The Infected - Hanji Zoe

By ih3artgerm

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When a virus escapes from a government lab, the world quickly falls into chaos. You must leave behind all of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Ending 2
Extra Chapter

Ending 1

417 22 52
By ih3artgerm

The Bad Place

Summary: With the end finally in sight, will everything turn out just like you wanted it to?

a/n: Welcome to the bad ending of The Infected. Thank you for reading my story and, after the endings, there will be one extra chapter. Comments about your thoughts are more than appreciated <3


A green light comes from the locked container and you realize this is it. One drop of your blood and all this nightmare would soon come to an end. You could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and a chance of a normal life is once more within your reach.

"We're going to be free! Can you believe it?" You say, excited to be sharing this moment with the person you love most in the whole world. Before she has time to respond, you sprint towards the metal box in the middle of the room, hoping that Hanji would follow closely behind.

"ARE YOU READY?" Moblit screams from the other room. As you place the necklace on the keyhole, you give your girlfriend the sign so she can yell back in response.

"Why don't you do the honors?" She asks, though you don't realize she looks weaker than usual. She doesn't have the energy to scream but you are too pumped with adrenaline to notice and so you do scream back at Moblit.

"PRESS THE BUTTON." You say with a smile stamped on your face.

"3, 2, 1." Moblit counts to make sure you turn the key at the exact same time the button has been pressed. Immediately, the metal box opens with a hissing sound and a decent amount of smoke. It looked nearly like something out of a movie.

Carefully, you reach inside to find a glass cylinder and, in it, a green liquid, just like the holographic image of your mother said. This is it, the answer to all your problems: the cure to eliminate all of the undead.

You notice that a smile has taken over Hanji's features, though it isn't the usual bright kind. It has a depressing gloom to it, much to your despair because it means she doesn't have good news, though you have no idea what it could be.

"Are you ok?" You ask, reaching for her covered wrist and she grunts, pulling it away. Your heart sinks in your chest once realization dawns on you. "No."

"I'm sorry." She says, pulling up the sleeve to reveal a bite mark. It looked like it had been a few hours old, maybe eight. It looks like she was bitten when you were outside of the lab, before crawling through the vents. It's a miracle she was able to last this long without slipping away.

"Hey, did you guys find the cure?" Moblit's voice echoes from the other room, he rushes in with a few pieces of paper in his hands. He stops in his tracks, the smile once stamped on his face now gone as he notices the mark.

"Yeah. I found the cure." You say, angrily shaking the vial filled with a green liquid. In a rushed decision, you nearly throw the container on the ground so it would break with ease but you realize that doing so would result in the loss of the contents, seeing as the liquid had yet to come in contact with your blood.

Trembling hands now bring the object close to your chest as you fall to your knees, the tears you had been trying so hard to hold back begin to roll down your face, soaking your skin and the cloth of your shirt in the process.

Hanji kneels beside you and attempts to touch your shoulder, though your immediate reaction is to move it away. For the first time, you decided that you wanted nothing to do with her, even if it was the most ridiculous of lies.

"Maybe we can amputate. Like Erwin." Moblit suggests, his voice shaking almost as much as his hands.

"It's been going around in her veins for hours, it looks like it already reached her heart." You snap at him. His only reasoning is to give you any shred of hope he can find though he soon realizes that it is too late.

When you are finally able to look at her in the eyes again, you notice how those usually bright brown eyes are turning gray and cloudy. She doesn't have much time left.

"You promised to be with me until we found a cure so we could continue our lives together." You scream at the top of your lungs. Hanji avoids your gaze at all costs, she looks at the floor, the wall, anything but you. "Was that a lie?"

"No, of course not!" She responds in the same tone of voice. "I wanted to grow old with you in a little house in the middle of nowhere."

"Then why did you hide this from me?" The sound of your voice carries through the empty metal halls and rushed footsteps come from the room next door. Levi and Erwin stop by Moblit's side, who still stands by the door frame without moving an inch. Truth is you can barely tell if he's breathing and the only indication that he is alive are the tears that fall down his face.

