Questioning//BILLIE EILISH

By smoochmycooch49

214K 5.9K 19.6K

Billie smirks and squeezes my hand, leaning into my ear, 'Dont worry, I don't bite,' she pauses and my breath... More



5K 131 650
By smoochmycooch49

Disclaimer: I've never been to the Crossroads so I'm going off of like one picture Billie posted a while ago.

"Hey, Honey?"

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Your friend is at the door."

I take in a breath, suddenly extremely nervous, "Be right there!"

Phone, keys, wallet. Check.

I rush downstairs, attempting not to look nervous as I pass my family and walk to the door, knowing Billie will be on the other side, beautiful as ever.

I open the door, and, before I make eye contact with Billie, I yell into the house, "Bye, guys!"


I step outside, causing Billie to take a small step back, and I shut the door, finally turning around to face her. She's standing very close to me, and I smile awkwardly, "Hi."

Billie smiles as well, "Hello, beautiful."

I can't believe I'm already blushing.

I sort of stare at her, not sure what to do, and an awkward feeling takes over the air.

"Sorry, I don't really know how to do this," I admit.

"It's nothing different," she assures me, "it's just like when we're at your house or school."

"But it's a date," I laugh awkwardly.

She chuckles, "Oh, come on. That just means it's more fun."

Billie takes my hand, "Let's get going."

I smile, getting giddy, "Okay."

I let Billie open the car door for me, and sit down inside, watching her shut the door beside me and get in the other side.

She puts the car in drive, and I compliment her, "You look so pretty."

A blush grows on my cheeks as I look over what she's wearing. I was right this morning, as she is still wearing the same sexy outfit.

Billie smiles, "Thank you."

"See?" I tease her, "I saved some compliments for the date."

She laughs, "I suppose you're right."

"Where are we going?" I ask, eager to know.

"Well," she starts, driving down my street, "You say you've never been on a date."

"I haven't."

She smiles, "So I thought I'd take you on plain old date. Nothing special, but I promise it will be fun."

"Dinner?" I ask.

She smirks, "And a movie."

"Ouuu!" I exclaim, "What kind?"

Billie chuckles, placing a hand on my knee, "I can't tell you everything."

"Sure you can," I reply, faking a pout.

Billie glances over at me before looking back at the road, "Wipe that pout off your face," she scrunches her nose playfully, "I want to surprise you."

I huff, "Fineee." I attempt to suppress my smile, but the sides of my mouth involuntarily raise.

"Thank you," she says with a smirk, "so good."

The throbbing comes back and a wave of butterflies washes over me, splashing through my heart and coming out in a protestant whine.

"Aww," Billie coos.

"Shushhh," I say, embarrassed about my previous vocalization.

I want to ask her why I like that so much, but I can assume it will be just as embarrassing as the last conversation we had.

I decide to wait, already nervous to ruin the date, and anxious to see where we're going for dinner.

I look over to Billie as she drives, still enraptured by her beauty. The sky dims as the sun exhausts her light, and the tail lights of the cars ahead of us shine onto our faces with potency.

Billie's face is a glowing red, and reflections of passing cars and traffic lights are seen on her full, shiny lips and in the whites of her eyes. She stares ahead in concentration, and rubs her lips together for a short moment before allowing their full shape to reform again with a hardly audible 'pop'.

We pull onto a smaller street, and Billie speaks, "We're almost there. This is my favorite restaurant."

I admire her lips as they carefully graze each other before parting again, and the way her teeth, red in the light, show through as she smiles through her words.

"I bet it will be mine too," I smile, "What's it called?"

Billie turns into a driveway, the whole place crowded with cars, "Looks busy," I comment.

"Don't worry," she rubs my knee, "I made a reservation."

"The crossroads," I say, reading the sign, "Sounds fancy."

She chuckles, "You could say that."

Billie drives up to the valet, and we get out of the car. She hands him the key, and we walk inside to greet the host.

"What is the name for the reservation?" He asks.


"Ah, yes," he says, clicking a few buttons on his tablet, "Right this way."

I get giddy as we walk to our seats, and we are led to a quieter corner of the jaunty restaurant. We are sat at a two-person table underneath a beautiful chandelier.

Light sparkles against Billie's glowing face, accentuating her highlighter and lip gloss. My eyes rest on her shiny lips, and, once again, I am lost in thought.

Those lips, occasionally lifted into a shiny grin, or pursed in a nervous ritual, have grazed my nose, and kissed my cheek.

As my eyes rest on Billie's lips, I slowly lift my hand to the place they once touched, lightly brushing the cheek with the tips of my fingers. when I pull them away, I see Billie, shamelessly admiring me.

"What a pretty girl," she says, almost to herself.

My cheeks turn red, but I don't say anything, bashfully letting her eyes continue to trail along my features.

"What do you n-normally get?" I ask, attempting to bridle both of our minds into a single train of thought.

Billie reaches for a menu, "Depends on my mood, but usually one of the salads."

"Is this all vegan?" I ask, my eyes working their way up and down the loopy font.

"Yes, I hope you don't mind. The food is amazing."

I smile at her, "I don't mind at all."

In their entrées, I see a vegan penne pasta, with a light tomato sauce and a choice of soup on the side.

My mouth begins to water as I read the ingredients, and decide to get that, hoping it is as good as it sounds. I put the menu down and admire the decor: modern, but beautiful. There are chandeliers over almost every table and a sleek, open layout.

The kitchen can be seen, but we are on the other side of the restaurant, away from the noise. I can, however, see a chef. She works soft dough into a metal contraption, and limp pasta noodles come out the other side.

"They make their own pasta!" I mention to Billie, who seems to be done perusing the menu options.

"They do," she replies, "It's amazing."

"I'm gonna get the tomato pasta," I proudly inform her.

