Paradise Titan(Male Oc x Aot)

By DecayingKing

130K 2K 782

Hello there thanks for taking the time to read this story. anyways it's going to a male oc x Aot harem or not... More

Choose a titan.
Choose a love interest
Current Votes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Voting time.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not that important but please read
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Time skip~Our first time~Mikasa🍋

Chapter 19

2K 41 19
By DecayingKing

It is now midnight and everyone is asleep expect for one Roman. Roman gets up and he starts sneaking out trying his best to not wake anyone up. He was successful and he is now outside, He first sneaks into one of the
Storage rooms to grab and odm gear. He looks for a few that people don't use at all. He finds one but it was Abit damaged.

Roman:"You've got to be kidding me"

Roman grumbles and he starts looking around. He finds some tools and he starts to repair the odm gear. It wasn't too damaged so he was able to fix it in 20 minutes.

Roman:"I guess dad's teachings did come in handy"

Roman puts on the odm gear and he walks outside. He arrives in the forest and unfortunately for him there were alot of abnormals. He count them all and there were a total of 20. But lucky for him most of them were below 10 meters and there were only 3 16 meter titans.

Roman:"Okay what did Diablo say again"

Diablo:"Hurt yourself to the point where you draw blood and think of a goal"


Roman pulls out one of the blades and he makes a small cut on his arm which was enough to draw blood.

Roman:"Alright here I go"

Roman swings up to one of the tall trees and the titans see him. He wastes no time and he jumps down. However he wasn't transforming.

Roman:"Why is nothing happening?!"

Diablo:"I told you to think of a goal!"

Roman:"Oh right!"

After saying that a bolt of lightning falls from the skies and it hits Roman.

Roman crashes to the ground killing 5 of the small titans before the smoke fades away.

Roman looks at the advancing Titans with a smile showing his sharp teeth. He punched on one of the titans and he slashes it's nape. A titan had gotten behind him and when it tried to bite him it's teeth broke. Roman chuckles and he kicks it into a tree destroying it's entire body. Roman turns back and there were 4 8 meter and 1 of the 16 meter titans walking towards him. Roman charges at them and he punched the closest one to the ground. He's hard Titan armor giving the punch even more power. Roman was able to punch it's head off and he stomped on It's neck to make sure it was dead. Roman then pulls off one if the branches and he turns to the 3 titans. He throws the branch at the 2 smaller ones which went through both of their throats and he dashed at the last one tackling it to the ground. He then starts punching it's face repeatedly until there was nothing left but a bloody mess.

Diablo:"You seem to be enjoying yourself"

Roman nods and A titan jumps on he's back. It starts bitting down although it was having no effect it was annoying. Roman tries grabbing it but one laches onto his arm. Roman grunts as another one goes for his other arm. Roman tries to shake them off of him but he was having alot of trouble.

Roman:'Stop bitting me!'

To his surprise they stop.


Roman takes this chance to throw them off of him and crush their napes. More start showing and it was clear that they had the number advantage so Roman jumped on a tree. He had managed to easily stick to it thanks to his claws. He climbs up but a few were also following behind.

Roman:'Damn abnormals'

Roman thinks to himself as he was climbing. One had gotten close so he kicked it down. And he jumped down onto the other one grabbing it's leg pulling it down along with him. Roman swings to the side and he manages to climb back just as the titan started falling. Roman looks to his left and he was face to face with another titan. He dug his nails into its neck and it started falling while slowly evaporating. Roman jumps down and he lands on the titan he had pulled down. He grabs the dead 16 meter titan and he throws it at 2 6 meters which were every close to him. The titans had been crushed and now 5 were left.

Diablo:"Your doing alot better than I had imagined. Nice job kid you've impressed me"

Roman picks up a 5 meter titan and he throws it at the last 16 meter. Their heads collided and both of the heads exploded. Roman easily finished the last 3 by stomping on them.

Diablo:"You better get back you only have 20 minutes before everyone starts waking up"

Roman nods and he starts running back. He arrived and he got out if his titan however.

Roman:"Gah why am I so tired?!"

Diablo:"Apart from waking up at midnight. When you transform into a titan it uses alot of your stamina hence why your so tired"

Roman:"Makes sense"

Roman walks inside and he goes back to his bedroom. He tries closing his eyes but he's door is busted open by no other than Ymir.

Roman:"Why did you do that?"

Ymir:"Wake up princess. The captains want to see us"

Roman gets up and he wears his scout uniform before walking to where they were told to meet them. Eewin told them that all of the squads were going to do an expedition but first Erwin told us to clear the last remaining titans in wall Sina.

Krista:"Roman are you okay?"

Roman:"Why wouldn't I be?"

Krista:"Well you look like you haven't slept at all"

Roman:"Oh.... Well I couldn't get too much sleep. I kept on remembering the death of some of our friends"

Krista:"Oh well i also miss them but the that's in the past"

Krista says to Roman.

Roman:"Yeah your right"

Mike:"Roman get on your horse and let's move!"

