Hazy Shade of Winter [ON HOLD...

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Adriana was born on October 1, 1989 like 42 other children. Like the others, she was far from ordinary. She... More

Aesthetic and Playlist
Playlist II


50 1 0
By TheQuietHufflepuff



Five and Adriana walked along the street, looking at the address he'd received from the Handler.


Five entered and said to a woman, "Excuse me."

The woman stood straight. "Uff da. You snuck up on me there. If you're looking for the cookies, we don't put 'em out till 3:00."

"I can hardly wait. Uh, do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?"

"Sure you. Muskellunge Banquet Room. You looking for your mom? She in for the convention?"

"Hey, could I get some change?" Adriana asked sweetly.

"Oh, sure, I'll just look in my purse." Five handed her the money and exhaled slowly. "Only a nickel and a couple of dimes. Oh! You... are... in... luck, dear." She chuckled softly as she handed her the change.

"You know, some say the best luck is to die at the right time," Five said as he walked away, followed by Adriana, and walked through the halls. "Why'd you get money?"

Adriana handed him the change. "I thought food could help the spatial jumping."

Five smiled as he took the change. "Thanks." He made his way to a vending machine and inserted the coins. He tried getting a Fudge Nutter, but it got stuck. He hit the machine and shook it.

Five scoffed. "Come on! Stupid mother Fudge Nutter! Fuckin' Fudge Nutter!" He grunted and shook it, causing other packages to fall.

Adriana tilted her head. "Well, that's one way to do it."

He kicked the vending machine and the glass broke and he walked away. As he did so, he passed a cake and swiped his finger along the bottom and licked the frosting off his finger.

He came upon a room and noticed an axe. He grabbed it off the wall and sighed. "Ana, I'd rather you not see this."

Adriana frowned. "Five, what are you going to do?"

"Something awful."

Adriana nodded slowly. "Just, uh, okay."

As he entered, AJ said, "Let's move on to article 17, please." AJ noticed him. "You!"

"What's he doing..." a woman began.

"Call security!"

The axe thwacked as Five cut the arm off the woman who was going to call security and she yelled.

"No!" AJ yelled as the dial tone hummed.

Five used the axe on everyone while spatial jumping and killed everyone except AJ who ducked under the table.

AJ poked his head up as Five spatial jumped on the table in front of him. "She sent you, didn't she?"

"Does it really matter now?" Five asked.

"Whatever she offered you, I will double it, triple it."

"I'm not doing this for money." He raised the axe and an attendant shrieked as she knocked him to the ground.

Five struggled with the attendant and grunted. "Get off me!"

"You're gonna pay for that vending machine, little mister," the attendant told him.

"Yeah?" Five elbowed her face and escaped her grasp. "I don't wanna hurt you, all right?"

She punched him. "Hurt me? Oh, I ain't afraid of you, you little pus ball."

Five punched her, knocking her out. He realized AJ was gone and muttered, "Shit."

He grabbed another weapon and ran from the room. Adriana watched him run past and followed him.

AJ ran through the halls and panted. He gasped when Five spatial jumped in front of him and said, "Surely we can come to some form of agreement that benefits both parties. Quid pro quo? What do you say?"

"Why not?" Five replied. "Here's your quid." He smacked AJ's stomach with the wooden handle and AJ shrieked. He hit AJ's leg and AJ fell with a groan. Five sighed.

"No! No! Please don't!" AJ whimpered.

"Here's your quo." He raised his weapon.


Five smashed the fish tank and AJ fell to the ground with a thud.

Two girls walked out and said, "Oh," before returning to the room with a murmur.

Five sighed again and the fish flopped on the ground as the polka music continued.

Adriana stared at the flopping fish, then to Five. "Well that was violent."


A clock ticked.

"I hate to disappoint you, Benny boy, but you are not getting in this body," Klaus said, staring across the way at Ben. "No way."

"Well, you're gonna have to fall asleep eventually," Ben told him with a kiss.

"This is nothing. Once, in Rio, I spent eight straight days up."

"Without chemical assistance?"

"Listen, the point is I'm not gonna let you win." He started falling asleep and opened his eyes, inhaling sharply. "God, I hate your face."

"I hate all of you."

"Please, just..." Klaus whispered, starting to fall asleep again and gasped.

Ben shushed him. "It's okay. Fall asleep."

A clock chimed and Klaus gasped, spilling the contents of his teacup on him.

