Darkness from Within #7: A Pr...

By Cookieglitz

1.9K 107 85

"Look, I'm just saying that I don't know what my brother is doing. And if you don't want to lose your girl, y... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Sneak Peek

Chapter 1

100 4 4
By Cookieglitz




The sounds of the hospital room radiated off the walls and filled the silent room.



Then a sudden cry.

Kai's head shot up in alarm, but Wu's lifted slower, as he already expected the cries and groans. The two of them were the only healthy people in the room, their thoughts too numb to speak. And frankly, after the battle in which Lloyd successfully stole the last elemental weapon, there was nothing really to talk about. And to bring up the battle then would seem careless. Careless to the injured...


Wu and Kai were gathered around Cole.

Half-conscious. Unresponsive. Unable to lie still.

Ever since his last show of strength in the battle, the black ninja's spirit had been fading by the minute. He jerked and trembled, not once calming down. He groaned constantly. He'd give a cry more often than he should. His eyes were still half-bruised shut and he didn't make any attempt to open them again. He would gasp for breath at sudden times, then give a violent jerk and continue to shiver as if he was in the middle of a snowstorm. Nothing the ninja did helped him. His condition had dragged on for too long. There was nothing they could do.

Just then, Cole gave another yelp and jolted before shifting to the side, but he didn't get very far. No matter how hard he tried to move aside from his jerking, it was clear his stiff muscles and clouded mind prohibited it.

Wu's eyes glistened with grief as he gazed down at the ninja, watching him shiver, and laid a hand on his arm. Cole jerked in alarm, and his eyes suddenly flittered open. Panting, his glazed eyes rested on Wu for a moment before closing again and he shifted his head away with a groan.

Wu heaved a sigh. "He's slipping away," he murmured regretfully.

Breathing heavily, Kai let his horror-filled gaze travel down to the black ninja. "I-I can't believe this," he choked out. "Th-this is all my fault."

Wu removed his hand from Cole as he turned to the red ninja. "Don't blame yourself, Kai," he said quietly. "We were too late to do anything about it anyway."

Kai shook his head. "Who else is there to blame?" he whispered. "If I had only looked out for him like I was supposed to, if I had only sided with you instead of Lloyd, if I had only come to my senses earlier, I-I could've stopped this!"

His voice cracked as he stared down at Cole. "And now he's dying, and I'll never see my brother again. And it's all my fault." Grief building inside of him, the red ninja reached out and placed a hand on Cole's arm as Wu had did.

Cole jerked again at the touch and his eyes opened just long enough to recognize Kai before gluing shut again. With a cry, the black ninja jolted himself and shifted violently, as if trying to get away but not finding the strength. His breathing came in gasps as he trembled uncontrollably, not relaxing as he had with Wu.

Kai's eyes widened as he noticed this. Breathing shakily, he took a step back, watching as Cole stopped jerking as he let go. "H-he... He's scared of me," the red ninja croaked out.

Wu's gaze softened as he looked at the red ninja. "Kai..." he breathed.

Kai drew in a shaky breath and took another step back, turning his panicked gaze to Wu. "He's scared of me, Sensei!" His voice was almost a shriek now. "Don't you see? It's all my fault!" With a shake of his head, the red ninja whipped around and raced out of the room.

Wu knew there was no point in calling him back. It was clearly true. Of course Cole would be terrified of Kai after how the red ninja had tortured him. Unable to see that Kai had changed was the real problem. Cole couldn't know anything besides what he had known before the battle. Fear. Anxiety. Threats. Pain. And now he was trapped in those very things, unable to escape.

"Any change in his actions?" Pixal's voice came from the door.

Wu dragged his gaze from the black ninja to her as she walked over to them. "None that I can tell," he sighed.

Pixal looked over Cole, face concerned but focused. "I'll see what other things I can try," she said. "But I feel his recovery requires something else."

"What is that?" Wu prompted, fearing the answer.

Pixal returned his gaze, looking flustered. "That is what I do not know," she murmured. Shaking her head, she walked around the bed and began messing with the medical tubes and shots.

Wu rubbed his beard as he turned his attention back to Cole, who let out another moan. After hearing about the battle with Lloyd a few nights ago, Pixal had returned to help Nya with the wounded. Her job with Cyrus Borg had been completed as he was fully recovered now, and she didn't want to risk another day away from the monastery—where it seemed someone was always injured. She had come home expecting to find a room full of wounded, but found the only one seriously out of it was Cole, which was practically enough trouble to make up for the others. His condition was different and seemed beyond medical repair. His wounds were severe, and his chaotic mind only made everything worse.

Another cry broke Wu's thoughts. He gazed down at Cole, feeling grief fill inside of him. The black ninja shivered, trembled, trapped in his dark world. Unable to acknowledge the people around him. Unable to see how hard they were trying to help him recover. Unable to break into the real world again.

