'where we are now' remus lupi...

By Fredweazleyswife

140K 5.7K 4.1K

"You kissed Sirius," I sob. "I know, Cordelia." He whispers. "It's so horrible." "Yes, it is. I wish you hadn... More

New flesh
Hot rod
Bad moon rising
We could be friends
Black bird
Drunk on Halloween
Little talks
What you know
Don't stop me now
Cigarette daydreams
Like real people do
Meet me in the woods
Show me how
Making you cry
Kiss it off me
Something in the way
Wilted flower
The broken hearts club
Not allowed
More than a woman
We're not just friends
Boys don't cry
Just the two of us
Just like a movie
I think I like when it rains
From now on
Never coming down
Hearing damage
Seven Letters
The Cut That Always Bleeds
Chamber of reflection
You broke my heart
Change (In the house of flies)
Master of none
First love / Late spring
Dark red
Take me to church
Supermassive black hole
No other heart
will do.
Daddy issues
Training wheels
Echos of a cloudless mind
The good side
My body is a cage
Watercolor eyes
A different age
I write sins not tragedies
The dog days are over
Quiet, the winter harbor
High road
Don't delete the kisses
How soon is now?
Hunger of the pine

Black out days

1.1K 46 39
By Fredweazleyswife

"Tell me all the ways to stay away."

Sexual content, viewer discretion advised

I wake to all the curtains around my bed drawn and Regulus sitting at the foot. His elbows rest on his knees and his head hangs in his hands. I prop myself up and rub sleep from my eyes. "Reg?" I yawn, "What time is it?"

He doesn't turn to face me. "Just past seven-thirty. Sorry I didn't wake you for breakfast, I thought you should sleep,"

Furrowing my brows, "S'okay," I pull the blankets off of my legs and crawl up behind him. I wrap my arms around his neck and peck him on the cheek. "Good morning," I can't help but grin.

Regulus doesn't grin back, instead, he offers me a strained tight-lipped smile. "Morning, Sunshine,"

Oh no.

Oh no.

Oh no.

"Everything okay?" I ask nonchalantly though my insides are a tornado.

Regulus grabs hold of my arm and rests his head back against my chest. He sighs. "Can we spend the day together?"

"Of course, I have a free period after—"

"No," Regulus cuts me off quickly. "I mean all day. Skip school and go somewhere,"

I scoff, removing my arms from around him. "Regulus I can't miss anymore school, besides where would we go?" I can't keep my hands to myself for long. Before I know it, I'm twirling one of his curls around my finger.

I feel him shrug "I dunno, you pick,"

"No, because we have school."





Regulus pulls away and turns to face me. I study the harsh curves of his jaw. The intensity of his eyebrows. The storm clouds in his eyes. Who am I to deny anything someone this beautiful asks of me? "Please?"

I'm a bit breathless. "Okay,"

Finally, he smiles, but once again it's weighted. "Any ideas about where we can spend the day?"

I think for a long moment. "My family owns a small cottage on the beach? I'm sure it's empty this time of year, I could apperate us?"


Tilting my chin up, "Nothings perfect," I use his own words against him.

"I lied," A smirk toys with the end of his lips. "You are."

I blush. "You're disgusting. Let's go,"


The air is thick with the smell of sea-salt, so much so that I can almost taste it. The sky is overcast and about twenty meters away, perched on a cliff above the ocean, the cottage sits.

It nests in tall grass, made up of grey stones. It reminds me of simpler times. My whole family, aunts and uncles, grandparents and parents, would all come out here during summer for a few weeks. The Evans cottage. This place holds most of my remaining happy memories. This place is a conjuring of some happy dreams. Sacred.

"It's—amazing," Regulus gasps. He takes an unconscious step forward, dropping my hand from apperition. The wind blows his hair back out of his face, and even in this dim light, I see dark shadows under his eyes.

I step close to him. "Shall we?"

He nods and we set off on our short treck uphill. The cottage door is large and wooden, an old fashioned metal lock beneath the handle. I pull my wand out of the pocket of my trousers."Alohamora,"

The inside of the cottage is dark and it smells a bit like mildew and laundry. I flick on the light switch, revealing a small  living room area. The fireplace is empty and the brown leather couch looks stiff. Still, this is the closest I've felt to a home in a long time.

Regulus wanders around aimlessly. Looking at old photographs and idly picking up objects just to set them back down. I watch him nervously from the doorway. "Incendio," He mutters, I hadn't even noticed he had his wand out.

The fireplace crackles loudly. "Do you want a drink?" I ask, bouncing on my heels. My sneakers create a creak against the floorboards.

"No, thank you." Regulus takes a seat on the couch.

Is everything okay? I find myself wanting to ask again. I don't have the courage. I will never be strong enough.

Instead, I move to be next to him.

I lay my head in his lap, and let him smooth my hair back in soothing pets. I stare up at him while he stares at the fire and wonder what he's thinking about.

