What if I told you?

By linsteadfanfict

9.1K 320 94

Jay has spent many years caring for everyone, but he suddenly realizes his life is starting to pass him up. H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Part 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Part 12
Part 13

Chapter 3

965 31 4
By linsteadfanfict

I know I shouldn't be keeping this secret, but I have no choice. I'm still trying to navigate through everything, and I know that when I get to Molly's they're going to ask me where I've been. I can tell them where I've been, but I can't tell them who I've been with. One reason being, she doesn't want them to know she's in town and the other reason is because there's a lot a stake.

Chapter 3
Before Adam was able to say anything, he saw Jay walking through the crowd heading back to their table.

"Hey guys!"


"Okayyy, so finish telling me about the game the other night."

"Right, so......."

"Jay can we talk?"

"Adam was about to tell me about the game."

"This is more important!"

"Fine, we'll be back guys."

Hailey lead the way as Jay followed closely behind her. He could tell that she was pissed, but this night in particular he really didn't care.

"Are you going to tell me the truth?"

"Truth about what?"

"The truth about you actually not going to therapy today."

"What are you talking about, I did go!"

"Cut the bullshit Jay, you didn't. I followed you to a hotel."

"Are you serious?"

"I saw you Jay, you didn't go to therapy. That smile you had on your face was different."

"I can't believe you!"

"Who is she jay?"

In that moment she saw him panic, that's when she knew there was another woman. She didn't understand, their relationship was going so well.

"Hailey right now I just want to focus on me, I've been so wrapped up in what you did that I've lost myself. That's why I talk to someone. Right now my plate is too full, I want.."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"All I'm asking for is space, you can stay at the apartment, but I will be staying with Will."

"Woah, slow down! Your moving out and your staying with your brother?"

"It would be best for both of us!"

"Jay, I d...."

"Lets get inside before they start asking more questions."

Hailey was so shocked at what just happened, she wanted to cry. There was no understanding to what just happened. She started off the day engaged, but now they are separated. She thinks back to the Roy situation, and now she's realizing things might actually be over.

Unfortunately for all of them, that peace and calm wouldn't last much longer. Jay continued to do the same thing work the weekdays, then leave on the weekends, sometimes he would stay but visit different hotels. He started keeping his life more private, and closed off. Hank repeatedly sat him down and spoke to him about it, but it was going in one ear and out the other. The team tried to get to him, but they was losing that battle too. The only person who could get to him was his brother, since they had been living together they've gotten much closer.

"Will, there's something going on with Jay. He's been leaving every weekend, he broke things off with Hailey, hell he moved out, and apparently seeing someone in a hotel. This isn't like Jay to be sneaking around, can you help us."

"Wow, Umm guys I can only try. You know Jay like to keep his life personal."

"We know, that's why we are coming to you."

"I'll see, but I'm not guaranteeing anything."

"Thanks Will!"

"No problem!"

Later that night when both brothers were at home, Will told Jay he wanted to talk. Jay didn't mind, but he was running behind on time so he needed to hurry up.

"So, what's up?"

"Not much, what's been up with you?"

"Same old stuff, work, work and more work."

"Hmm, so where do you disappear off to?"

"What's this about?"

"Your team has some concerns and I do too apparently. I heard from the team that you broke off your engagement with Hailey, and that you been sneaking around some hotel. The team thinks your seeing another woman, this isn't like you Jay so what's going on?"

"Will, I can tell you that I am happy like genuinely happy. All I can tell you is I split with her because of the decisions she chose to make. I just felt like I was becoming a door mat for her. I never paid attention to the fact that she was always trying to be Hanks right hand. She stayed needing his approval, every time I look around she's trying to save him from some mistake he's about to make. I can't keep doing this to myself, so I called of the engagement and sought out what genuinely makes me happy. I haven't felt this happy in years, like theres no doubt in my mind that she's it for me!"

"Wow I didn't know so much was going on behind the scenes. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you Jay, but whoever this woman is, I want you to thank her for me. Jay I haven't seen you get this excited about a woman since....

"You can say it, I not going to in to depression or anything!"

"I'm just saying the last time I heard you say she's it for me was before abby arrived in town. You haven't been that happy since then so Who is this mysterious woman that's got you acting like a eighth grader going through puberty?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to say yet, but I will eventually let you two meet. I know after Erin I was in a dark space, but I don't blame her anymore. I've always blamed her for my downfall, but she would've still been here if I would've let her in and told her the truth."

"If that's how you feel, I'm happy for you I only want you to be happy!"

"She actually really good for me, and I'm more than happy."

" I trust you Jay, so when your ready I'll be ready to."

"Thank you, now I have to go!"

"Where are you going?"

"I have a hot date to get to. I'll see you on Monday!"

"Be safe, and I'll see you when you come back!"

Jay continued to live his life in private for a few months. That peaceful bliss would end when the FBI showed up. They started investigating the disappearance of Roy, Hank and Hailey were the main suspects. The rest of team was subjected to questions because they had alibis. That's when they turned to Jay to get information, they knew about the relationship between him and one of the suspects and the background of Hank Voight.
Jay skated the ice on his information. He helped them out but he felt as if it left his heart tarnished. Lying to the FBI wasn't like him, he had come to realize this job was no long the job he signed up for. He was ready to branch out, and do other work.
Later that week when he would leave to go out of town, he would seriously start weighing his options. His future wasn't guaranteed when it came to Hank Voight, so he had to prepare himself. He wanted to actually settle down and start a family. No more crazy hours, he wanted to be home with his kids tucking them in at night and a wife who actually loved him. This is the life he wanted, one where his wife and kids come first. So the upcoming weekend trip would accelerate all of those options for him.

