Rico's Fantasy Booking: Year 2

By RicoTheLegend

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A Continued edition of my prior fantasy booking story, This time including Submitted Superstars from anyone w... More

Wrestler Submissions!!!
(Side Promo) Triple J & Sam-O-Mac
Fantasy Booking Plans
Road to Hell In A Cell
Pay Per View Results - October to December
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Women's Royal Rumble - Part 2
Royal Rumble PPV
Men's Royal Rumble - Part 1
Raw after the Rumble...
Building to B.R.: Chaos is King...
Bragging Rights!
Cruise Ship Chaos!
NEWS! Two Wrestlers appearace changes!
The Road to No Way Out!
PPV: No Way Out!
Road to Wrestlemania
Wrestlemania 39: A Brutal Opening Contest
Wrestlemania 39: Night 1
Wrestlemania 39: Night 2!
The Raw After Wrestlemania
Building Towards Backlash
Wrestlemania: Backlash
Clash of the Century: Rhodes vs Gedling
The Next Night On Raw...
Extreme Rules PPV Predictions!
😎 Money Talks 😎
The Predator vs The King
Money In The Bank: Pre-Show
What Went Down: MITB
Approaching Summerslam...
A Rivalry Renewed!
Queen of the Ring Tournament
Biggest Party of the Summer!
Summerslam: Part 2
HUGE Thanks to Give!

Men's Royal Rumble - Part 2

43 4 14
By RicoTheLegend

In case you forgot, Here's the field of who's left after the first half of the entries:

1. "Limitless" Keith Lee
5. Edge
8. AJ Styles
15. Bobby Fish
16: Kofi Kingston
17: Randy Orton
18: Montez Ford
20: Tomasso Ciampa

And we count down to #21!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #21:

The Archer of Infamy, Damian Priest, joins the rumble! He cracks his knuckles, then climbs into the ring. Ciampa goes for a kick, but gets caught by the throat! Fish tries the same, But Priest catches him too! Priest set up perfectly for a Double South of Heaven chokeslam!!

In other action, Randy got kicked in the balls by Kofi after another RKO attempt.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #22:

Dax Wilder's theme, "indestructable" began playing, but there was no sign of him. The camera cut to backstage, where Wilder was laying in the carnage of the previous assault... however, the man behind it was nowhere in sight. GM Chris Jericho was pissed.

"Can the kid go or not?!" He asked, furious. The medical team said no. Jericho threw a chair. "Yknow what? Medical team? YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!!!"? Jericho scribbles a few names down on a list, Then sees someone out of view of the camera. "What're you laughing at? You beat the shit outta Dax? Well, he's supposed to be my #22! Well, screw it, you're my 22 now. Get out there, Ya Stupid Idiot!"

The crowd wondered who This could be...

The crowd exploded, and all action in the ring halted... It couldn't be... could it?

BUT IT WAS!! The younger Rhodes brother was back... and he was hungry for a fight!

Rico slid into the ring, Montez being the first one to step to him. The crowd yelled "WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK! WELCOME BACK!"

Rhodes grinned, tossing his jacket and sunglasses to the side. Ford tried a cheap shot, But Rhodes saw it coming. He performed a standing switch on Ford, hitting a German Suplex, but not releasing the grip. He popped the hips, then hit another German! And one last time, he flipped over and hit a third German Suplex! But his grip remained tight... he pulled a near lifeless Ford to his feet, Grabbing the left arm, spinning him Ripcord style, and hitting a Massive Lariat that turned Ford Inside out!! Rhodes picked up Ford and effortlessly just ragdolled his body over the top rope, feet Crashing to the floor!