"Hey!" Klaus exclaimed. "Ben! Jesus Christ! Will you please...?" He set the teacup down. "Just, look, I'm going through a lot right now."

"You're always going through a lot."

"Ben-uhh! The love of my life is gonna die, and I can't stop it. I've tried every trick in the time-traveler's playbook. I told him I loved him. I told... I told him his future."

"And the only thing you succeeded in doing was freaking him out."

"Oh, God, I hate this. Not being able to do anything."

"Klaus, the way you feel right now is the way I feel every day. All I do is watch you make the same mistakes over and over and over and over and over again. Welcome to powerlessness."

"Oh, my God. That must suck. I'm sorry."

"You wanna make it up to me?"


"Come on, please!"

"You cannot possess me."

"Just for a few minutes!"

"No. Why? What's so damn important?"

"Jill. I..." he sighed. "I want to to talk to her."

"Jill... Oh, that's the, um..." he clicked his tongue. "The Moroccan girl with the limp? Right?"

"Seriously? We've been over this."

"I so rarely listen to you."


"All right, fine."

"Okay." Ben crouched above Klaus.

Klaus put his hands on Ben's shoulders. "But wait!"


"We need to talk about ground rules."


Cutlery clinked.


"Excuse me, babe," Sissy said.

Sissy took Vanya's plate and the latter said, "Thanks."

"Mm-hmm," Sissy hummed, taking Carl's who smiled smugly.

Zoe Muth's Give Me a Reason to Stay played over the radio.

Carl stood and switched the radio off and he sat back down.

"You want a beer, Carl?" Sissy asked.

"No, ma'am," Carl replied, leaning back.

Sissy walked to the table and cleared her throat as she pushed in a chair before looking at Vanya. "I'm taking Harlan in for his checkup. It'd be nice if you came along."

Vanya smiled. "Yeah, I'd love that." She turned to Harlan. "And we could go to the park after or something?"

"Actually, I need Vanya to give me a ride up to Jim Garvey's ranch," Carl said. "Says he's got a new lead on a client for me. He'll give me a ride back when we're done."

Sissy looked at her husband. "Harlan likes when Vanya comes along. Helps keep him calm." She turned to Vanya. "You'll come with us."

"I said I need her."

"It's okay," Vanya told Sissy. "I'll go with Carl."

Sissy nodded. "Fine." She walked towards her son. "Let's go, babe." Keys jingled. "We'll be back in a little while."

The door opened and closed.


Allison was sitting on the couch looking out the window and turned as her husband asked, "Babe, have you seen my green tie?"

"Where are you going?" Allison questioned.

"I just got off the phone with Miles. Apparently, Robert Kennedy's people reached out from the AG's office. They wanna sit down. Our little protest got their attention."

"Baby, that..." She chuckled. "That's amazing. But, uh, I was hoping that maybe we could..."

Ray put on his tie. "Miles wants to strategize, get everybody on the same page. Can you believe this? All of our hard work is finally paying off."

"I'm really happy for you, baby."

"Do you wanna come with?"

"No. No, you go ahead. I'm, um... not feeling too well."

"Oh. Well... I'll be back soon. And I will bring soup." He kissed her, slipped on his hat and jacket, and started leaving.

"Hey, Ray?"


"I love you."

Ray smiled and left.

Allison watched him go out the window.


Five stood waiting for the Handler, a bag in hand. Adriana stood next to him, crossing her arms.

Footsteps approached and Five scoffed softly.

"Well?" the Handler questioned as Five, without looking, held out the bag with the fish and the Handler gasped. "AJ!"

The Handler took the bag and cackled. She cooed and sighed as Five turned to her before she continued. "You know, you're really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours." she giggled. "Why so quiet? Thought you'd be buzzing after this morning's slaughter."

"All this killing... I'm done with it," Five told her.

She pulled out a cloth. "What? Am I supposed to take that seriously?" She started cleaning his face.

"What I did today, I did for my family and Ana. I did it to save the world."

"Please. Spare me your little assassin with the heart of gold routine, will you?" She picked up a briefcase. "Here. Per our agreement. This will get you, your siblings, and your brother-in-law back to 2019. You have 90 minutes." She began walking away.

A clock ticked and Five protested, "You said nothing about a time limit."

"Actually, you have 89 minutes and 30 seconds. Better hurry."

"This is impossible, okay?" Five followed her. "My siblings are scattered across the city."

