past ↠ yuwin

By yvneos

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"i told you, you will still end up on me, sicheng. only me." ↳ wherein sicheng was got hired as a makeup arti... More



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By yvneos

past - chapter twenty two

sicheng still processing what just happened earlier, he was now going home since kun had plans. but sicheng still can't believe that kun already has a son.

but the other father didn't know about it, kun hid it from the father. but still, sicheng was happy for kun. at least he has someone now in his life.

someone that will never leave him.

"where's yuta?" he asked when he didn't see the japanese male in the apartment.

"didn't he follow you?" johnny said, frowning.

"he followed me?!" his eyes widened.

"try to call him," taeyong said.

and sicheng did, he went outside the apartment and called yuta. which the male answered after a few rings.

[wae?] he asked coldly.

"where are you?" he frowned.

[at dorm] yuta said, still cold.

"pick me up downstairs, i will go there." sicheng said and went back inside the apartment again to get his wallet.

[w-what?] he asked curiously.

"i'm on my way." and he ended the call.

yuta really has a thing for sulking, sicheng knows him well. he looks intimidating. that's why you might think he was mad, but he was really soft as heck.

he didn't even take long to arrive at the dorm, luckily there's no sasaeng around but he was still secured if someone saw him.

"yuta?" he called and closed the door.

he was now inside yuta's room, he even saw yuyu at the corner who was peacefully sleeping. but he can't see yuta.

not until someone suddenly hugged him from the back, making him flinched. but the hug was familiar, that's why he didn't push the person away.

"why did you take so long?" he asked softly.

"i had fun with kun's son," sicheng said and faced him, squeezing his cheeks. "don't be jealous, okay? kun has a family now."

"i know," he pouted. "i bumped into hansol outside the shop, he said that he knows the man you were with and he already has a son," he explained.

"i knew it!" and he slapped him gently. "kun told me that he saw someone following me!" he finished off.

"i was just worried, what if kun—"

"love," sicheng warned.

"i'm sorry..." he pouted.

a smile showed on sicheng's face before he pulled yuta in a hug, brushing his hair. yuta buried his face on his chest, getting more clingy.

not when sicheng suddenly let out a noise when yuta bit his nipple, the chinese male immediately slapped him which made the japanese one laugh out loud.

"love," he called, giggling.

"make out only," sicheng said.

"are you sure?" and he wiggled his eyebrows.

"whatever, let's go."

✧˚ · .

on the other side, johnny and ten arrived at the dorm after making johnny's manager to let ten stay overnight. which took so long but the manager just let them in when ten gave the landlady's daughter phone number to him.

if they just know they would easily make the manager agree because of that, then they already did it.

"ooh, my winwin is here." ten said when he saw sicheng's shoes.

but johnny already heard those sinful noises again, making him cover his boyfriend's ear who still doesn't know what's happening.

"love, what's wrong?" he frowned.

but johnny just brought him inside his room, not wanting ten to hear those sinful noises.

"is there something wrong?" ten asked curiously.

"nothing, i just don't want you to hear that noise." johnny said as he removed his coat.

"dude, you're just wasting your time for making me innocent. didn't you know i'm expert—"

he was cut off when johnny threw his coat to him, making ten laugh out loud.

"my love, there's really a time you need to shut your mouth off, okay?" johnny said.

"wae? do you also want to do it?" he smirked.

"i still want you to walk tomorrow." johnny said, smirking.

"you don't want it?" he asked teasingly. "the more i can't walk, the more i will stay here."

while on the other side, sicheng was now passed out after many rounds he had with yuta. the male's stamina was really incredible. at how many times sicheng cum, yuta was just thrusting hard inside him.

yuta finished cleaning sicheng, he even dressed him up. same with yuta who already had his clothes on. but he heard a knock, making him look at it.

"wae?" he frowned.

"can i borrow a lube?" johnny asked calmly.

"ten was here?" he asked, sounding surprised.

"yeah," he nodded.

yuta smiled and let out a chuckle before getting the lube on his drawer before handing it to johnny.

"condom?" yuta asked.

"i like raw." johnny said as he smirked.

"ooh, don't be too rough and loud, mister johnny suh. my winwin is already sleeping." yuta said.

johnny saluted him before making his way back to his room again. yuta couldn't help not to laugh before closing his door and also the lights.

he made his way to his bed, laying beside sicheng. he leaned a kiss on his forehead before he fell asleep.

sicheng woke up when he felt someone playing with his fingers, he slowly opened his eyes and there he saw yuta who was the one who was playing with his fingers.

"hmm?" he asked.

"nothing, baby. it's just suits you." he giggled.

making him frowned, yuta let out a soft chuckle before kissing the back of his palm. which made sicheng see the ring on his finger, a familiar ring to be exact.

"where did you get this?!" he immediately asked, sounding surprised.

"i saw it from the box where i put all our things," yuta said. "and it still suits you." he smiled.

"oh my god, love." and he suddenly get up from the bed

"look," and yuta also shows his hands. the other ring was also there.

sicheng dropped his jaw, he felt like he was going to cry any minute. it's been a year since he wore this promise ring that he and yuta bought before.

and it was still fit for him, same with yuta.

"it's so beautiful..." he whispered.

"because it's meant to you." yuta said, smiling.

sicheng finally burst out crying and thanked him with a warm hug, yuta can't help not to laugh before he hugged him back.

but a voice from outside interrupted them.

"yeorobun?! wake up! it's already a freaking afternoon!" the manager yelled.

the two let out a chuckle before sicheng pressed his lips to yuta, and after that, the two decided to take a bath first before they left the room.

"love, your birthday is about two days from now. do you have any plans?" sicheng asked, frowning.

"i don't have any plans yet, baby." yuta said softly.

"just cook some of your favorite foods and ask your members to come," he requested.

"but i just want to spend my special day with you." he pouted. "all these years, i celebrated my birthday with them. how about i celebrate it now with you since you're finally here?"

"what are we gonna do though?" he frowned.

"spend it together, just the two of us." he smiled. "let's visit our favorite place before."

until the day has come, a few more hours before yuta's birthday. sicheng just bought the favorite cake of yuta since he planned to surprise him.

"is he inside?" sicheng mouthed.

johnny nodded his head and opened the door for him, sicheng straightly went to the kitchen where ten and taeyong were.

yes, his friends were also here. even jaehyun, who was living in the other room, went here. just because yuta told them to come since managers let them have a drink.

the other members will also come later.

"few minutes..." sicheng whispered.

until the time came, sicheng knocked at the door and silently walked inside the room. but yuta just came out from the bathroom, flinching from his place when he saw sicheng carrying a cake.

"happy birthday to you..." he started to sing.

yuta was just admiring him, he wanted to hug him right now, right here. and as sicheng finished singing, he immediately blew the candle and got the cake. placing it at the side to hug the younger.

"thank you..." he whispered.

"there's nothing to be thankful for though, this is just a simple gift for all the things you did for me." sicheng said, pouting.

"but i didn't ask you to pay for it," he pouted. "and i still can't believe that you still remember how to make me happy on my birthday." and he started crying, making sicheng laugh.

same with the other members who were listening to them outside the room.

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