The Forgotten One

By marvelfamily31

4.3K 52 4

The Forgotten daughter of Tony Stark - Emilia. Follow the story of Emilia Stark as she tries to find the pare... More

Chapter 1 - I am not part of this family
Chapter 2 - I could swing for Stark
Chapter 3 - Never come back
Chapter 4 - What films did you show him?
Chapter 5 - I have spent my whole life trying to please you
Chapter 6 - Well long story short, I have a boyfriend
Chapter 7 - I don't trust you
Chapter 8 - Captain America threatens
Chapter 9 - Are you going to introduce us or not?
Chapter 11 - You are my daughter
Chapter 12 - Are you ok with this?
Chapter 13 - I'm late
Chapter 14 - Are you sure you are ok?
Chapter 15 - What the hell happened?
Chapter 16 - I want cuddles
Chapter 17 - New arm what do you think?
Chapter 18 - It has been 5 years
Chapter 19 - Have I upset you?
Chapter 20 - It can't be sorted; I know it can't
Chapter 21 - You did it because you care
Chapter 22 - Day one of our adventure, our future

Chapter 10 - It's me. It is my fault

235 2 0
By marvelfamily31

Steve POV

Considering he is a party man, as soon as Tony walked into the room the energy was sucked out. As soon as him and Pepper walked into the room Emilia automatically tensed up and held Brad's hand tightly for reassurance. Tony and Pepper sit down, Tony looks angry and on edge. Pepper look quite calm and relaxed but that is nothing different to the usual.

'Hey sweetie, how are you' Pepper says to Emilia. 'I am ok thanks, how are you' Emilia says trying to sound confident but failing. 'I am good thank you. Are you going to introduce us to this young man sitting next to you' Pepper smiles looking at Brad. Emilia looks really nervous as Tony still radiates anger and rage, 'Sorry, this is Brad my boyfriend'. 'Hi Brad, I am Pepper Milly's mom', Pepper says with a genuine smile, which seems to seems to make Emilia relax a little bit but not a lot. She is still waiting for Tony's approvement. 'It is lovely to finally meet you, Ma'am' Brad smiles trying hard to impress. It is sweet how hard he is trying. 'Likewise, please call me Pepper, ma'am makes me feel old' Brad say ok and we all laugh.

Emilia looks at Tony with big eyes willing him to say something, anything. She is holding on to Brad's arm so tightly I can see her shaking. Pepper nudges Tony and glares at him so he will actually acknowledge Brad and Emilia. 'Hi I am Tony, Emilia's Father', Brad holds out his hand and Tony shakes it. 'It is good to finally meet you, sir'. Tony look at Brad seriously, 'I am going to ask you a question and I want you to be honest. Why are you with her?'

My jaw drops. Why would you ask that question? Some days I actually want to hit him over the head with my shield. 'Honestly, because I love your daughter. She means a lot to me and I care a lot about her' Brad just looks at Emilia giving her a smile which makes her a relax. 'If that is true then why did she keep the relationship a secret' Tony says with anger and sadness in his voice. 'You will have to ask her that yourself but my guess is that she didn't want to get into more trouble' Brad says honestly. You can really cut the tension in this room with a knife. I have a bad feeling something I going to happen so I look Bucky and he gives me a nod; we are both on standby just in case. 'Emilia is rarely in trouble; we are proud of her' Tony says.

Emilia's eyes widen and she just scoffs. She stands up with purpose and looks at her Dad with pure venom and frustration. 'Are you being serious? He knows what you are like I have told him. You don't need to pretend that you like me around him. Brad knows how much of a disgrace and disappointment you find me but something he doesn't understand like the rest of us is why. I get that that I am not your favourite daughter and I can cope with that but all I want is for you to talk to me, that isn't a lot to ask. Before you say that you talk to me, you don't. You shout and talk at me not to me or with me, that is different. I have never asked you for anything before so please can you just do this one thing and talk to me?'

Suddenly Emilia looks unsteady, I look at Bucky and notice that Brad notices. He gets up and catches Emilia as she falls and starts to have a seizure. Brad gently lies her still in his arms cradling he, looking scared to let her go. Bucky and I sit either side of her holding her hand and soothing her. This usually helps her relax and stop seizing quicker. Bruce runs to get him medical kit just in case.