"Evans," He says suddenly. My eyes snap open, I hadn't realized I'd shut them. Mhmm, I hum, too drowsy to trust my words. "A-are you still in love with Lupin?"

Regulus' question sobers me from my sleepy state. I keep my gaze on the bottom of his chin,
he keeps his gaze on the fire. I can't lie. "Yes," My voice is exceptionally quiet. He doesn't stop petting my hair. Did he hear me? "Are you in love with me..?"

He sighs. "You go against everything I was and and everything I am. You may very possibly cost me my life. And—and still, I will never want anything more than to be by your side. I was a totally different person before you, I have never felt as defenceless as I feel now. I hate you if anything, Cordelia, I really do—" Regulus' hand traces the line of my forehead, down my cheek, until he reaches under my chin. We lock eyes and I'm paralyzed. "I hate how you make no sense. How can you save me and kill me? How have you made a slow death something so amazing?"


"With that being said, we can't continue to see each other any more."

Is everything okay? "Fuck you, that's not funny."

"That's because I wasn't joking."

Is everything okay? "What the hell are you talking about? What's the meaning of all this?"

"It's not a good idea—"

Is everything okay? "So now all of a sudden you're concerned with bad ideas? Sorry to tell you it's far too late for that,"

Regulus pulls his face together, stoic and marble. "You are no good for me. I never should have gotten this involved—"

"W-what? What's changed? Last night you were promising you were gonna be there in the morning after crawling into my bed! And you were!"  The room is getting smaller and my breaths are growing deeper.

"I keep my promises."

The fire roars, tears begin to well. "Then make me your ultimate promise. Im selfish. I love Remus, maybe forever. But I need you, Regulus. I-You're my best friend. I'm no good for you but only you are good for me. I won't survive if you do this—just, give me a few months and maybe i'll be ready—"

"You are making this so difficult," I swear I see a break in his face, but as quickly as a flicker of a light, his stoic expression is back. "Don't be naive, it's not about that. To be honest, he's the better choice, the inevitable,"

"I refuse to accept this."



"Stop being child—"


"Merlin listen to yourself,"

I stand up, now hovering above him. Pointing my finger in his face, "No! You listen to yourself! You make me skip school just so you can leave me? I won't have it. Like it or not, I know you Regulus. I can see you don't want to end this anymore than I do. You make no sense! 'make a slow death amazing'? Jesus fucking Christ, Regulus, am I supposed to know what that means? God! Fuck you! You aren't going anywhere! It's too late! I won't let—"

Regulus grabs my arm, yanking me onto his lap. My palms rest against his chest and I heave, out of breath from my rant. "My parents have heard about us. They'll kill you if they figure out it's true,"

"I would gladly die for such a noble cause as us," I say. It feels silly, melodramatic, but wholly true.

"You're a lunatic,"

"I've just decided i'm not losing you, too. " I feel my face getting hot and my eyes flicker from his to the wall. He makes me so nervous. "Moron," I add for good measure.

Regulus grins big and wide, but it falters. His gaze flicks to his own arm quickly. "There's something you should know then. You might change your mind..."


"You can't tell anyone, even if you decide you hate me one day. You can't mutter a word about it outside of this cottage, do you understand?"  I slide my hands from his chest and clasp them around his neck.




"Does it have something to do with he who shall not be named?" I ask, chills running up my spine at the thought.

"Yes," He breathes, his face looking terribly discouraged. Regulus' brows furrow and he can't meet my gaze. My heart breaks for him.

"You don't have to tell me." I don't want to explain myself. It will ruin the moment i've found myself in. Instead of speaking, I swiftly slide my hand to the nape of his neck and pull him in.

Just like that, a long and hot-blooded kiss is exchanged. It's fueled with desire, misunderstanding, and everything in between. Our bodies move closer. Lips rove against one another.

Everything is falling out of place.

It's—it's amazing.

If I die at his hands, the only thing I will be is grateful.

Regulus' hands travel my body, memorizing all the tender spots and parts that are curved specifically for his grasp to fit. He rubs his hands gently enough against those spots for soft whimpers to escape my mouth.

I run my fingers through his hair. His hand slithers up the side of my thigh as I feel his cold finger pads press against my warm skin. We ache for each other, and it took us this long to realize such.

I can feel his pants grow tighter. Regulus' pushes his thigh between my legs, and eventually the friction becomes so much I gasp. The rougher the kissing, the more I grind against his thigh. His hands reach my hips and with a slight tug Im pressed against his growing erection.

His breathing grows heavy as he pulls away from my mouth and kisses my neck. I knock my head back and grind against him. His hand periodically grasp my thighs then my hips tighter. Regulus' palms make sure they feel all of me.

I swear I feel his blood turning warm. The air between us grows thick. Lust and passion follow. Regulus halts his kissing on my tender neck and looks up at me. "Cordelia," he breathes, his plump lips full, "Tell me something,"

"I'll tell you anything you want," I mumble against his lips.

