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Darius ...

I wasn't about to play with Drew , he been basically abusing Karen for years . i'm in her life now and i'm not gonna let that slide i didn't wanna kill her husband cause that is her kids father but at this point fuck all of that i can't believe she been with this man for that long and going through this shit they seemed like a perfect couple but i guess not .

I Drove to Karen's house , i knew she was scared because she seen how mad i was , i have a terrible temper and i don't ever wanna take it out on her she doesn't deserve that , i notice everytime i grab her to bring her closer she jumps like she scared i'm gonna hit her . that shit ain't cool at all she's traumatized but i'm gone deal with it fashoo .

I finally got there and knocked on the door , nobody came i was hoping this nigga didn't leave the house i was so heated i wanted to beat this man so bad there's no reason you should ever beat on a woman , my father did that to my mom and i never looked at him the same for that lame ass shit.

After about 5 knocks nobody still didn't come to the door i walked around the back and seen the door open , i walked upstairs to see if anybody was up there all the room doors were wide open i went to there bedroom and seen the closet open . i went inside and seen Drew gasping for air because he was hanging onto a rope that was around his neck .

"Yoo what the fuck ?" i untied the rope from around his neck and let him down .

"ugh ... oh .. my .. god thank you son ." he said still trying to breathe correctly i was upset from what Karen told me but it seem like he was about to commit suicide i know how that feel to want to leave this earth and i wasn't gonna let him go like that no matter how much i hate him but i will handle him myself .

"Yea anyways  , why were you tied to that rope were you trying to commit bishop ?."

"Yes , i miss First lady a lot and i feel bad for the things i did to her ."

This Nigga had the nerve , i couldn't believe what he said you do all this shit to her and when she finally leaves you miss her ? what kinda shit is this yo .

"What you do to her ?."

"I said some, um very uh means things ." he says still trying to breathe

I grabbed him and begin to choke him " WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER NIGGA ?." i pulled my gun out and pistol whipped him he fell to the ground , "What the hell is wrong with you ." he yelled .

I got on the ground and neal , "No , i should be asking you nigga , why the fuck you touching Karen ? beating her in her stomach right ." i punched him in the stomach .

"HOW THAT FEEL NIGGA ? YOU ABUSING WOMAN NOW ? YOUR A WHOLE BISHOP AND ABUSING YOUR WIFE , how would the church feel about that huh ?." i kicked him and he begin to cough up blood .

I grabbed my phone and called Doe and Jacky , i knew they was with all the smoke i also called a few homies just in case for back up , we was gone take this nigga out . "Yoo Jacky ? this Darius how you doing ma'am ?."

"Hey Darius i'm good is everything okay with Karen ? does she need us back over there?."

"Nawl shes fine, but i need you and Doe to pull up to her house , she's not here but i am we got some business to take care of ."

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