RWBY: Vader

By Seagul81000

12.9K 286 54

In the shadow of a hero...Rises darkness This story will fill in the events between Rwby: TOWF and its sequel... More

-The cold-
-The first mission-
-The Funeral-
-The Construction of a new Weapon-
-Saving a Rose-
-Joining A Cause-
-The daughter and the start of a journey-
-The boy and the wolf-
-The Cult of the Hero-
-The Birds call often scares traitors -
Destiny Is Never Set In Stone...

-The Rise of The Vigilante-

765 17 3
By Seagul81000

A/n: this chapter is only going to follow Altair but it will still be reasonably long, anyways hope you enjoy it!
Altair pov

I was sitting in my class at Signal waiting for the final bell of school so I could leave this dump for the weekend. I had already packed my bag which always annoyed my teacher but I couldn't care less.

Teacher: Altair for packing your bag early you are to stay here five minutes after the bell.

Altair: this piece of shit... Fuck that!

I shouted as I swept my bag up and sprinted out of the classroom leaving my teacher in the dust.

Altair: eat my dust asshole!

I called over my shoulder making his face turn crimson in rage.


He roared his voice cracking slightly as he started to chase after me, I was too fast and dodged his attempts at grabbing me, as his attempt failed he fell on his face making me.

Altair: hahahahaha you moron!

I replied as I jumped the steps and landed on the ground floor where I saw Ruby being picked on by some little cum rags.

Altair: oi, what are you doing?!

I shouted as the leader's face was met with my fist, he fell to the floor tears in his eyes his nose erupting blood.

Bully: w-w-wait until I tell my father about this!

He cried as he got up and ran away leaving me and Ruby, who dived at me knocking me over.

Ruby: AltairThanksforsavingmeIwassoscaredthattheywouldstealallofmycookies!

I stared at her before sighing and pulling her cute little cheeks.

Altair: Ruby, as much as I love your cute little Rose language I can't translate it like Yang can.

I said as Ruby attempted to swat my hands away.

Ruby: stwap it!

Altair: never

I replied in protest before she smirked making me raise my eyebrow before freezing in fear.

Altair: n-no...don't you dare use it!

I cried before feeling my stomach being turned inside out as she used her semblance to zoom out of the school, when she stopped to resupply her stomach with cookies I knelt on the floor vomiting out rainbows?

Altair: I *barf* hate it when you do that!

I said only to be ignored by Ruby who had rushed to the blacksmith's window. Her eyes had lit up like mini stars as she gushed over the weapons, I cleaned myself up and walked over to her before pulling her hood over her eyes.

Ruby: hey!

She struggled to get out of her hood as I watched and laughed before entering the blacksmith's shop, which sign read "Holly's unbeatable steel!", the door opened with the ringing of a bell, rows of glass weapon cases filled the room aswell and weapon racks lined the walls with two suits of armour which reminded me of an Atlesian knight the 200 models to be exact, behind the solid wood counter was a doorway which had rows of beads hanging from the top of the doorframe, next to the doorway was a large fire extinguisher, I walked straight to the counter and rung the bell.

???: I'll be there in a second!

A woman's voice called as the sound of fire filled the shop, I chuckled when I saw a dirty hand reach through the beads feeling for the fire extinguisher before dragging it through the beads, the sound of the fire extinguisher blasted from the doorway before the orange glow faded along with the sounds of the fire....fight, ha! see what I did there... Oh Oum I'm turning into Yang.

*cough* ...Anyway, as I was saying the sounds died down before the beads formed the shape of a person who continued walking making the beads part revealing a woman who was about thirty, she had long brown hair that was turned into a loose ponytail a bandana held her ponytail in place, there was a small rope of slightly burnt flowers in her hair as her face was covered in sweat and grime as she had just finished working the forge, she had sun-kissed skin, her muscles were defined but not bulky, She had deep blue eyes, atop her eyes were sharp but thin eyebrows her eyes were wrinkled at the edges which were probably due to how often she laughed, a pearly white grin adorned her face as she placed her hands on her hips before looking at me grin somehow widening.

???: Altair! My favourite customer, how you doin'?

She asked before trying to dive at me with her arms spread ready to hug me, I grabbed her hers and held her away from me, my face scrunching up as I got a whiff of her unwashed body, I gagged as she stared at me puzzled.

