Uchiha Brothers: A Naruto Uch...

De MightyBrand3464

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Loosely based on the "What if Naruto was an Uchiha" by Youtuber Nemogz. This my interpretation of the brother... Mais

Chapter 1: Sacrifice
Chapter 2: Twins
Chapter 3: Itachi's First Day
Chapter 4: Academy Days
Chapter 5: New Friends and Rivals
Chapter 6: Calm before the storm
Chapter 8: New Arrangements
Chapter 9: Wandering Ninjas
Chapter 10: The Mysterious Anbu
Chapter 11: Team 7
Chapter 12: Chaos in the Bloody Mist
Chapter 13: Onwards to the Land of Waves
Chapter 14: Sakura's Resolve
Chapter 15: Collision Course
Chapter 16: Fire vs Ice
Chapter 17: A Merry Conclusion
Chapter 18: Dawn of a new Era
Chapter 19: A Wild Confrontation
Chapter 20: Lee's Challenge

Chapter: 7 Bloody Twilight

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De MightyBrand3464

It was now twilight as the full moon glistened throughout the village. Many civilians began to prepare to rest, exhausted from their day of work. It was a peaceful day as usual, and the villagers took rest preparing what tomorrow has offer. Most of the anbu were out on a mission, while the rest patrolled the peaceful village prepared for anything. Itachi and Izumi patrolled the entire outer gates on their night shift. The two talked about many things including upcoming missions, the two boys progress, and the state of affairs between his father and the council. Both enjoyed each other's company as they stared off the full moon.

"Can you believe it Sasuke-chan defeated the Hyuga boy despite the how much a close match it was you should've seen it" Izumi beamed proud of his victory against the young Hyuga. Itachi could never get enough of the bubbly girl, it's a breath of fresh air from the cold, cutthroat missions where he's forced to do shadow operations. He's grateful to have a cheery girl like her in his life, to him she was his sunshine.

"You're saying Sasuke defeated the Hyuga prodigy?" replied Itachi happy that his younger brother slapped some sense into that Hyuga prodigy. Honestly the Hyuga boy reminded him of himself when he was younger except for the superiority complex all Hyugas are known for.

"I'm proud of Sasuke-chan he's already becoming an excellent shinobi and Naru-chan isn't far off either they did well on their recent training. You think both will surpass us in the future?" Izumi posed the question.

"I believe they are more than capable enough at the rate they are going, but I hope they don't grow up too fast like us because the shinobi life is a difficult one, its filled with loss and I don't want them go through that besides that is why I trained as hard as I have to, I can protect you Izumi-chan you're very precious to me" Itachi smiled.

Izumi blushed at the stoic yet humble Uchiha. She always liked that besides his great talent he was always treated everyone with respect. She couldn't count how many he protected her from the missions she's participated as Feret. She couldn't resist anymore. Izumi gave a soft kiss on the lips which Itachi happily returned the kiss with passion to Izumi's surprise. They battled each other for supremacy trying their hardest to resist any further desire from happening. She let out a soft moan as Itachi felt her hot breath on each other's neck not wanting to separate from each other. This make-out session lasted about two minutes before Izumi backed away.

"Thank you Itachi-kun for such a wonderful man. Even though things are uncertain now just remember I will always be there for you. You don't need to lock your feelings away from me I know you have been suffering since we joined the Anbu. You don't have to suffer alone I know things haven't been well within our clan especially the position your father has been. He's trying his best to handle the situation everything will work out in the end." Izumi reassured the stoic Uchiha.

"You always know the right words to say that's why what I love about you Izumi-chan" Itachi replied back giving her another kiss.

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. they sense something foul in the air.

"Someone is here" said Itachi sensing a powerful chakra coming their way.

"What is this chakra it's so powerful" said Izumi as she begins to shake.

They stand right beside each other activating their Sharingan. Itachi and Izumi see a shadowy figure approach at lightning speed. The two ready their stance with a kunai in hand. It was a man wearing an orange mask with long hair resembling Madara. Itachi managed to grab Izumi just in time to avoid the harsh blow. He narrowed his eyes at this "Madara" he heard from father that he was the man responsible for the death of Yondaime and his wife as well the one that put Naruto into this predicament. Like his father he was skeptical at the claim that this man is Madara they were still things that didn't add up such as why the masked man decided to return decades after his supposed death. Surely it was something more than the destruction of the Konoha, he didn't believe this man would randomly attack without having some kind plan. Madara was known as a shrewd man for a reason. He would hopefully find some answers now.

