The little lost one

By Jazzy2340

99.9K 1.9K 200

Once Henrik Mikaelson is now Henry James. Being reincarnated and getting his memories later on, will henry lo... More

Welcome to Mystic Falls; Vampires?
A brand-new friend
She's a harlot
I hate scientist
What a day!
Story info!!!
Little brother?
Henry's backstory
The truth is coming out
A trip to the past
Alaric knows witches?
Mark those who shall not enter
It's just medicine
Love in the air
New meds
Is it really him?
The locator spell!!

My past and now my present

7.1K 124 4
By Jazzy2340

Hi, my name is Henry James I'm 12. I was once known as Henrik Mikaelson in my past life, I remember bits and pieces of what happened when I died. I remember my siblings and all the happy times I had with them; my family adored me because I was the youngest even my father Mikael I think he loved me the most if that's possible. Now my mother... It's her I hate I hate her with every bone in my body, she's manipulative, a liar, and just downright evil. 

You guys know Mikael as abusive and harsh towards Niklaus, but it wasn't his fault, I caught my mother strengthening a spell on him and what spell you ask? A hatred one, one that would make father hate Niklaus. I confronted her which I probably shouldn't have done seeing as she had me killed. Yes, you read that correctly it was the wolves who tore me apart, but they would have never attacked me if it wasn't for Esther, me and Nik are full brothers, my mother had an affair twice and the result of that was me and Nik. 

The werewolves would have seen BOTH me and Nik as their princes but with the spell Esther casted they went after me. She knew I knew her secret; she knew I knew that without that spell father would have adored Nik like he did me and the rest of our siblings. Yes, he can be mean and harsh but it's only because he doesn't want anything to happen to the rest of his children, not like Freya. When I was on the other side the ancestors told me about her and what happened, no wonder father is the way he is he lost his baby girl, his firstborn. 

Now Finn, poor Finn no he isn't under a spell, but he is being manipulated by mother and I swear if I ever see him again, I will make him see that what mother is doing is wrong. I was a powerful witch before I died and that power traveled with me, so did my werewolf and the vampire blood of my siblings running through my veins. All of that traveled with me to my new life but I also have problems in my present.

In this life I didn't have a nice family my mother died during childbirth and my father (not that he deserves that title) blames me. He's abusive and uses me for money (not in the way you think) you see I have an IQ of 295 so I'm really smart and since we live in Las Vegas there's many casinos. I finished school when I was 8 including college so my father makes me go to casinos to earn money. Normally they wouldn't let a kid in but with my adorable face I can convince them. I'm super rich I only give my father about 5 percent of my earnings and tell him that's all I made. 

On my 10th birthday I snapped my father went too far this time, I have bruises, cuts, and marks from whips all over my body I have a high pain tolerance (like Killua) so that wasn't the issue. The issue was he cut one of my eyes and now it's red so now I have one light brown eye and a red one. People called me the red eyed freak, I couldn't take the abuse from my father anymore so while he was drunk, I set him on fire activating my werewolf curse. My first time changing was two days after that, it was painful since I was all alone with no one to help me through it. My fur is all white and my eyes are two different colors one blue and one red with my scar over it.

(pretend that eye is red) Credits to who made this.

Since my father is dead, I can go wherever I want, I've always wanted to travel so for a year I went places around the world and I picked up drawing and painting. It's like I can express myself threw it, I mostly draw in the forest I feel like that's where I belong. The smell of the trees, the leaves beneath my feet and all the animals that come so I can pet them.

These are some of the things I've painted since I learned, awesome right? Now my drawings are a different story, and I don't think you guys are ready for that. I have ADHD so I have to move around a lot I also have a necklace I fidget with if my anxiety becomes too much. My IED is the worst sometimes I black out and wake up with blood all over me but no bodies in sight, I'm starting to think I ate them. My bipolar isn't too bad sometimes I stay in bed all day and don't move until my mood changes on it's own, I have medication for all this but they don't always work the doctors said I'm the worst case they've come across. 

It's been 2 years and I just turned twelve, I decided that I'm going to go back to school I mean I have nothing better to do, so at this moment my personal driver I've known for my whole life Vincenzo (he's my favorite) is taking me to my new home... in mystic falls

Word count: 1037


The ONLY character I own is Henry James

I got the idea of Esther putting a spell on Mikael from another story that has yet to have any chapters, I really like this idea.

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