And unable to stop the grief that spread throughout the others as they watched his life slowly slip away.

* * *

The sky was dark. The air was stuffy. The ground was muddy. The wind howled through the eerie streets, rounding up loose bits of dirt and debris. Strange green lights illuminated the foggy ground from the black lampposts, providing the only light besides the small shafts of moonlight that glittered over the streets. It was dark. It was creepy.

It was home.

In the street circle outside the Main Base, almost every Baddie was gathered around the Overlord, who was in the opening of the semicircle. The elemental scythe, nunchucks, and shurikens were laid out in front of him. Everyone watched intently as he pulled out the elemental sword. He threw it at the ground beside the shurikens, grinning as he saw the four together begin to glow. Then he glanced up at the Baddies around him, who were staring at him, waiting for an answer.

With a cackle, the Overlord raised his fist. "We leave at dawn!" he hollered.

Whoops and cheers came from the crowd, mostly from the Top and Low Rankers. But the High and Middle Rankers seemed to go silent and look away.

Lloyd gave his own whoop from where he was standing near the front of the circle. Ariana said nothing, but tightened her grip around his fingers. Lloyd leaned his head on hers, happiness spreading through him. After he had returned from completing his mission at the monastery, the two of them had rarely ever left each other's side. Lloyd had linked his hand with hers the moment he saw her and refused to let go, seeming either too happy to have her back or too scared to lose her again.

He lifted his head and glanced down at her, seeing his joy reflecting in her eyes. "Looks like we're finally getting out of here," he murmured, smiling.

A small smile crossed Ariana's face. "Guess so," she breathed.

As the crowd began to disperse, Lloyd turned his head toward the Overlord and, taking a deep breath, drew away from Ariana and walked over to him.

"Good work, young Garmadon," the Overlord rasped as he gathered the four weapons into a sheath.

Lloyd tried, but he couldn't wipe that stupid smile off his face, although it wasn't because of his master's compliment. "With your permission, Master, Ariana and I would like to travel to Mistfort tomorrow," he offered. Had that been too polite? He didn't know. He guessed he was still half in the monastery, but half too happy to care.

The Overlord paused in his work and turned to the Baddie. "What was that?" he asked lightly.

Although he knew it was completely the wrong situation, Lloyd's smile broadened. "We finished our mission," he explained, "and we'd like to deactivate our markings."

A strange thoughtfulness sparked in the Overlord's eyes. "I see," he mumbled. He rubbed his chin. "Well, how do I explain this..."

Lloyd stared at him, his smile finally starting to fade. "Explain what?" he wondered.

The Overlord reached down and slung the sheath of weapons over his shoulder. "Tomorrow, at dawn, I will be leaving to form these weapons into the Mega Weapon," he went on gruffly. "And, well, let's just say there's been a slight alter in your mission."

Lloyd furrowed his eyebrows, the last of his smile gone. "What do you mean?" he inquired, growing suspicious.

"Let me clear it up for you." The Overlord turned his gaze back to him. "When I'm gone, I want you to remain here to look after things. When I return, you're free to go wherever you want."

Lloyd's eyes widened in alarm. "But that's not fair!" he exclaimed in outrage. "You said that after I completed my mission, me and Ariana could go where we liked. I've waited long enough, and you can't just—"

His voice broke off with a gasp as he felt a shot of pain. Clutching his wrist, he grunted as the pain deepened and spread throughout his body and he shut his eyes. The pain wracked him until he was shaking and, with a sharp groan, he fell to his knees.

"You were saying?" the Overlord hissed, standing over the Baddie and clenching his fist as he worked Lloyd's marking.

Lloyd's head throbbed and he gritted his teeth, feeling the pain at last fade. Panting, he opened his eyes again but kept them on the ground. "Go on," he rasped hoarsely.

The Overlord smirked in satisfaction. "Since you have proven yourself able to take command, you will have full charge of the Bend until I return. Make sure things stay on track, and no one steps out of line."

Lloyd swallowed back his frustration, desperately looking for a way out of this. "How... How long?" he croaked. "Before you return, I mean."

The Overlord stared into the distance, as if calculating an answer. "Probably no more than a year," he stated.

A year? Lloyd's eyes widened in alarm. Had he heard that correctly? Maybe his head was still foggy from Jay's nunchucks. How could he wait another year? "A year?" he echoed in disbelief. "B-but that's—"

Another shot of pain jolted through him. Gasping, he grasped his wrist tightly and lowered his head, shaking as the pain traveled through his body. He winced, struggling not to collapse any farther, and hissed through gritted teeth.

Through the stinging pain, he felt a hand rest on his tense shoulder. "Lloyd!" Ariana's voice sounded panicked.

Lloyd didn't look at her, he felt he physically couldn't, but he silently willed her to stay back. He didn't want the Overlord to start messing with her marking, too.

