Ultra Responsibility (My Hero...

By Cryptic_Fiction

137K 3.9K 2.2K

You all know the origin story of radioactive bug bites; with great power comes great responsibility. But what... More

Issue 1 - The Chameleon Strikes
Issue 2 - The Amazing All Might
Issue 3 - A Shocking Final Day
Issue 4 - Welcome to UA
Issue 5 - New Friends, New Enemies
Issue 6 - Light the Candles
Issue 7 - Secret Wars
Issue 8 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 1
Issue 10 - Damage Control
Issue 11 - Maximum Carnage
Issue 12 - Love, Carnage and Lizards
Issue 13 - Cold Blooded Horror
Issue 14 - The Next Stage in Evolution
Issue 15 - Does Whatever a Spider Can
Issue 16 - Attack on Villains Part 1
Issue 17 - Attack on Villains Part 2
Issue 18 - Something about Responsibility
Issue 19 - Kraven... the Teacher?!
Issue 20 - Roaring Sport Festival
Issue 21 - The Man They Called Ben
Issue 22 - Romeo Vs Juliet
Issue 23 - The Power of a Quirk in the Palm of my Hand
Issue 24 - Squashed Like a Bug
Issue 25 - Who are You?
Issue 26 - What Goes Bump in the Night
Issue 27 - What does it Mean to be an Avenger?
Issue 28 - Losing Faith
Issue 29 - The Kingpin of School
Issue 30 - Kraven's Last Hunt
Issue 31 - From Beyond the Grave
Issue 32 - The Black Suit
Issue 33 - Stab in the Back
Issue 34 - You Get What You Deserve
Issue 35 - Otto Trouble
Issue 36 - People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul
Issue 37 - Uneasy Alliance
Issue 38 - The Sinister League
Issue 39 - The Desert Delinquents
Issue 40 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 1
Issue 41 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 2
Issue 42 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 3
Issue 43 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 4
Issue 44 - No Good Deed
Issue 45 - Battle Against the Sinister Six
Issue 46 - The Night Love Died
Issue 47 - The Past Repeats Itself
Issue 48 - Breaking Point
Issue 49 - The Symbiotic Break-up
Issue 50 - Spider-Man No More
Issue 51 - Dawn of the Scarlet Witch
Issue 52 - A Losing Battle
Issue 53 - Ghost-Spider
Issue 54 - The Superior Spider Part 1
Issue 55 - The Superior Spider Part 2
Issue 56 - Mother Knows Best
Issue 57 - Z Day
Issue 58 - Responsibility
Issue 59 - Might*U
Issue 60 - The League of Venom Part 1
Issue 61 - The League of Venom Part 2
Issue 62 - The Boy From Another Universe
Issue 63 - The Final Stand
Issue 64 - Ultra Responsibility
Epilogue - One Final Goodbye
After Story Part 1 - Let's Start From the Beginning One More Time
After Story Part 2 - Outsider
After Story Part 3 - Evil Never Rests
After Story Part 4 - The Magical Mysterio Tour
After Story Part 5 - Cannon Event

Issue 9 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 2

3.5K 122 71
By Cryptic_Fiction

Harry came pushing through the crowd of students, each of the teachers trying to get everyone back to the classrooms.

Peni stared on through the broken windows gripping her hand tightly. "Come on, Y/N... Don't let that bastard win!"

"Peni!" Harry yells, managing to force his way through. "What's going on?! Is that..."

"The villain who attacked us last week, yeah... This isn't good."

"Where's Y/N?!" Peni looked at Harry, pointing. His eyes widened as he saw Y/N standing on the roof facing off against Shiraishi. "What the hell is he doing?! Y/N, get out of there! You can't beat that guy! Damn it, where are the heroes?"

"The hero course are all out taking part in an exercise. Unfortunately, that includes many of the pro heroes." Peni cried, forced to watch from the sidelines. "But I know Y/N can handle this; he has to."

Harry gritted his teeth, the crowd piling up. For a brief moment, it was hard to tell, but he could have sworn he saw a student taking their clothes off.


"To think the infamous Spider vigilante is just a puny child! You tried using me, just like they did!"

"I would never do that, Shiraishi; you have to believe me!"

"All I want is to be left alone in peace!" He screamed, electricity rippling off him. "You're not going to take that away from me."

Students were already crowded around watching. Looking back, I bit my lip, pulling back the gloves shouting. "Come on, then twinkle toes! You want to end this?! Let's end this!"

Bolts of lightning were blasted at me as I ran forward, jumping off the side of the building. Swinging around, I kept on my toes, moving as fast as possible, avoiding each attack. Shiraishi met, ambushing me. I flew over him, letting go of the web, aiming to fire the new webbing Peni made right at his hand. 

