Amore mio 2

By AnnaMoon138

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Arranged marriage turned out to be all they could ever dream of and more: love, wildly burning passion that k... More



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By AnnaMoon138


"Signora Russo, mi dispiace molto, non so come sia successo e non riesco a rintracciare nulla e non so cosa dovrei fare dopo."- stated in distress Fernando, member of our crew. (Mrs Russo, I am so sorry, I don't know how it happened and I cannot track anything and I don't know what I should do next.) 

We have 2 crews: one left with Leo, the other is here, in Florence. Fernando is here. 

"Fernando, cosa c'è? Che cosa è successo?"- I asked in worry, blinking away tears, gazing at tests, clutching on my phone. (Fernando, what is it? What happened?)

"I motori a turbina sono stati colpiti, è iniziato il fuoco. Non so di più, non posso rintracciare nulla, i piloti e il resto dell'equipaggio non rispondono e non posso contattare il signor Russo."- said Fernando, my eyes shutting close, tears breaking loose as I couldn't utter a word. (Turbine engines were shot, fire began. I don't know more, I cannot track anything, pilots and the rest of the crew aren't replying and I cannot contact Mr Russo.) 

"Signora Russo, cosa devo fare?"- he asked, seeking answers that I don't have. (Mrs Russo, what I should do?) 

I just hung up as my world began to crumble down, darkness and pain too overpowering for me to bear. 

"No."- I whispered shakily, dialling my husband, desperately wanting him to answer. 

But he didn't. 

He didn't answer 1st call, 10th, 20th, 30th...

Martin's P.O.V.

I called Camila billion times, waiting for her to open the door, but my worry and patience snapped and I just broke the lock and barged in, idling as I saw her on the staircase. 

Crying, shaking, lost, horrified, worried and absolutely broken. 

"Camila, cazzo."- I said in distress, dashing to her as she crumbled down in pieces, clutching onto me. 

"Shh, he is fine, we will find him, you have my word."- I said as calmly as I could, hugging her as she cried. 

She cried in ways I have never thought it is possible for anyone to cry. She is shaking, quivering, and God knows how she feels right now. 

"Martin, he isn't answering my calls."- spoke in fright Camila, tears staining her face, her green eyes bloodshot red. 

"We will find him, I know we will. He would never leave you and your kiddos."- I said collectedly, keeping myself in one piece, as she cried more, making me tense up. 

"C, I need you to calm down and tell me everything I should know because right now everything depends on you and information you have."- I stated, rubbing her arms lightly, bringing her out of her scare. 

"I am pregnant."- Cami whispered vulnerably, everything idling and turning upside-down.


Fuck, fuck, fuck. 

It is very joyful news, but goddamn, it makes everything change. 


I sobbed soundlessly, drinking peppermint tea, calming myself down as Martin is sitting in front of me, soaking up what I shared with him. 

"I want to get bambini to U.S."- I said surely, needing them to be safe.

Tini, Luc, Emi, Sofi, Angie, Ari, Max, Enzo, Fede, Lu, El - I need to evacuate them somewhere safe and familiar to them place - our mansion in California. Adriano, Domenico, Mateo are there, they are old enough to understand the situation and soothe their siblings. Twins are just 5 months old, they are breastfed babies, therefore, I cannot let them out of my sight. 

"Consider it done."- he responded encouragingly as I nodded, my shaky hands holding the mug tightly. 

"C, I know it sounds impossible, but you must calm down and pull yourself together because now thousands of men await your command."- stated Martin as I glanced at him with my red, glossy eyes, unable to see myself doing that. 

How? How can I command such a massive number of men when I am sobbing, shaking, emotional mess, when my triplets are sick, when I have 5-month-old babies, who need 24/7 attention and when I am pregnant?!

"You are Russo and you have Reyes blood, C. It is in your blood, you know how to take over the leadership and I promise to help you with everything you need."- soothed Martin, smiling assuring at me. 

My heart is racing like wild, I feel sick to my stomach, I am exhausted, I want to cry, I want to scream, I want someone to tell me that this is just a bad joke. 

But as damn hard as it is, I need my husband and I will do everything I can to bring him back home.

He is fine, he is alive and he has the biggest treasures waiting for him at home: our bambini and our small preciousness, who is looking forward to meeting his or her daddy. 

"Okay."- I said softly, blinking away tears, glancing at my beautiful, beloved, diamond rings, biting my lip to hold tears back. 

Everything began ticking by like a blur. 

I wore the first things that got in my hands: a dark grey tracksuit with a black top and black trainers. Simply brushed hair and nothing else. 

With a heavy heart I woke my children up, I dressed them and packed their suitcases, struggling to contain my tears when telling them that they have to go to America, that there is a problem with their papà's jet and that he is out of reach. 

"I want papà."- sobbed Angie and Ari as I hugged them tightly, the three of us on the floor of their closet, teary and devastated. 

"Shhh, everything will be okay, I promise. I will stop at nothing to get your papà back home, safe and sound."- I stated warmly, kissing their temples, my heart bleeding in ways I cannot describe. 

I looked after each bambino, they ate a very early breakfast and soon Martin and I were driving them to the airport, where Carmen and Fransisco met us. Mi mama will fly out to America as well and mi papa will fly to Florence. 

"Camila, tesoro."- said my mother-in-law, hugging me tightly at the sight of my tears and shaking hands. 