The room falls silent for a while as nobody dares to say anything that might make the situation worse than it already is. You sob on the floor while Hanji desperately wants to comfort you but, at the same time, she wants to respect your wishes to not be touched. Moblit allows himself to cry while Erwin and Levi hold onto each other tightly, they offer the other man a shoulder to cry on but he refuses politely.

Your brain goes a thousand miles per hour, desperately trying to find a way to fix this situation but coming up empty-handed. At this point in time, you have to wrap your mind around the idea of a life without Hanji.

With great difficulty due to unstable legs, you stand up. Arms hanging on the side of your body as you walk towards Moblit, you feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders and you collapse into his embrace.

Neither of you needs to say anything so you just cry against his skin. He holds onto you like his life depends on it and, for just a moment, it does. You hand him the vial that contains the cure and he nods, knowing that you are silently asking him to keep it safe while you say your goodbyes.

When you begin to walk back to your girlfriend, she starts coughing blood clots, a signal that she is running out of time. The veins that extend through her body are now more visible than ever and you can't help but run your fingers through them.'

Slowly, you place one hand behind her head while she holds onto her wrist. You don't realize it at first and simply assume she is doing so because of the pain, but eventually you realize she is trying to stop the virus from spreading in her body by stopping the blood flow to the wound.

You bring Hanji's body down on the floor. While in your arms, she begins to shake. Her skin is turning cold and her lips are a bright shade of blue.

The room feels somehow colder than usual. You bring her wrist closer to your eyes so you can get a better look at it. Blood oozes out of the bite shaped wound, it's dark and it smells like a mixture of rotten meat and coppery blood and that's how you know that it is too late to do anything.

In a moment of despair, you decide to make a request. Though you know the answer will be no, you still decide to take a chance.

"Bite me." You plead and she looks shocked for a second. She shakes her head quickly denying your request. "Please, I don't want to live in a world without you."

You can feel as the men behind you widen their eyes, their gaze not leaving your figure for even a second as they gasp in awe.

"If you do that, the cure will kill you both." Moblit says and you nod, not taking your eyes off of Hanji's pale face.

"Good." You respond through your teeth. Your breathing is heavy and Hanji shakes her head.

"y/n, I could never do that. You have to live." She whispers, pulling you by the wrist with the remaining strength she has left and putting your face closer to hers. "You'll live long after I'm gone, forget about me and be free."

"I could never forget you. You are my most beloved." You respond, lips come crashing against hers in a mixture of anguish and necessity. An urgency to feel connected to her for one last time, to be able to feel anything other than the gaping wound that was once your heart.

"My dear." You break away from her for a second to remind her that your heart will forever and always belong to her. Once lips come together again, her tongue dances with yours in a slow rhythm, they swirl around each other in a love filled kiss and you beg to whichever supreme deity is up there that this was nothing more than a nightmare, a bad dream to which you could wake up from.

From the very beginning, you knew to expect the worst possible scenarios but after everything you have survived: zombies, a killer a.i, Moblit going missing, you thought you would be able to handle anything life threw your way. Except for this.

In your brain, images of all the first times you had by her side flash in the blink of an eye. The first time she held your hand when you were crying over a fight with your mother, when her nervous lips met yours, the first time she ever saw you naked.

Hanji has made you feel loved and worthy of affection since the first moment she saw you on the sidewalk. If, in your lifetime, you could have given her back an ounce of the love she has given you, that would be enough. Though there wasn't enough time in a day, year, century to do so.

You get lost in her lips, memorizing every sensation it brings over you. The love that ignites your soul and keeps you moving, the comfort that has kept you warm through tough winters, the fear of a life without being together.

Once she pulls away, a string of saliva connects you two bodies. Your hearts beat in perfect syncrone though Hanji's beat begins to fade away.

"Let them say their goodbyes." She says, forcing herself to smile at the situation while using her head to point at the men who stand by the door. They cry like little boys who want their mommy but are still desperately trying to hide it.

