A New Beginning (HxH X MHA)

By Speedyboy36

31.1K 1.2K 1.5K

OFFICIALLY DISCONTINUED sorry :( (Basic Idea Came From Heriotza's Old Story 'Killu-nya meets mha'. Make sure... More

Before we start..
Chapter 1: Just Where The Hell Am I?
Chapter 2: The Human Lie Detector
Chapter 3: Clothes, Chocolate and A lot of Robots
Chapter 4: Fashion Disaster and Showing Off
A/N (i dont like doing these )
Chapter 5: Lessons, Friends and A Fight With The Best Student.
Chapter 6: Sympathy and Bloodlust
Chapter 7: The Raid
Chapter 9: The Festival and.. One for All?
Chapter 10: New Characters Unlocked: Gon and Alluka!
Chapter 11: Bouncy Bouncy and Reunited
Chapter 12: Green and White

Chapter 8: The Aftermath, and Moving Forward

1.5K 79 93
By Speedyboy36

Its that time againnnnnnn :D

Starting at 20:10, got me some milk and a whole ton of ton of work to do so imma keep this short. Any mistakes or advice pointed out would be rally helpful, I hope you enjoy this chapter, and i'll see you at the end.

Now anyway.. where did we leave off?

Ah right!


A head dropped to the floor, and behind the once alive man stood Killua. The boy's right arm was covered in the same blood that coated the floors. The room was silent, for the most part. No one spoke, or rather, no one could speak. After all, unconscious and dead bodies couldn't really speak.

Killua thought fast, and while he was focused almost entirely on killing the ones who dared threaten his friends, he didn't want to lose said friends due to killing those people. So the flash of electricity was not only Killua catching the quirk erasing bullet but was also him giving everyone a quick chop to the neck. 

The boy let out a long sigh. It had been so long since he killed someone, and while he wasn't exactly proud of the fact he reverted to his old ways, it did succeed it relieving him of his anger. Looking behind him, he saw a headless overhaul, and two unrecognisable bodies that were made by his thunderbolt. Killua didn't really mean to kill those two, but he forgot just how dangerous his nen was to these people who can't even use ten. But movement over near Mirio caught his attention. And that was when killua realised a fatal flaw in his plan. 

'Shit.. i forgot about Eri..'

Killua quickly got to work, dumping the bodies that were once his enemies behind a rock so the little girl wouldn't have to see them. After wiping the blood off of his hands he went over to the cape, making sure to kneel down on the opposite side to all of the blood, and spoke in the most gentle voice someone who just killed three people could muster. "Hey Eri, its safe now. You can come out.."

The cape moved slightly but otherwise no move to leave it was made. Killua could understand this, its not like she knows who he was. "I took care of Overhaul and the other bad people okay? No one is gonna hurt you anymore kid." The boy said as he slowly began removing the cape, being careful to make it block out all signs of blood. The girl was still unmoving even without the cape, much to Killua's dismay. Once again he was reminded of his inability to show sympathy well, which was something he had cursed his family for on numerous occasions since he got here. Suddenly his face lit up as he got an idea on how to get through to Eri. 'Children like sweets right? Maybe if i...' He stuck his hand into his pocket and grabbed one of his apple flavoured lollipops. He had all sorts of flavours stashed, so he just picked out the one which was his least favourite. 'Goodbye my treasure, while you definitely weren't the best, i will remember you'  the boy thought as he slowly unwrapped it.

He slowly opened her hand and placed the lollipop on top of it. "Here, children like sweet things right?" The timid girl lifted her head and Killua gave her a small smile while reaching to grab another one from his pocket and unwrapping it. Eri looked to her hand, clearly confused on what to do with what Killua gave her. 'I can't believe this kid hasn't had a lo- oh wait, yeah i can..".

"Look, you eat it like this" he said while sticking his lollipop into his mouth. "But don't bite on it, just keep it there for a while. Okay?" Killua told her, and after a few moments she followed his instructions. Even Killua was surprised at how quickly her face changed from slightly scared and confused to overjoyed. "Woahhhh, so yummy!" she said with her eyes practically shining. Killua found it kind of weird that she didn't even smile while saying something with such enthusiasm, but shrugged it off.

"I know right?! I love candy too." Killua responded with the same level of excitement, happy that his plan worked. The girl looked down to see Mirio on the floor unconscious. Killua assumed it was because Mirio was the one that was previously trying to save her that cause her mood to come crashing down. " Is he okay..?" the girl turned to Killua with teary eyes. The boy was taken aback, 'Please dont cry please dont cry please dont cry' "Yeah! He's totally fine, he's just sleeping for a while thats all." He said in a desperate attempt to cheer her up. After all he was even worse at dealing with people who were crying than old people, and thats saying something.

