The Danger Continues: Henry D...

By hannahmei18

2.2K 88 54

What happens if one of Paris's friend finds out her brother is Kid Danger? More

The Beat Goes On
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 1
One Henry three girls, one Paris plus one guy part 2
Paris & the Woodpeckers
Captain Man: On Vacation
The Time Jerker
Secret Beef
Henry's Jelly
Christmas Danger
Indestructible Henry Part 1
Indestructible Henry Part 2
Text, Lies, & Video
Oppsite Universe
Danger & Thunder: Part 2
Authors Note
Grave Danger
Authors Note
Ox Pox
I Know You're Secrets
Behind The Scene Photos!

Danger & Thunder: Part 1

117 4 12
By hannahmei18

Authors Note: this is also a challenge for me but I got it! I might not do part two just a heads up. Also, some secrets will be revealed. That being said, enjoy ' Danger & Thunder: Part 1!'

Evie Pov:

I watched the news from Swellview of new superheros name Captain Man and Kid Danger. I also dyed my whole hair dark brown instead of pink because it's so last season. Anyway, I got ready to pack and getting ready to go to Swellview but a superhero babysitter calls me while I drag my suite case with me

" uh no, sorry, mom and dad won't be back for a few days, they took Billy, Nora and Chloe to Amaze-N-Land" I explained to him, " no no no, it's the third happinest place on earth.. Okay, bye"

I ended the call and put my phone and my pants pocket, I than continue my way out and open the door

" where ya goin'?"

I scream of the sudden voice of my twin brother and fell on my butt

I thought he's on a camping trip?!.

" uhhh..." I quickly stood up, " what do you mean?"

" you're confused by the question, ' where are you going?" Max questioned

" I, uhhh... Going to Cherry's house" I made an excused

She's have the flu but I dout he knows since his brain is the size of a bug.

" hmm, I thought Cherry had the flu" Max recalled

I chuckled nervously and closed the door as my brother walk in the house

" you're totally right!" I lied, " which is why I'm bringing her this... Chicken soup"

I gestured to my suite case

" you put soup in a suite case?" Max asked me

" yes, Max" I answers, " that's what nice people do"

My eyes widen when he use his telekinesis to unzipped my bag. For normals they'll freak out but not for me

" Max!" I said to him annoyed as my things fell from the inside

He picks up my pajama's that's pink and have patterns on it

" girly pajama top soup?" Max wondered of eyeing me

I rolled my eyes and snatched my pj's from him

" okay" I sighed, " you wanna know where I'm going?"

" kinda"

" come with me" I said and takes his hand so he'll follow me

" I knew there was no soup" I hear Max mumbles to himself

I rolled my eyes at him and play the news that is on live right now. It's about how Captain Man and Kid Danger keep capturing criminals but more keeps escaping from jail. I made the TV lower down after we have enough

" whoa, Dr. Minyak busted outta prison?" Max asked himself out loud

" that would excite you" I shook my head and go back to my suite case and re-pack everything

" uh yeah, he invented the Heliometer" Max explained

" what's a Heliometer?" I wondered but still not looking at him

" it's a device that temporarily converts a person oxygen molecules to helium, so they float up off-" Max began explaining but I cut him off

" never mind my question" I said and zip my suite case when I got everything in, " and you have your powers that can lift people off the ground"

" yeah, but the heliometer can lift cars, buildings, pretty much anything" Max explained, " with a device like that, I could take over the world"

That talk again.

" and then what, Max?" I sighed and turn to him, " if you could take over the world, what would you do?"

" uh, nothing" Max answers like it's obvious, " cuz I'd make everyone do stuff for me"

" not when you destroy everything and everyone with it" I remarked, I grab the handle of my suite case, " well, there is a huge crime wave in Swellview and I'm gonna go help"

" okay, well I guess I'll just call mom and dad and tell them you're leaving town without their permission" Max suddenly says

I stop my track and turn my head to him

" then you're gonna be in a lot of trou..."

I didn't let him finish when I lifted him up of using my telekinesis

" whoa!" he said surprise of my sudden action, " okay, put me down!"

" I will" I said, " when you promise not to tell mom, dad or anyone else that I went away to... Whoa!" I got cut off when I also got lifted from the ground of his powers, " put me down!"

" I will, right after you put me down!" Max mocked a little

I sighed

" okay, fine" I said, " on three, we'll put each other down"

" okay" Max agreed

" one... Two... Three!"