Erwin's hands tremble as he holds Levi close to him. Out of all the men, he is the only one who openly cries to his heart's content. His grip on the smaller man is tight, scared to let him go in case he suffers the same fate as Hanji.

Moblit sits on the other side of the door, covering his ears like a scared child. He refuses to believe what is happening but the tears won't stop flowing, his eyes are red and swollen. His cry is silent though you can see the way his chest has difficulty rising.

Levi has his face buried in the crook of Erwin's neck, something he has been known to call "his safe place." He hides his face completely but, by the way he is breathing, you know he is crying, you don't need to see his face to know Erwin's naked is soaked with tears.

"I don't want to." Moblit says, nails digging through the skin of the back of his ear until it draws blood. The warm, red liquid covers his dirty nails but you don't have the energy or motivation to stand up and help him, so you simply extend your arm towards him, palm of your hand facing up as you silently await for him to take it.

He doesn't.

"I'm not saying goodbye because you are not dying." Moblit insists. He wishes from the bottom of his heart that he was right and it wasn't too late but before he has the time to stand up and leave, Hanji resumes her coughing, this time a black goo comes out. It smells so rotten that you can't help but gag.

Her once pillowy lips are now cracked, a sign that all the liquids in her body are slowly turning into a substance you can't quite decipher what it is.

"Moblit." Hanji whispers with the remaining strength she has left, her bitten arm reaches for the brown haired man and, finally, he reaches for it. Blood still drips down the back of his ears and his nails are filled with now dead skin, but he reaches to touch her anyway.

"Don't go." He begs and all she can do is touch his face lovingly.

"Will you care for y/n for me?" She requests and the man nods, immediately clutching to her hand. He attempts to answer but his voice gets stuck in his throat as he chokes on it, so he simply nods in response.

"Bye, shitty four-eyes." Levi says as he walks closer. He kneels beside her head before pulling her hair backwards, exposing her forehead. He proceeds to plant one kiss on the area before whispering, "For good dreams."

"Goodbye, Hanji." Erwin says, giving her one last high-five with her free hand. Though he has to raise her wrist and assist her with it, Hanji still thanks him with a nod of her head. When Levi stands up, a firm grip grabs the back of his head and pulls him into the same spot he once was.

"Erwin, Levi..." She whispers and both men turn around, curious. "Just come out already. We all know you are dating."

Neither of them respond and, instead, a deep blush takes over their cheeks. Thinking about it, that is probably the first time you have ever seen Levi's face be that deep of a red. So they avoid her gaze and look away, fingers laced together as they walk out of the room.

Moblit resumes his position behind the door in the hopes of giving the two of you some privacy during Hanji's final moments alive.

"Kiss me." She asks and, even if her breath smells like rotten blood, you oblige. One final kiss to keep it fresh in your memory the way she feels against you. Even though she looks so frail and sickly, she is still the perfect vision of the girl you fell in love with.

Against your lips, Hanji begins to cough her lungs out as her body gives into the virus. You don't care.

You curse yourself mentally for the need to breathe, not ever wanting this moment with Hanji to end. When you pull apart, you notice a smile on her lips as she fights for her last breath. Tears cloud your vision as you reach for her shoulder, shaking her body, desperately trying to wake her up.

"Hanji, this isn't funny." You say. When you receive no response in return, you sit on top of her, straddling her lifeless body to the ground. "Wake up. You have to wake up."

"y/n, we have to shoot her." Erwin says, pulling out his favorite gun from its designated spot on his belt. His mind races back to the time he found the object, "Easily the smallest in the world." And not once did Hanji make fun of him for it, unlike Levi or even you.

Moblit's hands touch your shoulders and you push him away, fists closed shut as you smack her chest. The tears that pour from your eyes intensify and your voice is no longer quiet, instead you scream at the top of your lungs and it attracts the attention of the zombies that so desperately try to break through the metal doors.

"Levi, knock her out!" Moblit says as he bends down, he brings his arms around your torso and uses every ounce of his strength to lift you up.