"As expected from the prodigy of the Uchiha clan" Madara replied his Sharingan in full display. 

The mere presence made the two uneasy as they both sense his immense chakra flowing. The two stood their ground feeling the mass killer intent rushing towards them.

"Who is this man? I never felt such evil before" thought Izumi in fear.

"Who are you, I can tell you are not an ordinary shinobi." After a close look at the mask, it came to him. "You're the culprit responsible for the Kyubi attack! I won't forgive you for the suffering you caused to our village!" said Itachi furious activating his Sharingan.

"Preceptive as always Itachi you are definitely a worthy opponent shall we dance" Madara shifted into stance.

"How do you know his name you bastard!" yelled Izumi furious.

"I know everyone names within our clan. I know that your father is the clan head of Uchiha Clan: Fugaku and that you have two younger brothers returning home well one to accurate." Said Madara making Itachi grit his teeth in anger already knowing what he is talking about.

"What do you mean? What's going on Itachi-kun?" Izumi said confused now.

"Allow me explain Izumi, you see that boy Naruto is not Fugaku's child he is in fact the son of the previous Hokage the one I fought years ago the one you fools worship, the Kyuubi Jinchuriki"

"W-What it can't be! I know Naru-chan is your little brother. I-I thought Yondamie-sama's baby died from the attack." She said in pure disbelief before turning to Itachi "Is he telling the truth Itachi-kun please tell me he's lying t-that y-you're N-Naruto's b-b-rother" Izumi began to shake. 

Itachi couldn't find an answer he was told by father to keep it a secret, even he couldn't believe at first. "I-I'm sorry Izumi-chan this was something I couldn't tell anyone it was supposed to be an S class secret to protect him. My father made is clear to not tell anyone.  Only my family, Sandaime-sama, and the council elders know about this."

"But that's not all the boy is also holds the great Kyuubi inside of him that I used to attack your precious village. He holds great potential even greater than you Itachi"

"So that's why everyone gives Naru those awful glares when we pass by, I thought they were being mean. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS ITACHI! WE COULD'VE DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT! No wonder why the villagers always look at him with disgust!" Izumi shouted furious that she kept in the dark.

"It's true Izumi-chan Naruto is Yondaime-sama's son, they sealed the beast in him to protect the village from further destruction. We were planning to tell him when he grows up. Right now, Naruto is far too young to know the burden that was placed upon him. He deserves to have normal childhood as much as possible. If word got out the council will try to go after him and make him into a weapon by Danzo's Root Division" Itachi seethed at the mention of Danzo somebody he absolutely depside at how shady he acted during covert missions and his aggressive stance about domination for true peace. 

"You cannot shelter the boy forever he will find out the truth eventually and he will embrace that hatred the village holds against him and that is when he'll come to me. I have huge plans for my little grandnephew" said Madara with a malicious laugh.

"W-What you're not making any sense You're supposed to be dead and Izuna never had a son as far as I know! I refuse to believe that you're Madara!" Izumi clutches her fist.

"Well, it seems my brother has done a great job keeping his son a secret no matter as long as my brother's legacy is still around my plan will still come in motion."

"Father has never told me this. This makes everything all the more difficult I must protect him no matter what. I can't let this imposter get to Naruto!"

"Enough talk let's see what the great prodigy has what it takes to take on the great Madara Uchiha!" declares Madara as his Sharingan glow underneath his mask. This caught the girl by surprise Madara turned the punch back right on her stomach knocking her down. Both Itachi and Izumi get on their fighting stance with activating their Sharingan. Izumi charges straight with a punch, somehow her punch went through him.

"What just happened I know I hit him? how did my punch go through him?" Izumi jumped back.

"Disappointing I was hoping for a challenge sad to see our clan fall low to such standards" Madara said with a disappointed sigh.

"I'm not done yet bastard Itachi let's do our combination attack" said Izumi with Itachi nodding.

Izumi jumped back next to Itachi both threw several shurikens with deadly accuracy. The shuriken went through Madara but this was only a distraction. Fire Style Fireball Jutsu both shouted with two large fireballs on each side ready to incinerate the masked man. The sheer power of the two fireballs burned everything on its path when the two jutsus collided there was steam all across the forest. Itachi with Sharigan active noticed his chakra was still present. 

"Seems like any type of attack goes right through him, is it a jutsu or some power I am not aware of? Let's try it one more time" said Itachi throwing a kunai passing through the masked man once more, soon after Izumi grabbed the kunai just in time stabbing the man on his shoulder causing him to wince slightly in pain before giving her a powerful kick to face.