I groan in pain when I landed on the floor on my stomach

" okay" I got up, " that really hurt"

" didn't hurt me" Max said as he got up

I quickly took my handle of my suite case and darted outta here and to Swellview I go


Paris Pov:

Schwoz, Charlotte, Kira and I headed up to the Man Cave. Schwoz keep telling us he looks this character in Full House which he's not

" c'mon!" Schwoz exclaimed as we four walk out the elevator, " look at my eyes and my chin!"

" oh, give it up, Schwoz!" Kira said annoyed as we face him

" you do not look like Uncle Jesse from Full House!" Charlotte continues

" bah!" Schwoz groaned as Charlotte walks to Ray

" bah!" Kira mocked and flicked his head

I glanced at my brother to see he's still down of Bianca leaving of this reality show

Some how, I hate seeing him like this.

" Paris, Paris...."

I turn my head to Ray and Charlotte to see Ray is gesturing me to go to him, I walk over to the two

" what's Henry so bummed out about?" Ray wondered

Charlotte walks away and let me do this

" I can't tell you" I answers of looking down of feeling guilty if I told on him, " he's worried you'll laugh at him"

" I would never laugh at Henry's pain" Ray assured me, " c'mon, what's goin' on?"

I look at my boss

" okay-" I began but got cut off from Charlotte who's sitting on the couch now

" he's bummed because his girlfriend moved outta town to he on that reality show, Kids In The Woods!" Charlotte answers for me

I give her a glare and she sits back on the couch, I turn my head to Ray and nodded of that's what happened

" but that happened over a year ago" Ray recalled

" no" I shook my head, " that was Chloe, his first girlfriend, this time it's Bianca"

" Bianca got cast on the same reality show Chloe did?" Ray clarified

" yeah" I nodded

Suddenly Ray bursted laughing and pointing to my brother who looks confused, I try to put his hand down but Ray push me back

" Paris and Charlotte just said you lost another girlfriend to Kids In The Woods!" Ray laughs and pointed at us

" I wasn't in this!" Charlotte put her hands up of defence and run to Schwoz and Kira is

" Paris!" Henry shouted at me

" I'm sorry!" I apologized and turn to Ray, " Ray!"

He kepts laughing and Schwoz also joined too, suddenly the emergency alarm goes off

" hey" Kira spoke up, " that's the alarm for Junk-N-Stuff"

" the alarm?" Charlotte repeated, " but we just locked up!"

We all gather around Ray at the monitors and check on the screens to see three burglars wearing different colors and mask

" burglars!" I hear Ray said to himself

" hey... They're not just burglars" Henry mentioned, " those are the Three Muchachos!"

" como?" Schwoz asked

" Muchachos?" I questioned

" the Three Muchachos" Henry said to both of us

" who are they?" I asked confused

" three of Canada's most evil siblings" Ray informed

" you guys! Let's use the anti-burglar devices up in Junk-N-Stuff!" Kira suggested

" oh yeah!" I smile at him

" I've always wanted to try those!" Charlotte said of liking the idea

" okay, let's start things off with a little fire for Muchacho Uno" Ray smirked and pressed a button to activated the dinosaur so it'll shoot its fire on the yellow one who screams of freaking out. We all laugh of the sight

" oh! Hey hey hey! Look look look..." Henry pointed to the monitor screen, " Muchacho Dos seems interested in our cash register"

Henry press another button of making the cash register exploded. We all laugh of the sight when that blue one freaks out and fell down while screaming

" oh!" I spoke up of having an idea, " what about the hoses? Can we try the hoses?"

" let's drop the hose" Henry agreed

" hose!" Ray repeated and press another button of making drop three hoses on them

We all laugh but eventually calm down

" hose" we all sighed of happiness


Ray and Henry transformed into there superhero selves and captured all three of them. They took their masks off of revealing two mens and one female woman

Not gonna lie, the males look pretty good looking.

Charlotte and I stood back and listen in or watch. I however are watching

" all right, you three Muchachos, I wanna know why you left Canada and came here to Swellview" Ray demands

" and I also, wanna know" Henry chimed in

Oh boy.

" so start talking or else that sweaty onion lovin guy over there is gonna give you some big, wet sweaty hugs!" Ray demands as pointing to this guy who's on a treadmill machine and eating an onion while doing so

" well, we're not tellin' you anything, eh?!" the blue one refused

" yeah sorry" the yellow one agreed, " not sorry, eh?!"

