My Guardian Nightmare

By WintxrCherry

51.5K 3.3K 2.5K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Important Stuff
=1 - The News=
=2 - The Ritual=
=3 - New Friend=
=4 - A Guardian=
=5 - Cooking=
=6 - Speaking of Jobs=
=7 - Park a duck duck=
=8 - Cooking with Glitchy=
=9 - Nightly Problems=
=10 - Family Cooking=
=11 - Arcade=
=12 - Gift Giving=
=13 - Troubling thoughts=
=14 - School Recognition=
=15 - Lesson in Fear=
=16 - Cat Catastrophe=
=17 - Cat food=
=18 - A mother's troubles=
=19 - Job details=
=20 - Bullying Gone Wrong=
=21 - A Familiar Guest=
=22 - A Father's Love=
=23 - Unannounced Visit=
=24 - Lil Ms. Tomato=
=25 - Get in the van=
=26 - Fresh visit=
=27 - Birth Error=
=28 - Soul checks=
=29 - News and Results=
=30 - Good news=
=31 - Mansion Tour=
=32 - Her Office=
=33 - Cult explanation=
=34 - In the Middle of the Night=
=35 - A king and his prince=
=36 - Crayon Queen=
=37 - Her name=
=38 - Spider friend=
=39 - Another Doctor Visit=
=40 - Past talks=
=41 - A Tsundere Mama=
=42 - SOUL care=
=43 - Meeting Asy's Fam=
=44 - 90's awakening=
=45 - Christmas Party=
=46 - A God's teasing=
=47 - Coming home=
=48 - Adventure Time=
=49 - Happy Questing=
=50 - Waking world=
=51 - Complimentary Reboot=

=Bonus - Birthday Special=

780 50 44
By WintxrCherry

* Yeah, a birthday special for the special boi <3

* The fourthwall is nonexistent here, or well, it does, but it's a one way wall

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

"Where...?" Error blinked as he then appeared in what looks to be an all white room. "Huh, wait- this is outside the Miniverse." Error commented.

"Probably a special then broski." Fresh grinned. "A special... Specifically for you!" Fresh cheered, making jazz hands at Error, who blinked. "Huh?" "It's your birthday, silly." Comyet chuckled softly and Error gasped. "Mah Birthday!"

Geno nodded lightly with a bright smile. "Yuuuusss! A very special day! And the laws of the storyline are nonexistent!" He cheered lightly, while CQ smiled and petted Error lightly. "My baby boy is a year older!" She cooed. Nightmare nodded lightly, while CQ carried Error up and nuzzled him lightly.

"I'm 7 now!" Error exclaimed happily. "Sad it can't be put in the storyline as it'd be wayy too far." Comyet hummed, picking Ink up and booping his nose. "You don't need to speak French for this special you little French Toast." Comyet hummed while Fresh snickered.

"Yeep! This is also a small thing so yeah, party in dah hauz!" Fresh cheered excitedly while Error giggled and nuzzled CQ. "Wait- That Means Nighty can come tooo! Unfortunately not the other future characters, but Nighty can!"

"Of course I can, it's a Dadmare story." Nightmare huffed. Ink punched the air. "Yusss everyone can understand me and my speech isn't thrown into Google Translate either translated from German or English!" The French Toast cheered in joy.

Error couldn't help but giggle a bit as he then squirmed out of CQ's grip and then ran to hug Nightmare happily. "Dadmare story cannot be Dadmare without Dadmare." Error chirped and Asy chuckled softly, sitting on a couch that appeared. "For the viewers that's pretty much reading this story, feel free to say happy birthday to our wonderful little gremlin now." Comyet spoke and Asy nodded, Error just waving happily at the viewers.

"Many greetings, and thank you to those who wished a happy birthday to me." Error giggled softly. "Upsies." Error then gestured for Nightmare while pouting a bit.