"Good choice!"

I ask Billie about her horse riding, and a conversation picks up as we wait to order. When the waiter walks up, we look away from each other as he introduces himself.

We order our food, and talk a bit longer as it is prepared. Billie's smile is so adorable, and my heart flutters every time she giggles.

By the time our food arrives, I'm so hungry I can barely wait a second before taking my first bite.

"Mmmmh," I moan, "This is amazing."

Still chewing my food, I look up at Billie, who's demeanor has changed slightly.

I swallow my food, "You good, Bil?"

She blinks a couple times, "Yes. I'm fine, Pretty."

I smile at her and continue to eat my pasta. The conversation slows a bit, as we are both enjoying our food, but it's not awkward.

"This place is amazing, Billie," I comment, "I can see why it's your favorite."

She smiles warmly, "I'm glad you like it."

"Yas queen," I mumble to myself, poking more pasta onto my fork.

Billie erupts into laughter, "Dez, oh my god."

My smile widens and I look at her devilishly, proud that I made her laugh.

By the time we've finished eating, I feel full and happy, wishing I had more pasta in front of me. Alas, there is only an empty plate.

My eyelids get heavy as I sit, getting tired, but excited to see the movie. I hope it's something relaxing so I fall asleep on Billie.

My eyes droop closed and I smile to myself as I imagine us cuddling in a movie theater, Billie's hand softly stroking mine, and her breath cascading down my neck.

"Dez?" Billie says, "Getting tired, Sweetie?"

I get butterflies at the name and hum, "Yeah, but I wanna see the movie."

I open my eyes to see a smirk on her face, "Don't worry, it will wake you right up."

My eyes widen as I begin to fear the worst. A horror movie.

"Oh god," I say, trying to keep my cool, "What is it?"

"You'll seeeeeeee," she says with a smile on her face.

The waiter comes by with a check, but reminds us to take our time, and Billie pulls out her card. I'm not sure what to do.

The guy is supposed to pay, right?

Who's the guy?

I hear Billie chuckle, "Where do you go when you do that?"

"Do what?"

She smiles, placing her card in the slot.

She's the guy.

"When you zone out, where do you go?"

I giggle, "probably Narnia."

We head out shortly after, stopping at the restroom on the way out.


"We're going to one of the bougey theaters?" I say as we drive into the Cinépolis parking lot.

"We sure are," Billie giggles.

"I've only been here once before," I say, "My mom thinks it's a waste of money."

Billie laughs, "Nonsense! It's part of the experience."

"That's what I'm sayin!"

We pull into a parking spot, and hop out of the car, "The movie should start in about 10 minutes."

"Cool," I reply, taking her hand tentatively.

Billie squeezes my hand with her fingers and I involuntarily smile.

We walk inside and the smell of buttered popcorn invades my senses.

"You have your tickets?" Says the man at the door, holding a scanner.

Billie opens her phone to the barcode and he scans our tickets, letting us in shortly after, "You will be theater 6."

We smile at him and keep walking, passing the popcorn and entering the hallway.

I read the sign for theater 6: The Babadook.

"What's 'The Babadook'?" I ask.

"A horror movie."

I tense up, "Uhhh, Billie. My favorite movie is Frozen. You think I like horror?"

Billie smirks at me, "I'll keep you safe."

I blush and roll my eyes.

We enter the theater, and Billie notices my nerves, "Hey, I think you'll like it."

I attempt to give her the benefit of the doubt, "What's it even about?"

"Well," Billie starts, leading us to our seats in the back row, "It came out in 2014. i grew up on this shit, it's like about this family and the thing that haunts their house. People say it's a sort of physical manifestation of her anxiety."

"The Babadook is?" I ask.

"Yeah, exactly."

"He sounds scary."

Billie slips behind me, tickling my sides, "He his," she whispers in my ear.

I startle, "Billie," I say, dragging out the word in a whiny, shaky voice.

I'm so scared.

We sit in our seats, and Billie pulls the armrest up from between us, "I've got you, I promise."

The movie begins a few minutes later, and, yes, it is scary. I have never seen anything like it, and the jump scares make me squeal every time. I try my very best to stay quiet for the sake of others in the theater, but many fearful noises manage to slip past my lips.

By half way through the movie, I am practically in Billie's lap, hiding my face in her hair and plugging my ears.

"Baby girl," Billie chuckles, "come out of there or you'll miss the movie."

"Never," I say into her neck.

"Look," she starts, pulling my face out of her neck and spinning me around, "he's just an actor in a bunch of makeup."

I wrap my arms around her torso, squeezing it.

"And that woman is only pretending to be scared."

I tuck my head into her shoulder, but try my best to be brave and watch the screen.

"And there's no such thing as a Babadook."

I feel something behind my back. It creeps up my lower back before slipping under my shirt.

"Unless there is," she whispers.

The thing behind my back scratches at me before pulling on the fabric of my shirt.

"AH," I squeal, before Billie pulls her hand away and laughs.

A couple in front of us turns around to shush us before returning their gaze to the screen.

"Please, don't ever do that again," I plead.

Billie looks at me apologetically, "I'm sorry, I won't."

"You promise?"

"I promise."

Instead of trying to scare me, Billie softly strokes the skin of my back for the rest of the movie. The throbbing returns, but I try to ignore it and enjoy the delicate sensations along my skin.

I hug Billie tightly, and Billie rests her nose in my hair, calming me with her warm breath. Every time I flinch, Billie squeezes me tighter and whispers sweet things in my ear.

"You're good, everything is okay. You're doing so well. What a brave girl."

I blush intensely every time she does it, but I'm relieved we are in a dark room.

I return my attention to the screen: "LET ME IN!"


If a comfort fit is even a thing then this one is mine

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