"I was correct whatever jutsu he does seem to be only temporary. I don't know if I can defeat this man. His skill far surpasses my own, I have to go all out" analyzed Itachi as Madara plucked the kunai out of his shoulder before throwing back to her grazing her cheek.

"He's too strong for Itachi and I please Naru and Sasuke-chan please be safe" said Izumi now worried for her beloved brothers.

"Not bad you two it seems I underestimated you. Your cleverness clearly shows Itachi perhaps you could be useful for our cause. Allow me to return the favor" Said Madara facing back on his stance.

Madara zipped through Itachi appearing in front of Itachi punching him hard on the stomach making him spit out blood before throwing another punch to his face crashing against a tree causing said tree to fall down. As Itachi tried to stand up, he was suddenly grabbed by the collar.

"I told you you're no match for me Itachi while you're still breathing, I suggest you join me. It's clear you are very talented as well as your female companion here, your reputation as the most gifted Uchiha in the entire village intrigues me and you surely are the pride and joy of clan. You should really consider joining my cause to end this hatred that plagues the shinobi world your talent will be wasted staying here in this village beside I can ensure you that your brothers will be safe all I need is the extract the Kyuubi's power, and the boy will be fine" said Madara trying to convince Itachi.

"Itachi don't listen to him he's trying to deceive you!" Izumi shouted.

"As tempting this offer is I'm afraid I cannot comply even though things are difficult now within the clan I trust my father in his judgment to make the right decision. You're right about one thing Naruto has potential to surpass me and I will look forward to that day." Said Itachi with the upmost confidence.

This made Madara angry as he threw Itachi hard on the ground. Itachi once again grabbed his kunai charging at the mask man. After several clashes his kunai was kicked away deliver bone crushing knee blow to the stomach causing him cough blood.

"You really are naïve to believe in such foolish ideals. Can't you see the inevitable there is no way you can avoid this conflict after all my comrade working underneath here is already commenced the operation you might know him through Shisui." replied Madara with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Danzo you traitor..." muttered Itachi with venom in his mouth as he put the pieces together. He never trusted that old war hawk, he knew that bastard was two-faced. He refuses to intervene unless it benefited him. He warned Shisui about Danzo, but he joined the Root Division anyways in hope to go undercover as he felt Danzo was planning something.

Izumi was shocked as this too "Don't tell he went through with it! I told Shisui-kun that man could not be trusted it was only a matter of time before he caught on to us!"

"I'm only offering you a deal Itachi you show the most promise at your current skill now, you are at jonin level at best. If you two accept my offer and join the Akatsuki both of you have will gain powers more than ever imagined not only that your little brothers will be safe. I only want peace to this world that's the only goal, well I let you two think about it. I have business to attend you should look for family I doubt those fools have much time left."

"Wait what are you talking about!" said Izumi.

"You see your village has enough of your foolish clan's antics right now Danzo's forces have ordered the execution of all your fellow clan members, it's best to eliminate them now before they complicate things further" Madara laughed maliciously. 

"N-No, o-our c-c-clan..." Izumi fell to her knees feeling the aching pain for her fellow clan as she clutched her chest struggling to breathe, she felt like her heart was pierced. She felt distinct chakra signatures faded further proof that it was actually happening.

"You better hurry it's already commenced as I speak well then until next time, I sincerely hope you considered your decision I don't hand it out to just anyone" said Madara as he teleported away.

After Madara left Izumi and Itachi stood there digesting all the information they were just received, both of them stunned that Danzo, a man who was supposed to help prevent the bloodshed from happening went in turned their backs. Itachi was furious at Danzo for being a traitor and cursed himself for not doing anything about it as he suspected he wanted to rid the Uchiha clan. Izumi sat was crying knowing all her clan members were being slaughtered and there was nothing she could do about it. They gave each other a tight other hug for once in their life they felt truly alone and helpless. After a minute of calming down they gave each other a nod went on their way to check on the boys, but on their way, they were stopped by a shadowy figure approaching them at lightning speed, as the figure got closer, they saw Shisui who looked severely injured and missing an eye.

"SHISUI-KUN!" screamed Izumi shocked at the state he was in.

"Itachi, Izumi I'm glad I you guys are alright the situation is terrible now our whole clan is slaughtered as we speak. Shisui warned his comrades his carefree expression, absent from his face.

