Ultra Responsibility (My Hero...

By Cryptic_Fiction

152K 4.2K 2.3K

You all know the origin story of radioactive bug bites; with great power comes great responsibility. But what... More

Issue 1 - The Chameleon Strikes
Issue 2 - The Amazing All Might
Issue 3 - A Shocking Final Day
Issue 4 - Welcome to UA
Issue 5 - New Friends, New Enemies
Issue 6 - Light the Candles
Issue 7 - Secret Wars
Issue 8 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 1
Issue 9 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 2
Issue 10 - Damage Control
Issue 11 - Maximum Carnage
Issue 12 - Love, Carnage and Lizards
Issue 13 - Cold Blooded Horror
Issue 14 - The Next Stage in Evolution
Issue 15 - Does Whatever a Spider Can
Issue 16 - Attack on Villains Part 1
Issue 17 - Attack on Villains Part 2
Issue 18 - Something about Responsibility
Issue 19 - Kraven... the Teacher?!
Issue 20 - Roaring Sport Festival
Issue 21 - The Man They Called Ben
Issue 22 - Romeo Vs Juliet
Issue 23 - The Power of a Quirk in the Palm of my Hand
Issue 24 - Squashed Like a Bug
Issue 25 - Who are You?
Issue 26 - What Goes Bump in the Night
Issue 27 - What does it Mean to be an Avenger?
Issue 28 - Losing Faith
Issue 29 - The Kingpin of School
Issue 30 - Kraven's Last Hunt
Issue 31 - From Beyond the Grave
Issue 32 - The Black Suit
Issue 33 - Stab in the Back
Issue 34 - You Get What You Deserve
Issue 35 - Otto Trouble
Issue 36 - People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul
Issue 37 - Uneasy Alliance
Issue 38 - The Sinister League
Issue 39 - The Desert Delinquents
Issue 40 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 1
Issue 41 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 2
Issue 42 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 3
Issue 43 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 4
Issue 44 - No Good Deed
Issue 45 - Battle Against the Sinister Six
Issue 46 - The Night Love Died
Issue 47 - The Past Repeats Itself
Issue 48 - Breaking Point
Issue 49 - The Symbiotic Break-up
Issue 51 - Dawn of the Scarlet Witch
Issue 52 - A Losing Battle
Issue 53 - Ghost-Spider
Issue 54 - The Superior Spider Part 1
Issue 55 - The Superior Spider Part 2
Issue 56 - Mother Knows Best
Issue 57 - Z Day
Issue 58 - Responsibility
Issue 59 - Might*U
Issue 60 - The League of Venom Part 1
Issue 61 - The League of Venom Part 2
Issue 62 - The Boy From Another Universe
Issue 63 - The Final Stand
Issue 64 - Ultra Responsibility
Epilogue - One Final Goodbye
After Story Part 1 - Let's Start From the Beginning One More Time
After Story Part 2 - Outsider
After Story Part 3 - Evil Never Rests
After Story Part 4 - The Magical Mysterio Tour
After Story Part 5 - Cannon Event

Issue 50 - Spider-Man No More

939 35 8
By Cryptic_Fiction

"There you have it, folks! Concrete to show Spider-Man is what I always claimed he was. A criminal, a cold-hearted killer who has finally shown his true colours! Our noble and valour mayor of Tokyo, Norman Osborn, has been murdered. But, what he did for this city shall never be forgotten, which is why Spider-Man will have no way to hide. So, run all you like, Y/N Parker, the toll has come, and your debt is due. Now the world will see you for who you truly are, and no one will ever forget it."

Crawling to my feet, I began jumping between buildings and serval news helicopters pursuing me with police on the ground. My eyes were still teary, my body sore from the removal of the symbiote. To top that, I no longer had my web shooters. Things really couldn't get any worse.

Taking a giant leap over a set of apartments, I rolled forward, turning to my side, flinching as Mount Lady appeared towering over me. "Enough running, Spider-Man, hold still!"

Flipping back off the building, I began wall running as the pros were now in play. Avoiding the grasp of Mount Lady, I shot down to the lower floors spinning off a lamppost flying through the air. Usually, an escape would be a cakewalk, but yet again, I was reminded how much I rely on those damn webs. Gripping the wall, I spun around the corner; my eyes widened as Fat Gum jumped up, trying to detain me immediately. Picking up a set of flower plants hanging over a balcony, I threw them at the pro, watching him suck them in. Before he could absorb them, I pressed down on the plants, using them as stepping stones to running up and jumping off his head back onto the roof.