Orton was teetering on the apron, Kingston went for Trouble in Paradise, But Orton ducked! Orton slides back in the ring, he grabs Kingston, attempting to throw him out, but Kofi lands on the Apron! Randy thinks quickly, Hitting an RKO! Kofi falls back, but his feet don't touch the ground! He gets his feet on the apron a-

Out of nowhere, Jey Uso runs down to the ring and pulls Kofi back, Forcing his feet to hit the ground! Kingston is understandably pissed and chases Uso up the ramp!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #23:

The legendary master of the 619 joins the match!

Mysterio springs into action, hitting Edge with a Hurricanrana! Mysterio goes for one on Rhodes, but he catches Rey! Mysterio counters a powerbomb attempt and manages to escape! Rey turns his focus to Orton, Using a Dropkick to the back to send him Into the ropes... DIAL IT UP, 6-1-9!!!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #24:

The Scottish Warrior! McIntyre is back once again to take part in the Royal Rumble! McIntyre, right into the match, ducks a clothesline from Lee, off the ropes, CLAYMORE! Edge tries a spear, Drew dodges, and Edge ends up spearing Orton instead! 

McIntyre catches Mysterio, who attempts to hurricanrana the big man out of the match, but Drew turns it around on Rey! Drew has him in position for a Reverse Alabama Slam... But Orton nearly kicks Drew, but he sees an opening. The Viper nods to the Scot, and Drew flings Rey forward for the Alabama Slam, right into an RKO!!! McIntyre picks em up, and quickly throws em out! Adios!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #25:

The crowd goes wild! Ciampa smiles in the ring... His good buddy, Johnny Gargano, is on his way to the ring!

Gargano hurries to the ring, Helping out Ciampa by Superkicking Fish! Then, Johnny's gaze stops on Edge. The Rated R Superstar locks eyes with the Rebel Heart. The Crowd began the "THIS IS AWESOME!" Chants, as they never in a million years thought this would be a match-up they saw in a WWE Ring!

Edge swings with the right, Gargano does the same, it's all around CHAOS here in the Royal Rumble!

Edge goes for the Edgecution, Gargano reverses, Countering with a DDT of his own! Edge slowly gets to his knees, Gargano in one corner spots Ciampa across the ring! They grin at each other, and both run forward, Hitting a Stereo Superkick & Knee Strike!

The crowd erupts in chants of "D-I-Y! D-I-Y! D-I-Y!" As the clock winds down...

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #26:

It's Dijakovic! Shedding the Awful name that was T-Bar, now back as his dominant NXT self!

Dominik slides into the ring, Immediately going after DIY with a double shoulder tackle! He then grabs hold of Bobby Fish, Lifting him onto his shoulders then connects on a Feast Your Eyes! And what a Sight for sore eyes this is!

Priest then with a rear Forearm, but Dijakovic unfazed, he turns around and begins hammering away at Damian Priest! Priest manages to get some separation, then rocks Dijakovic with a straight kick to the head! Rhodes slides in behind him, hitting a Throwback (its a move in 2k)! Dijakovic scrambles to his feet, Using the ropes for stability, but Gargano & Ciampa come running in and lift both legs of the Big Man, who tumbles over the top rope and hits the floor!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #27:

It's the One and Only Ricochet! Sprinting down to the ring, He immediately Springboards up to the top rope and takes out AJ Styles with a Moonsault! He pops up and, rather than Celebrate, He turns in anticipation and catches Orton with a roundhouse kick, Foiling the Viper's RKO attempt!

Ricochet then goes to working on Bobby Fish as the clock ticks...

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #28:

In is the ALL MIGHTY BOBBY LASHLEY!!! Lashley goes right to work, Blasting Keith Lee! He then grabs hold of Gargano and just Tosses him aside, Gargano goes through the second rope, Spilling to ringside, but not Eliminated, as Lashley hits a huge Spear on Rico, who rolls under the ropes and drops to ringside!

