What if I told you?

By linsteadfanfict

9.1K 320 94

Jay has spent many years caring for everyone, but he suddenly realizes his life is starting to pass him up. H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Part 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Part 12
Part 13

Chapter 5

1.2K 36 21
By linsteadfanfict

You know I was never that guy, I never felt like I had anyone in my corner. I always felt I had to deal with everything on my own, it wasn't until I joined Intelligence that I realized I had people that actually cared about me. They've helped me so much, even when I was at my worse they've stuck with me. Because of them I've been happy these last few years, even Hailey made me, but there was always something missing.
     Erin, she was always the missing puzzle piece in my life. Since the first day that I met her, I just knew she would brighten up my world. She did just that, she had me considering places to retire within the first few weeks of us meeting. She has my heart, and I like to think she always did. It's something about her dimples that always make feel like a little school boy looking at his crush.

Chapter 5

"Huh, what are you talking about? Haileys your ex-fiancé, are you okay Jay?"

"Yea, I'm in pain but I'm fine. Where is m.."

Erin stood in the doorframe with tears in her eyes, Will was holding her hand on the outside of the door for reassurance. When Jay was about to ask for his wife again, Will gave Erin a little shove.

"Hi handsome!"


"Yea, I'm here babe."

"I missed you!"

"You saw us this morning!"

"So, I want to see you every morning!!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Do want to tell them or should I?"

"You got this!"

"I'm officially Erin Halstead, wife of my best friend and former partner Jay Halstead!"

"Excuse me rewind that statement again."

"I'm officially Erin Halstead, wife of my best friend and former partner Jay Halstead!"

"B...but when did this happen?"

"I proposed last Saturday, and then we got married on Monday."

"When did you reconnect?"

"You all remember that weekend before the Blackhawks played in the playoff game. Well I actually took a flight to New York."

"So you've been seeing her for months?"

"Yea, she was my therapy!"

"I'm confused, you and Hailey were engaged until recently, but your married to Erin?"

"Me and Hailey called off our engagement months ago, actually not long after I came back."

"Why did you go to New York?"

"I wanted to find her."


"Cause 10 years from now I only saw Erin and my kids. I wanted a life I was proud of, before I found Erin I wasn't proud nor happy. I was getting by, and didn't want that. I got to a point where I was tired of trying to fill a void, I wanted to come home to a wife and kids. Erin had always been in that dream for me. So when I found her in New York, there was no way in hell I was letting her go again."

"So you've been together since then?"

"Yea, after a few visit we decided to pursue a long distance relationship. Jay would come out on weekends, and I would come out whenever I was free. Like this week."

At that point Will walked into the room with a grumpy five year old in his hands. Everyone turned to face the door, they all had a confused look on their face.

"Mommy, can we go home?"

"Soon baby girl, we have to wait."

"Daddy, can we go home?"

"Daddy has to stay here a few days baby girl, but you can come lay down with me. Do you want to lay with me?"

"Yes, please! Mommy can you help me get to daddy?"

"Of course but we have to be very careful daddy got hurt."

"Are you okay daddy?"

"I'm hurting but I'll be okay, come on Ri!"

Erin scooped Riley out of Will's arms and brought her to Jay. He wrapped his arm around her as she got comfortable. The room is quiet and everyone still in disbelief.

"So does anyone care to explain?"

"Sure, this is our daughter Riley, she's 5 years old and she's amazing."

"5 years old??"


"That either means it's not his or you didn't tell him?"

"Riley is Jay's biological daughter he found out about her when he came to New York."

"So, you've kept his kid a secret for 5 years?"

"Enough, With the question. Riley is my daughter, I found out about her when I went out there. Was it a surprise of course, but we've had months to talk about it and Er and I are in a really good place."

"I need a drink cause this is all to much!"

"I second that motion Kevin said!"

"So a few months ago Jay flew to New York to find you, and he did? There's millions of people in New York how in the hell did you find her?"

"I called Olivia from SVU and asked her for help. She told me her last known address, I built up the courage and went over. When I got there I knocked on the door, after a few knocks this big green eyed adorable little girl opened the door."

Jay started chuckling just thinking about the encounter.

"When she opened the door, all I heard was Riley Elizabeth Halstead, what have I told you about opening the door. I literally froze, I kept replaying that moment in my head. Then Erin came to the door and she was scared shitless too. So, that's how I found out about my beautiful little girl."

"You're perfectly fine with that, she lied to you for 5 years about her?"

"Me and my wife already talked about all of this, and now it's in our past."

"Hold on, why did you and Hailey split?"

"She knows why, listen guys I'm kinda tired and I only want to be with Er and Ri."

"I guess we'll see you when you're back at the district?"

"Yea, I'll see you then."