"We already know Shisui senpai unfortunately we had an encounter with one of his accomplices, what happened to you? Your eye!?" asked the worried Itachi, putting his kunai away with Izumi following suit. "Who did this to you?" added Izumi shaken by Shisui's missing eye.

"It was Danzo, he came after me and took one of eyes. I barely escaped with my life. My predictions were correct Danzo was planning on eliminating us. He saw our clan as a threat and decided to use his forces to systematically massacre us" said Shisui punching the ground in frustration.

"This is bad if any word of this were to spread the entire village will be in danger. How's my parents and my brothers. There's no way they would be able to take out father like that easily" asked Itachi worried knowing the intensity of the situation.

"Your brothers are fine luckily they away from the Uchiha district dropping off some pink haired girl, presumably his classmate. I doubt they are even aware of what's going on. As for your parents your mom is safe seems thanks to the genjutsu that was cast on her and Fugaku seems to be engaged against someone judging by the smell of burnt wood and the sight of fire all over the area." said Shisui easing their worries a bit knowing their precious brothers are alright.

"Danzo you bastard you won't get away with this!" said Itachi with anger in his face.

"I'm glad the boys are alright but what about our sensei and Rin senpai and their daughter!" said Izumi.

"Rin and Kiyomi-chan should be fine they were cast in a genjutsu, but I can't seem to find Obito-nii" Shisui said sadly.

"We need to find sensei and quickly he could help us" said Izumi preparing to dash before being caught by Shisui.

"What are you doing can't you see Obito sensei needs our help he won't be able to beat him alone!"

"Don't go there Izumi-chan it's too dangerous you'll only get yourself killed." Replied Shisui. "WE CAN'T JUST STAND HERE WE HAVE TO HELP HIM THAT GUY IS WAY TOO STRONG!" growled Izumi in frustration.

"Let me finish Izumi-chan, before I go, I want give you a present Itachi you'll need this on your journey I have a feeling what you're going to do and this will help" said Shisui. In a seemly painless manner Shisui reaches his eye and pulls it out of his socket much to the disgust of Izumi. He hands it out for Itachi to grab.

"Izumi-chan, Itachi my best friends and fellow comrades. I'll never forget the memories we shared together as a team. Let my eyes guide you on your journey wherever you may go. Train to the fullest potential and in time you will learn the full capabilities of this new power it my gift from your closest friend." Shisui smiled.

"Shisui... thank you so much for everything I wish it didn't have to end this way Shisui you were an older brother to me" Itachi said as he inserts his eye inside his.

"Don't be sad Itachi you have your girlfriend with you to keep you company I'm jealous of you guys" said Shisui chuckling.

"You are such a goof sometimes and you're always focused on training like Itachi-kun here, but boys will be boys" said Izumi poked the blushing Itachi on his side with her elbow.

"Things never change" chuckled Itachi

"Goodbye guys you two must live on it's a shame I won't get to see your little brothers grow up to become badass shinobi. I really hope Naruto achieves his dream of becoming Hokage he'll be a hell of a leader I'll never forget the bonds we shared together you two are the closest things to a brother and sister." Was Shisui final words before jumping off the cliff.

"SHISUI!!!" yelled the Uchiha couple seeing their best friend one last time before his body ultimately splashed onto the waterfall with the water washing away from the current.

Immediately, Itachi felt immense pain in his head like a major migraine headache. Izumi yelled out his name putting her hand on his shoulders, then his eyes began to soar with power, making a glow red. His pupils began to take shape into a pinwheel.

"Itachi-kun your eyes!" said Izumi staring at his eyes changing shape into a pinwheel. "So, this is the power Shisui talked about. Don't worry friend I won't let you down."

"Shisui-kun... I will carry on your dream I promise your sacrifice will be forgotten." 

The two ran towards the Uchiha district. Izumi separate to find her sensei. To her horror, the entire Uchiha district was in complete utter destruction. The shops were burned, broken windows were everywhere, and corpses were all over the floor. Izumi overwhelmed by the sheer cruelty of the massacre fell to knees crying as even the body of some of her close friends and family laid there. Itachi felt rage of his fellow clan members slaughtered ruthlessly. He clenched his fist at the sight of his dead mother.

"That bastard I'll kill you for this!" said Itachi in in a calm in a dangerous tone.