Priest and Edge begin working in Tandem, as Priest hits a Bell clap on Ricochet, looking for the Reckoning, but Orton strikes with a rear Chop block to foil that plan! Orton tries tossing Priest out, but he lands on the Apron! Priest hits Orton with a Left hook, rocking the Viper, but Ricochet lands a kick to stagger the Archer of Infamy! Edge saw this and charged... But Ricochet Hurdled Edge, and the Rated R Superstar speared Priest Instead, And Damian drops to the floor! What a move by Ricochet!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #29

It's Adam Cole, BAY BAY!

Cole goes right in and has a staredown with AJ Styles, and Fish takes Cole's side, but Edge then hits a running chop block to the knee of Styles, and it seems Cole, Fish, and Edge are working together as they beat down AJ! Edge and Fish hold up AJ, prime position for a big move... AND COLE WITH THE SUPERKICK...

...TO BOBBY FISH?!?! What the Hell's this?! Edge picks up fish, dumps him over the top rope, but Fish lands on the Apron, now getting to his knees, but Cole with a Last Shot to Fish on the apron sends him crashing to the floor! The Crowd's in shock!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #30:

Adam Cole froze. Kyle walked towards the ring with a purpose... he Saw Bobby lying on the ground and helped him back to a Vertical base... Kyle then ducked under the bottom rope and began going after Adam Cole! Kyle with the double leg takedown, followed by some old fashioned Ground & Pound offense!

In other spots, Keith Lee powerbombed  Ciampa, Gargano kicked McIntyre, Rico slid back into the ring and Intercepted a Lashley Spear into a Hit the Lights Cutter!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #31:
Wrestling has more than One... Royal Family.

The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes Has entered the rumble for the first time since 2016!

Cody Enters the action, with the crowd cheering him on as he delivers Running Bionic Elbows to anyone in his way!

McIntyre connected on a Claymore to Gargano, Lashley locked Styles in the Hurt Lock, And Edge just hit the Edgecution on Ricochet!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #32:

Younger brother of the Visionary... reigning United States Champion, Jonas Rollins is making his entrance! As usual, he hands the US Title belt to his wife & manager, Cathleen, before darting down to join the action!

Almost immediately, Jonas ducks a superkick and responds with a Meteora to Johnny! After popping to his feet, Jonas comes face to face with Edge. The Rated R Superstar swung first, but Jonas ducked and grasped the back of Edge's head, hurling him towards the ropes. Edge rebounds, Jonas narrowly avoids getting Speared, then Edge runs into the ropes again, only for Jonas to Be ready this time, Executing a Picture perfect back body drop that sends Edge to the Outside, Eliminating him!

And now we count down...
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #33:

Andrade El Idolo has entered the rumble! He immediately chop blocks Cody before coming face to face with Gargano! Johnny and Andrade exchange blows, before Andrade knocks down Gargano! Ciampa tries to attack Andrade from Behind, but El Idolo reverses, Tossing Ciampa out of the Match! Andrade laughs and taunts Ciampa, but then turns around right into a Gargano Superkick, Sending Andrade out to the floor! Ciampa keeps the beatdown going, and the two Brawl their way to the back!

Meanwhile, O'Reilly trying to Muscle out Keith Lee, who entered at Number 1! Lee fighting back, but OH! CLAYMORE TO LEE BY MCINTYRE! KEITH SENT OVER AND ELIMINATED!!!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #34:

The ever so dangerous, ever so destructive... Aleister Black!

Ricochet was in a perilous position at the hands of Lashley, but Black came running in and delivered a swift knee to the spine of the ALL MIGHTY! Black and Ricochet then began working in Tandem, Delivering alternating roundhouse kicks to the All Mighty Lashley before Rhodes came in and did a Stone Cold Middle finger taunt before hitting a Stunner! Black and Ricochet lifted Bobby to his feet, then threw him right over the top rope and out of the match!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #35:

The Bruiserweight, Pete Dunne! Dunne runs into the ring, quickly going for a Bitter End on Ricochet, but Aleister Black rips him off of Ricochet, and Black rocks Dunne with a Roundhouse kick! Cody then rocks Dunne with a kick, and soon Dunne's getting kicked around by Cody & Black! Ricochet finally dropkicks Dunne over the top rope, but he lands on the Apron! Pete Punches Ricochet, but Cody came out of nowhere with a Cutter that bounced Dunne off the top rope, Sending him down to the floor! Cody has Eliminated Mr. Butch Bruiser (or whatever you wanna call em)

(The next Three Entrants came in without anyone being Eliminated in between.)