Luckily for Killua, she didn't. But his relief was quickly cut off by someone running into the room with an exhausted expression. "Killua! What happened?!" The man said, quickly catching his breath and running over to him. 'Of course it's the old man, but i guess it's better than some other random hero.' The boy thought to himself as Aizawa came to a stop next to him. 

"I took care of them all, Izuku and Mirio are just knocked out." Killua told the man "And this i-" He stopped as he looked around and saw Eri behind him, clinging to his shirt. 'She's scared of him.. thats not a good sign.' Aizawa was quick to speak "That's Eri right? Good." but the man looked over behind Killua's shoulder shortly after, and saw all of the blood. His eyes widened 'For fucks sake, here it comes..'  "What did you-" Killua cut him off before he could finish. 

"They shot at Eri with a quirk erasing bullet and Mirio jumped in the way. I did what i had to so i could protect them all." Aizawa was taken aback.

"And if you have a problem with that, or if you tell anyone else about what i did, don't think i won't do the same to you old man.

Fluffy cloud time :3


"Heya Eri, i've brought something new for you to try!" I said as i walked through the door to her hospital room. Things have been going pretty smoothly, me and the old man (after some... persuasion lets say) Managed to cover the whole incident up, saying the league of villains betrayed Overhaul and killed him before escaping. I didn't even know they were up until now, but luckily i'm a really good actor.

"Really?! What is it, what is it?!" The girl said jumping up and down on her bed. Jeez, do i wish i could have her energy. Then maybe, just maybe i'd be able to match gon's if i ever see him again. "Well, this is my favourite food in the whole entire world so i'm sure you'll like it!" I pulled out a small box of choco-robots from my backpack, and handed her the godly chocolate treat. 

She instantly started eating it with a mall smile on her face, which was definitely a rare sight, but she's slowly getting more accustomed to being happy. "I love them! They taste so good!" this was of course what i expected "I told you, they are the best thing in the world no doubt about it." she quickly nodded with sparkles in her eyes. 

Her eyes dropped down to the box and she stared at it for a few seconds, and then she looked at me, then back at the box. I guess i do have enough for today in my backpack... "You want some more right?" I asked her to which she instantly started nodding again, i passed her the entire box. "I have to go to school now or i'll be late, okay? Don't eat them all at once" It was almost time for me to be in class so i'd have to run "Ok! Bye Killua!" She said, clearly focusing more on the box of chocolate than me. She's just like me in that sense, i guess. "Cya!" I walked out the door. 

Schools been pretty normal too, izuku has gone back to normal. And while Uraraka, Asui and Kirishima have kept quiet, they probably know i was the one who took out overhaul. They keep on staring at me while talking between the three of them, and then they quickly look away when i match their stare, as if i can't easily sense them.

'Welp, whatever, gotta get to class before the old man yells at me'

After the Raid, I slowly got adjusted to my new top speed. Since I'd never tried to go past my old limit, I was barely able to stop before I hit Izuku last time. But now, I'm able to do it without any problems.

...still though, I don't really think causing a hurricane in the middle of a city would be a good idea.

Ugh, guess my old speed is enough.

We going back to how I normally write now

Luckily when Killua got to the classroom, Aizawa wasn't there yet. So he just activated zetsu and sat down in his seat while pulling out one of the many other chocolate robots in his bag.

Sometimes, Killua hated having a quirk. He hates having to hear everything going on around him, even with earmuffs on it was starting to get unbearable for the boy. 'How the hell am i going to be able to even be within 10 meters of Gon if i see him again? He's way too loud for these things to be effective at all!' The boy thought to himself, while for the first time dreading the day he see's gon again.

Killua focused his attention on his classmates for a second and he saw Jiro threatening Kaminari with her earphone jacks. 'What did i miss?!' Killua thought, disappointing he didn't get to watch it happen. Aizawa walked into the class and told everyone to sit down, to which Killua was thankful for as everyone finally shut up.

The boy just stared at the ceiling, barely listening to what the teacher said. He got the general idea of it though, there was a festival coming up and the entire class had to do something for said festival. 'I swear to god if they pick something embarrassing, i ain't doing shit.' Most of the class gave lots of different ideas on what they could all do, some were actually decent, others were really bad, and the select few were downright impossible. Killua already didn't want to take part, so instead he decided to eat his chocolate and wait until it was over and done with.

Soon enough the rest of the day passed by, and Killua was just sitting around in the common room. While most of the time he hated having so many people around, its not like he hated the people themselves. Somehow they were still going on about the festival, much to Killua's annoyance. "Are you guys seriously still going on about this? Just pick one and go with it, jeez" Killua thought, not knowing he announced it to everyone. So when all of their stares were directed at him, he instantly regretted staying down in the common room.

"Hey hey, just because i told you to hurry up doesn't mean i've got ideas okay? Now stop looking at me!" He told them, clearly uncomfortable with all the staring. Luckily for Killua they all listened and decided on something to do with music and dancing. Which was good and all but Killua wouldn't dance even if his life depended on it, 'That would be so embarrassing to do in front of people! No way am i doing that' He thought.

