๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช <3 (๐™Ž๐™˜๐™–๐™ง๏ฟฝ...

By wandanatsluvchild

92.3K 1.8K 449

hey dudes, this is just a book of oneshots of scarlizzie or wandanat . this is gonna be my very first wattpad... More

Brooklyn baby๐Ÿ’˜?
after care๐Ÿ’˜.
Grumpy baby๐Ÿผ.
sick days๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง
Anxiety awards๐Ÿ’˜.
potty training๐Ÿผ
Nightmares and Nursing๐Ÿผ.
cuts and cookies ๐Ÿผ.
Stuffie interrogation ๐Ÿผ.
Obvious ๐Ÿ’˜.
When it rains๐Ÿ’˜.
sleepy baby๐Ÿผ
!New Book!
A little witch meant for mischief๐Ÿผ
She's gone....๐Ÿ‘€
She's gone part 2
Drunk confession๐Ÿ’˜
Drunk confession pt 2 ๐Ÿ’˜
Author Note babes.
โ™ก Requests โ™ก
Baby whispers๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘ง.
Baby on set๐Ÿผ.

Meeting belova ๐Ÿ‘€.

2.8K 74 14
By wandanatsluvchild

(Natasha x wanda)

3rd pov:

"Hello? Wands? Baby I'm back!" Natasha called throughout her and wanda's shared  floor at the Avengers compound.

Natasha raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow as she was greeted with silence. 

She had just gotten back from spending a few hours with her sister. Yelena belova. whom she had just recently reunited with. Ever since the whole dreykov/red room take down thing, yelena has wanted nothing more than to spend time with her older sister.

Properly getting to know her. Yelena being the nosy sister she is, eventually found out her big sister had fallen in love with a very special sokovian.

The blond russian had been inviting her big sister for outings and things like that for a few days now. Not a few days in a row of course but just frequently enough for Wanda to notice the red heads' strange disappearances.

Wanda and nat have been dating for quite awhile now, everyone on the team only being let in on the new couple's secret a year after they became official.

Natasha was absolutely in love with Wanda Maximoff, no doubt about it. The redhead would do quite literally anything for the younger woman she loved. 

And with that, Nat was ready for her girlfriend of 3 years to finally meet her baby sister who was quite eager to meet the mystery woman who had stolen her elder sister's heart.

Natasha was nervous to say the least she wasn't sure how wanda would react. Considering the slightly taller girl hadn't even been  aware her girlfriend even had siblings.

Wanda however, had begun to get a little suspicious about Nat and her "outings". 

Wanda always found it strange how Nat would leave for hours out of the blue. Or how every time nats phone buzzed non stop, Wanda would reach for nats phone to see who it was and as if on queue nat would come in like an eagle and swoop the phone from Wanda's hands before she'd even get to turn it on.

And to make things worse the young sokovian is an overthinker. She always has been but since she's met Natasha things have changed she's now more confident in her decisions and she's never had to second guess Nat's love for her.

But now with all the sudden shady-ness with nat, she's slowly beginning to think otherwise.

Nats pov:

I hadn't told Wanda about yelena because I needed to know I could trust my younger sister. 

At first it was never my intention to let her know I had a beautiful girlfriend waiting at home for me. But eventually she must've gotten a suspicion that I had a lover.

And somehow she managed to squeeze a confession out of me.

So now yelena wont stop badgering me about meeting my "person" she calls it. I mentally sigh knowing my sister is somewhat excited to meet the love of my life.

I shrug off my jacket and walk over to the living space and toss my jacket onto the couch.

"Wanda?" I called out again. 

And that's when I heard some heavy footsteps coming toward me from down the hall where our rooms are.

I looked up in confusion,watching a clearly furious redhead storming towards me with what seems to be my phone in her hand. 

I had forgotten to bring it with me because I was running late for my lunch date I had planned with lena so I just left it here.

"Wanda? Wha-" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.

"Who is she?" She spat most definitely angry with me for reasons still unclear.

"Who?" I asked in confusion.

"This. Who the hell is she?" she spat now shoving my phone in my face. The phone was somehow unlocked and the screen showed a contact name reading: 

"Baby belova😚❤"

My eyes widen now realizing what my love was so pissed about. Her name is only "baby belova" because iv always thought she had a baby face. Even now I still see her as the baby sister that iv always had.

Before I could explain myself, wanda retracted her hand that held my phone then started swiping on the screen.

"Yelena right?" She said. Her tone still furious. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to how she could know yelenas name.

Iv never said her name ever whilst being around wanda or the other avengers for that matter. 

Because I didnt want people going after them because if anyone knew about my sister then they could use them to get to yelena and probably use her to get to me.

And it's bad enough I'm always constantly paranoid someone will come to take wanda from me. And like hell I'd ever let that happen. Over. My. Dead. Body.

