Cessation Of Samsara

By Fuouox

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I'd say this is a 1st priority book! But honestly, expect slow updates, and a lot of chapter rewrites! Samsa... More

Prologue : Morning Routines/ Chapter 1: Guess This Is My Life Now...
2. This Is A Joke, Right?
3 Commence Training!
4. Of course I passed!
5. The Bridge Builder Called Me Fugly!
6. Names Have Power, Especially Ibiki Morino.
7. The Boat.
8. Za-bull-za.
9. With a wave of Vainglory we fall.
10. One Day is All it Takes.
11. "Hey! That's My Wife You're Kissing!"
12. Little Love Bug.
13. Confessions.
13.1 Kakashi : All I Needed Was Warmth.
13.2 Sasuke : Do you know that feeling?
13.3 Naruto: After Training Training.
13.4 Sakura: Spa Day
14. Promise?
15. Dipshits.
16. It's All In Vainglory.
17. Lady Bug Vs Migite!
18. Seal Of Vainglory.
19. Vainglory.
20. Ah...of Course. He's A Tsundere.
20.2 10/10 Would Not Recommend
21. Haiku.
22. Announcements, Announcements...
22. Red Lake

20.1 The Truth Unveiled

117 5 8
By Fuouox

Takes place before the Land Of Waves

Chapter not edited

"Try again."

"Not working."


This man is so bullheaded, I'm surprised he doesn't have horns.

"We have tried again and again to activate the special abilities of the Juumuko!

Greed has no information on how to do it! I told you over and over again! The different eyes of the Juumuko get stronger with time and the more I use them!

Maybe the special abilities will be automatically unlocked when i reach a threshold!"

I was frustrated with this man. He doesn't take no for an answer. He keeps telling me to 'try harder'. To 'put more chakra' into my eyes. I felt my face get heated and red with anger.

Right now, we're in the sixth training ground. A forest with a, somewhat big clearing, and a picnic table in said clearing. This training ground isn't that popular. However, nearby, there's the fifth training ground, the mountain that Kakashi trained Sasuke in the original Naruto.

If you haven't caught on already, we're training my Juumuko. Hiruzen is a slave driver. I swear...

"Just put more chakra into your eyes!

Nothing will happen if you don't try!"

Matter of factly, i couldn't siphon more chakra in the Juumuko. It's automatic. I want to use the Juumuko so i do. That's pretty much how it works. And when i try to put more chakra in the Juumuko, it's like trying to eat soup with a fork... That has no prongs.

I had had it with this bulshit! If he wants chakra, I'll give him chakra!

I stopped Envy. I will do this manually.

"You want chakra? Well here! Have your god damn chakra!"

I started pouring chakra into the Juumuko. It, of course, just activated it. And i couldn't pour more of it, it just went back to it's original condition. So i did the next best thing. I channeled more chakra in my eyes.

Hiruzen felt it. Y/n stopped regulating and concealing their chakra. The kid had as much chakra as he did in his younger years.

Which is a lot, to say the least.

"Y/n! Stop this immediately!"

My vision blurred. My eyes stung. It felt like they'd pop at any second. It hurt... But i was determined to show the old man...what was i going to show him?


So here I am, in the hsopital, barbecue sauce on my tittie.

I already made this joke.

I messed with the patch on my eyes.


Gluttony was working over time to heal me. Along with the doctors.

I wasn't allowed to take the bandage off for a day at the least. I messed up! What am i going to do now?...it's a completely lost day of training!

I was pouting.

"Maybe if you would've listened to me when i told you to stop-"

"MaYBe iF yOu lISTEned to Me wHeN i ToLD yuO-Well maybe if you listened to me telling you i couldn't syphon more chakra into the Juumuko, this wouldn't have happened!"

Silence. A loud, silence. Then a sigh...the sigh. You know the one. The one your parents give you when they're frustrated and mad at you. The one that means disappointment. The sigh of exasperation.

"We will never see eye to eye, will we?"