Nightmare laughed and kneeled down, before carrying Error up. "Alright, alright, little Terror." The guardian hummed, giving Error a kiss on his forehead.

Error giggled softly. "Mama!" Error then reached out for his mama happily before Comyet then rubbed Ink's skull a bit. "Anyways, as a little treat for this special, we can drop one little spoiler as a little... Gift. Perse." Comyet chuckled softly.

"Yep!" Fresh chirped happily. "And it's a spoiler for a near future chapter!" Fresh exclaimed.

Geno nodded cheering. "Uh-hu, Uh-hu! Are you ready for the spoiler? Well, here it comes!

Seeing into the future, demise itself will make appearance into the story, taking part of it.

Ehhh~? Isn't that cool? I definitely didn't come up with the prophecy with little reference and time, even though I could've thought for a few minutes!" The white clad child giggled.

"Oooh, that's really good." Error gasped softly before giggling a bit. "That's the spoiler! Now a special headcannon from every characters! Starting from me I guess." "Well duh, It's your birthday." Fresh snickered while Error snuck his tongue out playfully.

"Well, one of the headcannons of me is that my luck increased pretty high when I met Nightymare. Kind of like a blessing in disguise despite the being behind it." Error chirped. "You definitely rocked those claw machines, kid." Comyet snickered and Error giggled a bit. "Thank you, Next!"

Geno waved lightly. "Oh! I know! I pretty much have undiagnosed ADHD. Even though it's not the whole reason why I am always this energetic and need to work pent up energy up-" Ink nodded lightly. "Yeah, in the story were a few hints dropped for it - one Reader actually suspected it." Geno nodded lightly, before asking: "Who's next?"

"I guess me." Fresh hummed before he then snapped his fingers. "Fun fact about me is that I don't even know that I'm censoring the swears! In fact, story me never even realizes it! I just think that it's something that adults say." Fresh hummed before he then sat besides Geno. "Now which?"

Ink hummed lightly. "I can go-" He answered. "There are many things I could say now, but most of them would be spoilers. So I am going with this: My art style is cartoon-y. I love giving Characters big eyes or just four fingers. It looks good, it's easy and I think I am to lazy to seriously work for one piece of art, if I don't have the motivation for it."

"Ha, Lazy Inky." Error giggled lightly. "I guess I'll go." Asy chuckled softly. "Since the chapter with Liam has been out now, I can safely say that I am not from here. And from far out. But which Asy am I? Have fun guessing if I'm a Copy or an Original." Asy chuckled while Comyet laughed softly. "Mean." Comyet playfully spoke and Asy just grinned.

CQ snickered lightly at that. "Hmm... I can tell so many fun facts and headcanons about me... But I'll go with this: My sense for humour can get really dark. Especially if there are jokes about orphans and their families, they're always funny. Although I would... restrain myself from saying those jokes to my children, I won't explain to an eight, six and four year old dark humour. Heck, even I barely know in story what it means, I just have a sense for it."

"Alright, guess it's my turn." Comyet hummed as she carefully just rubbed her son's skull. "My hair is always tied no matter what happens, bun, ponytail, twin ponytails, donuts, it's always up because I like to keep it tidy." Comyet explained, patting her hair before going back to patting her child.

"You're the only one left Nighty!" Error chirped, looking down at Nightmare while grinning.

Nightmare nodded lightly. "Yep. Let's see... Oh! When I am reading - preferably angsty romance - I like to drink tea or coffee. It just makes the atmosphere so much better." The guardian hummed.

"Hehe! That's little fun facts about us!" Error chirped happily. "And now, one final fun fact! And that's about the book itself!" Error cheered excitedly.

CQ nodded lightly. "The authors of this book already wrote future chapters since January, actually. That's why it was possible to update eleven chapters one day! They do have many chapters already finished, actually. Not ready, but finished. Now the Chapters are waiting to be posted. Meaning that the authors could take a break and no one would notice it! I mean, when those two are working together, it's entirely possible that they probably have many, many chapters finished. Just saying... over 100 K."