Keeping a light jog, I turned around as a police force burst through the doors, guns aimed. "Freeze Spider-Man!"

"Give me a break..." I groan, running away from the gunfire, sliding across the roof, pushing myself off, flying away. Landing on the nearby train, I stuck myself on as I managed to escape at break speed. Lying on my back, I took a long-winded breath checking my phone. "This can't be happening..."

Before I could rest easy, the train began slowing down as a police escort was already waiting. Readying myself to move, I was quickly ambushed by a dozen pros who appeared from nowhere. At least that's what it looked like at first glance. But, in reality, it was just one.

Ectoplasm surrounded me, shouting. "Give it up, Y/N; we don't want to hurt you. Come with us quietly."

Choosing the ideal option, I began running toward where I came from, getting the clones to swarm me. Dodging each one, I dived off the train, keeping focused. Landing on a car, it swerved, almost crashing. I made sure to save the unlucky passenger. I ensured it crashed into a fire hydrant using the sudden burst of water to propel myself away, escaping once again. "Just a little further, Y/N... You're almost there, Avengers Headquarters... Come on, if anyone can help you, it's them!"

Seeing the logo in sight, my eyes lit up hopeful. That was until I was hit by a shockwave knocking me into a billboard. Hunched over, I fell onto a rooftop dazed. The jacket Jiro let me borrow burnt from a sonic blaster. I went to move again only to find myself stuck when music began blaring out, echoing throughout the city. Heavy metal... AC/DC? Back in Black. "Oh great... This guy."

Iron Man slammed down, holding his hands out, charging up his repulsors with missile launchers coming from his shoulders. "I think it's time you surrender, kid."

Falling back down, I sat in shame, sighing. "You win, Stark..."


"Iron Man, genus playboy billionaire, second in command of the Avengers and possibly the most famous superhero in the world next to Captain America. Not only that, but he is also quirkless fighting crime with just his mind and the billions of disposable money. Oh, and did I also mention a massive ego prick who only cares about the fame and bitches. Did I get that right?"

"Mostly, it's genus playboy trillionaire now, though actually." Tony reminded, sitting behind my glass cell and pouring himself a drink. "And it's been too long, kiddo. God, last I saw the time you, you were knee high and a megafan. Did you keep that repulsor I gave you?"

"No, I sold it for spare parts. So why are you here?"

Taking a sip, Tony leaned forward, tapping the glass. "It came as quite the surprise to learn the son of Peter Parker was running around playing hero. Not just that, you were good at it. You took down what fifty villains. Most were small B lists, but some were the real deal: Electro, Kingpin and even a few members of the League of Villains. I'll take credit for founding you, of course. When the Avengers brought you to this world, we thought we could leave you alone, but here we are."

"This world? What do you mean by this world?"

"What?" Tony said, standing up quickly. "I didn't say anything."

"No,  I'm pretty sure you said when you brought me to this world."

"No, I didn't." He brushed off yawning. "The authorities want me to hand you over to them. Put you on trial for what you did. It won't matter; you'll be found innocent regardless. You didn't kill Norman Osborn after all."

"Actually, I did."

Tony paused, turning around and snapping at this. "That makes life a tad bit harder. Alright, fine, we'll roll with that. You killed Osborn; you did the world a favour, though. The sinister Green Goblin is the worst villain since All For One. When the world discovers who he was, they'll forget about it and drop it. We run that in the courts; you'll be out by breakfast. How does that sound?"

"You're just going to fish me out of trouble again? Like last time?"

"You're kinda our responsibility now, kiddo, so yeah, sounds about right," Tony said, opening my cell and walking. "Follow me, kid."

Walking through the Avengers headquarters, I saw dozens of robots packing everything away. Looking on confused, I ran up to catch up with Tony speaking. "What's going on?"

"Oh, this? Don't you worry about that? With the backlash, we'll receive protecting you, any chance the Avengers growing in Japan has failed. So we're moving out for now. Maybe we'll come back in ten years once this controversy dies. Until then, we'll continue to train you back in New york. You'll become a full-fletched member of the Avengers alongside Thor, Hulk and Cap."

"No," I whispered.