Hiruzen stayed silent. He won't recognize he was wrong. I won't either. It goes both ways.

"We have to, y/-"

"No we don't.

I was brought here with the sole intention to change things. So i am doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

I'm not obliged to listen, or do anything for you.

You could try to make me listen to you. You could try to use a Yamanaka on me to scramble my brains.

But you won't."

"And why wouldn't I?!"

He was angry. I heard a chair screech. He sat up in anger and stomped his foot.

Is he a mad toddler?

I just merely leaned back down on the bed.

"Because you're scared.

If you make me do stuff forcefully. Through torture, or keeping something of mine captive...

Once I have the chance, I'll betray you.

And if you make a Yamanaka scrambled my brain. You, they, and everyone else will either :

A) Be consumed by existential dread. Making you, and if not you, many others, lose the will to fight.

B) Your secrets. Everyone's secrets will be revealed. From the Uchiha Massacre, to the many other secrets and forgotten truths my brain holds."

I shrugged. And 'looked' at my fingertips.

Silence filled the room. Until footsteps echoed in the room, a door opening and closing, then footsteps going down the hallway...

My eyes were already healed. Gluttony is amazing, after all. And yes, my chakra is pretty drained.

But I can get it back quickly.

The wound itself wasn't that serious. Who would've thought that putting so much charka in a body part, without training, would be so dangerous? Yet it could be healed so quickly?...me.

I did.

I do read medical jutsu books on the daily. I'm supposed to know something. Aren't I?

I wanted some peace and quiet from that man. I unwrapped the bandage from my eyes, and got out of bed.

"Now...if I'm correct...it should go like this..."

I was trying to make a shadow clone. Naruto is somewhat teaching me, even if not knowing it. I keep memorizing how he does the jutsu. And i think this is how...


And there it is! A perfect clone of me! Hehe! Praise me! Fawn over me! I'm the best!....there's no one here but my clone and I...

Anyway... I gave the clone the blindfold, and out the window i went.

I used the transformation jutsu to change my appearance for a while.

I'm pretty sure an ANBU is following me.

Shall I put on a show?

Aka, the ANBU assigned to watch over the Migite until they recover, watched in increasing worry as the Migite made eye contact with him.

He couldn't believe it.

He was chose for this mission because he was on of the stealthiest in the Leaf. In the ANBU. Sure, he wasn't trying his best at the moment. But he knew for a fact most jonin had no hope of finding him like this.

So how?...

The Migite appeared in front of him. He saw them do that before.

Aka was disguised as an elderly lady who was feeding pigeons.

"Just because I couldn't find you by looking for you normally. Doesn't mean that I can't find you by your chakra."

The ANBU was even more confused. He was sure he hid his chakra signature and aura. So how?...

"How... How did you find me, Migite-dono?"

"Just because you have your chakra suppressed, doesn't mean you don't have chakra.

I can see in all spectrums of the light. As well as see chakra. And an ANBU will have more chakra than normal people.

If you wanted to fool me, you should've gotten rid of some of your chakra, making you look like someone with normal amounts of chakra, and not some chakra hot-spot, for a lack of better words."

The ANBU stood still, not knowing what to do now. Something like this has never happened before.

"Did the Hokage tell you to report to him as soon as I left the room?"

"No, Migite-Dono, he did not.

He told me to tell him if something happened."

I smiled.

"Did he tell you to do it immediately?"

The ANBU, who already caught on to what y/n was insinuating, nodded no.

"No, he did not specify a time frame in which to relay the information to him."

The Migite smirked.

"Tell him after sunset."

The ANBU nodded, and bowed.

"Understood, Migite-dono."

The Migite did not move. And instead asked a question that caught the ANBU by surprise.

"Who do you personally think would win in a fight between the Hokage and the Migite?"

The man was obviously surprised. But he answered honestly.

"As things are now, I believe that the Hokage would win.

But the Migite, with time will be even stronger than Lord Third."

I nodded.

"Just as expected. I had the same answer.