"Mio figlio non si fermerà davanti a nulla per tornare da te, tesoro. È un combattente, starà bene."- she soothed me warmly, rubbing my back as I nodded, blinking away a tear. (My son will stop at nothing to get back to you, honey. He is a fighter, he will be fine.) 

I helped my sweeties to settle in the jet and explained to Carmen what medicine triplets should take, how and when. I also explained to her what supplements quadruplets should take and how they take their vitamin D. 

"Adri, Dom and Teo will meet you at the airport, piccola. Here are keys from the mansion, boys also have keys. You know the password from the safe, I sent you money on your card and the guards were doubled. You are safe there."- I told Tini, hugging my 16-year-old daughter as she nodded, snuggling into me. 

"Maybe I should stay with you, mamma? I'd look after you and help you with whatever you'd need."- asked in worry Martina as I smiled softly at her, kissing her forehead. 

"I appreciate your care immensely, sweetheart, but it will give me peace of mind, knowing that you and your siblings are safe and out of Italy. You can help me by soothing your small siblings, especially quadruplets."- I spoke lovingly and she nodded, understanding that the biggest help I need from her is to tend to her siblings as the eldest of them and calm them down. 

"Ti voglio molto bene, mio piccolo angelo."- I said genuinely, hugging my baby as she squeezed me, taking deep breaths. (I love you very much, my little angel.)

"Ti voglio molto bene, mamma."- said Tini profoundly, calming down in my arms. (I love you very much, mum.) 

In some 10 minutes, they took off, being off to the United States. 

Martin, Fransisco and I drove to the warehouse, my mind all over the place as my father-in-law took over the driving.

Somehow we made it to the warehouse, everybody tense and hustling. 

A quiet sob escaped from me as I followed everyone in my husband's office. 

His spicy, peppery, warm fragrance is here, adding pain to my aching, wounded heart, yet giving me just a little bit of peace. 

Everything is just the way he always leaves it to be: neatly folded done paperwork, locked safe, turned off and closed Mac, photo of us in a beautiful frame, his ink pen with platinum details and his initials - a gift of mine that I got him on 18th anniversary of him holding brilliant leadership of Italian Mafia. 

"Technically, Adriano, Domenico and Mateo could be taking over the commanding."- said Manuelle, a close man to my beloved husband. 

"But since they are not 18 and didn't finish their training, they cannot do it. We cannot speed the process up because Capo legalised everything and made it all proper."- he added as I nodded, knowing that. 

I supported that decision and gave my signature to legalise this step. 

"In spite of being widowed-"-began Manuelle, getting a coldhearted glare from me. 

"I am not widowed."- I stopped his speech, not even considering this idea. 

"Mi scuso. As Capo's wife, in the conditions we have now, you are the only person, who is allowed to give commands."- he corrected his statement, watching his words extra attentively now. (I apologise.)

Martin's P.O.V.

Knowing Leonardo, knowing how much he worships his wife, I have all chances of becoming dickless for letting his pregnant wife take over the control and literally become mini him in the Mafia world. 

My mind processed everything, racing and pacing until I accidentally caught glimpse of Xerxes. 

How bluntly he eyes my best friend's wife, how he licked his lips, how he smirked whenever he caught glimpses of her from behind. 

What the fuck is he up to?

"Xerxes, possiamo uscire un attimo?"- I said blankly, clearly snapping him out of his inappropriate daze. (Xerxes, can we step out for a second?)

"Sì, certo."- he mumbled, walking out of the office with me. (Yes, of course.)

Once the door closed, I pinned the moron to the wall, kneeing him in his stomach, making him cough and groan. 

"Che cazzo è successo?"- I asked coldly, cutting his air supply off just enough to make him tense up. (What the fuck was that about?) 

"Non so cosa intendi."- he squeaked out, spitting blood as I hit his jaw. (I don't know what you mean.) 

"È meglio che tu me lo dica subito, perché quando il capo arriverà e scoprirà che hai guardato sua moglie, ti farà a pezzi e ti brucerà vivo."- I warned him, tightening my grip of his neck. (You better tell me now because when boss get here and finds out that you ogled his wife, he will cut you in pieces and burn you alive.)

What I will do to him for even thinking of getting his hands on C is nothing near what Leonardo will do to him. Leonardo will rip him into pieces with his bare hands and everybody got enough proof of that to keep themselves away from sexual fantasies about their Capo's wife. 

He didn't speak. 

I didn't take any risks. 

I shot the bastard and his corpse was taken out. 

I peacefully came back, putting my gun on the safe and back in the holder. 

"What? I took the trash out."- I said casually, sitting down next to Mr R, who is hugging Eliot and Francesca - 2 tiny beans, who are peacefully napping.


I have never done this, but it didn't stop me from getting hang of this quickly. 

I will do anything to have my husband back in my embrace. 

I got a gun of my own, I was familiarised with all our allies and I took over the power. 

Ti porterò a casa, vita mia. (I will get you home, my life.)

Third person's P.O.V.

"I will be her masculine shoulder to lean on now that Russo is out of the picture. She will be a little sexy damsel in need of comfort and I will be there to save her from the gloominess."- stated the red-headed man over the phone, smirking evilly while looking at him in the mirror, glass of martini in his hand. 

"For all I care, you can fuck her comfortingly. I need Russo's empire to myself. His wife is all yours."- said the man with a heavy, foreign accent, watching wood burn in a fireplace.

"Mhm, that I will definitely do. I bet she fucks good."- replied the man, drinking martini slowly. 

"Get me the key elements to his empire and I will stick to my promise: 10 million dollars and his wife."- reminded the man, ending the call.

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