A solid brick of webbing flew at him, which melted getting close. Finally, the webbing exploded, wrapping around his arm, throwing him off, missing his attack. "It worked! Peni Parker, oh my god, I could... I owe you a burrito!" Swinging around again, I lunged forward, getting the first actual hit off, knocking Shiraishi down crashing into the courtyard. Holding onto the wall, I looked down, waiting. 

The thunderstorm only began brewing more, expanding past the school. A stray lightning bolt could be deadly with all the students standing around. Quickly swinging on by, I spun around, webbing all the windows protecting the students at the sacrifice of them all seeing my face. Running alongside the building, I leapt forward as Shiraishi burst from the ground roaring with built-up rage. Teleporting everywhere, I was caught off guard as he appeared right before me, gripping me by my neck. Struggling, he pulled me in, screaming in my face, electricity shocking me constantly. Slowly moving my hand, I webbed a bench before attaching the webbing to Shiraishi sending the bench into him, knocking him back.

Falling, I found my web-shooters still active; it wasn't ideal, but this was working even if that involved me wearing bloody washing up gloves. Turning into a storm of electricity, Shiraishi began tailing me. Forced to turn and run, I started hiking the side of UA, running to the top. Making it to the roof, I leapt off behind him, throwing a dozen webs holding him in place. Then, I webbed both sides of him with a still target for once, using myself as a slingshot bursting through, sending us through the school into the gym behind the school. Rolling over, I held my side, panting. "It's not too late, Shiraishi; stop this madness once and for all. I want to help you. That's all I ever wanted!"

"How can a kid truly understand what I'm going through?! You couldn't even keep your eyes open for your student ID!"

Sighing, I lowered my head. "I blame the school for not letting me get another go." Sidestepping out of the way, I held my hands out, trying to reason with him. "If you do this, Shiraishi, they'll always see you as the villain. So tell me, what would Rumi want?"

"It doesn't matter! I killed her!" He roared, making me flinch as he struck me with another attack sending me flying back into the gym equipment falling over a set of weights. Pushing a bench off me, I held my head confused. "You don't know a thing about me, Parker!"

Charging up another attack, I readied myself as a bolt of lightning came down on me. Sliding away, my face turned from shock to outright confusion as a naked boy emerged from the ground punching Shiraishi in the face knocking him to the floor. Then, striking a pose, he yelled out. "Power!"

Stopping in my tracks, we locked eyes as mine kept twitching. "What, what, what?"

"Ah, another brave student is taking the fight to the enemy! Perfect, my name is Mirio Togata; I'll happily lend a hand, hero. What is your name?"

"Why the hell are you naked?!" I scream, more horrified by that than the villain. "Wait, Mirio Togata, of the big three?"

"That is correct! Are you too a part of the hero course?"

"Huh, no, of course not. I'm in the support department."

"Support? What is a support student doing fighting a villain?" Mirio questioned as Shiraishi came flying back in, trying to strike Mirio. But, falling through the ground, he emerged unscathed. 

Quickly webbing Shiraishi, I ran past, shooting all my webbing just to hold him in place. "This guy is here because of me. I messed up, and now everyone is in danger. The problem is we can't get close to him without frying ourselves, so the question remains how did you get a punch on him?"

"That webbing won't hold him. Think fast, Support student!"

My Spider-Sense went off as I zipped upwards, avoiding a heavy blast of electricity flowing everywhere. That's when I noticed the nail in the coffin. When firing off his attacks, Shiraishi's body becomes whole. "Togata! That's the opening. I'll keep him distracted when he launches his quirk. That's the moment to attack."

"Got it! Together, power!"

Shooting webs all over the gym, I began attaching them into a giant web. Spinning around, I reinforced it by moving around, keeping Shiraishi's attention. "Captain twinkle toes, over here! Say you wanna hear a joke? I've been working on a few just for you. Ok, ok. I finally managed to get rid of that nasty electrical charge I've been carrying. I'm ex-static."

"Shut up!" He screamed, firing at me, the electricity being spread apart thanks to my webbing. Keeping away from my newly built web, I let all the electricity build-up, hoping to overcharge it soon enough.

Mirio began closing in as I nodded, getting higher shouting. "People asked me how it feels when you stick your finger in an electrical outlet? To be honest, it Hertz." 

Shiraishi teleported behind me, firing more electricity. Shooting down, he only managed to get the webbing missing everything else. Mirio vanished into the ground as I got the signal. "I could do this all day; I have a whole book full of electricity puns sparkles. Oh, oh, here's one of my favourites. A sweater I bought was picking up static electricity. So, I returned it to the store. They gave me another one free of charge."