Then my attention snapped back to the raging sokovian in front of me. as she shoved the phone back in my face.

"Oh please, wipe that dumb look off your face. You really didnt think I'd find out about your little side hoe?" She shouted.

"I-...wanda I-its not what you think" I finally choked out.

"Oh really? Then what's this." She said. My attention now moving the the phone she had in her hands.

I was about to read the messages until she pulled the phone away and began reading the txts out loud.

"If it's not what I think then why in the world was she txting you at 1 in the morning!?" She demanded.

"Are you really cheating on me?" She asked with crack in her voice.

My heart broke. I couldnt believe wanda would think that I'd ever cheat on her.

"N-no darling I-" before I could finish she cut me off while putting up a finger in front of her silently telling me to stop.

" DONT YOU "darling" ME I FOLLOWED YOU TO THAT CAFE TODAY, AND I SAW YOU WITH HER!" She now screamed at me. 

I had never ever in my life heard her yell at me like that. Of course shes yelled before but never at me.


Then she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of me sitting at a table in the far corner of the cafe I met yelena at today. My hand was on yelenas shoulder and I was smiling and so was she.

I could only listen as wanda continued to scream at me. By now I was angry too not only because she kept cutting me off from speaking. But also because I cant believe wanda would think that I'd have eyes for another woman that wasnt her.

I saw tears spilling down my loves reddened cheeks. And her voice began to waver.

"WANDA!" I finally shouted to get her attention. She finally stopped screaming and looked me in my eyes with anger and boiling rage.

"Would you please let me explain!" I questioned in a stern voice letting her know I was taking this situation seriously.

"Fine! Explain then! Explain how you've been sneaking out and running around with some blonde bitch!" She growled angrily. 

All of a sudden I was now furious that wanda had referred to lena as a "bitch". 
and even before wanda had referred to lena as a "hoe" which I didnt like one bit.

So i snatched my phone from her hand and dialed Lena's number.

"Who are you calling?" Wanda asked still angry with hot tears streaming down her face.

I ignored her and listened as the phone began to ring next to my ear. Just then I heard the phone pick up.

"Oh my god. Is she on the phone?" I heard wanda practically yell.

"Привет Елена (hey yelena)" I spoke in russian. Ignoring Wanda's question.

"Natasha?" I heard my sister say in her heavy russian accent.

"что не так сестра? (What's wrong sister?)" She asked in our native tongue.

"ничего плохого я в порядке, но…. (Nothings wrong I'm okay, but…..)" I trailed off.

 I knew wanda understood a few russian words to form a few sentences but she still isnt fluent. So I only watched as she slowly started to piece together me and my sisters conversation.

"как бы ты наконец хотел встретиться с моим человеком? (How would you finally like to meet my "person"?)" I finished.

"Wait, like now? But I just saw you 20 minutes ago" she said now switching to english.

"я знаю, но со мной разъяренный соковиан. (I know but I have a furious sokovian with me)" I said still using russian, hoping she'd get the memo.

After a few minutes of agreeing to meet again here at the compound. I told yelena to be here in 5 minutes. Assuming my angry girlfriend wouldnt kill me first.

Wanda's pov:

So many thoughts were running through my head. I really hoped nat would never do this to me.

But after following her to that cafe my suspicion had only been confirmed. My heart broke when I watched nat sitting in that cafe with another woman. Laughing and having the time of there lives.

I just stood there in front of the former russian assassin watching as she finished off her conversation on the phone.

I couldnt make out exactly what she was saying nor what the other person on the line were saying. But i did manage to translate something about "hello,natasha?,angry sokovian" and blah blah blah.

I couldnt believe nat had the absolute nerve to call her mistress in front of me. RIGHT INFRONT OF ME as if I wasnt even here.

I got angry and stormed off into our room now crying even harder. I heard nat end the call just as I turned to leave.

I burst through the door into our room and slammed the door shut. I could feel my powers practically seeping out of the palms of my hands. Eventually my breathing picked up and I stumbled into the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked like absolute shit. My cheeks were red,tears streaming down my face,my eyes were red and puffy, and the irises of my eyes were now glowing red.

I angrily wiped my tears with the sleeves of the sweater that I now realised belonged to Nat. God! I was such a fool to believe anyone could actually love me long enough to stay with me.

I clenched my hands into fists and began taking deep breaths to calm myself. Which didnt work eventually I just climbed into bed and sobbed uncontrollably under the blankets.

3rd person pov:

Natasha stood in the living space of hers and Wanda's shared floor.

She was angry. Angry at herself for not just telling wanda who yelena was. Angry at the fact that she had kept a secret from the woman she loved most. She was angry at herself for letting this all happen.

Her heart broke as she watched the the angry sokovian storm off. 

