Chapter 11 - You are my daughter

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I can't believe him, I am so frustrated with his lies. I feel myself get more stressed so I cuddle closer into Brad and he holds me tighter in response. Then the door knocks, it is probably Steve or Bucky to make sure I am ready. 'Come in' with that the door opens and the person I least expected appears from the other side. My Dad comes in very hesitant looking sad and apologetic.

'I know I am the last person you want to talk to and I get why but can we have a chat' my Dad askes hopefully. I guess I can at least hear him out, 'Yeah. Babe, can you give us a minute?' I turn to Brad. 'Of course, I will be downstairs if you need me, Mills' I smile. 'Ok, love you'. 'Love you too' Brad kisses the top of my head as he walks to the door, my Dad stops him. He then holds his hand out shaking Brad's hand.

'Sorry for giving you a hard time earlier and thanks for looking after Emilia' Brad looks surprised but thankful. 'It is ok, I care about her. It is my job.' Brad smiles at both of us and then leaves the room. once the door is closed my Dad walks closer and sits at the end of the bed.

'So what do you want to talk about?' This is either going to go really good or really bad. 'I want to apologise because of how horrible I have been to you. I know you think I am being intentionally vile but I am not.' I was not expecting that but I am still confused. 'What do you mean?'

'All the things I say to you Emilia, my dad used to say to me all the time and it used to make me work to prove him wrong. It made me work harder and fight for what I have. I thought it would be the same for you but instead it isn't our relationship is suffering because of it. It has got to the point where I don't know how to fix it but there is one thing I know and that is that I want a relationship with you because you are my daughter and I love you Emilia'

I am in pure shock. Tears are running down my face and running down his as well. I look in his eyes trying see anything negative but all I see is truth and anticipation waiting for my reaction. I lean in and hug him at first he hesitates and then he relaxes into it. 'I want a relationship with you too dad. It isn't going to be easy but I am willing to give it a go'

'I knew it wasn't going to be easy but I am not giving up just yet' Dad says with determination. 'Good because neither am I' I confirm. 'Can I ask you a question though?' I enquire, my Dad nods. 'What brought this on?' I ask. 'The seizures. I had Jarvis send me everything relevant to your seizures and I have worked out that when I am kinder to you or don't talk to you, your seizures stop. But when I am rude to you or you are under a large amount of stress your seizures return. I have finally realised that I can still push you to be the best you can be but I can do it without hurting you in the process. I couldn't bare being the reason that you are ill. I love you too much for that'

I look at him sympathetic, 'It isn't your fault, dad. There are lots of things going on in my life that are stressful'. 'Like?' he pushes. 'School, getting into a good college' The usual teenage stuff. 'What college are you going for?' He seems really interested. 'Harvard to study medicine', His eyes widen. 'Wow, well I think with your grades you are a shoe in' I hope he is right. 'Hopefully, I really want to be a midwife or work in Peds' He smiles. 'You would be great at either, you have always been good with kids. I wonder where you get that from' I just laugh. 'Definitely mom' He joins me and laughs as well. 'Watch it you' We both laugh and then Dad stops and looks at me seriously

'I really am sorry' He says looking down. 'It is ok. Let's just put it behind us and start from the beginning. It isn't going to be easy but we will get there slowly but surely.' I encourage. 'Agreed' if we are starting from the beginning then let's do it properly. 'If we are starting from the beginning, my name is Emilia but everyone calls me Milly' I say putting my hand out in front of him. 'Well then, my name is Tony but you can call me Dad' My Dad says smiling and shaking my hand. 'See that was a good start' I say. 'It was' My Dad lying down on my bed with my and we hug catching up on the past 5-10 years until eventually the effect of the seizure hits me and I fall into a relaxing sleep in the arms of my father who actually loves me. 

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