I rolled my eyes at them

" eh?!" the purple one added of eyeing on my brother

" that's it, hug 'em!" Ray commands the guy

He ran up to the three muchachos, they started to object but once getting to the female member she gave in and going to tell us. Ray push the sweaty guy away

" I'll talk, eh!" the purple one gave in, " we came here for the meetin'"

" what meetin?" I wondered of curiosity

" the meeting for all the top criminals in Swellview" the blue one answers, " eh!"

" and canada" the yellow one added

Ray and Henry approached closer to the three criminals

" what's this meeting about?" Henry asked this time

" all we were told that the meeting is about taking down Captain Man and Kid Danger" the blue one explained, " eh!"

" oh, that's us!" Henry realized

" well then we're gonna lock you up, take your costumes and maske, sneak into this secret meeting and find out what's goin' on" Ray explained his plan

" what's goin' on..." Henry repeated

I shook my head at him

" hug em!" Ray commands the sweaty guy

" hug em good!" Henry orders

The sweaty guy grab the three of them and hug them in one brace arms while shaking his butt


I look disgusted. I guess Henry knew and made my head go onto his shoulder so I'm looking down the ground


After that awful scene. Ray and Henry put on the costumes and we had to vote on Charlotte or I put on the purple and I had the one be doing it

" so, how do I look?" Ray asked Henry and I of coming out the changing room after he's done

" muy estupido" Henry answers

" thanks" Ray compliment but realized I'm not there, I try to become one of the room so I won't have to do this, " wait..."

Henry pull me out of the room and let go of my hand after I'm out

" ugh!" I groaned annoyed, " I do not feel comfortable with any part of this!"

" you'll be fine" Ray assured me, " just stay close to us, don't say anything and act like a Muchacho from Canada"

" but I don't know anything about bein' Canadian" I admitted, " or Muchachin"

We suddenly hear a loud noise that sounds like someone is banging on something

" what's that noise?" Henry wondered

" oh, that's just the guy that Schwoz called to fix the air conditioning" Ray explained

We walk out of the back room but once we did the guy who's fixing the air conditioning fell from his letter to the ground of seeing us for some reason, he stood back up scared of the sudden

" ah! Please! Please don't hurt me!" he pleaded, " my cat depends on me!"

" dude, why are you scared of us?" Ray asked him confused

" ahh, he thinks we're the real three Muchachos" Henry realized

We try to convince him that we ain't but the guy not buying it

" please don't touch any part of me!" the man pleaded and pointed to the ladder, " I only came to fix the air conditioning! I am nobody!"

Suddenly the door opens and came out this Asian female with a superhero suit of mostly blue colored and masks. She points the weapons to us three

" hold it right there, Muchachos!" the Asian superhero orders us three

" ah, thank the gods!" the man cried and ran outta here

Oh god.

She approached us of still threatening with her weapon in her hand

" look miss, I don't know who you are but why don't you just--whoa!" Ray began but that girl made him fly to a wall

I go over to him if he's alright

" hey!" Henry exclaimed and I can tell he's little scared because his voice little shakey, " how did you just make him fly across the room like that?"

The Asian superhero cut my brother off by using her superpower of making a item hit the back of his head and fall down

I turn my head to the Asian superhero and she points her weapon she found at me of getting ready to fight. I take off my masks and put my hands up of defence

" I'm harmless!" I quickly said scared and ran off to the back room

Someone yanked my costume when I try to escape of going in the elevator but that didn't happen. I look to the person and see Charlotte, she put a finger on her mouth and shake her head so I won't talk. I got the message and take my costume infront of Charlotte since my normal once are underneath so it's alright, after I'm done we spied on the three

" okay..." Henry said as the two stood back up and he grabs the item been thrown at him, " how did you make this fly off that table and hit me in my head? Oh, and why!"

Somehow that girl looks familiar. It's like she's exact one on my heart necklace lock with me as a baby.

" quiet Muchacho!" she shush them, " now, both of you, get on the ground!"

" ugh" Ray groaned tired, " we don't wanna get on the ground!"

" we just got up" Henry continues

I rolled my eyes at them

" and we're not Muchachos!" Ray added as trying to take the head masks off

" you filthy Canadian liars!" she shook her head, " you jerks are an embarrassment to the other 99.9 percent of Canadians who are awesome!"

That's offensive to Canadians.

" all right, I've had enough of this girl!" Ray said and about to put a punch asleep at her but the girl froze Ray just by one breath

My eyes widen with shock

I hear grunting inside that ice, seconds later Ray punch the ice to break free which made the Asian superhero girl alarmed even more

" h--how did you break free?" she asked little shock

I smirk at this

" by doing this" Ray explained and imitated how he broke free

" but that's impossible" she said still shock

" not for Captain Man" Henry informed as he took his masks off

" Kid Danger?"