???: what's wrong, kid?

Altair: your filthy, go wash, Holly

Yes, this woman was Holly, she was the owner of this blacksmith shop and I was here for a custom order I had put in.

After waiting for a short while Ruby entered the shop and told me she was going home with yang who had finished talking with her friends. Holly returned looking a hundred times cleaner.

Holly: so I presume you want your order?

She asked with a small smile as I nodded she went back into the smithy after the rumbling sound of Holly searching for my order she returned with one item which was my katana it had a new sheath allowing me to coat the blade in dust to use with my own semblance. The sheath had the stem of a rose flowing up the sheath with the hilt forming the blooming rose, the end of the hilt was the face of a crow whose feathers coiled around the grip of the blade, the wrap on the hilt was leather cut into feather-like shapes, they carved out of steel with the shadows making most of the details reveal themselves.

Holly: you better be grateful for that it was a bitch to forge, why do you wanna fight with something that belongs in the art gallery?

She asked with a defeated smile making me chuckle as I grabbed the katana and unsheathed it revealing the blade which had at the beginning of the blade a small gold symbol which was my father's it was surrounded by swirls of the pattern weld which slightly hypnotized me as I took in the blade's beauty.
Holly then clicked her fingers in front of my eyes, her face showing her impatience at my slow admiration of the blade.

Holly: now I hope you aren't forgetting that you need to pay the rest of the fee.

Altair: I'm not

I said as I swiped my card on the card machine which beeped and flashed green, Holly took the receipt and placed it in the till, before looking back up at me.

Holly: well, pleasure doin' business with ya and don't break that masterpiece too quickly this time.

She said with a small glare before returning to a normal grin. I nodded with a smile before leaving the shop and clipping blooming Rose to my waist, I then went to the school car park and saw my bike.

I still can't believe this was dad's it looks brand new, I hopped onto the bike and started the engine which roared as I drifted out of the car park and blasted down the street.


It has been a day since I got the upgrades to my weapon, I had been itching to test it out but I couldn't since school had finished for the half-term break. I was currently munching on Ruby's cookies as she was at Tai's and what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her. Then Qrow entered the living room before raising an eyebrow at what was in my hands, it was ruby's cookie jar which had a large label over the front saying "Ruby's cookies hands off!".

Qrow: Altair, you know she will punish you for that.

Altair: *muffled* sho whaf?

Qrow sighed as I felt a cold shiver go down my spine, I then put the lid back on the jar and returned it to its hiding place.

Qrow: I've got a mission up in Atlas and I want you to go to Atlas with me, I would've taken Ruby as well but she wanted to go and be there for Yang who just broke up with that bastard of a boyfriend.

He said with a slight snarl at the end, now for context Yang had gotten into a relationship with some hotshot at Signal, they had been going out for two years when she found out he was cheating on her, hurt her real bad let's just say he wouldn't wake up until the next week after I was finished with him, yang had smiled and thanked me but it's clear she still needs help but I know my little sister has this in the bag.

Altair: ok I'll go with you since I got nothing better to do.

Qrow smiled as I rushed upstairs to pack what I would need as well as picked up my sword and clipped my dad's saber to my belt. I was wearing a black shirt, trousers, polished leather boots over the top was a vested dark grey robe, I had a leather belt over my waist making the robe less lose fitting and strapping the lower robe from flapping around when I need to fight, on the left side of my belt was Blooming Rose's sheath and on the right was my farther's hilt.

(Change the belt and imagine Altair wearing it, this will also be Altair's standard training clothes until the prologue of the next book which will start the rwby series anyway...)

Over my shoulder was my duffel bag with my clothes and some snacks as well as dust for Blooming Rose.

Altair: let's go

I said as we exited the house, we went to the airport in Vale where we caught a Bullhead up to atlas it was a relatively long journey.

3rd person pov

A few hours had passed and Altair and Qrow arrived in Mantle quickly finding accommodation they could use whilst Qrow began his investigation into Grimm numbers rising in Mantle.

Altair was sitting on the sofa watching the news when the presenter stopped and press their earpiece their face turned worried.

Presenter: news just in a rebellion of Faunus workers at the Schnee dust quarry in the tundra located outside of mantle, huntsmen haven't been dispatched yet but all citizens are advised to stay away from any Faunus.

