Foreign Love || KTH

By tae_beau_ty

9.7K 948 1.2K

"So, Y/n. Why don't we try to get along?" "Hmm... How are we going to get along?" "Join me in the shower,"... More

Chapter 1: The meeting
Chapter 2: Roomfate
Chapter 3: Hate him
Chapter 4: Hate her
Chapter 4: Hate her (continued)
Chapter 5: Best Friend
Chapter 6: Friend's Bestie
Chapter 7: What in hell!
Chapter 8: Success is sweet
Chapter 9: Secret Weapon
Chapter 10: The Party
Chapter 11: Fair Game
Chapter 12: I like playing dirty
Chapter 13: Wet
Chapter 15: Just an accident.
Chapter 16: A day out
Chapter 17: The Stars
Chapter 18: Do I love you?
Chapter 19: I'm lost!
Chapter 20: You are not going anywhere
Chapter 21: Confessions
Chapter 22: Get Along
Chapter 23: Long Time No See?
Chapter 24: Sweet Talker
Chapter 25: Blind Date
Chapter 26: Date me!
Chapter 27: Moonlit Night
Chapter 28: Past Wounds

Chapter 14: Kiss?

362 33 44
By tae_beau_ty


The sun is shining brightly outside like always, making my rose pink curtains appear brighter in color; I wish I could wake up and open them to breathe in some fresh air, but I can't. There's a continual whirring in my skull that makes me feel as if I'm dead.

I try to sit on the bed, my hand on my head. I'm sure if I take my hand away, my head will explode. I sit in the same posture for at least ten minutes, gazing around and wondering what I did last night to get such a horrible headache. I take a big breath and wish I could get out of bed, but I never do. I think I'm just going to sit here and await death.

After a lot of internal arguments and frequent pounding of the head, I finally get up and move out of the room.

Entering my favorite spot in the house, I let the cool water caress me. No word can describe my love for showers; I have always loved them. I love how the water dripping from the shower cuddles my body as if it's been waiting for me all along. The drops trickle nudges my soul, and kisses my neck. I let myself get bathed by the wonderful drips, which has made me feel a lot more light than before. I watch my body become wet and touch myself to sculpt my curves.

"I am wet."

My eyes shot open when I remember a hazy memory from yesterday. 

"You made me wet."

I stiff in the shower while my feet became suddenly frigid. Wait... did I tell Taehyung that he got me wet? My palms move to my mouth as I sense an overwhelming impulse to scream. What the fucking hell!! I know I didn't say it in the wrong way but still, what the fuck was the need to say that. 

I attempt to recollect the events as precisely as possible. I recall talking to Jungkook and Taehyung humiliating me, but what occurred after that?

"You motherfucking Taehyung!"

Another memory hits me like a nuclear bomb, and trust me; I don't want to remember anything else. I've heard that alcohol brings out people's "secret selves," yet certain things are better in our thoughts unsaid than revealed. I touch myself again to make sure I'm still alive. Did I just call Taehyung a motherfucker in front of a whole bunch of people? How am I going to confront him? I knew this entire stuff was going to be difficult, but it's about to get a lot worse now.

To be honest, I don't even know why am I fighting for such a stupid thing. I should just leave, give him his space and let him live.

I let out a sigh and brush my reveries aside as I close the shower and step out of it. I wrap a towel over my body because stupid me forgot to grab clothes in a hurry.

I make my way to the room and adjust my gaze in front of me to keep an eye out for Taehyung. I don't know how to react when I see him. I guess pretending to not remember anything is the best option. I slowly set my feet on the floor and stroll quietly making sure not to make any noise.

I successfully enter my room and cautiously open the door. "Thank God, he is not here," I take a deep breath and gently close the door.

I turn to go to my closet to grab my clothing, only to stop dead in my tracks. I stand there perplexed as I see Taehyung standing near my bed. He looks at me with his casual cold eyes as I hold my breath and wonder why I can't move. He's wearing a baggy t-shirt that hides his wonderfully chiseled torso, but I can still make out the contour of his gorgeous abs. I can never forget the memory of his gorgeous body. His hands make their way to his pockets and I gulp seeing his strong, veiny forearms. I'm not sure what I meant when I claimed he got me wet. Because he absolutely gets me wet even if I am not physically wet. You know what I mean, don't you?