Clearly more pissed off, he began firing everything he had at me lost all sense of his surroundings. I dropped into the splits avoiding the final attack. "Now, Togata!"

Emerging from the ground, Mirio uppercuts Shiraishi getting serval more devasting hits on him, avoiding any other attack. This guy was incredible. I could definitely see why he was known as the big three. I'm looking at a pro in training right here.

Mirio did what he needed to do, stunning Shiraishi for a brief moment. This was my turn, webbing Shiraishi constantly until he was in a webbed cocoon. Then, I spun him around, throwing him into my manmade web.

The moment he made contact, all the electricity stored exploded, sending him into overdrive. Screaming out, he blew up, falling to the ground out of juice Mirio appeared next to me, confused. "Did you kill him?"

"What, no, no. I just overcharged him into next week. See it as charging your phone with too much power. It blows the phone up."

Quickly detaining Shiraishi, I used the last of my webbing before my web fluid cartridge flew out from my arm. Then, catching it, I began nodding. "I've got to keep a recipe on this electric proof webbing."

"For a support student, you did well there. What's your name?"

"Y/N Parker, but I suppose it's a bit late to hide my secret identity. I'm the Spider Vigilante on TV."

"Oh, no way, really, that's great? I have no idea what you're talking about."

Kneeling down, I tapped Shiraishi's head, tutting. "One last joke, yeah, trust me, this is my favourite. A neutron walks into a bar and asks, 'How much for a drink?' The bartender replies, "For you, no charge."

"That was terrible," Mirio whispered.

"You just don't get comedy." I sulk, picking Shiraishi up walking out of the gym. The moment we got outside, the police and pros were already on the scene, with students watching in the distance. Guns were all raised at me as I put Shiraishi down. "Don't worry, I got the big bad guy, The guy who got arrested for eating batteries.... He is to be charged in the morning."

The guns were still raised to me as I kept my hands up. "Y/N Parker, you are under arrest for disturbing the peace, causing property damage and practising hero work without a licence. Anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law."

Forced onto my knees, my hands were pulled behind my back as I was arrested; I didn't put up a fight; I had nowhere to run or hide. My secret was out, and I couldn't do anything about it. 

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Peni screamed in the crowd. "He saved our lives! Y/N is a hero!"

Harry stared on, horrified, before joining in. "Yeah, Y/N is a hero!"

Soon a large majority of the students were also chanting the same thing leaving me gobsmacked forced along.

"Y/N is a hero!"

"Y/N is a hero!"

"Y/N is a hero!"

"Y/N is a hero!"

Heading to the police truck alongside Shiraishi, who was detained in a separate truck. We stopped as All Might crashed down in a hurry. He saw the aftermath and was in chains. "Young Parker! What's going on here? What are you doing to this student?"

"All Might, sir. A villain attacked the school during your absence. He appears to have targeted this student here. Still, it also appears Y/N Parker is the infamous vigilante we've been hunting down for years. According to the law is to be arrested." An officer stated.

"This is outrageous, can't we just?"

"I'm sorry, All Might, the law is the law. If you try and stop us, I'm afraid you'll be charged with the same crimes."

All Might stared at me helplessly, shouting at me as I was forced into the police truck. "Don't say anything without a lawyer, young Parker! I promise you we'll get you through this."

Sitting in the police truck, I lowered my head, sighing. I wasn't ashamed of the actions I've taken thus far. I've done nothing wrong; if standing up for others and fighting for what's right is a crime, then I'm guilty as charged. I wouldn't change anything; I'm a hero.

To be Continued...

Sitting in the interrogation room still handcuffed, I pressed my head against the table yawning. "Hello?! How long am I going to wait here? I want to go home... Hey, I get a phone call, don't I?! I'd like my phone now, please!"

A policeman walked in, shaking his head. "It's your lucky day, kid; I don't know why, but the folks over in America are interested in you. The Avengers agency has sent you a lawyer; even so, you'll need a miracle to get out of this a free man."

My face lit up as I began fidgeting in my chair. "The Avengers?! Man, oh man, they sent Daredevil, didn't they? Oh, my Matt Murdock himself is going to defend me! He's so cool, whoo!"

I paused, taken back blinking as a green woman came walking in, putting serval files down on the table. "You're not Daredevil... Umm, who are you?"

Pushing back her glasses, she gave me a firm smile. "My name is Jennifer Walters; Matt is on other strict business. So don't worry; I'm that miracle who also happens to be a very good lawyer."

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