As he packed his bags he paused, he knew he needed one more thing before sealing his bag. He had to ask Will for the one thing he needed. After a long conversation with Will, about revealing who the mysterious woman was, and what was the next step into his life. Will was beyond surprised, you could say being shocked was definitely and understatement. He would've never thought this was who Jay was seeing secretly. He might not have liked it but she did make him uncontrollably happy, more happier than when he was with Hailey. So he agreed to give Jay his mothers ring back. Natalie had it for a while, but it was never meant to be hers.
So Will went to his room and grabbed the ring. When he found it, he took a minute to appreciate the fact that his brother found the woman he actually wanted to settle down with, and that this woman actually makes him really happy. When Jay asked for the ring years ago, he thought he was really going to use but I guess he just needed time.
When he returned he handed Jay the ring and told him "go make mom proud!" All Jay could do was smile, he knew his mom would definitely be happy with his decision. He smiled imagining his mom's excitement, he gave Will a hug and then he took off. Will felt bad for Jay's friends, they didn't know he was about to make a huge commitment. He knew he should've told them but this was Jays decision. So when Will went to Molly's later that night, he had every intention on keeping his mouth shut. Even if he had to lie to the rest of his team.
The night went as expected, they asked him tons of questions but Will kept it together. He knew Jay would have to tell everyone on his own time eventually.
Monday came around but Jay didn't return. The team was very confused until Trudy walked up the stairs to inform them that Jay would be out for a week. They all looked at her to see if she could explain further, but all she said was "he only said he wanted to use pto, and that he would be back soon."
The team was confused, they had more questions but Trudy quickly turned around and went back down stairs. Little did they know, Jay told her the real reason.
The team started to look at Hailey, but she had no idea either. Jay moved out and they called their engagement off, so she hasn't spoken to him since. They've chosen different paths in life, so they don't talk as much especially after Hank switched them as partners.
The week had rolled around, and no one had heard from Jay, until everyone received a text from him.

-Hey guys, I know you're all worried about me but I'm fine. I just needed time to handle some business, I will be back at work Monday morning. To celebrate me being back I will be buying the first 2 rounds at Molly's.

-Jay, my man where have you been.

-I've been setting up and taking care of my future.

-what's that suppose to mean?

-I just wanted to make sure I'm mentally fine, I've been feeling like I losing myself.

-so how are you feeling now?

-I can honestly say I'm better, I've never felt this amazing guys.

-That's good man, we do miss you around the office.

-Well I'll be back Monday guys.

-We can't wait to see you!

-I can't wait to see you all!

The weekend rolled around again but this time Jay was back. He was actually already in the bullpen starting on paperwork when everyone arrived. When everyone fully arrived, they all noticed this glow that Jay had. Like there was some major change with him, but no one could pinpoint it exactly.

"Suit up, hostage situation in progress!"

"What do we got boss?"

"Hostage situation, responding officers said there is 22 hostages, and 2 guards are unconscious and the 3rd guard has a gun to his head. The receptionist was able to hit the panic button but not before being shot."

"Has there been any demands requested?"

"Yea, a clear street and a helicopter waiting to take them far away."

As the team arrived on the scene patrol already had the side streets blocked off, and the crowd controlled.

"Where's the lead detective?"

"That would be me, Special Agent Briggs of the FBI."

"Sergeant Hank Voight of the Intelligence unit, what's going on?"

"We have 22 hostages, and 2 injured guard and a dead civilian. The third guard currently has a gun pointed to his head."

"What's the plan?"

"My team is currently looking over the layouts of the bank. They will have find an entrance point."

"Hey boss, we found and entry way into to the bank."

"Agent Briggs I want you to continue to talk to the suspects. Keep them distracted for however long you can. Adam tell the team to get into position. We move in on my count."

Both teams got into position, the FBI was there to distract and intelligence was there to end it before anyone else got hurt.

"3..2..1 BREACH!!"

Jay quickly lead the team through the side door to the back of the building. They still had complete coverage. Once they were fully into the building they split up. They were able to surround the three suspects.

"You're surrounded , you have no where to go. Put your guns down and walk away from the hostages."

"No, we're walking out of here with the money."

"Your out matched 6 to 3 your not walking out here alive."

"3, you wish! Stand up guys, they think their going get over like greenhouse did."

"What do you mean like greenhouse?"

"That plant facility they built has been poisoning our neighborhood. Our kids are sick, and they're going to pay for it. We sent letters asking them to stop but they just pushed it off to the side, not anymore. The owner of this plant needs to write a check larger enough to cover all the damages that was done."

"Okay, so how about we let the hostages go. They had nothing to do with this. Then we can talk about a solution to the problem."

"I'm done talking, they have to pay for what they did."

Agents Briggs spoke into the ear piece "Sergeant Hank, his 5 year old daughter died from chemical poisoning a few weeks ago." Hank didn't know what to say, he's experienced loss but not like this. Just as he was about to say something Jay spoke up.

"Tell me what your daughter was like, before this all happened?"

"She was happy, always laughing and running around the house. She loved watching baseball with me, she was just a ray of sunshine."

"She sounded like an amazing little girl!"

"She was, I couldn't wait to get off work. I would pull in the drive way and she would run out saying DADDY'S HOME!"

"That's the best feeling in the world!"

"It's not like anything I've ever experienced, she was my world. Do you have any kids?"

" I umm...I..um.. I d...."

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