The Lone Witch- The Owl House...

By im_bored_hi_

3.8K 88 27

Luz Noceda is a simple girl. Following the rules, going to school, and helping out her mom. At least, that's... More

A Normal Day
It Actually Exists
Entering and Breaking
Acting human
Casual Mockery
The "Enchanted Lake"
Dump Diving
Human School
Safe Rain
Demon fight
Just A Normal Job Fair
Meanies and Mysteries
Cheating But No Murder
Card Game Addiction
Human Sleepovers Aren't Always Boring
Demon Hunters
Harmless Pranking
Fighting Fiction with "Fiction"
Confirming Conspiracy
Power and Drama King
The Palisman
In The Woods
Mostly Safe Trials
Season 1a Character Designs

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179 5 2
By im_bored_hi_

"What. The fuck. Was that Noceda!" Eda yells.

I lay back on the couch with a shrug.

"You performed magic in front of 4 people without so much as a face covering for a disguise, caused a hell of a lot of property damage, severely injured the police captain, the list goes on!"

"What was I supposed to do!?" I retort.

"You looked me in the eye, Noceda," she continues, ignoring my question, "You looked me in the eye as I tried to tell you not to use magic. You forget, this is the human realm. We don't have magic!"

"Explain the barrier then. You said you needed a witch to open it. I know you explained science stuff but it looked like magic!"

"There's no magic here."

"Still doesn't explain why that Wrath guy said we did it without keys."

"Their keys just use electricity."

"Then how did I open it?"

"I already told you! Something with your biochemistry bypassed the field or gave the right signature to turn off or something. This is giving me a headache. Look kid, magic isn't real here. Science is. There has to be an explanation on how you opened the door by touching it, but I can be bothered to think of one now." Eda rants, sounding exasperated.

She groans and rubs her forehead.

"Whatever it is, the Mayor will probably hear about the magic you did soon. And when that happens, he's going to look for you. But not in the way I initially thought. You're a criminal now. I am too, but not for attacking an officer and severe property damage. I need to get you back to the portal. Then, you won't be arrested and you won't be my problem anymore. Got it?"

Dejected, I nod.

I guess this last adventure is destined to be short lived.


Eda powers on the portal. I stand in front of it, holding all my things. King slowly trots over to me and whimpers.

"It's okay bud." I say softly, scratching his head.

"Alright kid," Eda sighs, "It's been nice knowing you. This is for the best, ok? I don't want anything to happen to you."

"It's ok." I sigh.

I wave goodbye and step through the portal. And just like that, I'm back on the Boiling Isles.

I set up by things inside the shack. It's good shelter so might as well. I should be good to stay here for however long I want to. But, just to be safe, I set up an illusion around the house making it undetectable. And to make sure nobody poofs it, I make the terrain more jagged and the path lead away from here. The construction track kid really came in handy teaching me all those spells. Hopefully, nobody will find me.

Once I get all this done, I lay back on my sleeping bag and stare at the ceiling.

It's quiet. Lonely. But it's what I wanted, right?

Has mom found the note yet? Is she looking for me? Did I make the right choice?

I need a nap. That'll clear my head.


I'm woken up by a bright light. At first I'm confused but then I recognize that it's the portal.

Eda opened it again? Does she know I'm here?

A small bottle flies in. Inside is a note.

Kid, if you find this, I want you to come back. I want you to stay. It might not be for long, you can decide when you're sick of us, but I do want you back. You'd be handy to have around as far as work goes. Plus, it's super boring without you.

See you soon,


Immediately, I pack everything back up. I decide to leave up the illusion so nobody finds this place. Once I have all my things, I step through the portal.


I look around. I'm back. Eda shuts down the portal and walks over to me, King in tow.

"A message in a bottle?" I ask smugly.

"Eh. I don't know what your world is like. Not like I could throw over a paper airplane." She replies with a chuckle.

"I'm glad you let me come back."

"Hey, don't get too excited. You're gonna have to work for me if you want to stay here. And you'll have chores to do. Don't forget actually learning to be human! Those ears are way too risky exposed like-"

I cut Eda off with a hug.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome kid."

"Off topic, but what was so important about the collar we stole?" I ask, stepping back.

"Oh, that old thing? It was to collar King was wearing when I first found him. He doesn't wear it anymore, but he still loves it. Can't sleep without it."

King trots over to us with the collar in his mouth and sits very tall, as if he's the one why found it. I kneel and look at the tag. It's half broken, but the half still on doesn't have words.

It has part of a symbol.

King's tail is wagging furiously so I give him some scratches on the side of his face.

"This is the right choice."



"Sir, I told you everything I know. I know it sounds crazy but-"

"What is your job?"

"Captain of your police force."

"And what did I tell you to do?"

"Report to you the second something suspicious happens."

A fleshy spike flies up, inches away from his throat.

"And what happened?"

"A girl. With magic."

The spike retracts.

"Thank you. Was that so hard, Wrath?"

"No sir."

"Now tell me. Who is this girl with."

"Eda Clawthorne."

"I see. You know what to do."

"Yes sir."

"You know my name. You shouldn't fear using it."

"Yes Mayor Belos, of course."

"Now go."

The captain quickly leaves the room, leaving the lone man in the center.

"I'm coming for you witch. And your magic won't be able to protect you."

A/N: And that's episode 1! This is pretty much how the rest of this is going to go. Parallel events to the show, with some original things. If you couldn't tell these: "~~~" mean switching realms or a small time skip and these: "———" mean a change of perspective. I'm going to use 1st person for Luz, 3rd for everyone else. It might be a bit confusing but I write better in 1st person.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this story. I can't wait to show you what's next with Luz the Witch.

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