When it was suggested that Jiro play with her instruments Killua got slightly more interested in the conversation. 'I didn't know Jiro could play.. well actually it makes sense now that i think about it.' She denied, saying her music was just a hobby but everyone kept on encouraging her and her eventually agreed. 'Might ask her to teach me how to play something sometime' The boy thought as he walked up to his room to get some peace and quiet.


"Oh hey old man, what are you doing here?" Killua asked Aizawa. He spotted the old man right before he was about to enter Eri's room. "Just checking on her, thats all." The man said as he started to walk off. Just as he was about to leave though Killua had an idea. "Hey old man, what do you think about letting Eri come to the festival too?" He asked, which made the man pause. 

"She's been trapped inside pretty much her whole life, i just thought she could use some fresh air." Killua explained. Aizawa turned around, and looked straight at him. "You'd have to take care of her, you alright skipping out on participating in the festi-" Killua didn't even let him finish "Yes, definitely". 

After a few moments Aizawa let out a sigh and pulled out his phone, " Sure, i'll ask Nezu" he said. 'Nice!' The boy thought. 'Now i dont have to dance, and i can take care of Eri instead!' So Killua walked into Eri's room "Guess what? I brought more chocolate robots!"


When Killua got back to the dorms, he walked in on everyone talking about who would play what instruments at the festival sipping on a chocolate milkshake. Killua heard that Bakugo was on drums and had to hold back a laugh 'How fitting of the guy with the explosion quirk to be able to play the drums.' But other than that nothing really surprised him until they started to decide who will sing. 

At first the boy's ears were screaming at him to kill the source of the terrible singing voices that he had the misfortune of hearing but then when Jiro stepped up, he didn't have to cover up his ears even more. Killua had to admit, she was a really good singer. But the admiration wasn't long lasted as he realised another thing.' Hah! How typical of the the girl with the earphone jack quirk to be good at music!' He once again had to hold back a chuckle at his second realisation. Everyones role was announced and Killua began getting up to go to his room 'Sweet, should be pretty fun to watch Bakugo suffer.' He snickered at the thought.

'Speaking of sweet, this Milkshake wasn't nearly as good as i thought, needs to be way sweeter.' Then he remembered something. 'Wait.. i can just make it sweeter!' Killua quickly sat down and put his Milkshake on the table, holding both of his hands to each side of the cup. Everyone else looked slightly confused at his actions.

Killua then activated Ren to strengthen his nen. Since he was a transmuter, if he used his nen on something it would get sweeter in turn. Although he'd never tried it on anything except water before, he was still confident he could do it. After waiting like that for a few seconds, he took the milkshake back into his hand and took a sip from it.


"Hey Killua, you okay?" Izuku asked him, causing the boy to whip his head around to face him " I am way more than okay, i assure you." He said, practically vibrating with energy. "Then.. why are you acting weird?" He asked. And in response Killua shoved the milkshake into his hands, "Drink some of this and you'll see" Killua told him. Curious, Izuku did as he was told and sipped it.

"What the- why is it so sweet?!" Izuku practically shouted, getting everyone elses attention. "Because, Izuku. I made it this way. And i love it. Now, leave me to my godly drink would you?" Killua told him, taking his masterpiece back. "You are clearly not worthy to handle such power."

"Whats wrong deku?" Uraraka asked the boy. "Killua did something to his milkshake and its so sweet that it hurts my teeth and stomach just thinking about it" Izuku said while holding his hand to his stomach and leaning one arm onto the sofa next to him.

"Really its that bad? Hey Killua can i try?" She asked the boy to which he quickly responded "If you think you are worthy then go ahead, but if you can not handle it then you only have yourself to blame!" Killua said like he was in an overly-dramatic anime, clearly having found a way to become high but with sugar. He handed the drink to Uraraka and she drank it.

She paused, her eyes widening. 

Then she started laughing, then Killua started laughing. And before you could comprehend what was happening, she joined Killua in guarding the milkshake from the gods, Letting those who thought they were worthy try to handle it's power. 'Well those two can have their fun, i feel like im going to be sick though-' Izuku thought as he rushed up the stairs to empty all of the sugar out of his body. 


Eyy we did itttttt

Sorry, this one is a bit smaller than the others. But thats just because i ran out of both ideas and will to write anything on the festival. Next chapter will be normal tho promise.

yes i did have little fun making killua high on sugar, i found it funny. But yeah, next time on Dragonball Z: Will our heroes take down the gentle criminal and have the festival like planned? Or will Killua get a sugar crash and not go? who knowssssss

anyway, hope you enjoyed despite the decreased length today, and i'll see you on wednesday ig? I dunno


I need to sleep

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