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #36:

Seth made his way down to the ring, Staring a Hole through Cody, but his expression lightened when he saw his lil' bro in the ring. He hopped up to the apron, talking to Jonas. "Just like ol' times, right? You, me? Work together for a bit, huh? C'mooon, J! It's for the greater good!" Jonas rolled his eyes, not really following Seth's whole "Greater good" shtick, but at the end of the day, Family's still family, and he knew he'd probably help Seth anyway.

Rollins laughed as his brother nodded to him, stepping between the ropes, but immediately eating a sudden RKO! Orton slid in outta nowhere!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #37:

Miz entered the rumble at 37!

Not much happened since Miz entered, A few near Eliminations here & there, but nothing major until the next entrant 90 seconds later.

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #38:

He won the Universal Championship inside the Chamber a year ago... He's a 2x world Champion, former NXT Champion, part of an undefeated Tag Team with Rico Rhodes once upon a time... Former Leader of The Revolution, Jake Cross has found a way into this Match! Immediately, the first person to stare him down?

Rico Rhodes stood opposite his former tag partner, whom he defeated twice, once at Mania, then again at Backlash.  "You've changed a lot." Cross said with a slight smirk. "You look the same as the day I last beat ya." Rico cracks his neck, not feeling too friendly. Rico swiftly kicks Cross right in the groin! "You can leave and try to join Bullet Club all you want. You'll never be good enough to join their ranks." Rico said coldly.

The match kept raging on, another RKO delivered, Styles hitting a Phenomenal Forearm, Gargano nearly tossing out McIntyre, It was mass hysteria!

10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

Entrant #39:

Chants of "COWBOY SHIT!" Broke out with the arrival of Hangman Adam Page! He sprung to the apron, Then immediately blasted Orton with a Buckshot Lariat!

Rico was taking the fight to Miz, backing him to the ropes, Then powering him over the top, but Miz lands on the Apron! Rico kicks him in the gut, but then Hangman comes in with a wicked Clothesline to knock Miz to the floor! Hangman and Rhodes nod to each other, as a little show of respect.
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
The final Entrant...
Entrant #40:

For the love of God, it's Bryan Danielson! He's number 40! The last man to enter! No more Entrants from here on out! 15 Men are left in the ring or at ringside who haven't gone over the top rope! Who will be going to WRESTLEMANIAAA?!

Adam Cole and Kyle were working over Adam Page, but suddenly Cole tried dumping out O'Reilly! Kyle wasn't fooled, reversing the attempt and Sending Cole over the top and to the floor. Adam couldn't help but grin and applaud Kyle. He was ready for it.

A few minutes Later, Orton tried an RKO on Hangman, but Page powers Orton off, Orton hits off the ropes, Page with a well timed Dropkick sends Orton over the top rope and to the floor!

Kyle had just enough time to turn around and get popped up by Rico, who powerbombed him right over the top onto Adam Cole! Kyle Eliminated! Gargano had Cross on the Apron, Jake ducks the Superkick, Gets his head underneath Gargano, and powers him up & Over the top, Triple H dumps out Ambrose Style! Gargano is gone! Black goes for Black Mass, Misses to Styles, AJ Rocks black with a Forearm, to the ropes, and Black gets clotheslined over the top! And just like that, We're down to 10!