"Nothing's impossible. You proved that this morning when you killed the board."

"I need more time."

"Any more time, and people will start asking questions. The sooner you get home and out of this time period, the better off we'll both be, so ticktock, ticktock."

A clock ticked and Five took Adriana's hand and spatial jumped away.


Diego pulled the knife from Elliott's chest.

Luther covered the dead man with a sheet as he said, "I can't believe Elliott's dead."

"He was a good guy," Diego agreed.

Luther sighed. "Deserved better than this."

"Yeah." Diego turned to face the words on the floor. "Elliott must've been getting too close to the truth. It smells like the feds."

"What? Are you out of your mind? Diego, if this was the federal government, they would take him somewhere and question him. They wouldn't... do this. No, this is the work of a psychopath."

""Öga För Öga." That a name?"

Luther joined him. ""Öga För Öga."" He sniffled. "I'll look her up."

Luther walked into another room and said, "Okay..." He sighed and flipped through a phonebook as Diego joined him.

"Holy shit, I found her," Luther said as he pointed to a name and the adults joined him. ""Olga Foroga."" He scoffed. "That must be her."

"Call the bitch," Diego told him.

"On it."

A rotary phone dialed and Five and Adriana spatial jumped in and he sighed.

Luther glanced at Diego. "Okay..." he spoke softly. "It's ringing."

Five removed the sheet from Elliott's face. He sighed and whispered, "Damn." He covered him back up.

Adriana stared at Elliott's body and shook her head. "He deserved better.

Luther spoke into the phone. "Uh, hello, Olga?" He whispered to his brother, "It's her. She sounds old. What should I say?"

"Just..." Diego began and made a motion with his hand for Luther to continue.

Luther cleared his throat. "Excuse me, ma'am. Um, I was just wondering... What? My name? Is, uh, Luther Hargreeves, and..."

Diego took the phone from Luther. "You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming for you. You will be dead by nightfall."

"Hey," Five called. "It's Öga För Öga, idiots. Swedish for "an eye for an eye."" He pulled off his jacket. "It means the Swedes killed Elliott."

"Wrong number. Have a lovely day." He hung up the phone.

Five sputtered as Diego stated, "We would've gotten there."

"Eventually," Luther replied.


Five sighed as Luther spoke. "Uh, you have some blood on you."

"A lot of blood, actually," Diego noted.

"Five, what did you do?"

Adriana glanced at him. "What he was told."


A woman over the PA said, "Attention all Commission supervisors, please report to the main foyer." Employees chattered. "Attention all Commission supervisors, please report to the main foyer."

Everyone did so, Lila included, and the Handler stood in front of everyone at the middle of the stairs and the crowd fell silent.

The Handler held out her hand and a Commission supervisor handed her a megaphone. She pressed the button. "I am..." the crowd gasped, hearing the screeching feedback.

The Handler fixed it and spoke again in a wavering voice. "I am heartbroken to be sharing this devastating news. All 12 members of our board... have been assassinated." The crowd gasped and murmured. "I know. I know. A full investigation is underway. We will hunt down the culprits who did this dastardly deed. Grief counseling is available for those of you who need it. Although, the Commission will not be paying for this service as it is considered out-of-network by our insurance provider." The crowd murmured. "In the absence off any living board members, it is my solemn duty to assume control of the Commission."

"How is she in charge?" a man asked. "She was demoted."

"The briefcase room all be closed temporarily as a security precaution." Overlapping whispers sounded. "Any questions?" People murmured and the Handler walked away.


Five fixed his shirt in the mirror as he said, "So Ana and I found a way home."

"What? How?" Luther asked.

"All the details are irrelevant, but... I made a deal to get back to our timeline."

"What about doomsday?" Diego asked, walking up.

"Won't happen."

"And the 2019 apocalypse?" Luther questioned.

"Everything will be back to normal." He left the bathroom. "All right? Now, no more questions. We gotta go." He sighed, fixing his collar. "We have to find the others, right?"


"Luther, you get Allison."


"Diego, Klaus. Ana and I'll get Vanya." He slipped on his jacket. "Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes." He picked up four watches. "Here. I've synchronized these watches."

"Okay, let's do this."

Five started walking away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on," Diego protested. "You show up drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything's gonna go back to normal if we go home now?"

"Elliot just got killed because of us," Five reminded his brother.

"What about Dad? What about JFK?"

Adriana turned to him. "Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it."

