My Guardian Nightmare

By WintxrCherry

49.6K 3.2K 2.5K

There was a rumored cult that has been given offerings to a demon to not unleash hell on their town for many... More

Important Stuff
=1 - The News=
=2 - The Ritual=
=3 - New Friend=
=4 - A Guardian=
=5 - Cooking=
=6 - Speaking of Jobs=
=7 - Park a duck duck=
=8 - Cooking with Glitchy=
=9 - Nightly Problems=
=10 - Family Cooking=
=11 - Arcade=
=12 - Gift Giving=
=13 - Troubling thoughts=
=14 - School Recognition=
=15 - Lesson in Fear=
=16 - Cat Catastrophe=
=17 - Cat food=
=19 - Job details=
=20 - Bullying Gone Wrong=
=21 - A Familiar Guest=
=22 - A Father's Love=
=23 - Unannounced Visit=
=24 - Lil Ms. Tomato=
=25 - Get in the van=
=26 - Fresh visit=
=27 - Birth Error=
=28 - Soul checks=
=Bonus - Birthday Special=
=29 - News and Results=
=30 - Good news=
=31 - Mansion Tour=
=32 - Her Office=
=33 - Cult explanation=
=34 - In the Middle of the Night=
=35 - A king and his prince=
=36 - Crayon Queen=
=37 - Her name=
=38 - Spider friend=
=39 - Another Doctor Visit=
=40 - Past talks=
=41 - A Tsundere Mama=
=42 - SOUL care=
=43 - Meeting Asy's Fam=
=44 - 90's awakening=
=45 - Christmas Party=
=46 - A God's teasing=
=47 - Coming home=
=48 - Adventure Time=
=49 - Happy Questing=
=50 - Waking world=
=51 - Complimentary Reboot=

=18 - A mother's troubles=

756 49 70
By WintxrCherry

* Someone's gonna get exposeddd

* Also two way conversations, prepare for those

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

CQ looked at Error, raising an eyebrow, while a cat stroke purring around her son's legs. "Error, is something wrong?" She asked confused.

Error blinked a bit then glanced at CQ. "Well..." Error nervously fiddled with his hands a bit before he then moved and sat on CQ's lap. "Mama... Is... Is your work really being nice?" Error finally began and Comyet blinked, now looking at CQ in concern.

"Eh?" CQ answered and coughed slightly. Seemingly uncomfortable with the question, which she quickly tried to mask. "Of- of course it is!" She then said, tapping with her fingers on her leg. "Why shouldn't it be?"

"You stuttered ma." Error frowned lightly. "... CQ?" Comyet worriedly asked. "Is... Your work going okay?" Comyet worriedly asked while Error bit his bottom lip before looking up at CQ with an unreadable look. He was feeling pretty anxious but Ms. Comyet has to know!

CQ seemed more and more uncomfortable with every second, yet she refused to admit anything. "I am- It is-" The woman took a deep breath, before tilting her head. "My boss is my friend. So of course it's doing okay." She said with closed eyes, her fingers still tapping against her leg.

Error frowned lightly. "No he's not your friend... If he was! He'd-" Error then stopped for bit. "He'd be nicer with your sch... Sched- schedule!" Error frowned up at his mother. "Error, I don't thi-" "No!" Error then slammed his hands down on the couch. "I'm sick of this! Mama's suffering..." Error began to tear up a bit. He hates seeing CQ suffering! He can see it!

They were lucky that Fresh, Geno and Ink were busy upstairs so they didn't hear Error's yell.

CQ visible flinched at that, looking to her side, fiddling with her fingers. "Of- of course he is my friend." She mumbled. "We were friends since school- If he- if he wouldn't be my friend, he wouldn't have given me shelter and a job..." The woman was clearly uncomfortable, scooting around in nervousness.

"If that were the case, he shouldn't be this hard on you, CQ." Comyet said seriously, moving and carefully placing her hands on CQ's shoulders. "CQ, please... Be real with me... What's happening in your work..." Comyet softly spoke. "Ma... You have to tell Ms. Comyet... Please..." Error mumbled softly.

CQ bit her lip and looked away, her breath slightly ragged. The woman rubbed her arm. "It's- it's not important-" She avoided the question.

"Mama's work is mean." Error interrupted CQ, looking up at Comyet. "Mama's work is very mean... Before Mama got a bit better with money, Mama's boss was really mean, made her overwork and gave her min... Minu... Minumim wage." Error sniffled.