Near The Uchiha Compound

When they were preparing to rest, he sensed many chakra signatures approaching their area. Obito knew they weren't good and feeling the plain chakra, he knew those were from Danzo. His danger senses tingling he immediately cast them asleep with a genjutsu before a protected barrier suppressing their chakra signatures in case, they would intrude his house. He feared the worst, knowing Danzo hatred towards the Uchiha Clan he clenched his fist in anger and frustration as he felt the chakra signatures of his clan fall one by one. Feeling the multiple chakra signatures already vanish, he decided walk out and investigate. To his horror he saw the whole district in flames, the body of men, women, and children laid as they all tried their best to protect their children. He never felt so much anger since the incident when Rin was kidnapped by Kirigakure. He then sees two figures at a distinct fighting each other, feeling the familiar chakra signatures he rushed towards the area of combat.

"Fugaku senpai!" Obito called out grabbing their attention.

"What are you doing here Obito-kun get out here while you can!" Fugaku exclaimed with the masked man laughing manically.

"Well, if isn't the Red-Eyed Devil himself Obito Uchiha, I'm impressed you made it passed our forces. It seems your reputation as cunning shinobi still remains."

"You're the bastard who attacked our village and unleashed the monster on us. I won't forgive you for murdering Minato sensei!" said Obito and he charged lighting on his palm. He was about to attack before he was stopped by Fugaku.

"I told you stay out of this fight Obito-kun this is between me and him he's too strong for you let me handle this."

"There's no way I'll let you fight alone! I already lost Minato sensei because I was absent. I don't want to lose you too not while I'm here to do anything about. I'll never forgive myself if something happens to you. Please Fugaku senpai let me help you." pleaded Obito.

"You should listen to your friend here, he knows as well as I that you are no match for me but if your friend wants to join you so badly then I'll happily to!" said Madara.

Madara zipped at the speed of light stretching his hand forming a pole out of his hand aiming for Kakashi's heart. Obito seeing the danger instinctively jumps to wear Kakashi is. In an instant Fugaku was impaled by the dark rod causing him to cough blood. Obito was horrified at the sight he flashed back to his father's suicide and then seeing Minato's corpse. He couldn't move at all.

"Why..." said Obito in tears.

"Y-You're s-still y-young O-bito-kun and b-besides d-didn't y-you want to b-become H-Hokage" said Fugaku chuckling in pain.

"How ironic isn't it, such a disappointment perhaps I should finish this" said Madara retracting his rod. " Prepare yourself Uchiha such a shame you would've fit right into my plan had you been crushed years ago perhaps you don't mind me borrowing this" as Madara prepares to grab Obito aim for his eye.

"Fugaku's eyes shifted to a pinwheel, but a sharper shape. His closed his left eye and shouted "AMATERASU!". Black flames erupted from his right eye incinerating the masked man clothes.

"Aaaarrrghh! Damn you!" cried the masked man with the flames devouring his entire body.

"Obito-kun come here quickly I don't have much time left. I have something to give you."

"I-Is that what I think it is" Obito stammered not believing the eyes of legend existed. Like many Uchihas they thought is something from folklore to tell young Uchihas about the glory of the clan.

"The Mangekyo Sharingan the pinnacle evolution. It's very powerful even I don't know it's true capabilities, but you will have a better shot at mastering this" Fugaku took out his right eye from his socket. "I'm entrusting this to you I know you gave your other eye to Kakashi during the battle of Kannabi Bridge, now will have the chance to unlock the full potential of the Sharingan" Fugaku put his eye into Obito's hand.

"F-Fugaku senpai is it true that Danzo was the one planned this?" replied Obito he prepared in insert on his right eye.

"I'm afraid so I was too late to stop that bastard, but I entrust you with the power of Amaterasu, please use them to protect my two sons and don't that bastard Danzo get his hands at them" Fugaku cried on his remaining eye.

"Thank you Fugaku senpai I'm sorry I wasn't able to do anything" Obito said as tears began to form.

Madara returned with his robe severely burned "Damn you bastard you'll pay for your insolence!"

"Hurry now!" 

"Fugaku senpai...

"Goodbye Obito You've come a long way since you were that clumsy boy I first met. I know you'll become a fine Hokage. Promise you and your wife will look after my two sons" said Fugaku laughing.



"I will carry on your will Fugaku I promise I will protect thos with my life!" Obito cried as he felt the new powers of Fugaku's eyes he was bent on that promise. 

"Farewell Obito, I wish you the best and become the next Hokage. Please protect Naruto and Sasuke. I'm sorry my two sons for leaving you like this, but you must live on. I know things will only remain harder for you two and they'll be obstacles you must overcome but remember that you two are my son. Naruto, Sasuke, you two are the legacy of our clan please don't fall in the curse of hatred remember to always look out for each other's as brothers you two must work together. No doubt the both of you will bring peace in this world of hatred. Mikoto-chan I leave it up to you please keep them safe from Danzo" Fugaku thought with a peaceful smile before meeting his demise. 