"I have to say goodbye to Lila." He began walking away.

"Lila doesn't give a shit about you, Diego!" Five yelled. "She never did. She's one of them. She's a member of the Commission."

Diego turned back to him. "No way. Not possible."

"She was just using you to get to me and maybe Ana. You're the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy."

"You don't know what you're talk-" Five grabbed Adriana's hand and spatial jumped away, then reappeared.

"If you don't don't do this, I'll kill you myself. Got it?"

Five whooshed away with Adriana and Luther sighed heavily, patting Diego's shoulder. "Women." A clock ticked. "Am I right?"


As they walked, Klaus said, "No cutting of the hair. I love my look right now. Second, no touchy-touchy down there. Well... maybe I won't mind, you know, but just don't look, because I'm shy. And finally, I'm dairy-free. Trust me on that." he sighed.

"Thank you," Ben told him.

Klaus exhaled. "Whatever, just..." He opened the doors and sighed. "Just make it quick."

The two exhaled and Klaus gasped as Ben ran into him.

Ben in Klaus' body looked at his hands and smiled. He walked outside and looked down into his pants, exhaling sharply. "Okay, just focus. Stay focused." he giggled.

Ben walked through the garden as Klaus' followers busied themselves with what they were doing. Ben grabbed an orange, smiled, and ate it. He grimaced and put it down.

He took off his sunglasses and shoes and stepped onto dirt before saying, "I love dirt." he sighed.

Jill chuckled softly as Ben moaned softly and she asked, "Hello?"

Ben sat up. "Oh. Hello, Jill."

"Cool if I join you?"

"No. I mean... yeah, of course."

Jill chuckled softly and laid near Ben. She giggled and laughed as Ben laid next to her.

The two made dirt angels and laughed.


Cows mooed.

Carl stepped out of the car, walked to the fence and looked at the cows.

Vanya joined him a moment later and asked, "Do you wanna tell me why I'm here?"

Without looking at her, Carl spoke. "You ever heard of... hoof-and-mouth disease? My paps worked a ranch in California. Around 1924, they had an outbreak. They had to slaughter over 100,000 animals. Devastated the whole area. Paps lost his job. A lot of people did. See, they didn't catch the sick cow in time, so... the disease spread. You gotta fight the disease before it spreads." He finally looked at Vanya. "Before it gets outta hand."

"Who I am is not a disease."

Carl chuckled softly. "Well... call it what you want, but it ain't natural. And it ain't happenin'... under my roof. Not with my wife."

"I'm not scared of you."

"Well, that's fine, but... it's Harlan you should be thinkin' about."

"What do you mean?"

"This situation's not good for him. I've been thinkin' of... sendin' him off for a time."

"What? Where?"

"Well, to a facility better equipped to handle his type. Be good for him, get some special attention."

"Come on, that's crazy."

"'Course... maybe I wouldn't have to do that with you gone. Harlan could go back to spending the with his mommy and his daddy like he should." He clicked his tongue. "Now me and Jim gonna have us a drink. So..." He chuckled, handing her the keys and started walking away. "You take the car. And I do expect you to be packed up and gone by the time I'm back." He walked away.


"Luther," Allison said as she entered the kitchen to see her brother.

"Five found us a way home, and we leave in..." Luther glanced at his watch. "42 minutes."

"Wh... 42 minutes?"

Luther began walking closer to her. "Yeah, listen, I know it's a lot to process, okay?"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." She set her stuff down. "What about doomsday?"

"Five thinks if we leave right now, everything will go back to normal."

"Are you saying that I could see Claire again? Tonight?"

"I don't know. I don't know what kind of world we're going back to. I can't guarantee anything."

"Luther..." She scoffed, moving further into the kitchen. "I cannot keep losing people. I mean, what if Five gets it wrong again and I lose everyone?"

"We don't belong here. We have to go back."

Allison inhaled sharply as she turned to the window and her voice trembled. "I don't know if I can."

Luther stepped closer to her. "Allison... we're different than everyone else. We're special. And good or bad, that means we don't get to live normal lives. Here or anywhere."

Allison thumped the counter. "It's not fair."

"I know. But we have to risk everything to save everything. I mean, that's our best trait as a family, right?"

"What? Recklessness?" she sighed softly, facing him.


The siblings hugged.

"Baby?" Ray called and Allison sighed and sniffled. "What's wrong? What the hell did you say to her, Luther?"

A clock ticked.

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