"No?" Tony returned, walking up to me, confused. "No as in the controversy or as in no to the Avengers?"

"I'm tired. I'm tired of having everything fall apart because of me. Ever since I put on that mask, nothing has gone right. I've made one mistake after another. How far can this rabbit hole go on for? I lost my Uncle Ben, my best friends, and my girlfriend. I can't keep doing this."

Tony stands before me, putting a hand on my shoulder, sighing. "Listen, kid... Y/N, we've all made mistakes, me more than most. Hell, I almost destroyed the world inventing Ultron. I think I'm the king of fuck ups. But throwing in the towel and calling it quits isn't the way to do it. Last chance."

Stepping back away from Tony's reach, I shook my head, whispering. "I'm not like you, Iron Man. I'm just Y/N Parker, an ordinary teenager who doesn't know his place in the world anymore... Just Y/N Parker. I'm Spider-Man no more."

Tony looked almost disappointed, biting his lip and nodding. "Ok, ok. If that's what you want, kid, I will not stop you. It's a real shame you could have really made a difference. Once we get your name cleared, you can return to normal. As normal as it can get."

Glancing over his shoulder, I was handed a small paper bag with my name on it. Tony didn't wait around looking at the reporters outside. "Let's get this over and done with, yeah?"

Now alone, I opened the bag finding my old suit. The suit I handmade myself back during the Vilgiatne days before my identity was revealed and before starting UA. Staring at the mask, I clenched it tightly, putting the suit back in the bag and dropping it in the bin behind me. Then, lowering my head in shame, I began leaving with Tony to take responsibility for everything.

I am Spider-Man no more...

5 Months Later.

I sat leaning against a tree just off the sight of the funeral. I made sure to dress up for the occasion even if I wasn't going to attend.

Everyone had turned up to pay their respects to Ashido. Everyone from Class 1A and B. The teachers and some Pros. I caught the eye of Ashido's parents, too but not me. I wasn't invited, no more like I was forbidden from coming. It hurt to know that. Hurt like all hell, but it was to be expected. It was because of me this happened.

A faint drizzle washed over as, over time, everyone disbanded, heading back. I waited until the last person was gone as I decided to say goodbye finally. Then, taking several steps, I was at the cemetery entrance, halting in my tracks. My hands continued to tremble as the flowers I held fell from my hands. Quickly scooping them up, I saw the grave in the distance. The reminder graved in stone. My eyes began to tear up, forcing me to step back.

I couldn't do it... I was too cowardly even to do something as simple as this. I tried talking myself into it however failed. Taking serval more steps back, I turned on the spot fleeing the sense of guilt only growing hanging low in my stomach. Coming up to the road, I saw Ashido's dad glancing over his shoulder with a look of hate and disgust. I didn't blame him; I deserved that and more. Drenched, it wasn't long before Aunt May pulled up, looking at me with pity. "Come on, let's go home."

Turning back, Ashido's dad was already gone walking away. Opening the door, I climbed in, clenching the handpicked flowers between my legs, not saying a word.

"These things take time. Don't beat yourself up about it, ok?" May pleaded to get no response from me. "How about we order pizza tonight? I'll rent the newest Darkest Paladin movie. How does that sound?"

I stared out the window, not responding, watching the cemetery fade into the distance. Nothing else was said for the rest of the car journey home. Not a dime, not a peep. This continued when we got home, dinner, and even the movie. The house was filled with a foreboding silence that never entirely left.

It wasn't until Aunt May went to sleep that I finally decided to leave my room for a glass of water. On the table were serval letters to me. Most were, of course, threats and other nasty letters. That never quite faded since the case. I kept going through them bit by bit, taking in each fact. Finally, when I reached the end, I found something different. A letter from UA High. Opening it, I began reading that sinking feeling returning.

"Dear Mr Parker, we understand and join you in your moment of grievances. We can give nothing more than our dearest condoles and support through this rough time. While you haven't returned to Class since the new year please know still believe in the future of all heroes. We shall hold your place until the end of the year. You are always welcome to UA, and we hope to see you return soon. Go Beyond Plus Ultra."

I felt a burst of anger come over as I flipped over the table, punching the wall. This turned into a sob as I fell to the floor, clenching the letter tightly and ripping it in two. Hiding my head between my legs, I whispered to myself, broken. "Leave me alone... Just leave me alone."

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