When the presenter said that Altair growled before turning the t.v off, he gritted his teeth knowing that the so-called Faunus rebels were likely innocent and just going against their oppressors.

Altair: they preach about equality but never practice it themselves hypocrites...

He said to himself as he stared out of the window and saw the soft orange glow lighting up the smoke in the distance. He glanced at his sword and his eyes filled with steel and he clenched his fist.

Altair: I don't care how much it takes I will save them...

His eyes shined a dark crimson as his face flashed pale and his hair turned white with h/c tips for a second before returning to its normal h/c.


Altair had a cloak draped over his shoulders and its hood was over his head his mouth and nose were covered by a bandana, his entire outfit consisted of black and grey the only pops of colour were the gold on blooming Rose's sheath and his eyes which glowed crimson. He stood on the ridge above the Schnee quarry, his crimson eyes glaring down at a schnee guard beating a Faunus girl no older than six, the figure's fist clenched as he watched the horrific scene he saw that a group of adult Faunus fighting against the armed guards who were lined like a firing squad.

Commander: Aim!

The guards brought their rifles up, Altair gripped his hilt as he crouched slightly his shoes digging into the floor, he was positioned to the right of the firing squad and the group of innocent Faunus, he twisted the hilt which flashed blue signifying it was now using ice dust.

Commander: Fire!

He roared bringing his arm down as loud bangs echoed across the quarry, Altair made an upwards slash a wall of ice erupting from the blade shielding the Faunus from an early grave, all the bullets were frozen and the air they had travelled in could be seen following them leaving spiral trails behind each bullet.

All the group of Faunus had closed their eyes in terror their weak and shivering bodies huddled against each other, the guards were shocked by the ice suddenly appearing until Altair dashed in front of them the ice wall behind him his crimson eyes burrowing into the commander who shook in terror.

Commander: k-kill him!

His order was heard and the guards charged at Altair who swiftly dispatched them leaving them unconscious, his blade moved faster than the eye could see, Altair blocked his opponent's strikes as they came taking multiple opponents at once seemed like a walk in the park, after they were dealt with he charged the commander who pulled out his own weapon, a one-sided axe that could turn into a rifle, he swung downwards at Altair who rolled to the right and slashed upwards as a spike of ice launched from the tip of the katana, the spike impaled the commander's shoulder which bled as he let out a short grunt, he turned his weapon into its rifle configuration, he emptied his clip whilst attempting to hit Altair who weaved between each shot, his father's semblance assisting him greatly, as Altair got closer he brought his blade up and twisted the hilt so that it flashed yellow, when he slashed down he broke the guard's aura before he was knocked out by a large shock of electricity via Blooming Rose's dust chamber.

After he dealt with the guards the wall of ice crumbled and shattered allowing the Faunus to see what had happened to their captors, the young Faunus girl approached Altair who stood admiring his handy work.

Faunus girl: Mister, What's your name?

Altair stood quiet for a minute before returning to face the girl, she saw his crimson eyes which were warm and kind.

Altair: my true name isn't important but you can call me, Skywalker.

He said his mouth forming a smile under his hood, he ruffled the little girl's hair before walking off and breaking all of the slave's chains.

Altair: you are people, and as people, you have the right to be free, to no longer live in the shadow and suffer at the hands of the corrupt, So live! Live free for we are all brothers and sisters in their world.

He spoke as the Faunus workers started cheering his new name his new title, the new myth, Skywalker...

Crowd: Skywalker! skywalker! skywalker!


*The Next Day*

Altair was in his bed as Qrow nudged him, he awoke with a loud groan he then yawned and stretched.

Altair: w-what do you want fossil?

He received a slap on the head which woke him up instantly, his eyes met Qrow's whose left eye was twitching in rage.

Qrow: shut up brat, now it's time to go, so hurry up sleeping beauty.

Qrow sassed as Altair smirked whilst crossing his arms.

Altair: hey at least I won't get wrinkles like you.

Qrow: why you little-

The pair made their way home where Altair was greeted by an infuriated Ruby who was tapping her foot her cheeks puffed out her silver eyes hold a glare of betrayal, in her hand was her cookie jar, Altair gulped.

Altair: c-can we talk about this?

He questioned receiving no answer except Qrow's laughter, Ruby started slowly approaching him making him tremble in fear.

Altair: Mercy?

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