"Do you get the point?" the Overlord growled.

Lloyd grunted as his wrist tightened a notch. Breathing heavily, he gave a shaky nod of his head.

"I thought so." The Overlord knelt in front of Lloyd, still not releasing him. With his unoccupied hand, the Overlord grabbed Lloyd's chin and forced the Baddie's head upward until he was staring intensely into the former ninja's clouded eyes. "You just have to make sure no one leaves," he hissed. "One Baddie slips your grasp and finds their way to Mistfort, you can kiss you and your girl's freedom goodbye."

Lloyd gulped in a short breath, the pain piercing his head so harshly he thought he might pass out. He returned the Overlord's gaze fearfully, but his throat was too sore to get words out.

Then a gasp cut short escaped him as the Overlord clenched his fist, intensifying the pain too hard for Lloyd to handle and the Baddie suddenly couldn't tell if he was awake or dreaming.

"Do you understand?" The Overlord's muffle of a voice suddenly sounded far, far away.

Beginning to blackout, Lloyd shut his eyes and gasped for breath, feeling his bones crush in the Overlord's fist. Shaking, he felt a moan try to escape him, but it got caught in his throat and came out as a gag. His voice trembled as he struggled to reply. "Y-y... yes," he wheezed, voice barely more than a breath.

"Good," the Overlord spat. Then he released his fist, and the invisible claws around Lloyd disappeared.

Gasping, the Baddie crashed to the ground face-first, wheezing to catch his breath. He lay there, vision clouded, body shaking, until he felt the pain fade. His head was throbbing and his heart was racing. Gulping in air, he struggled to lift himself, wincing as he felt an ache in his bones.

"Lloyd." Ariana's voice was in his ear now, as if she was right beside him. He felt her arm rest over his shoulder and he allowed her to help him as he tried to get to his feet again. Panting, he leaned against her as he managed to stand, legs still trembling.

The Overlord gazed at them a moment longer before turning his head toward a group of Baddies sitting on the steps to the Main Base. "I will get Joseph and Katy to accompany me on this journey," he told them. Raising his voice, he shouted, "Joseph! Katy!"

The partners' heads shot up above the group and, furrowing their eyebrows, they rose to their feet and came over to him.

Joseph's gaze rested on Lloyd, and although Lloyd knew the pain was still clear in his gaze, Joseph's eyes were brimming with anger and hatred. He didn't seem to care how much Lloyd had just suffered. And why would he?

Lloyd felt angry at himself for feeling a pang of hurt. Still half in the monastery, I guess.

"Pack your bags," the Overlord told them. "You two are coming with me."

Joseph raised an eyebrow, gaze still on Lloyd. "Wouldn't he be the one to—"

"The Garmadon stays here along with the girl," the Overlord interrupted. "Now, do you want more honor or not?"

Joseph and Katy exchanged a glance. Joseph looked back at Lloyd, but then the former ninja realized he was looking past him, at Ariana. Immediately, Lloyd felt a flash of protectiveness and he straightened up, relieved when he found he could stand on his feet again.

Joseph's gaze flicked to the former ninja before he nodded his head. "Okay," he huffed. "We'll be ready by dawn."

Nodding toward the apartment building, he turned and headed down the street, Katy following a moment later.

The Overlord turned back to Lloyd, and the Baddie braced himself for another blow. But the claws inside his body stayed still. "Remember what I said," the Overlord growled.

Breathing shakily, Lloyd nodded.

After a moment more of staring, the Overlord whipped around and disappeared into the Main Base.

When they were at last alone, Ariana turned to Lloyd and rested her hands on his shoulders. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

Lloyd rubbed his head. "Well, I'm alive," he rasped.

Gaze glittering, Ariana leaned closer to him, embracing him as she felt his arms wrap around her. She didn't need to say how terrified she had been when the Overlord was messing with his marking. Lloyd already knew. "What are we going to do now?" she whispered.

"We can still try to get away," Lloyd murmured, resting his chin on her head. "Remember that passage the Overlord's daughter took? We can find it."

Ariana let out a faint scoff. "No, Lloyd," she sighed. "Didn't you see what the Overlord did to you? When he finds us, he'll do it again. To you. To me. To everyone else. But this time, he won't let go."

Lloyd swallowed, tightening his grip around her. He knew she was right. "Then there's nothing else we can do." His voice shook. "The Overlord always has the last say."

Ariana turned around until Lloyd only had his arms around her neck and they both gazed into the direction of the Main Base, where they had last seen the Overlord.

"You once told me bad guys never keep their side of the deal," Lloyd went on quietly. "Let's just hope he keeps up this deal."

Ariana glanced up at him. "We've got a year," she mumbled. "That's a long time to hope."

Lloyd returned her gaze, grimacing. "Well, we've got nothing left to lose, do we?"

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