"Come here," he demands quietly.

I can't stop my eyes from slightly widening. That took me completely by surprise.


His look remains unchanged as he continues to stare at me, causing little bumps to erupt on my skin.

"Come here, Y/n."

He's up to something, I'm sure. But what could he possibly want from me now? Revenge?

"And for what?"

"Take this medicine, you'll feel better," Taehyung adds sternly.

I notice carefully what he is referring to and see a tray on the table beside my bed that I hadn't noticed before. My wide eyes stuck to the tray to see its content. I see a glass and a medicine pill placed neatly near it. I know I have done a lot of sins in my short life but I am too young to die. Looking at Taehyung's and my last encounter, I won't even be shocked if he poisons me.

"What's that?" I point to the glass, which doesn't seem like water. 

"Lemon water."

"Lemon water?"

"You drank a lot yesterday and are probably dehydrated, it will help you sober up."

(Is that what I heard? Is he concerned for me?)

"It's not your business. I am capable of caring for myself," I say this in an attempt to get a reaction out of him so that I can make him leave fast. But he remains still and takes a quiet breath, presumably growing frustrated with me.

"Can't you just stop talking back for once?" he replies gently, without any rage and I feel as if I'm dreaming. His attitude is not making sense at all. I don't recall anything from last night, but something has changed.

I hesitate for a few more moments and Taehyung keeps staring at me, waiting. I understand he's not going to drop this, so I reluctantly approach him. With each step closer to him, I see his gaze sharpening until I am only a few feet away.

He hands me the pill, and I swallow it with the lemon water like an obedient child. I notice his gaze roving over me, and I have no option but to stand there, trying not to squirm. I wish I'd put some clothes on because this all seems... very intimate.

When his gaze returns to mine, I can't help but feel vulnerable and exposed to the way he looks at me.

"Are you okay?" I hear Taehyung say in his deep voice. Damn, even his voice is making me feel things now. What is wrong with me? Am I still drunk?

"Mmmm.. yeah... better," I reply, moving my eyes everywhere but him.

He suddenly moves closer to me, and I instinctively move back. I was beginning to feel trapped between my bed and Taehyung when I stumbled onto and fell into my bed. The way Taehyung is still staring at me with his intense eyes makes me clutch the bedsheet tightly. Taehyung moves forward and keeps his both hands on either side of me, bending slightly to meet my gaze. Everything is occurring so quickly that all I can do is blink. I must admit that I am having difficulty processing whatever shit is going on.

"Do you want my help?"

I stay silent and blink again not understanding what help is he referring to?

Taehyung leans forward and stops right beside my ears. "Do you want my help to get dressed?" he whispers with his deep a$$ sexy voice. Holy fuck! I can't even explain what kind of reaction this line generated in me. I can feel my hands sweating and my breath getting hitched as he continues staring at me, seeking an answer.

I quickly nod my head in disapproval and move my head sideways to let the breath out that I have been holding.

"Jimin is joining us for breakfast, so put on some clothes. I don't want him to see my roommate wrapped in a towel." Taehyung says as he leans forward again. We are so close to each other that I can feel his warm breath on my skin. The position we are in is so awkward that it's triggering a sensation in me that I have no right to feel.

"I'd best keep it for myself," he adds.

I blink some more, still not understanding. My mind is totally fogged, "Huh?"

He backs up a little and raises a brow, "Do you like being stupid?"

Yes, that is quite offensive. But right now even his insulting words are making me feel aroused. What the actual fuck is wrong with me? I am probably still drunk, but is that even possible?

I keep my gaze fixed on him and don't say anything since I know if I open my mouth now, it would turn into an argument.

We hear the bell ring and I break our intense stare, feeling strangely breathless again. Taehyung gives me one final glance before leaving the room to invite Jimin in. I see him move out of the room and the first thing that comes to mind is to scream. I grab a pillow and release all I'm holding. What the heck is happening with me?  

I can hear my heart beating and my blood vessels flowing. What is he doing to me? I'm sure something happened yesterday that prompted Taehyung to act in this manner. But right now, I need to calm my ass down and go out. Jimin is here, so there will be fewer moments for me and Taehyung to interact. All I have to do now is focus and not get affected.