Don't think much of it, just trying to discern my strength.

What about the average ANBU, how would the Migite fare against one of them?"

The ANBU stood quiet for a second.

"I believe that the Migite will win."

"Why is that."

"Most ANBU do not speak to each other about missions with compromising information.

However, as people do, ANBU talk to each other.

There have been some conversations; Ki and Ko, mostly. They talked about how strong the Migite is, and how when the Migite orders to train with them, the Migite always wins, and works them to the bone."

I nodded.

" What's your codename?"



So...here i am...outside the forest of death...boy...I'm going to regret this... Aren't I? Maybe not. I mean, if genin can do this, so can I. No?

I started the cronometer and put it in my pocket, I'm striving for at least five hours. If I can do that...then the rest of the day is free. I just need to get there without using Envy or Acedia...let's see how this works.

I jumped the fence, and didn't stop jumping form branch to branch. I kept moving from tree to tree, avoiding the not so friendly animals.

Giant millipede on the right!

I dodged and threw a kunai at it. The kunai sunk into it's head. But i didn't stop jumping, i kept going.


And so they kept going. Running around the forest, killing anything that tried to kill them. For hours they traversed, back and forth. Getting faster and faster with each try. Until it became three in the morning. They began their forest trek at nine in the morning. They would've gotten here sooner, but the map was wrong.

And here they stood, in the building inside the forest, defeated and tired. Best they could was two hours and five minutes. They were aiming for one hour tops.

Y/n was aimlessly walking around the building. The same one where the chunin exams were to be held. Least the second part, and the part where there are too many people.

I need to get stronger. Better. Faster. Smarter. I need to be more cunning. I need a plan. I have the basics down, but Im not really ready. I'm not sure what will happen once I put my plan into action. What will Orochimaru do? What will the Akatsuki do? What will Black Zetsu do? I need to think like them....but I'm not them. I can't think like them.

Not yet.

Walking aimlessly, they ended up at the basement door.

Out of pure curiosity, I used Sloth to look inside.
"Mother fucker... I'm a clone...."

Tubes, glass cilinders filled with liquid, decomposing bodies inside. All young. Ranging from babies to teenagers. All had the same general looks. But all had that pitch black hair. Just like me.

I tried opening the door. Nothing. A seal was placed on it. I tried harder... Maybe...

Using the Eye of Sloth, I could see inside the room, and with the Eye of Acedia, I managed to get inside.

The dust was thick, the dark was everywhere. Thank God for Sloth, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to see anything.


Two hours later, and I've only been able to read nearly half of the documents, reports, research locked in here. I can tell this place was used somewhat recently. There is a half eaten, mold covered sandwich.

I am a clone...least my body is.

My theory is, the Hokage used some of Orochimaru's old research to make my body. At least so I think. To be honest, the research here, all failures. None of them lived after being removed from the tanks by Orochimaru. But I guess they didn't need a live body to put me in. All they needed was a body.

And, as fucked as that is, the original, the donor of my DNA is - the door slammed open. ANBU poured in, all of them with their weapons brandished, and to my neck.

I didn't move, looking at my 'parents' photo.

His slow, rhythmic footsteps echoed in the silence.

The ANBU, Akaiinu, was the only one to speak.

"You told me to tell the Hokage when the sun sets, Migite-dono.*

"I did.

And now, the Hokage will explain himself."

The Hokage, standing at the bottom of the stairs, smoking his pipe, huffed and puffed out smoke.

"You already know.

Y/n, destroy the lab, that is an order.

If this information should fall in the hands of the enemy..."


I sighed as I finished reading the papers. He sad destroy the lab, and that's what I did. I destroyed the lab. But the papers, I hid them. Took them home. Well, they did fall into my hands, but I'm not the enemy, am I?

Now, let's get rid of these papers for real. All the information is in my mind. Unless a Yamanaka tries something dumb, then there's no need to panic. Admittedly, the other stuff in my head is much more interesting and important than how to make a mini Madara Uchiha.

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