"Tell me it's over,"

I place a long kiss onto his lips before pulling away again. "Anything but that,"

This fuels him. He's flustered, and his cheeks look warm. "Tell me we are done,"

"Never," He engulfs himself onto my lips once more. I suck his bottom lip, and he does the same. The blood keeps rushing. All over and through my body. And I'm sure for him, it's the same. It's phenomenal.

Regulus breaks our kiss and tugs at the hem of his pajamas. He wants them off, and so do I. I lift myself off his lap so he can remove his pants. I pull them down for him, which seems to take him by surprise. I take mine off too while I'm at it. I leave his pants on by his shins, and I pull at his boxers as well. Regulus lifts his waist to help me.

My mouth waters at the sight. Something overcomes and I have all this boldness. Bravery if you will.

My small hand wraps around his dick as my mouth comes in contact with his tip. His breath is taken away.

Regulus inhales sharply as he watches me take control. My mouth wraps around him as I bob my head up and down slowly. I enjoy what I'm doing; eyes closed, tongue swirling around.

I stop sucking and smile up at him—a seductive smile, or the best I can manage. I climb back into his lap as Reg sits back up. "I'm ready," I murmur, "Are you?"

"Always," he replies quickly. "Push your underwear aside, Sunshine,"

With a smirk, I take my fingers and push them aside. "You're so—"

"I know," I mutter softly, "Enough talking. Let's do what we do best, love,"

Love, I say to myself, Haven't called anyone that in so long.

Regulus aligns himself with me. He slowly rubs himself against my entrance, and his breathing quivers. Whatever he mutters to himself, it's as obscene as can be.

Finally, he builds the tension and breaks it right down by pushing himself inside of me. My mouth gapes open as his hands pull his wait down against me, pushing himself deeper. My hands grab onto his shoulders while my nails dig into the cotton of his T-shirt.

"You okay?" Regulus shudders.

"Mhm," I mumble. Slowly, but surely, I eventually find myself easing into it. He fills me up completely. We're never meant to be split apart.

I knock my head back and close my eyes shut. I thrust against him, pushing him in deeper with each stroke. Whimpers escape his lips, and it's music to my ears.

"You're always so good, Cordelia," Regulus whimpers. His hands plant against my waist as the pace speeds up between us. "I—fuck—I'm never going anywhere, I ad-mit—shit—i'd miss you,"

My face floods with pink. "Like I said—oh—I wouldn't—ohh—let you,"

I press my forehead against his, heavily breathing as our skin sticks to one another. My hands grasp onto his biceps, holding on for dear life. I continuously push down onto him all while maintaining eye contact. The gloomy grey eyes I seek comfort in—the eyes i've always sought comfort in.

"Take all of me," Regulus grunts. He has one hand behind my back and the other on my side, guiding me down towards him. He is gravity pulling me down. I am orbiting his world. "Like the good girl you've always been,"

I become more vocal; Regulus, as well. Our whimpers, gasps, heavy breathing and groans are a symphony. Of the filthiest tones and notes.

Regulus continues to push himself into me. My moans rub up my throat and out my mouth like an echoing cave.

"I'm coming—" I huff, "Reg—ulus, I'm coming,"

Without hesitation, Regulus grabs my body with both hands and switches positions. I lay flat on my back as he positions himself between me. While still inside me, he swings my legs over his shoulders and pushes deeper than I ever knew possible.

I gasp. My hand smacks against the couch as my nails claw at the leather. "Reg—oh—I can't,"

"Can you take it a little bit longer, baby? For me?" he croons, still thrusting deep inside of me.

"Fuck, I—I can,"

"That's my girl," he spits. Regulus pounds into me and I weep tears of adrenaline. "I'm so close,"

The praise. It's the praise that sends me over the edge. My walls tighten around him. I arch my back and gasp for air. I'm really coming to an end, and Regulus knows. His hand glues to my hips, plunging harder. My eyes water and my body breaks out in goosebumps.

"You look so fucking pretty when I fuck you like this," he grunts, "I'm going to come,"

"S-so do it," I stammer, "Come inside me, Regulus,"

He obeys. We come at the same time. Regulus pumps into me slowly before pulling out completely. I wince at the size of him. My legs feel weak. I'm shaking.

Regulus falls to my side with a damp body. I look up at the ceiling trying to regulate my breathing. "We really shouldn't see each other though," he says, breaking the silence. "I'm scared, Cordelia. For you and I both."

"I know," I sigh. "Me too,"

And just like that, just like always, I realize what this very moment signifies; The beginning of the end of everything.


Song: Black out days by Phantogram

Last Cordelia and Regulus smut chapter ;(

Please check out my story "Death eaters unto devils," It's an AU where the marauders are slytherin and Remus runs w the packs.

I only published one chapter and if you guys like it I will continue it (it's a regulus black and tom riddle love triangle)


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