Then a few seconds and she heard a loud noise come from the same direction wanda had went. She assumed it was wanda slamming there bedroom door shut.

Then that when she had noticed tears of her own had began to fall. She sniffled and wiped her tears away with her hand and slowly walked down the hallway making her way towards there closed bedroom door.

Her heart only shattered as she heard Wanda's loud cries coming from within the room. She wanted to go in and just comfort her with cuddles and kisses.

But she knew right now wouldnt be the right time for that. The redhead reached her hand for the door but then pulled away as she heard Friday begin to speak.

"Hello there miss romanoff. Theres someone waiting for you outside." The A.i spoke into thin air.

"Hi friday,could you please send her in,And direct her to my floor please." She asked the A.i . 

The artificial Intelligence confirmed, then the heart broken readhead wiped a few more stray tears that made there way down her cheeks.

A few minutes later. The russian turned her head as she heard the elevator ding. Signaling the arrival of her sister.

Natasha made her way down the hall and was greeted with a smiling blonde russian.

"So where is she?" She questioned raising her eyebrow not even bothering to say hello to her sister.

"Wow hello to you too yelena." The green eyed woman said,sarcastically.

"I saw you not even 2 hours ago dont be a baby" she mocked.

"Excuse you, I am not. Anyways she's in our room crying" she said whispering that last part. Luckily for yelena she heard it clearly.

"What happened? I haven't even met her yet and you've already made her cry." Yelena asked now frowning and irritated with her sister for making her potential sister-in-law cry.

After Natasha explained everything that had happened. 

Yelena now realizing what the whole problem was. Had ordered her to go comfort wanda and explain everything to her.

Natasha's pov:

If wanda was angry at anything or anyone else the first thing I'd go and do is comfort her the best i can.

But considering my girl was angry at 𝘮𝘦, I dont think she'd want me to be the one comforting her. But even so my sister is right. I need to go and explain even if I might get blasted through 7 different walls.

"Come." I simply said to yelena. She only nodded for me to lead the way.

"She might not believe me if 𝘐 just tell her about you. So I want you to be there and confirm it okay." I informed the blonde trailing behind me as we make our way Down the hall.

"Alright" she answered.

"Oh and remember those wiggly woo's I mention earlier?" I asked remembering how I was telling my little sister about Wanda's powers.

"Yeah? Sort of."

"Yeah well, she 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 blast one of us out the window. Or both of us." I spoke, emphasizing the word "might".

We approached the door. And I listened in to see if she was still crying inside. But I was met with silence.

She's either asleep or plotting my murder. I thought to myself as i slowly turned the door nob and entered the room.

I noticed the curtains were still open, the daylight pouring in through our window. My eyes quickly scanned the room for a head of long red hair. But instead found a lump on the bed covered by blanket.

I noticed yelena scanning over the room too. She then gave me a look that asked "is that her?". I only nodded then silently walked over to the bed.

"Wanda?" I gently whispered. I got nothing in response.

I noticed the blankets moving up and down as if someone were breathing under it. So I knew she was under there.

I slowly moved the blanket from her face. And I was met with a sleeping yet peaceful looking sokovian.

My heart melted and I mentally breathed a sigh of relief knowing that if she were asleep she couldnt throw me into a wall immediately.

Yelena just stood near the door way watching what I was doing.

Then she quietly waltzed over to where I was currently standing.

"Holy shit- how the hell did you score her?" Yelena said aloud in astonishment.

"I mean- your ugly-" 

I immediately slapped her in the back of the head.

"Ow! Hey!" Lena cursed aloud.

Just then wanda woke,she immediately turned to see yelena rubbing the back of her head in pain. And me now gazing down at her with a soft look in my eyes.

"What the hell is she doing here?" The sokovian now said sitting up in bed,quickly rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

her hands now balled into fists with an angry look on her face.

"My love, please let me expla-" I said but before I could finish I felt a hand strike at my cheek. Leaving a lingering pain in its wake. I was shocked to say the least.

I was still processing what had just happened when I heard wanda say

"Wouldnt it had just been easier to tell me you didnt love me anymore?" She whispered her accent now heavy in her words.

I immediately felt tears spring to my eyes, not because of the pain in my cheek but because of the words that had left Wanda's mouth.

"So...you've brought your new mistress here to what? Taunt me?" She spat her sokovian accent still thick.


I turned to yelena her face contorted into disgust.
Wanda pov:


My attention was now on the mystery blonde. What did she mean "ew"?. I wondered. My palm still stung from the slap I landed on nats cheek but i ignored it.

"Never. In a million years would i ever even consider my sister as a love interest!" The blond spoke with a heavy russian accent and pure disgust laced within her words.

My eyes widened at what she had just said. 𝘴𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳?. My mind was racing once again. Sister? Natasha has never mention that she had a sister?.