'Shh, it is ok, babe. Is anyone timing it?' Brad asked looking so concerned. 'Jarvis?' I shout. 'Already started the clock sir. I will let you know if Miss Stark needs further medical attention' He says in the usual voice. As I was about to say thank you Emilia stops seizing, her body relaxes immediately into Brad's arms like she belongs there. Emilia starts to come round, she looks scared and confused, she tries to move but Brad stops her.

'Hey baby, take it easy. Lie here for a minute you have just had a seizure. I know you get bored of me saying this but can you tell me your name' She Smiles. 'Emilia Stark' Brad smiles back. 'Good, and where you are?' Emilia looks around for a second still a little confused. 'At the Compound I think' Brad nods. 'You are doing so well, baby and who I am?'. Emilia just smiles again, 'You are Brad, my amazing boyfriend and I can never bored of saying that'. Brad just laughs but Emilia can't help but look at him and cry into his shoulder.

'Hey Mills, what is going on in that pretty little head of yours?' Emilia snuggles further into Brad's shoulder. 'I thought I was ok, I haven't had a seizure for ages and now this is the third time this week, what does this keep happening to me?' Bruce immediately looks worried. We all do. How did we not notice? 'What do you mean? When did the other times happen?' Emilia looks at Bruce. 'At night when I was by myself. I didn't want to wake anyone up and make myself a burden'

I put my hand on her shoulder, 'Oh sweetie, you are many things but a burden isn't one of them'. I smile at her, this is breaking my heart, 'Steve is right, Milly. If it happens again you have to promise to tell one of us so we can help you, ok' Brad says. Emilia cries harder into his shoulder, mumbling sorry. Brad continues to rock Emilia to calm her down. Everyone in the room looks at her with sympathy in her eyes apart from Tony. He looks angry but not at Emilia and himself.

'Listen Emilia, it is going to be ok. It is expected to have relapses but we do need to investigate it further. When you feel a little bit better, we can go and see Bruce and ask him to have a look at you, ok?' I say reassuring her. 'Steve is right. When you are ready in the next couple of days come and see me and I will see what we can do to help keep the seizures at bay, is that ok?' Bruce smiles at Emilia and she returns it. 'Yeah that sounds good thanks. Can I go and lie down before lunch?' She asks holding on to Brad really tightly. 'Of course' I say but Emilia looks worried.

'Can Brad come with me, we will leave the door open, I promise?' Bucky looks at her. 'That is fine you don't have to keep the door open; you need to rest and we trust you.' 'Thanks Bucky' Emilia says as Brad carries her up the stairs. As he does, Brad looks at us smiling and nodding to say thank you. He is a good kid. Once they are upstairs, we all sink into our seats with worry, confused and slight relief

Tony is the first one to speak. 'Jarvis, can you bring up any information of Emilia's seizures and send it to my computer' He sounds so worried. 'On it, sir' Tony goes to walk away but Rhodey puts his hand on his shoulder 'What are you doing?' Rhodey stops Tony. 'None of your business' Tony says pulling away from Rhodey. 'Tony, talk to me' Rhodey pleads with Tony. 'I know why her seizures are more frequent than usual?' Tony says barely about a whisper. 'How? What's happening?' Rhodey looks confused.

'It's me. It is my fault' Tony says. I am just bewildered, 'What do you mean?' 'Well when I don't talk or am nice to her, the seizures stop or don't happen as often. But when it is the other way around, they come back and it is getting worse. I am making my own daughter ill.' Pepper pulls him into a hug, 'You can't think like that'.

'All the things I say to Emilia, my dad used to say all of those things to me to make become the man I am today. It made me work harder and fight for what I have; I thought if I did the same to Emilia it would work but instead it had the opposite effect on her. However, it has got to the point where I don't know how to fix the relationship and I am worried that I will never have a relationship with my daughter'

'Oh mate, the only way you are going fix that is if you talk to her' Rhodey says sincerely. 'I don't know how' Tony admits. I don't think I have ever seen Tony so vulnerable in his life. 'Maybe start by explaining to her, she will understand. Milly is a good kid all she wants is her dad' Bucky encourages. 'I guess you are right. God I have messed up so much' Tony says. 'Yeah you have messed up, big time but Bucky is right all she wants is her Dad and it isn't too late, not yet. Why don't you go up and see her now?' I say, he needs tough love and honesty. 'Trust me Tony, the sooner you fix this the easier it will be' Nat finishes.

'Ok I will go. Thanks guys' Tony says. 'Stop stalling and go and talk to your daughter' Nat says in her usual candid self. Tony smiles at the other and then head up the stairs. Hopefully it isn't too late. 

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