Ultra Responsibility (My Hero...

By Cryptic_Fiction

136K 3.9K 2.2K

You all know the origin story of radioactive bug bites; with great power comes great responsibility. But what... More

Issue 2 - The Amazing All Might
Issue 3 - A Shocking Final Day
Issue 4 - Welcome to UA
Issue 5 - New Friends, New Enemies
Issue 6 - Light the Candles
Issue 7 - Secret Wars
Issue 8 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 1
Issue 9 - The Cat is Out of the Bag Part 2
Issue 10 - Damage Control
Issue 11 - Maximum Carnage
Issue 12 - Love, Carnage and Lizards
Issue 13 - Cold Blooded Horror
Issue 14 - The Next Stage in Evolution
Issue 15 - Does Whatever a Spider Can
Issue 16 - Attack on Villains Part 1
Issue 17 - Attack on Villains Part 2
Issue 18 - Something about Responsibility
Issue 19 - Kraven... the Teacher?!
Issue 20 - Roaring Sport Festival
Issue 21 - The Man They Called Ben
Issue 22 - Romeo Vs Juliet
Issue 23 - The Power of a Quirk in the Palm of my Hand
Issue 24 - Squashed Like a Bug
Issue 25 - Who are You?
Issue 26 - What Goes Bump in the Night
Issue 27 - What does it Mean to be an Avenger?
Issue 28 - Losing Faith
Issue 29 - The Kingpin of School
Issue 30 - Kraven's Last Hunt
Issue 31 - From Beyond the Grave
Issue 32 - The Black Suit
Issue 33 - Stab in the Back
Issue 34 - You Get What You Deserve
Issue 35 - Otto Trouble
Issue 36 - People Get Up and Drive Your Funky Soul
Issue 37 - Uneasy Alliance
Issue 38 - The Sinister League
Issue 39 - The Desert Delinquents
Issue 40 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 1
Issue 41 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 2
Issue 42 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 3
Issue 43 - Revenge of the Fallen Part 4
Issue 44 - No Good Deed
Issue 45 - Battle Against the Sinister Six
Issue 46 - The Night Love Died
Issue 47 - The Past Repeats Itself
Issue 48 - Breaking Point
Issue 49 - The Symbiotic Break-up
Issue 50 - Spider-Man No More
Issue 51 - Dawn of the Scarlet Witch
Issue 52 - A Losing Battle
Issue 53 - Ghost-Spider
Issue 54 - The Superior Spider Part 1
Issue 55 - The Superior Spider Part 2
Issue 56 - Mother Knows Best
Issue 57 - Z Day
Issue 58 - Responsibility
Issue 59 - Might*U
Issue 60 - The League of Venom Part 1
Issue 61 - The League of Venom Part 2
Issue 62 - The Boy From Another Universe
Issue 63 - The Final Stand
Issue 64 - Ultra Responsibility
Epilogue - One Final Goodbye
After Story Part 1 - Let's Start From the Beginning One More Time
After Story Part 2 - Outsider
After Story Part 3 - Evil Never Rests
After Story Part 4 - The Magical Mysterio Tour
After Story Part 5 - Cannon Event

Issue 1 - The Chameleon Strikes

19.7K 311 451
By Cryptic_Fiction

"Have you heard about the vigilante fighting crime? He wears a mask and takes care of petty thugs like clockwork."

"I've seen him swing around using webs just like a spider. I've never seen anything like it."

"What's he got to hide, huh? All the other pros are in the public records; what makes this guy so special?"

"He saved my baby from a burning building; I'll forever be grateful to whoever he is."

"Any man who can web me up in that tight suit is a man for me."

"There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. The people of Tokyo have spoken, and opinions vary, but everyone wants to know the same thing. Who is this Spider vigilante, and where are they now? Next, we interview a key member of a new arranged cult who believes their leader might just be the God of a new world order."

Pausing the video, I sat down, unwrapping a burrito and letting the steam hit my face. Drowning in pleasure, I lifted my mask and took the first bite. Then, leaning back, I slumped against the wall of Musutafu Tower, taking in the morning breeze.

"Who is the Spider vigilante? Who is the Spider vigilante? Do you really want to know? The story isn't for the faint of heart... No, that isn't it." I groan, pausing the voice memo and shaking my head. "Come on, Y/N... Think of the perfect response. My uncle once told me that with great power comes... That just sounds cheesy."

I sigh, downing the last of my milkshake and licking my fingers. "I'll think of something." Then, quickly changing my webbing, I looked at my phone, tutting. "Time to get to school."

Stepping back, I began free-falling, throwing my rubbish into my school bag and swinging through Musutafu. Tossing my phone in the air, I caught it, turned the corner, and got a text: "Now of all times, Aunt May? I'll pick up eggs on the way home, yes. See you later."

Flipping over a billboard, I began running against the wall, boosting myself off. My phone buzzed again as I saw the email I had been waiting for—the letter from UA High. I couldn't wait to open it, but I found myself stopping as I attached to a wall, my senses going off.