Seth ducks a Claymore from Drew, Drew's in a bad spot, Seth with the Stomp! Seth calls Jonas over, and the two hit a double Falcon Arrow! The older Rollins then hoists Drew to his feet and dumps him over the top!
Jonas blocks a running knee attempt from Danielson, catching him and lifting him to Powerbomb position, then Executing a Buckle Bomb! Danielson is staggered, but then Jonas superkicks Bryan in the Jaw, turning him a full 180°, then a Second superkick, this time to the back of the Neck, Sends Bryan crumbling over the top rope and to the floor!

Ricochet sees an opening, hitting a 630 on AJ, popping right back up, and Hitting Cross with a Recoil! He was feeling it now! Ricochet sensed Rollins coming behind him, he ducked an incoming Superkick, then rolled out of the way of a Stomp! Rollins was getting frustrated, but he didn't see Rico or Cody come from behind! Cody & Rico both grabbed Rollins and chucked him over the top! Cody was laughing, as he pulled one over on the Visionary once again!

Cross managed to get to his feet, Striking Cody with a Hidden Blade Forearm! Cody slumped against the Ropes, but Rico shook his head. "Ya went for the wrong Rhodes, Pal." He said before kicking Cross in the knee, dropping him to a kneeling position. He grinned and lowered his knee pad... he wasn't about to- was he?

He ran, bounced off the ropes, and hit a brutal knee right to the Jaw of Cross! His brother's old signature move, the Shot of Jamison! Rico grinned, picked up Cross, and said the trademark words of his brother after hitting the move: "Sleep it off, jackass."
Cross struggled to his feet, but immediately was blasted by a Buckshot Lariat from Hangman!
He didn't even get back to his feet before Jonas ran in with a Curb Stomp! Then Ricochet added insult to Injury with a 630 Senton!

Rico let this all play out Before going to a corner... then he began stamping his foot against the mat. And again. And again. And again! He's tuning up the band! Ricochet, Jonas, and Hangman all participated in the Tuning up, hyping up the moment!

Rico grinned as he was primed and ready... he took a step forward, and BANG!! Sweet Chin Music off the Jaw! Cross crumbled like a dead body to the mat, and Rico Forcefully lifted him to his feet, and chuckled as he hurled em over the top rope, making a "Taking out the Trash" hand gesture as he did so.

Ricochet and Styles then teed off for a while, rekindling an old Rivalry from 2018! Ricochet was sent to the Apron, then attempted a Springboard, but STYLES CUTS EM OFF WITH AN INSANE PELE KICK, RICOCHET SPRINGS BACKWARDS AND CRASHES THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!

Jonas and AJ had some back and forth, Cody hits Page with a Crossrhodes, and then Rico & Cody have a Rhodes vs Rhodes moment.

AJ is sent out to the apron by Jonas, but AJ catches him, Hooking him up and now attempting to drag him over the top, and he does! Jonas get pulled right over the top and to the floor! But AJ didn't have time to Celebrate, as right when he got to his feet (Still on the apron) Rico struck with a Running knee to send Styles to the floor! AJ entered #8, and was Eliminated as the first of the final 4 to be thrown out. He lasted just over 51 minutes!

It's down to Rico, Hangman, and Cody.

After some triple threat high stakes strike moves, Rico has Cody on the ropes when...

Out of Nowhere, Dax Wilder bolts to the ring and begins barking at Rico. Rhodes was yelling, "Get your ass outta here! You're not in the match!"
Dax was furious that Rhodes stole his spot, and rightly so.

But Cody snuck up behind Rico, and lifted his legs up and over, Causing Rico to hit the floor! Rico popped to his feet, and Wilder decided now would be a good time to Run. Rico chased Wilder through the crowd...

But Cody was winded, and he turned around just in time to be Hit with a Buckshot Lariat that sent him over the top rope!!! HE DID IT!! HE DID IT!!


This took DAYS of writing and effort to do. Thanks to Burns and Rowan again for their help! I'll be working on the next few PPV build-ups soon!

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