Roman:"You got it"

Roman gets on his horse and they ride away.

Roman:"And that's 6!"

Roman says slicing through another titans nape.

Nanaba:"Not bad kid"

Nanaba says slicing through another titan beside Roman.

Roman:"Thank you"

Nanaba:"Hey Gelgar your getting beat by a kid!"

Gelgar who had only killed 2 said.

Gelgar:"Well I'm just leaving the rest for him. He has to prove himself after all"

Lynne:"Keep telling yourself that"

Gelgar:"Why won't any of you believe me!"

Eventually Mike squad had managed the clear part of the wall and now they were heading back.

Mike:"Well that was very successful"

Roman:"You said it. I know have 12 titan kills to my name"

Gelgar:"Don't get cocky kid"

Nanaba:"Oh quiet. You did a great job for your first mission and you didn't even freeze up. Unlike Gelgar"

Gelgar:"Don't Tell him anything!"

Roman:"Well now I want to know"

Lynne:"Well your in for a story kid"

Mike:"You see during Gelgar's first ever expedition. He almost got killed by a 3 meter titan. When we rescued him he was crying and he had also peed himself "

Roman bursts out laughing. He then points at Gelgar but no one's came out he only laughed harder. Gelgar was embarrassed and to make matters worse everyone else started laughing aswell. Roman suddenly stops laughing.

Roman:"Wait you guys here that?"

He says as a titan jumps past him. Roman's horse panics and it starts running away.

Roman:"Calm down!"

The titan was chasing after him but he had managed to lose it by going jto the forest.

Roman:"That was close"

Roman looks at his horse and pats him.

Roman:"Thanks bud. But let's find a different way out of the forest"

His horse starts galloping through the forest.

(3 minutes later)
Roman:"The hell?"

His horse stops.

Roman:"I've never seen a titan like that"

Diablo:"It seems like you found the female Titan and I'm sure you've already guessed the shifters are always female"

Roman:"So she's a titan shifter?"


Roman:"Of course she is. No pure titan looks like that"

Diablo:"Yes and every titan shifter has an ability and the female's is-"


Mikasa shouts his name. Roman looks up and he sees her next to captain Levi. Roman gets off his horse and he uses his odm gear to get to them.

Levi:"How did you get here brat?"

Roman:"I was ambushed by an abnormal titan and I rode into the forest to escape it"

Mikasa:"It didn't hurt you did it?"

Mikasa says worriedly looking to see for any injuries.

Mike:"Looks like you finally made it kid. Hope that titan didn't give you any trouble?"

Roman:"No and besides it looks like you caught yourself a beauty Levi"

Levi scoffs and he jumps down from the tree landing on her head.

Levi:"Hey you don't mind if I cut off your hands and feet do you? And I mean the ones in your real body

He glaring looking at the female Titan.
But it suddenly starts roaring.

Roman:"Why is it doing that?"

Diablo:"That's it's ability. It roars and attracts titans"

Roman:'Wait so more are gonna show up?'

Diablo:"Yes and I advice you to get to higher grounds"

The earth starts shaking and Titans start swarming the female Titan.

Roman:"Now that I look at it a little closer it looks very familiar"

He says as the titans start eating her.

Roman:"Well that was a stupid idea"

He says looking at the titans but something catches his attention. A human jumps out of the crowd of titans and it starts flying away.


He shouts.

Mikasa:"What's wrong?!"

Roman:"Someone came out of that titan and their heading to Eren's direction!"

Erwin:"You heard him!"

He says as the titans start charging towards them.

Levi:"This bitch thought of everything!"

He says dodging the titans.

Erwin:"Cadet! You need to go after the culprit! Your the only one that saw them!"

Roman:"You've got it sir!"

He says jumping off the tree and swinging after her. As he was traveling the ground was littered with human corpses and some of them were from members of the Levi squad. He sees the female Titan running after more people.

Roman:"Damn! I don't think I can catch her in time!"

Roman says trying to think of a plan to stop her.

Roman:"Hey you fat pig come get some of this!"

He shouts at the titan shifter but she only glared at him before turning back.

Roman:"Now I'm sure I know her"

Roman tries to think of another plan but nothing else except for one comes to mind. Roman sighs.

Roman:"Looks like I don't have any other choice"

Roman says as he pulls out his blades.

Roman:"I'm going to show you hell!"

He shouts at the female Titan who was getting closer to the few Levi squad members left.

Petra:"Guys I've got a plan!"

Petra shouts to her comrades but another body was thrown into a tree which caused her to lose balance and she fell down.


The female Titan was a few meters away from her and Petra knew that this was the end of her life that is until.

The bolt of lightning caught everyone's attention. Everyone looked at what caused the lighting bolt but there was nothing.

Eren:"What the hell was that?!"

Olou took this moment to grab Petra. The female Titan was looking around but she couldn't find anything.


The trees were shaking and everyone looked up and on one of the trees a titan in white armor was had it's claws dug into the tree and it was glaring at the female titan.

Roman:"I'll make you pay for what you've done!"

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