The team had left but, Hank was still lingering by. He was gonna speak until Erin spoke first.

"I know you have a lot of questions for me but, right now I don't care to answer them. I just want to relax and take a deep breathe with my husband. I know you probably think I'm wasting my time, but honestly Jay and Ri are the best things that could've happened to me. So, I will talk to you when Jay comes back to the office."

"Okay I will see you then!"

Hank turned and walked away, he was not expecting any of this. The girl he considered as his own was standing up to him and he didn't like it. Already overwhelmed with everything, Jay reached for her hand to pull her closer. Jay only wanted a simple life with his new wife and kid, he was ready to put it behind him.

After a few days in the hospital Jay was released, he spent all of his time with Erin, Riley and Will. He didn't want to be bothered with the team, because he still needed to speak with them.

The next week, he finally returned to the precinct, the higher ups needed his report back from the incident and he still needed to speak with everyone. He wasn't alone he had both Erin and Riley by his side.

"Halstead it's good to see you doing better!!"

"Hi Trudy!"

"Well I be, the princess has returned?"

"Yea, I'm just here for this one."

"Why now?"

"That would be my fault, my past mistakes ruined things but me and my wife put all that behind us. So we're just focusing on our future with this little munchkin."

"Run that back, WIFE as in you are legally married to one another? I thought you were kidding?"

"Yea, about a week now! When it comes to Erin I never play around!"


"Yea we know, we're gonna head up now."

"Bye Trudy!"

"Wait you have a kid too?"

"Yea, she's amazing!!"

Jay lead both of his ladies up the stairs where they were met with the whispers from the unit. "Are we really going to let him spiral again?", "she not moving back to Chicago, so how is it going to work?", "you know he has a soft spot for her, no offense Hailey but Jay was head over hills for her!", "but why all the secrets, it's not gonna work. She's gonna leave him again and we're going to have help him again. I'm tired of cleaning him up from the bottom of the bottle!"

"Er, don't mind anything they are saying. We discussed all of this, I don't care what they say, I knew what I was doing when I asked you to be my wife. For better or for worse, it's you who I'm coming home to every night."

"I know we talked about it, but it still hurts. I love you wholeheartedly, and if I didn't I wouldn't have said I do. It's me and you against the world, I love you Jay and that will never change."

"I love you too! Now let's go break up the party."

"Morning guys!"

"Ayy, Jay how are you feeling?"

"I'm doing much better, thanks to my girls!"

"Hey er, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, imma go talk to Hank. Ri, do you wanna stay with daddy or with me?"

"Can I stay with you, I don't know anyone here."

"I'm quite sure your dad would let you meet everyone."

"Can I meet grandpa Hank first?"

"Of course sweetheart, let's go!"

Erin and Riley walked hand in hand to hanks office. This would be the first time in over 5 years that Erin has actually had a conversation with Hank. When he said don't look back she cut him off to. He had a big hold on her life, so when she got the offer it all seemed like a fresh start. She took a deep breathe, then she walk in.

"Hi Hank!"


"I take it that your mad at me?"

"I mean why would I be, I mean I didn't help you when you were younger. I wasn't there when everything went south for you, not me so why would I be mad."


"Of course I'm mad Erin, 5 years and not a single word."

"You told me to go and I did. I had nothing Hank, my life was falling to shit. The man I loved left me, and you basically sent me away."

"You needed it, bunny was dragging you down again. You were a mess Erin, and on the verge of being stripped. Or did you forget that when your emotions got the best of you that case."

"No I didn't forget, that's when I found out that I was pregnant. I would never let my feelings get in the way, but I found out later that night. I went to clinic outside the town, and I found out I was pregnant. I had no one to turn to, I was slowly losing my way. Then I realized this perfect little human was with me there entire time."

"You should've said something?"

"I couldn't, I had to go!"

"You didn't have no one!"

"I went to New York, and started a new life. I made sure she had everything she could need. It wasn't easy but I can honestly say she brought out the best in me. She a part mixture of me and Jay, super funny, smart and kind hearted. She's the reason why I was able to get through it all."

"I'm happy you weren't alone, but you should've told me Er."

"What would you have done? I was about to lose everything!"

"I would've figured it out."

"You probably would've, but I honestly needed the space. I had to grow up real quick and it wasn't easy, but she made it all worth it."

"so what is this little munchkins name?"

"My name is Riley Elizabeth Halstead!"

"That's a beautiful name, you look just like your mom kiddo."

"Thank you! Mommy can I go by daddy?"

"Sure, and you don't have to be shy."

"I know!"

Before allowing Riley to leave Hanks office, Erin saw Jay's face getting more and more annoyed. She opened the door to hear them better. They were still talking about her, and she didn't like it.

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