The Fifth Member (Little Mix...

By hagushzah

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Beth and Perrie broke up, Noah returned, and the girls are still in the middle of touring and performing. How... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Important Note
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 28

255 15 0
By hagushzah

Perrie's POV:

"Beth is in the hospital, I don't know why, it's in Los Angeles, I'll text you the name of the hospital once I know which exactly it is. If you wish to come do as you please. If you don't, don't tell anyone about it." Sam said simply and then hung up on me without another word.

I felt my world collapsing. Why is she in Los Angeles? Why is she in a hospital?

My heartbeat increased by the second and I ended up having a panic attack.

"She's hurt. She's in danger." I muttered to myself.

For almost an hour I couldn't calm down. Then, I finally got a clear head and stood up shakily. I looked for flights to LA and booked the first one I was able to take.

I decided that packing things was useless. I don't care I'll buy clothes from there. I need to catch my flight and see her.

Although I have my drivers license I still decided to get a cab since I can't leave my car at the airport like that.

"To the airport and please hurry." I said not unkindly but urgently to the driver.

She nodded and I took a deep breath.

Am I ready to see her again? Absolutely not. Do I want to see her again? A hundred percent.

Do I deserve it? Not so much.

At the airport I saw a familiar head of black curls, but that's surely not Leigh is it?

Although... they probably called the other three as well. Great, now I have to see them again as well.

If Leigh is here, there's a big possibility that Jade and Jesy are here as well.

We probably all booked the same flight didn't we.

I decided to try and avoid meeting any of them and took my seat in the plane. I got first class obviously, I couldn't put up with fans right now, though I do love them.

My breath caught in my throat, there stood Jesy, looking for her seat and I sinked further into mine. I hope she doesn't see me.

And she didn't, she sat down a few rows in front of me.

Fucking great.

I watched anxiously to see if Jade or Leigh would enter any time soon.

Of course, Leigh stepped through, and judging by her face and knowing where Jesy is sitting, they saw each other.

Leigh forced a polite smile and I couldn't see what Jesy was doing, but after that Leigh kept on walking more and more towards me. Please god no.

I buried my head in a newspaper pretending like I'm actually reading it and once again, through luck she walked past me and took her seat a few rows behind me.

Exhaling a quiet sigh of relief, I thought I was safe for now. The plane was meant to board in a few minutes.

Then, in all her glory, Jade stepped through the door, being apparently the last one to enter since the flight attendant closed everything up.

She instead of smiling at Jesy nodded at her and then walked closer to me. Just when I thought I was safe, she caught sight of me.

Her face portrayed her obvious shock. Mine probably looked like that as well.

Unlike with Jesy, she simply walked past me awkwardly. I don't know if her and Leigh saw each other, but I just know Jade is sitting right behind me, making breathing a little harder.

What a fucking turn of events.


Finally, excruciating long hours later, we landed. I didn't know how to go about this. We will see each other at the hospital anyways. It doesn't look like anyone here wants to talk to the other though, we are all here purely for Beth.

I don't have the time to overthink this. So I decided to leave. If they can ignore me so can I. Luckily I don't have a bag or something I can just leave.

Indeed, Leigh and Jesy looked at me and were quite obviously surprised to see me. I without a word left wanting to get a cab quickly.

Getting a cab wasn't hard, "Los Angeles Medical Hospital please." I said to the driver who then drove off.

The pure shock on their face threw me off. They didn't look too shocked to see each other, why were they so shocked with me?

Did they seriously believe I wouldn't come see her?

I scoffed mentally at that, yeah right. Cause they are so much better than me.

We arrived finally and I left him more money than needed and simply said keep the change and hurried to the entrance.

Quickly finding the desk where nurses usually sat at I went there asking frantically, "On which room is Beth Fields?"

The woman looked up and said, "I'm sorry it's confidential. If you want to see her you have to call her brother down."

I puffed my cheeks in frustration pulling out my phone and calling Sam.

"Yeah?" She asked annoyed.

My stomach dropped. I know I'm in the wrong concerning Beth, but damn when Sam wants to be cold she sure knows how to.

"Uh w-which room is Beth's?" I asked stuttering.

"Floor 4 room 17." She said and once again hung up without another word.

I sighed a little hurt. I deserve it I guess.

I made my way to the elevators and once again purposely took many deep breaths. She's probably not awake yet, but I know for a fact the girls are gonna arrive here soon and Noah and Sam can barely stand looking at me.

I'm probably the most hated person that's gonna be there.

It's your fault.

A taunting voice whispered in the back of my head.

Finally I stood in front of the room. I couldn't decided if I wanted the girls to go in with me or to go in alone first.

So I simply went in, bracing myself for hateful glares and snarky comments.

A girl who I don't know was sat there next to the bed with tired eyes, I don't know her but I'm assuming it's Noah's girlfriend?