"Even now, the only thing that changed is money! Mama has barely any time for us anymore and the- and the money is still not enough to pay for Geno's hospital! And Geno's getting worse and and-" "Hey hey hey, Error, calm down..." Comyet worried as Error pretty much broke down now, hands moving to his eyesockets in a futile attempt the wipe the tears off. Even as a child, Error worried so much, Comyet could only realize just how much Error has bottled up.

CQ looked panicked at her crying child and decided to do what's the best right now and took Error in her arms hugging him. She seemed worried and a bit panicked. "Hey, Hey, Ruru, calm down..." She hummed to her child.

"Noo..." Error cried as he then hugged CQ. "I hate your work- I hate your boss!" Error sniffled, burying his face on CQ's shoulder. "I hate- I hate them..." Error cried softly while Comyet leaned forward and carefully pets Error with CQ. "There there..." Comyet then glanced at CQ in worry before moving and bringing both mother and child into the hug.

CQ let out a confused noise, as she was pulled with into the hug, her eyes widening. "Wh- wha...?" She asked confused.

"From the looks and sounds of it, you also need a hug." Comyet whispered to CQ while Error whimpered softly and huggrd CQ more, sniffling again.

CQ blinked and looked at Comyet in confusion, before looking at her son and tearing up. She didn't cry, she just teared up.

Comyet then carefully rubbed CQ's back. "It's okay CQ, we won't judge you." Comyet whispered softly while Error choked on a sob, repeatedly mumbling 'I don't like them..." over and over. Comyet just humming softly to bring at least some form of calm to the two. Somehow though, her humming did bring a sense of calmness.

CQ sniffled and began finally crying, despite Comyet's humming calming her slightly down. "It's- it's not fair." She sniffled. "When I was young and dumb and asked to be the Main character, I didn't want trauma, I wanted a dragon- Also, I was nine, how could I knoooow-"

(Fun fact, during writing, Mondi's auto correct made 'Main' to 'Error' so it ended up as 'Error character'.
The auto correct knows XD)

Comyet just listened to CQ's rambling, carefully rubbing his back while Error had also began to rub CQ's back as well. Seemingly calming down now that CQ's finally admitting it.

CQ sniffed and tried to calm down. She had laid her head onto Comyets shoulder and was clawing on her like on a Lifebuoy.

Comyet just kept humming as he held the two. "There there... It's okay, it's alright... You're okay... You both are..." Comyet cooed softly, carefully rubbing CQ's back and going back to humming.

CQ nodded slightly, slowly calming down. "I'm... I'm sorry..." She mumbled then.

"It's okay CQ, it really is. It was a good thing that you let it out, that pent up stress is not good..." Comyet trailed off as she then carefully pulled away and made Error face him. Error was still also crying. "Same thing goes for you, young man... You shouldn't bottle such things up, especially since you're still a child, you're only six." Comyet worriedly spoke. "B-But...

"No buts Error, you're a skeleton, you don't have those." Comyet spoke softly and Error couldn't help but shakily smile at that, a small giggle escaping him before choking on another sob. Comyet smiling softly and rubbing his head before giving CQ a side hug.

CQ slumped a bit in herself together, finally, finally being a bit more relaxed. And tired. She was also tired. Not that she would show it to anyone. "I'm still sorry..." She said then. "I shouldn't- I shouldn't cry, I am a grown-up woman, haha- it's not funny. But still, I-"

"Hey, hey..." Comyet spoke softly, carefully pulling CQ into a hug again. "Just because you're a grown woman, doesn't excuse you from crying. Even I cry time to time myself, CQ." Comyet spoke softly. "You needed to vent, it was reasonable... You shouldn't be sorry for something that should be natural." Comyet added. "Same goes for you Error. "Nhh...." Error just buried his skull on CQ's waist. 'Crying's just useless...'

"Oi! Crying is my whole branch, it's not useless! Saying crying is useless is like saying that my whole existence is useless!" Nightmare pouted, but really, he just wanted that Error didn't think that crying was useless and didn't know how else he should accomplish that. CQ rubbed her eyes and didn't answer Comyet, but her look in her eyes saying more than a thousand words. She wasn't convinced.

'O-Oh...- You're not useless though Nightymare! You're far from that...' Error then sniffled more, dangit, he became mean again... 'I'm sorry...' and Error bursted into more tears, feeling guilty and then just hugging CQ again.

Comyet looking at Error sadly before looking back at CQ. "I know it must be quite hard for you CQ..." Comyet whispered softly, cupping CQ's cheek with a hand in concern before humming a bit in thought. "Hey... Tell ya what, how about I give you a job- a much better one?" Comyet smiled softly at CQ.

