But have you talked to The kids ?" Jacky asked "Yeah i have .. they're excited i even told Jacob and kali .. I really want this pregnancy to be good and stress free yall .. i wanna do everything i wasn't able to do with Kierra and J drew . i couldn't be a true mother to them because Drew always had me beat up or busy with something else " tears started to slowly fill my eyes

"Karen it's okay .. this is your chance to do better and be better it's not your fault for what happened with Drew . you have to let him go he will continue to mess with your brain if you don't .. your happy now Karen let it sink inside" Dorinda spoke

i guess i haven't really sat down and thought about me being happy with Darius .. i know i am but it hasn't really sunk that im in a good healthy relationship now ..

"But enough of sadness ! girl we gotta go shoppingggg !! you should start getting clothes and things for the baby" Dorinda said in a loud voice "Dorinda we don't even know the gender" Jacky says while popping Dorinda in the forehead

"Ow !!!" Dorinda yelled "Can you two stop fighting and let's go shopping i haven't had a nice little shopping spree in a while " I say

"Wait Karen ? do you still have Drew's credit card information?" Jacky asked "Hell yeah !" i replied

"THEN WHAT WE WAITING FOR LETS GO" Dorinda said grabbing the car keys and heading to the door , Jacky helped me put my shoes on and we headed out the door .

20 mins later ...

"Finally we here Dorinda would of drove us to the upper room driving like that " I laugh at Jackys comment "Oh hush Jacky i don't even drive fast" Dorinda said

Me and Jacky both look at each other knowing she lying , Dorinda helps me out the car "I don't know why y'all treating me like a baby i'm only three months" i chuckle "You know your our little sister" Jacky said

We walk into the mall and i already feel weird seeing all theses people in one place again .. i don't really like coming here because people are rude and disrespectful i would rather just go to the actual stores without it being in the mall .

Me Dorinda and Jacky walk into forever 21 "Now Dorinda you know your ass is too old to be going into forever 21 , what you about to buy ? a fanny pack?" Jacky says giggling "Oh you got Jokes Madea ?" Dorinda said

They make me laugh all the time they are so funny and goofy together , "Would y'all stop acting up in this store got this people looking at us crazy" I say hitting both of them

We continue to walk into some stores , i didn't see any maternity clothes or any baby clothes "Karen and Jacky !" Dorinda yells outside of the store "What girl" I say "Shhh look over there ! thats the lady that looks just like karen " Dorinda said

Me and Jacky gasps , "That's the girl i seen" i said she had orange/red-ish curly hair with a very nice slim thick body .. she looked exactly like me in the face just a younger version

"Why do we keep seeing her .. and who the hell is she .. i have so many questions" I said watching her walk around the mall "I don't know who this bitch is but we gone find out " Jacky said

Where did this Twin of Karen's come from ???

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