Vampire Blood

By Peepodotcom

31.8K 822 1K


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6 (tw: smut)
chapter 7
chapter 8 (smut)
chapter 9
chapter 10(smut)
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16 (smut)
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21

chapter 3

1.5K 43 39
By Peepodotcom

George pov

After cursing to myself and flipping Dream off through the wall I put on his hoodie and dried my hair using the hair dryer and took a look at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit, there were faint dark circles under my eyes and the hoodie, thankfully, it was oversized for me and reached to my knees, covering what was above my knees. 

I went out of the bathroom and saw Dream lying on the bed, looking at a TV on the walls that I didn't notice before. He glanced at me and I blushed when I saw his eyes widen and his pupils dilate, a smirk creeping up his lips. I stood under his gaze awkwardly and he patted a spot beside him on the bed and I walked over there slowly, crawled onto the bed, and sat beside him, just out of his reach.

He chuckled and reached out to grab me and before I could realize what was happening, I was already in his arms, my back against his chest, and both his arms wrapped around me tightly. My face flushed red when I felt him press his nose into my fluffy hair, taking in my scent and sighing.

'I'm going to shower.' He said as I felt his arms loosen and he walked to the bathroom, leaving me flustered on the bed. I sat up and propped myself up on a pillow and watched the TV for a while. I started feeling sleepy after watching cartoons for a while, Dream is still taking his long ass shower, and still haven't come out yet. My thoughts wandered to him as I drifted off to sleep

time skip 

I woke up later in bed, it was still dark, the lights were out and everything was quiet. There was someone behind me and I snuggled closer to them unconsciously. Then I realized that person is probably Dream and I tried to nudge away from him but I felt his arms around me tighten and he pulled me into him. I turned around to face him and found his emerald green eyes staring back at me. I blushed at how close we were and thanked the gods that the lights were off. Then I remembered that vampires have night vision. 

'Morning George.' He said with a smirk that was clear in his voice. I grumbled and tried to get out of his grasp, but he only held on tighter, pressing me into his chest until I had no room to move. 

'D-Dream?' I said once his grasp is becoming dangerously close to suffocating me. I looked up and his stare sent shivers down my spine. The amusement was gone from his eyes and he looked at me. I coughed as his grip kept on tightening and he was on top of me in an instant. A small whimper escaped my lips as he growled. His blood-red eyes started glowing as he opened his mouth to speak.

'Why do you always try to run away from me...' He hissed while closing the distance between our faces.

'Do not ever defy me... I am your master and always will be... maybe this will teach you a lesson...' He hissed and I whimpered under him as I saw his fangs elongate, he was scaring me, not like earlier in the alleyway, this is new, I've never seen him act like this. 

He leaned down close to my neck and licked it, making me shiver.

' I wonder what such a cute little pet will taste like...' He breathed on my neck, making me start shivering. I screamed in agony as his fangs sank into my neck, pain shooting up from my neck. He clamped a hand over my mouth and shut off my scream.

'We don't want to wake the others, now do we?' He hissed again, and sank his teeth back into my neck, making me whimper through my tears and start squirming under him, but he pinned me down under him securely. 

I started to feel faint as he drank more and more of my blood, my whimpers filled the room as he lifted his hand off of my mouth and put his tongue over the spot he had drank from. I watched with fearful eyes as I watched him sit up and wipe a drop of blood with his hand. I curled up and started sobbing. He picked me up and set me in his lap, slowly weaving his hand through my curly hair and putting his head onto mine afterward. He pressed me into his chest and I curled up in his lap, even though he is the furthest away from what I would call comfort, I didn't dare move away from him. 

The tears stopped flowing after a while and my sobs quieted down to a whimper. Dream had been licking my wound for the past minute and somehow it made the wound feel better. I had been leaning against his chest and both his arms draped across my back. 

'Does it still hurt?' Dream asked me and I quickly shook my head. It's still a bit sore, but it was better than before. I sniffed and he hugged me closer. 

'Do you want to go eat breakfast?' Dream asked me softly. I nodded and he set me down on the bed and walked over to the closet. He grabbed another one of his hoodies, a pair of shorts, and a pair of jeans. he threw them over in my direction and I barely caught it, and I looked up to look at him in question. Then I realized I was still in his hoodie with no pants and I walked over to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. 

time skip

I got out of the shower feeling much better than before and I saw Dream rummaging through his drawer. He lifted his head to look at me and walked towards me. I backed up a little before remembering what had happened because of that and I forced myself to stay put, I do not want to go through that again.

I flinched a bit when he grabbed my hand, he put a lime green wristband on my wrist and tied the leash to it. 

'Let's go.' He said simply and lead me out of the room. I noticed he didn't lock the door when we came back last night. 

I could use that to escape sometime with Lila!

I thought as we entered the dining hall, me trailing behind Dream. Techno was already sitting at the table with Lila beside him. She looked a little bit happier than yesterday, which was good. Dream sat down beside Techno and put me beside him, tying the leash to the leg of the table, which seemed a bit unnecessary since I'm not trying to escape.

at least not yet... Not after that...

I said and slowly ate bit by bit of my croissant and sneaked a few glances at Lila. Our eyes met a few times and I could see the worry clear on her face as her eyes flickered between my bite mark and me. I forced a smile onto my face to tell her everything is okay and I stopped looking at her after I finished my croissant and my smoked salmon. 

We left after breakfast and I didn't get to talk to Lila like yesterday but it's ok, I'm just glad she's happier than before. I followed Dream back to his room where he unclipped my leash and turned on the TV for me. 

'I'm going out to do some work with Technoblade. Stay here and don't leave okay? You can go anywhere in this room except in the hallways. Any pet without a collar would be taken as prey and either killed or heavily wounded.' He warned me, setting my collar beside the door as if tempting me to go out. 

'You can also call line 1 to order food when you're hungry do you understand?' I nodded and he look satisfied with himself and left, locking the door behind him. 

I watched cartoons for a while and I went to take a bath in the very large bathtub, drowning myself in the bath bomb that smelled like lavender.

I went onto the balcony to sit and watch the birds for a while before settling back to watching TV. It was about midday and I was hungry so I ordered a cheeseburger and it was delivered to my room shortly by a slave. 

I drifted off to sleep after finishing my lunch a little while later, the memories of the past few days flowed through my mind...

another chapter lets goooooooooooooooo :D

word count: 1465 words.

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