"Such a shame he would've been very useful for my cause, oh well at least I got what I came here." said Madara as he grabbed Fugaku's remaining eye. "Fool really thought he could get rid of eyes from me, I guess my work here is done I'll back for you my grandnephew I hope you become a strong shinobi the next time we meet again I'll come after your bijuu."

The masked man kamui away leaving Fugaku's corpse out for display proof he defeated their clan chief. 

Uchiha District

"What a hell of day it's been Sasuke I really wanted to have a crack of that teme after all the crap he was saying about our clan what a douchebag that guy is" Naruto yawned.

 "Yeah, I couldn't stand that annoying dobe he had it coming, besides just I'm happy Hinata came over, it was so much fun playing with her I hope we get to do that again."

"Aw Sasuke, I didn't know you care about your girlfriend that much" teased Naruto causing Sasuke to fluster.

"S-Shut up Naruto you're one to talk I see how you were with that annoying fangirl" retorted Sasuke causing Naruto to blush in return of hearing the pinkette.

The two were bickering on the walk home. Once they reached the Uchiha compound, they noticed the streets were all dark

"W-What happened here t-to a-all these p-people? W-Who could have d-done this?" said Naruto terrified at the corpses. Both boys trying hard not to throw up, proceeded to walk through streets of corpse to investigate. All the bodies had weapons lying near them as if they died fighting the bodies were all filled with severe cuts near the vital organs with some missing a limb. It was a cruel scene even the bodies of woman and children older than them were laid there slaughtered like animals. The sight of this horrific scene making the two boys quiver in fear even more. They immediately ran to their house looking for their parents praying to kami that they were ok.

"I-I'm scared S-Sasuke w-what if o-our parents a-are d-d-dead!" Said the now frightened Naruto.

Sasuke, knowing he needs to remain clam take a deep breath and enters his parents' room. To their horror, they see the body of their precious father and the strongest man they knew, Fugaku slumped on the ground.

"DAD WAKE UP PLEASE WAKE WE NEED YOU!!!" screamed Naruto crying in his vain attempt to wake up his father, lifeless body and missing eyes scared the poor boy who desperately wanted to feel his father strong, warm arms again.

 Sasuke realizing that his father's eyes were missing which caused the boys to be scared more than ever "Sasuke dad's eyes are missing!" said Naruto. "WHAT!? NO WAY HOW!?" said Sasuke. The boys couldn't hold their tears anymore. Like cork popped out they let out every single tear crying away hugging each other for comfort.

"Naruto, we got to stop crying we need to go find Itachi-nii and Izumi-nee they both can help us," Sasuke gestured Naruto to calm down.

"What if t-they a-a-also" trailed off Naruto.

"I AM WHAT" said shadowy figure with a stern tone revealing to be his older brother.

"NII-SAN! Dad is dead we tried to wake them up. "Itachi-nii I'm so scared everybody here is dead who could've done this? There's no way anyone could beat father" Naruto frantically said relieved their brother came to say the day, how wrong they were, in an instant, Itachi throws a kunai at Naruto, putting him in a place.

"W-Why onii-chan w-why w-would you do t-this!" Said Naruto not believing his brother would be capable of killing them in cold blood.

"Foolish little brothers if you want you want to know who? it was I who did it, I killed our father along with the rest of our clan. They were too weak to fight me" said Itachi staring down the boys with his cold eyes.

"But why! w-why w-would y-you do t-this?" Sasuke began to tremble.

"You pathetic fools I only acted like the brother you desired because I wanted to see if you two had any potential and I was correct. I only did so because I wanted to test the limits of my powers and I was right I was the strongest Uchiha. I could kill you now at this very moment if I so desired to but you two aren't even worthy for me to kill. By all means cling to your wretched life.  Train each day, fuel your hated towards me and come back and face me when you process the same eyes as me.

"Tsukuyomi" said Itachi hypnotizing the boys under a genjustu of what the boys described a nightmare as they watched helplessly their beloved brother Itachi murdering their parents over and over. It was a never-ending nightmare the boys couldn't escape in reality only lasted a few seconds The boy unconsciously unlocked their Sharingan before falling unconsciousness. Right before they lost consciousness, they saw their sister figure walked beside Itachi. To them it felt like the ultimate betrayal. 

"Izumi-nee..." thought Naruto before passing out.     

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