Sliding down the wall, I rolled onto a lower rooftop, scouting, and overseeing a robbery taking place. Glancing at my phone, I shrugged my shoulders. "Yeah, I've got time."

Jumping into action, I swung into the small shop, finding a single person holding the owners at gunpoint. Getting a good look at him, I turned my head, confused. He didn't look like a robber; he was just some salaryman looking to be in his late forties, overweight with a worn-down suit. He quickly turned to me, firing. Hoping over the different food aisles, I began bouncing around the store, mocking him.

"You really don't get this whole conceal your identity stick, do you?" I chuckle, kicking the gun from his hand. The salaryman drew a large hunting knife, to my utmost surprise, trying to stab me. Flipping over him, I ducked under another swing, webbing his arm, attaching the web to the wall, and forcing his arm out. "I mean, you aren't even trying. Where's the ski mask, all-black attire? I'll give you credit. You're making a name for yourself, alright."

Webbing his other arm out, I webbed his legs together, catching the knife lightly, knocking him on the head with the hilt. "The rouge salary man, working around the clock stealing the big bucks but only after 5 pm."

Struggling, he began hissing at me. "Spider! It was only a matter of time before we would finally meet on the battlefield. I shall carve out your face and keep it as a trophy."

Taken back, I scoffed, webbing his mouth. "You've been watching too many animes, my guy. You can tell everyone your whole story once the police come and get you." Then, turning to the owner, I throw her back the moneybag. "Are you alright?"

"Now, because of you. Thank you, Spider-Vigilante."

"It was my pleasure." I wave, stopping and hearing my alarm ring. "Crap, I'm late. Got to go! Call the police, yeah?"

Running out of the shop, I stumble back, bumping into a student with green hair. He quickly dropped his notebooks. I quickly webbed them up, handing them back to him. "Sorry. Got to zip."

Flying away, I lay on my back, falling, looking at my phone over the moon. "Hell, yes! I got in; I got in! UA High Department of Support, wait till Harry hears about this!"

My senses went off as I flinched, crashing into a lamppost, falling, groaning, and hearing my lunch splatter in my bag. "Oww..."

From the store, the salaryman tied up had managed to break free, fleeing. As the police were turning up, he reached for his face, taking off a mask, his whole persona changing on the spot. "That was far too close. That Spider got in my way this time. But next time." Putting on another mask, his appearance turned into that of a police officer. "Next time, I'll squash him like the pest he is."


The school bell was already ringing as I began running down the corridor, hopping on one foot to try to get my shoes on. Then, tightening my tie, I burst through the door.

"Mina Ashido?"


"Finally decided to show up, did you, Mister Parker? How many times does this make now?"

"I actually lost count... Sorry, Mr Ditko, it won't happen again."

"Of course, it won't. Take a seat, Parker. We'll discuss this later."

Sliding into my desk, I began unpacking my belongings, slowly holding up my textbooks and seeing them drenched with spilt tomato soup. "Damn it... Aunt May is going to kill me."

"Eijiro Kirishima?"


I felt a nudge on my chair. Smiling to myself, I turned around to see my best friend, Harry Osborne, leaning forward. "Well? Did you get in?"

"You're looking at the newest student in the support programme, UA High."

"Rock on, Y/N! That's awesome. I knew you had it in you. You're like a genius; I told you that the Suspension Matrix gadget you made would blow people away."

"I couldn't have done it without your help. Your father came in clutch, letting me use Oscorp's labs to cook it up. What about you?"

Holding the small letter, Harry smirked. "What do you think? UA's Department of Management is calling my name. Soon, it will be seen all across Japan. Osbourne agency."

"No way you both got in?" Kirishima whispered, slouching over to my right. "That's awesome; hey, maybe we'll all get into UA High if all goes well."

"With your quirk, that shouldn't be a problem." Harry boasted. "You could easily make it into the hero course. Us quirkless nobodies are lucky even to step foot in that school."

"Don't say it like that. Your father's like a billionaire. He practically runs this city, and you, Y/N. You're incredible at making all those support items. So I'll definitely come to you for all of that."

Nodding, feeling thrilled, I gave him a thumbs up. "That's a Parker promise; I'm your guy."

"Y/N Parker!"

Standing up, I looked around, seeing people laugh at me. "Yes, sir!"

Rolling his eyes, Mr Ditko sighed, adjusting his glasses. "Sit down, dear lord."

Slowly sitting down, embarrassed, I heard more bickering and laughter. Finally, turning to Harry, I chuckled. "Here's to the new us."

The class zoomed by, and I was already finished with the work with minor issues. As everyone began leaving, Mr Ditko cleared his throat, getting my attention. "A word, if you may?"

I pushed my hero mask further into my pocket and nodded. "What's up, teach?"

"That's... Whatever. I received the memo you got into UA High. I wanted to congratulate you, Y/N; I know how much this meant to you."

"Thank you, Mr Ditko. I couldn't have done it without you or your teachings."