"Oh definitely, it's just a matter on if they want to copy and paste to update or just wait for a bit to take a break." Asy hummed while Error grinned. "Ah yes, the number count from our neighboring Multiverse in the Snow and Cat Omniverse!" Error giggled. "The His Will To Save AU! With one of the chapters being over a hundred thousand!" Error couldn't help but laugh a bit at that fact. "Ah yeah. That. Where the cursed stairs originated." Fresh shuddered a bit. Ugh, stairs.

Geno nodded lightly with a frown. "Yeah... I mean, they just need to push us all down the stairs. Cursed things, they really should get rid of them."

"The authors are sadistic." Comyet sighed lightly. "True, and you readers are sadistic." Error deadpanned while Asy snorted. "True."

"No wonder that I am how I am, I mean, one of them is literally projecting onto me. And I don't think that's good for my mental health, but probably for theirs. Eh." The woman shrugged lightly.

"Poor Mama." Error pouted lightly before patting his mama. "Down!" Error then glanced down at Nightmare while giggling. "Anyways, since we got the fun facts event over, we can now bring the cake out." Comyet smiled lightly while Error squealed at that.

CQ smiled at Error and patted her son lightly. "Aww.... a very special person wants his very special cake." She cooed, after Nightmare had set Error down.

"Heey, it's not everyday you get to enjoy it in our AU." Error giggled softly. "Fair." Fresh snickered softly.

Geno giggled lightly at that and rushed to his mother, cuddling onto her, because... Mama Hugs.

Error then watched as Asy then carefully used his gravitational magic to float the cake into the table and Error weras pretty much just bouncing up and down excitedly for the cake.

CQ chuckled at her son. Nightmare smiled and his tentacle petted Error. Geno grinned at Error. "I have a feeling that this is going to be the best birthday we ever celebrated." He hummed.

"Best birthday!" Error squealed softly. "Definitely gonna be mentioned as a reference in future chapters." Error snickered softly.

"Well, this would feel like a fever dream once we're back to following the nonexistent rules of our story." Fresh snickered softly and Comyet and Asy agreed while Error simply snickered.

Nightmare hummed lightly. "True. I mean, would be kind of bad if we remembered." The guardian said, giving a goopy shrug. Yes, the description of how the shrug was is absolutely necessary, definitely.

Oh totally, both authors definitely agree it's necessary. "Plus, it would ruin the plot." Error snickered lightly.

"Yep!" Geno hummed. "Especially now!" The child said.

"Exactly." Error giggled softly. "Now- Cake time!" Error cheered happily and excitedly for cake while the adults laughed. "You're excited huh?" Fresh snickered while Error snuck his tongue out playfully.

"I mean, cake is cake!" Geno cheered lightly. Nightmare petted Error with a smile. "Now is cake time." He repeated what Error said with a calm smile.

"Tru dat." Fresh snickered while Error then nodded. "Ight! Time for the birthday song for the special main character." Comyet playfully spoke with a snicker while Error giggled as Asy then carefully placed the number 7 candle on the cake and lighting it up.

As everyone sang their song and enjoyed the rest of the party, Error couldn't help but just feel even more happy for this rare occasion.

Ah, this was definitely the best birthday ever, especially with everyone altogether! 




"Well, this has certainly been a fun little special, huh Mondi?" A half-human, half cat person glanced at their fellow cat friend and author with a grin.

Said cat looked up, looking strangely familiar, actually. "Yep. Definitely fun." The cat hummed and stretched themselves. "Now back onto traumatising them-" They added then jokingly.

"Oh definitely, we can't be Neva and Mondi without trauma." The half cat hybrid cackled before waving at the readers. "Bye readers!"

The cat lightly moved their tail in circles. "Yep. Good bye Readers, really hope you enjoyed it!"

"Byeee!" The two authors excitedly waved as the words faded into a blank.

╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

* :D

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