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Acting up ...

"Fuck Drew ! " i moaned softly.. before i could reach my climax Drew pulled out "Drew Uh uh stop playing what you doing ?" he let out a small chuckle pulling his pants up and walked away , " Drew come back stop playing so much" i whined . He walked back over to the bed leaving a peck on my lips looking into my eyes .. you could see there was sexual tension between us , "No more Karen " tears began to fill my eyes " B-But why ? what did i do "

"Baby .. we can't do this all day You know we have to go out with your sister . You know how you are once you start you can't stop , now go get ready sexy okay ? " he spoke , while leaving a small kiss on my forehead . "Finee " i pick myself up from the bed and began to get ready in the bathroom .

Drew was my everything .. i loved him so much. i loved sex with him i was addicted to his body .. his love was just everything it was hard staying away from him and hard not doing things with him .. the love i had for him was unexplainable.

I continue to get ready , i put on my nice blouse and some leather pants . i wasn't in the mood to get all dressed up .. i put on my Jewelry and headed downstairs to grab my heels  , As i'm walking i see Drew's eyes staring me up and down . "Whatt" i said in a quiet soft voice "Nothing baby .. your just so gorgeous "  i blushed and headed to the kitchen where he was .

"Thank you baby " i say as i kiss him and head back over to grab my heels , as i put my heels on Drew gets a call . i'm pretty sure it's Jacky cause i can hear someone yelling "Wheres Karen ?! " i laughed as Drew try's to tell her we are almost ready , i grab my purse and my fur coat . Drew hangs up the phone and grabs my wrist " You look so beautiful " i smiled hard " Thank you baby .."  we headed to the car and started to drive off .

I stare at my phone thinking about what i wanted to press , i noticed while Drew was driving he kept staring " Babe stop " i say playfully hitting him "I'm sorry i got carried away " , Overall i did have a little attitude with Drew . my body was calling his name and he just kinda brushed it off .. but i knew what he was doing , so since he wanted to play that game i could too .

We finally got to the Restaurant, Jacky was outside waiting for us , as we walked in there was a very nice table .."Finally yall here come on let's sit down and order " Jacky said loudly . I love my sister .. even though she's always loud but she's an amazing big sister .
We sat and ordered while we were waiting for our food i laid my hand on Drew's lap ..

"Karen stop " he whispered in my ear I ignored and kept it right there .. I knew what i was doing , i wanted him to see it also ..
Our food came and we began to have a very nice deep conversation about the church and family .. we laughed especially Jacky .

After we finished eating i grabbed Drew's pants and he bit his lip "Your gonna get in trouble "  i continued because that's what i wanted .. for him to Punish me , "Y'all are some nasty freaks " Jacky said out loud "Jack Shhh " i whispered while giggling , "we will be back " Drew spoke to Jacky

We walked to the bathroom and Drew pinned me against the while while slipping his fingers into my clit " What i tell you about acting up in public ? " i began to stutter as i felt his fingers going in and out of me " I-I'm Sorry " i said "You better be .. just wait till we get home " he whispered in my ear while pulling his fingers out of my clit , we headed out the bathroom and seen Jacky sitting there shaking her head "What ?" i said with a confused face .

"Y'all are just nasty " she said while giggling , We paid for our food said our goodbyes to jacky and headed home .. as we driver in the car it was very silent .. i had a feeling he was gonna tear me up when we get home so i stayed quiet , We finally got home and Drew headed upstairs without saying a word .

I headed to the bathroom to get undress and noticed Drew was sleep on the bed , i put on my night gown and headed to bed cause nothing was gonna happen tonight ...

Little did i know ...

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