"No. NO!" You shout, struggling against the man's grip. Your body flops around in the hopes of making it harder for him to carry you around. The last thing you see is the inside of Levi's elbow against your neck as your vision turns blurry, a gunshot enters your ears and, before you know it, you are out.

When you open your eyes again, it takes you a few seconds to adjust to the light and for just one second, you forget about how awful everything is. Your first instinct is to sit up, a pounding headache forcing you to fall backwards on what feels like a scarf folded in half.

You raise your hand to the sky and a grim reminder of the truth hits you like a truck. She's gone and there is no bringing her back.

"How are you feeling?" Someone asks but you can't seem to figure out who it is. It's not until you turn your head that you notice Mikasa standing beside you, a water bottle in her hand as she uses the contents to rinse the very last bit of Hanji's existence out of your lips.

"Like a monster truck just ran over me and the driver ripped my heart out just for fun and then set it on fire and...."

"I get the picture." She says and you flash her a half-hearted smile.

"You asked." You shrug your shoulders. "When did you get here?"

"We were camping a few miles north when we noticed five shadows walking towards the big metal place." Armin says, sitting beside you and across from Mikasa. "So, evidently, we decided to follow and, well, we only realized who the shadows were when we heard Hanji talking to whatever that red bitch was."

"We were listening when she was saying how much she loved the... whatever the hell that was honestly," Mikasa says, crossing her legs. Her knee supports her elbow as she uses her hand to prop up her face.

"The a.i." You respond, "The Red Queen was her name. My mother created her."

"That's wild." The boy admitted, "It seems like you all just went through much more than just the zombie apocalypse."

In response, you simply nod. You sit up once more, bringing your knees to your chest before burying your face in them. Tears burn in your eyes and hiccups erupt from you, your throat closing with the force of your sobs, making it hard to breathe.

Two hands touch your back, one on each side, in the hopes of giving you any sort of comfort. Though you appreciate their effort, it fails miserably and you can't help but start to cry a little harder than before.

In the distance, you can hear a few voices and you quickly identify them as Moblit, Erwin and Levi, though you can barely comprehend what they are saying.

"We need her blood." Levi says and rushed footsteps begin to make their way towards you, but before he can get too close, the sound stops completely as if someone has pulled him back.

"Levi, she just lost the love of her life." Erwin whispers.

"We all lost Hanji." He responds in a loud, firm tone, "And we will continue to lose people if we don't put an end to this bullshit."

When enough is enough, you stand up and begin to make your way towards the very loud men, who discuss whether to bother you or let you grieve. You decide that it is not their choice to make.

"Someone will need to go outside and break it." Moblit reminds them, holding the glass container in his hand. "It will be dangerous, the metal fence old and falling apart. It is barely enough to hold them back and, chances are, they will pile up and break through due to the smell of blood."

"I'll do it." You say, loudly enough to startle the three of them. "My blood is the key so it only seems fair that I should be the one to do it."

Moblit retakes his spot on the floor, a desolated expression on his face as he realizes that there is no changing your mind.

"I - I don't want to live in a world without Hanji." You stutter, taking the vial out of his hand. He doesn't complain or try to change your mind. Deep down, he knew that by losing Hanji, sooner or later it meant he would lose you too.

"Are you sure about this?" Erwin asks as he hands you a blunt knife. By the warmth coming from the blade, you can tell he attempted his best to make it sharper, though with no luck. It isn't big so you easily notice the E + L engravings on it, you decide not to tease them and simply take it.

"Yes." You respond with no hesitation whatsoever.

The silence in the room is incredibly loud and the only thing you are able to hear is the sound of your friends' breathing. The blonde boy is the first one to break the silence as he tries to empathize with Moblit.

"I wish I could bring Eren back." Armin whispers, his back sliding down on the wall as he sits on the ground beside Moblit. He brings his knees to his chest while his hand goes through his blonde hair.

Moblit still trembles in shock, eyes wide as he stares at the wall. "I have people whom I wish I could bring back to life too, you know."

