13 ♥︎

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Since Karen was out with her sisters , i decided to head over to my pops since he called me over , i really didn't wanna hear from him knowing he raped a innocent person but he my pops so i can't shut him out forever i guess .

"Hey Darius , glad to see you son " he said hugging me "glad to see you too pops ." we walked in and i sat on the couch "so what you call me over here for?." he took a sip of his coffee and sat back in his chair i knew he had some evil plan in mind just by the look on his face , "Well son .. since you brought up Karen i would like to have a dinner with her and apologize .." he said grinning , i sat there thinking if he was being serious or evil .. i wasn't tryna put Karen in no danger especially since i know how dangerous my father is .

"Why ? you waited all theses years to apologize hell no i ain't setting up no date for y'all ." i say standing up , "look son i ain't invite you here to argue .. besides why do you care so much if i have a date with her ? you got a crush on a old woman ? ." he said laughing , "Why you in my business? i'm grown now pops , and watch your mouth she ain't old ." i said balling up my fist "Son .. i'm trying to be nice here , i don't know who you think you is you ain't nobody Darius .. So set that date up with me and Karen or your business is gone ." he says pushing me out the door ,

"Shit " i yelled walking to my car , i know Karen don't wanna be no where near him and now he tryna apologize when he could of apologized years ago now i'm all in the mix of this shit , i gotta figure a way how to tell Karen without her getting upset .

Karen ...

"What are y'all doing here ? i didn't expect to see y'all how y'all doing ?." Niecy said , Everybody got quiet so i spoke up "Hey Niecy um , we heard you were back in town so we decided to stop by and check in ." I responded she begin to get teary eyed i knew it was because she ain't see us in years but it was for a reason . "Hey Jacky ." Jacky waved , "Hey Dorinda " Dorinda ignored "Dorinda stop being mean and say hey ." i whispered in her ear "Hello Niecy " she said fake smiling, a boy came around the corner with boxes "Who is this ?." Dorinda said "That's my son Andrew, Andrew theses are your aunties Karen , Dorinda and Jacky you have another one Twinkie but she's not here ."

"Hello Aunties ." He replied , we waved and he walked out the door i started to get shakey because i knew that's the child Niecy lied about , i stormed out the door and Dorinda ran after me . "You want me to get the gun out the car cause i can ?." she said "Dorinda please ." i said laughing , "I'm okay i'm just upset that she said that child wasn't Drew's but he got a name like Drew ." i said breaking down "It's okay Karen.. all we can do is shoot bitches- i mean talk it out the right way and Drew is in the hospital so we can't do anything ." i wiped my tears and hugged Dorinda .

All i could do was be hurt my big sister did all of this to me when i did nothing to her .. i was just hoping to find some peace in my life right now that's all i want , We walked back in the house and Jacky sat there on her tablet and Niecy was walking around taking things out of the boxes , "Alright Niecy we gone head out great seeing you ." Dorinda said rolling her eyes , "I'm so happy to see you guys hopefully we can catch up sometimes ." niecy said closing the door , we all walked to the car in disgust .

"Karen you lucky i love you cause it was so hard acting like her "sister " everytime i see her i get disgusted ." Dorinda said Getting in her car , I laughed " I'll see y'all later imma go head over to the house and get a few more things." i said waving out the window driving off . i was scared to go to the house but i had to .

I parked in our drive way and walked in from the back door .. it sounded like somebody was cleaning up something , i seen blood on the stairs all the way down to the carpet on the floor which made me mad cause ion play about my carpet i went upstairs and my body instantly froze , there was Drew singing my songs and cleaning up the mess , when Darius said he was gonna hurt Drew i didn't know it was gonna be this bad .. and i can't believe Drew is out the hospital .

"D-Drew ? what are you doing here? i thought you were in the hospital." I said , he looked up with a shocked look on his face , he ran up to me and hug me " Karen ! oh baby i missed you so much " i instantly pulled him off of me , "Drew it's not what you think .. i'm not coming back to you i just came to get a few things and i'm out please get off of me ." I say pushing him off " K-Karen please ."

As Drew was speaking i heard a woman voice calling for Drew , i looked down the stairs and there was Niecy .. i knew she was still inlove with him and that's the only reason why she came back to Detroit .

"Niecy ???!!! You know what i should get Going Drew." i say walking down the stairs giving Niecy a look .

I was trying to find a way to forgive Niecy .. but the fact she's still trying to mess with Drew again after all theses years .. i could never forgive her .

I was done with her

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