"What?" I finally asked 

"B-but i-i thought-" I choked. 

"Yeah well ya thought wrong. Poser over here is my sister." She laughed.

My eyes widened, and it was like a huge feeling of relief washed over me. So what I had thought- was all just a misunderstanding?. I didnt even know what to say.

I just looked towards nat who had raised her hand and slapped the blond haired woman in the back of the head.

Then her eyes met mine, my eyes began to water once more.

"Yeah….wanda meet yelena. My сестра (sister)" she said now looking to the ground.

"I-I-" I stuttered.

It was really all just a misunderstanding? 

"B-but the late night txts? And the sneaking out late at night?A-and the contact name?" I asked expecting nat to answer. She only looked up making eye contact with me again. 

And just as she was about to speak. Yelena had piped up.

"Oh the first 2 are my fault. I always ask natasha to take me to go get slushies at the gas station in the early hours of the morning. That is my fault I'm sorry" she apologized I could feel that she was being true to her words.

"And as for the contact name, it's just a joke between lena and I. I always call her "baby belova" because she has such a baby face" the green eyed Russian chuckled lightly.

I climbed out of the bed and as I did natasha and yelena both took a few steps back from the bed giving me space to stand.

I felt tears begin to pool in my eyes and slip down my face. I looked towards nat and she was already staring at me.

"I-im so sorry…" I choked out I didnt waste anytime in crashing our bodies together.

I wrapped my arms around the redhead and I sobbed into her neck and cried as I felt her arms snake there way around my waist.

"I'm so sorry nat, I'm so sorry, I should've l-listened a-and let y-you explain, instead of a-assuming you were cheating" I cried into the crook of her neck.

She only shushed me and rubbed my back soothing me. She whispered sweet nothings into my ear. For a few minutes we just stayed in each others arms.

And when I pulled back, I looked my lover in the eyes and I caressed her cheek which had a red hand print now beginning to show. Nat winced a little at the contact.

"I'm so sorry I hit you…" I apologized 

"Its okay my love. Anyway I kinda deserved it. After all I had lied to you about yelena…." She muttered

"N-no it's not your fault I should've asked you who she was instead of just assuming you had been cheating…." I said in a hushed voice. 

I now felt embarrassed that I had been wrong about my girlfriend. And that I had been wrong about her sister whom iv only just met.

Questions began racing through my mind. And I knew nat could sense it.

"I know you have questions my love and I'm willing to answer them all. But why dont we go and see where lena went off to." She proposed.

That's when I had finally noticed nat was right. The blond russian was nowhere to be seen. I didnt even hear her leave, she probably wanted to give us some space.

"Let's just hope she hasn't burned the kitchen down…" the redhead infront of me grumbled.

Nat had started to walk towards the door way but I stopped her by grabbing her wrist and spinning her around.

I crashed our lips together, in a kiss. Pouring all my love into it. Her lips felt soft and loving something I could never get tired of feeling. It's like her lips were made to kiss mine. And I loved it.

Once we pulled away,for some much needed air, I rested our foreheads together.

"I'm so sorry baby…..i-i shouldn't have ever doubted your love for me...I'm so sorry.." I whimpered.

"Hey… I forgive you okay? You had every right to be upset with me. I should've introduced you both sooner." She whispered. 

Nat leaned in again and reconnected our lips in a quick kiss.

She then begun caressing my face with both her hands. I couldnt help but lean into her touch.

"Now...let's go find my idiotic sister." She groaned, I chuckled at her a took her hand in mine.

And I let her lead the way, as soon as we stepped into the living room there was no one there.

Until we heard someone rummaging through the cupboards in the kitchen.

Nat let go of my hand and made her way towards the sounds with me following in tow.

And low and behold, there was a angsty looking yelena going through our pantry.

"AHA! FINALLY" the blond yelled with a thick accent. She pulled out a packet of oreos and ripped them open eating one after the other.

"HEY! those are mine" nat huffed while folding her arms next to me.

"Not anymore poser!" Yelena taunted whilst waving a cookie in the air.

Nat only glared and I couldnt help but giggle at the interaction. 

That afternoon nat and yelena had explained everything. Natasha explained to me how yelena wasnt her biological sister,and about how they were raised as a family somewhere in Ohio. She even explained the story about there mother and fathers mission there too.

And everything leading up to there reunion. I felt at ease knowing nat actually trusted me enough with all this information. 

And I actually got along pretty well with yelena so much so, we both ended up pulling pranks on nat. And both of us getting into ridiculous shenanigans with eachother every week end.

And once I showed yelena my powers she was so infatuated with them it was adorable. 

Iv now grown to love yelena as if she were my blood related sibling.

I'm glad I gave nat a chance to explain everything.

3927 words

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