"Speaking of. You'll be going on a new journey, far more challenging yet rewarding than here at this private school. That means turning up late and missing due dates on your homework won't work there. If you do not put in the work you ask for, they will drop you from the programme and choose somebody else just as talented as you."

"I understand, Mr Ditko, today there was well... A disturbance."

"A disturbance, a disturbance. It's always a disturbance with you. You're a smart kid, Parker, but you are terrible at coming up with excuses. So go on, get out of here and congratulations again."

Walking out of class, I heard a few students cackling. "Congratulations, congratulations. Look at the big boy Parker, all proud of his school placement." 

Rolling my eyes, I turned to frown. "Senkō... Flash... Whatever, can we please not do this today."

Pushing me against the lockers, Senkō lifted me, laughing. "Oh, you would like that boy scout. Are you done ass-licking the teacher yet? You know what time it is. Hand over your lunch."

"I really wouldn't want it. It spilt everywhere on the way here. So you'll basically be drinking from my bag."

Senkō slammed me into the locker, pissed off. "That's fine. Then you can buy lunch for my friends and me. Your treat."

"Hey, Senkō! Put him down." Ashido shouted, storming over. "What did I tell you about this?"

Senkō sighed, dropping me and walking away. "Whatever... It was boring anyway."

Sitting on the floor, I began moving my arm around, grumbling. "You saved my bacon again, Ashido... Always coming to the rescue."

Helping me up, she crossed her arms, annoyed. "You need to stand up for yourself, Parker. If you don't, people will walk all over you for the rest of your life."

"Noted," I mutter, patting myself down. "Oh yeah, I heard you will take the exam for the hero course. If you get in, we'll be going to the same school again... I mean, you will get in... I mean... Jeez."

Laughing, Ashido handed me my damp schoolbag. "Easy there, tiger, don't get all excited at once. I will give it my all and be the best hero possible. I didn't know you got into UA. That's great!"

Nodding, I put my bag back on. "Yeah, I just got the news today. I'm going to be part of the support department. Maybe I'll come up with some gadgets for you."

"Do you Think you can do my homework for me as well?" she laughed, sighing. "I'm kidding."

"Hey, Ashido, are you coming? We're going shopping!"

"Yeah! Wait up." She yells, waving to me. "See you, Parker!"

"Bye..." I whisper, rubbing the back of my head. "Wow."

"She's something, isn't she?" Harry whispers.

"Yeah, she sure is," I reply, jumping and turning to him. "Harry! How long were you there?!"

"The whole time. Say you should ask her out."

"I ask out Mina Ashido? Are you out of your mind? She's well, Ashido, and I'm me. The nerd, I'd never have a chance with someone like her." I throw it away, going red. "Impossible."

Harry shook his head, sighing. "You're so thick. Besides, girls like nerds these days. They're like so in. But seriously, do you honestly think Ashido would say no? You help with her homework and studying, and she protects you from bullies."

"I'll think about it. But, yeah, how does that sound?"

"It's a start, I guess. But, hey, did you want to come round after school? My father is taking a business trip so that we would have the place all to ourselves."

"Sorry, Harry, I can't. I promised my Aunt to pick up eggs on the way home, and I've got a bunch of homework to catch up on. Another time, maybe?"

Harry sighed, shutting him down again. Then, laughing slightly to himself, he patted me on the back. "I should have expected that. You need a social life, Y/N; watching pro live streams and making gadgets all night don't count either."

"I'll keep it in mind." I lie, getting a whiff of my bag and gagging. I threw it in my locker, looking away. "How about lunch?"


The school was finally over, meaning I could finally get to what was necessary. Strolling out the back entrance, I waited around to ensure the coast was clear. I equipped my web-shooters and pulled down my homemade mask, kicking the backdoor open. Webbing a moving train, I smiled to myself. "Finally."

Zipping away, Y/N didn't notice a figure watching him in the distance. Standing up, the figure let off a heroic laugh, hands resting on his hips. "As I thought the hero in training is a student how remarkable. I think it's time I give Spider Vigilante a visit."

To be continued...

I sat on the train in my full costume, my head hung down low, squashed up by the daily rush hour. Flipping a small ball of webbing around, I felt people staring at me, causing me to groan, curling up more into my protective bubble.

Then, three girls around my age came running on through, standing in front of me. Each kept giggling. "You ask him."

"No, you ask him."

"Umm, can... can we get a picture?"

Perking up, I gave a slight nod, excited some cute girls wanted to have a picture with me! Well, the hero me. Still. Striking my spider pose, the girls readied a selfie. "Say cheese, Deadpool."

I stopped staring blankly as the photo was taken. The girls didn't wait around running back as I sat in my chair, deflated. "Deadpool... They confused me with that clown?"

The train came to a halt as a large, overweight man crashed into me, jerking me to the side and smacking me into the wall. Constantly pushed, I stared on through my mask, sweating, grumbling, frustrated. "I seriously need to carry some extra web fluid with me..."

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