Sam and Noah weren't here though so I took that opportunity to breathe regularly again.

The woman looked up at me with a curious look but once I took in Beth and her appearance I couldn't care less about her right now.

I held in my gasp with great difficulty and slowly inched closer to her bed.

When I never saw her again I had a hunch that she wasn't doing all too well, but I didn't think it was this bad.

Not crying seemed nearly impossible right now, but I simply didn't feel comfortable, knowing the girls would be coming and Noah and Sam could also enter any second.

I feel like I don't have the right to touch her in any kind of way, so I refrained from doing that and simply took an empty seat on the other side of Beth's bed.

It was only now that I took in the woman again, her eyes didn't hold any hate or resentment, simply curiosity and warmth.

"I'm Josie." She said and smiled kindly at me.

To say I was baffled would be an understatement. I'm almost certain that this is Noah's girlfriend and though she probably doesn't know Beth that well, Noah must have told her everything and let's face it I was terrible.

"Uh I'm Pe-Perrie." I stuttered because of my shock.

Her smile didn't drop, but it shrunk a little and I felt her analysing me. I felt exposed with her stare.

"You're not comfortable." She stated.

I let out something between a scoff and laugh, "Yeah, that's an understatement."

The next few minutes were spent in silence until I worked up the courage to ask, "Uh, where are Noah and Sam?"

She looked up and said, "Well, Noah had his talk with the doctors and then went to get coffee. Sam didn't have the patience to wait to find out and went to find him. They should be back any minute."

My uneasiness has risen and I really didn't want to see them. So instead of thinking about them, I focused on Beth and overanalysing her like I usually did.

Beside her injuries, which are bad but not permanent, I was way too worried about her weight. I have never seen her so thin. I can literally see every bone on her face and her collarbones stuck out way too unnaturally. She was so pale, you could really believe she was about to decompose.

The lump in my throat grew by the second. I could have stopped that. All because of an argument I started. And I even told her to leave.

I don't know if I could bring myself to leave again without her. While I believe that Noah and Sam will take great care of her, I can't not have the reassurance of being here.

The door opened and I momentarily felt myself freeze.

"Sorry babe I took too lo-" Noah said as he was entering with two coffees.

His gaze hardened incredibly once he saw me.

He looked at me for a while and then simply gave Josie the coffee and sat down next to her.

And where Noah goes Sam follows as she entered having a very similar reaction to Noah's.

The tension in the room was almost unbearable. I avoided their eyes with difficulty and made the mistake once or twice to look up and felt their icy gaze rip me apart.

Josie, obviously a very kind-hearted person, sighed and said, "Oh knock it off you two. You called her after all, there is no need to make this more stressful than it needs to be."

Noah broke his intense glare at me to look at his girlfriend frowning, like he was confused why she was siding with me.

Sam, who has no filter when it comes to defending Beth or hating who hurt her, said "What? Don't tell me you have sympathy for her after what she did."

Josie chastises Sam with a scolding look and said, "This isn't about sides or having sympathy, it's about looking at the important matter here, getting to the bottom of what happened and making sure Beth will be fine. The conflicts can be settled afterwards."

Noah crossed his arms looking like a scolded child and Sam leaned back, also not pleased, but then they both did stop their intense glaring.

I shot Josie a quick grateful smile. She returned it with ease.

And the door opened again, only now I didn't really care. I don't feel the need to be ashamed in front of them. In front of Noah and Sam? Absolutely. But not the other three, no.

It was Jade who stepped through the door and she looked very hesitant to enter completely. Finally she sighed very quietly and stopped fully inside folding her arms in front of her, while she took a seat on the other chair that wasn't occupied.

Sam and Noah barely gave her the glares they gave me! How is everything viewed as my fault?

I took a deep, quiet breath, getting worked up about this won't help my case at all.

"Have you talked to the doctors?" Jade asked, having ten times more courage to talk than I do.

Noah nodded and his face hardened again, "I'm not telling y'all. Beth can decide if she wants you all to know. I need to talk to her alone when she wakes up anyways." He said and looked at me.

I retracted my glance from him immediately. God Noah can be terrifying when he wants to be.

Jesy stepped in next and the tension has risen again.

"Hey." She said awkwardly taking the chair next to Jade not wanting to take the one next to me.

Oh great the last seat is next to me and Leigh is the one who's left.

Once again silence enveloped us. Noah and Sam were eyeing us all with hatred, me more so than Jade and Jesy, while Josie looked at us with no illicit feelings, but with curiosity and kindness.

And last but not least, Leigh-Anne entered and took a look around seeing that this was the only chair left and sat down with a displeased face.

What the fuck girls? Are we 12? We are all 30 grow the fuck up.

Oh this is gonna be torture.

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