CQ stared at Comyet and blinked a bit. "Wh-wha...?" She said, fear and distrust showing on her face. Damn, what happened to make her that distrustful-

"Error, no! I didn't- I didn't mean it that way, you're not mean, don't cry, I am sorry-" Nightmare panicked, he made his protégé cry!

"I know it sounds crazy CQ..." Comyet began softly. "Nor it sounds too good to be true, but I really do want to give you a job, and something that's gonna be way better... It'll give you more time for your children, while also still earning money..." Comyet spoke softly.

'B-But... But you're not useless...' Error sniffled softly, quietly sobbing on CQ while trying to wipe his tears away.

"I know, I know, but please calm down, I didn't mean it that way- it's just kind of my job to make people cry, but I didn't want to make you cry!" Nightmare said desperately. CQ blinked and rubbed her arm in distress, not knowing how she should answer. "Uhm..." She said and bit her lips.

Error blinked lightly. 'You... You don't... Like seeing me cry...? B-But... But you said that... That crying isn't useless....' It was too much for his tired, little mind to understand.

"You don't have to answer me now, okay CQ? If you need more time, I can hand you a contract that would list what you're gonna be doing once you're working for me, that way, you'll know how to prepare yourself." Comyet smiled softly, it was already way better than what Liam had done, making her dive head first into the job without even telling her what the job actually even is meant for.

CQ nodded slightly and sniffed, seemingly overwhelmed by the whole situation. "...Thank you..." She mumbled and looked at Comyet. "Well, it isn't, but it's my fault that you cried because you're sad- And I don't want to make you sad, because making other people sad is... mean, yeah, mean. Of course, people can get sad from time to time but I made you actively sad and didn't think about your feelings- And if I do it, it's bad, because I am prone to hurt people-"

Comyet then nodded and carefully hugged the two again before carefully wiping CQ's tears. "You're really brave CQ, just wanted you to know that." Comyet spoke softly and Error then sniffled. 'So... So d-does that mean that... You care for me...?' Error couldn't help but ask again as he frantically tried to wipe his tears upon starting to hear footsteps.

CQ looked at Comyet in disbelief and just shrugged lightly, looking away. "What? No! I mean- yes- I mean- I- ...yeah." Nightmare answered. CQ perked up at the footsteps and frantically wiped her eyes.

Comyet then glanced at the stairs at the incoming footsteps, pulling out a handkerchief and carefully wiping the twos eyes. Error then getting off and rushing to the kitchen to freshen himself up while Comyet just did a little... Let's say, magic. With drying CQ's tears. She knows that CQ wouldn't want the children to worry about her tear stained face yet after all.

'Do you really mean it?' Error felt happy at that confession, really happy- Nightymare cares! Error was even smiling a bit as he splashed his skull.

"Wh- of course I mean it!" Nightmare said grumpy. "Why shouldn't I mean it?"

'Well... Because I'm a mistake and stuff...?' Error replied, genuinely confused on what other reason would there be as he rubbed his face in a towel.

"...Who told you that." Nightmare asked seriously in a tone, that sounded like he would flip the tables every second.

'Uhm... I don't know... They told me that Error means mistake by definition... I looked it up and it was true...' Error trailed off. 'Some meanies like to call me that because of it now.'

"I will kill those little Fu-" Nightmare stopped and cleared his throat. "Ahem. Sorry. Error, you aren't a mistake, if you would be, I wouldn't hang around with you, I probably would've killed you and those meanies are just jealous of your beauty and awesomeness."

'Oh...' Error blinked lightly. 'But I'm none of those things...' Error trailed off as he entered the living room again, seeing that Ink was talking to Comyet. "Oh, there's Error." Comyet chuckled and Error blinked in confusion.

"Ink was looking for you hun." Comyet then got up and went towards Error. "Your face is a little wet though." Comyet then carefully wiped her thumb under Error's eyesockets, a very faint trail of magic leaving a trace before disappearing, Error looks good as new too... Then Comyet did a little wipe with her handkerchief to make it more realistic.

"You are an-" Nightmare interrupted himself. "What the- Why does she? How does she? I-"

'Nighty?' Now Error's just even more confused... He'll just ask Nightymare later and went towards Ink. "Why were you looking for me?" Error asked in confusion. "Well, it can't be a sleepover without you." "Ah... Okay, let's go." Error then smiled, as if nothing had ever happened before he then grabbed Ink's hand and began to walk up to their room again.

Ink followed Error and hummed slightly. The child looked at his friend, before booping him slightly and giggling then.

Error blinked in surprise before pouting at Ink before they then went to their room.

╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

* Ahaha :')

* We regret nothing XD

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