I walk to my closet and pick a pretty dress. As I exit the room, I notice Jimin conversing with Taehyung. He looks at me and comes to a pause,

"Y/n? How are you doing?" Jimin yells as he stays seated at the dinner table.

"Better," I say as I come forward to join them.

"I must say that Taehyung was extremely helpful to you yesterday," Jimin asserts.

"Hmmm," I hum in agreement. I'm not sure why my cheeks are flushing for no apparent cause. I just don't want to think about yesterday.

"I already told you he might seem a jerk but he is good at heart. After all, he is my friend," Jimin says as he gently taps Taehyung's shoulder.

"No one asked you brother," Taehyung replies, a bit irritated.

I smile at their conversation and begin having the breakfast. I have to admit it's really good. I take another mouthful, only to pause in the middle as everything rushes back to me. Oh my God, did Taehyung and I have some kind of moment last night?

The food falls from my grasp as yesterday's scenes replay in my head. He took me from the pool to his car and... and he put his shirt on me... and he got me to my room and.... and he helped me change. I quickly gulp the food in my mouth because holy fuck! did he see me naked? I take the glass next to me and guzzle down the water.

"Y/n? What happened?" Jimin inquires.

"Nothing! I'm perfectly alright," I try to grin as  I say this, "it's only that the meal is so delicious that I took a huge mouthful and it got stuck in my throat."

"All right, that's possible because today's cuisine is prepared by our special chef, Mr. Kim."

When I look at Taehyung, I notice that he is already staring at me. I smile at him because I am quite appreciative for the food, unlike him. He gives me a faint smile back, and I notice his attention go to my lips. He looks at them for a long time before sliding his head down. Fuck! I'm sure I've seen this expression before. But where exactly? I close my eyes and attempt to recall... wait... I think we almost kissed last night. Yes, I recall it vividly.

I remember him looking deeply into my eyes, so passionate and sincere, and gazing at my lips with hidden yearning. Yes, I wanted to kiss him, but he also wanted to kiss me. And he wasn't likely intoxicated, which meant I was the only one who made him feel that way. I had no idea I could make him feel that way.

I gaze at him again, and my heart begins to flutter a little. Taehyung and I have had so many hateful encounters that I never imagined we could have anything else between us. But what is it really? Lust? Mutual attraction? Chemistry?

I avert my glance from him in an attempt to hide my flushed cheeks.

(Okay, I am definitely overthinking a lot)

"Tae? Where is the coffee?" Jimin inquires as he bites his omelette.

"I couldn't find it anywhere," Taehyung replies casually.

Oops! I completely forgot about the coffee. "Actually, I kept it on the top shelf; let me bring it."

I walk away from them and move to the kitchen. I just need an escape from there. I don't even get why I am thinking so much. I was drunk and did dumb things and he's a guy so his body reacted. That's all.

I shake my thoughts away once again as I grab the wooden stool from beneath the kitchen cabin and position it in front of the shelf. I ascend to the top of it, causing it to rock somewhat. I suddenly come to a standstill, my hands remaining in the same posture for a little period. When everything settles, I reach out my arms to grab the bottle, a bit teetering on my toes.


Taehyung's words causes me to jerk, and I glance behind me to find him standing.

"Come down. I'll get it."

"It's all right. I've got it. Look," I turn back and hold the coffee up to show him my victory. The stool rattles again, and I yelp, falling headfirst and knocking both Taehyung and me to the floor.

I land directly on his chest as the coffee falls there somewhere. I wait for the pain to get me but to my surprise, I feel nothing. Because this isn't your typical fall where you get scraped or cracked. This fall is different. I can feel my lips crushed against something minty, buttery, and velvety. It's a bit wet, with a tinge of citrus. It takes time for me to grasp what's going on. That our mouths are forced together, that our mouths are pressed together in a kiss.




Author's note:


Long ass chapter for the long-ass wait. Did you like it? Lots of things happening in a chapter. Hmm... I wonder where it's going. Can you guess?

By the way, can't believe it's soon going to reach 1k reads. Thank you for your support and thank you for the 200 votes. 

I promise I won't make you wait longer this time.

Love you guys. Keep reading!

And please vote, vote, vote guys!!!!!! 



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