Ray took off his masks too

" hey!" Ray said a little irritated

" Captain Man?" she asked and immediately drops her weapon, " oh my gosh... Um, Kid Danger! I'm so sorry! Both of you! I didn't realize you guys were you!"

" wait a minute... Telekinetic powers, freeze breath, female... " Ray paused and look back at the Asian girl," are you the daughter of Thunderman? "

" uh, yeah!" she exclaimed happily

" Phoebe!"

" it's Evie" Evie corrected him

Sounds similar.

" right!"

Evie takes off her masks to reveal herself

" wait, you know my dad?" Evie asked him

" of course!" Ray answers, " and hey, I'm so sorry, I would've gone to his funeral but I had tickets to a ball game that weekend"

I raised an eyebrow of confusion

" uh... My dad's not dead" Evie informed a little confused too

" well, when he does die, if there's no ball game, I'll be there" Ray tells her, but also realized something else, " hey! You also the person I work with that drop a baby to a h--"

Ray didn't finish when Henry covers his mouth, my eyes widen

I'm.. A thunderman?!.

Henry chuckles nervously and turn back to Evie

" so!" Henry exclaimed of pulling Evie closer to him, " you're a superhero?"

" uh, well, no" Evie answers, " well, I-I-mean, almost, oh my gosh, I'm just so excited to meet you guys! And why are you dressed like the three Muchachos?"

" oh!" Henry realized and glanced at his costum, " we're going undercover"

" there's a secret meeting of evil people happening here in Swellview" Ray informed

" yeah, and we're goin' to find out what they're up to" Henry added

" no way!" Evie gasped, " can I go with you, please? I really wanna help!"

" yes!"

" no!"

Henry went over to Ray and try to convince him to take Evie with them

" you crazy? We can't take Paris's mother! It'll be too many people" Ray reasoned

My eyes widen when Henry try to shush him and glanced at me, I look down at the ground and bit my lips, Charlotte put a hand on my shoulder

I look back at my costume that's lying on the floor, I picked 'em up and walk towards the three and cleared my throat

" hi Evie, I'm Paris" I greeted as I approached the three as they turn to me, " don't kill me, I'm not a Muchacho!"

" uh, hi" Evie said a little awkwardly

" what are you doing here?" Henry asked me but I can tell the inside he feels little guilty

" giving her this costume so she can go with you guys to your evil meeting" I explained of not looking at my brother and handing the superhero girl my costume, " you have fun!"

I quickly sprinted off with Charlotte following me behind


Charlotte and I got out of the elevator to see Kira and Schwoz at the monitors and just in time for the three secret cameras turn on

" ooh, we're getting signals from all three tooth cameras" Kira pointed out

Charlotte and I run over to them. Charlotte sits down on the command center chair and move the cameras around with holding buttons so we can see what's happening, but we can't hear what the other three saying

" whoa" Schwoz suddenly gasps of seeing all the villians there, " it's the meeting of evil"

" ooh, there's Dr. Minyak" Charlotte points at the screen when we see him

" and Nurse Cohort!" I pointed at her

" whoa, there's Drill Finger" Kira points to the villian who's drilling a coffee into a villian's cup

" my god!" Schwoz gasped

I than spotted the leader of the graffiti gain

" and there's Van Del" I pointed as he's talking to the Time Jerker

" the Time Jerker" Charlotte pointed out as we saw him

" the Time Jerker" Schwoz repeated disgusted of the sight

Charlotte moves the camera and we saw not one and only stupid Jeff

" oh man" Kira sighed of spotting him, " there's Jeff, the stupidest criminal in Swellview"

" stupid Jeff!" Schwoz repeated as rolling his eyes and shook his head

I turn to him annoyed than turn back to the cameras. Suddenly we hear someone coming out and Charlotte moves the camrea and out reveals.. The Toddler which surprise everyone

Oh no.

" well well!" the Toddler walks forward, " to those of you who thought I was dead... Boo!"

That made everyone startled even us four

" now! Let this meeting begin, Max!" the Toddler call out for someone, " bring my booster seat!"

What caught my eyes was this really good looking teenage male walk in who's name Max. He walks over to the Toddler

Whoa, he's good looking for a villian.

" smooth my leg hair!"the Toddler ordered Max who's standing next to him as the Toddler sits on a queen or royal like chair

Max do what he's told and smooth his leg hair. I just however admiring his visuals

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