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to diminish how you feel right now." The blonde boy says, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "I just miss him."

Moblit sighs. "I know. I miss Hanji."

You don't say anything though you focus on his words. Your eyes wander outside the lab, zombies as far as you can see until one specific catches your eyes. It wears an eye-patch, hair in a high ponytail and glasses, it looks terrifyingly similar to Hanji.

You shake your head and blink constantly for a few seconds. When you look again, the zombie is already gone and you let out a small puff, similar to a laughter. It couldn't be her.

"I'll hold them back while you guys run away." You say and Mikasa stands up.

"We lost Bertholdt, Marco, Sasha, Eren and now Hanji." The black haired girl says, adjusting her freshly cut hair out of the way. "I don't think I can handle losing you too."

You raise your hand and place it on her shoulder, immediately the girl reaches for it and shifts it to her face. She nuzzles herself against your skin, tears shining brightly in her eyes as she begs you to not leave.

"You'll be ok." You whisper, eyes meeting hers. With your free hand, you reach for the moody blonde girl who stands in the corner. She gladly takes it and allows you to wrap her arm around her girlfriend. "You still have Annie."

"And I am so grateful for that everyday." Mikasa says, using her hands to cup her girlfriend's face before planting a gentle kiss on her lips. Annie flashes her a small, genuine smile before bringing her closer to an embrace.

As the two of them share a moment, you walk towards Armin and Moblit.

The blonde one carries the red scarf now instead of Mikasa, a reminder of the boy he loved so much. His ocean blue eyes have lost their usual shine and are now mostly a vague reminder of the boy who sought freedom.

"The one to save humanity will be you, y/n.." Armin says, opening up a space so you can sit in between him and Moblit. You gladly take the spot.

That's not true. You aren't a savior, you are just selfish. Selfish for not wanting to live in a world without Hanji, for abandoning your friends.

"And don't even try to convince me otherwise." He follows-up with a sad smile. His arm wraps around your body as he pulls you in for one last hug. It's tight and for just a second, you forget you are hugging Armin and your brain is convinced that the one whose arms are around you is Eren.

You come back to reality to find the blonde boy with tears in his eyes and you are reminded that they are simply kids. Kids who have lost everything because of your mother and how you weren't enough for her.

The apocalypse started, and will end, with you.

"Moblit, would you please look at me?" You beg and he shakes his head, looking down at his feet.

"If I ignore you, then maybe this won't happen and Hanji will come back." He responds. You reach your arm over his back, touching the side of his stomach and instantly pulling him in for an awkward side hug.

He scoffs and shakes his head, turning the messy hug into a real one. His arms wrap around your body as he holds you tightly, your head resting on his chest as he uses a hand to stroke your hair lovingly, just like Hanji used to do.

"I don't want you to go." He whispers and you can tell his heartbeat begins to race, so you let out a sigh. "Stay."

"You know I can't." You respond and he nods, unfortunately agreeing with you.

"I know, but I figured I should try asking one last time anyway." He says with a sad expression on his face, though he makes an attempt to force himself to smile at you.

"I love you, Moblit."

"I love you too." He mumbled under his breath.

When you pull away from your hug, you turn around to face the blonde boy beside you. The tears in his eyes bring out the blue of his orbs, the saddest of expressions on his face.

"Armin, I want you to live a full life. For me and for Eren." You say, making eye contact with the blonde boy, who has wrapped the scarf around his neck once more.

"Ok." He responds and you shake your head.

"I want you to promise me."

"I promise."

You plant a kiss on their temples before pulling them in for a little group hug. Finally, it earns a small smile out of each of them. When you stand up, they continue to talk about the things they have in common and the people they have lost.

Last but not least, you walk towards Levi and Erwin. They don't say anything but allow themselves to cry harder as you pull them in for a hug. The taller one holds you close to his chest while the shorter man hugs you from behind.

"Don't go." Levi whispers, a tear gliding down his face slowly.

"I have to go meet Hanji." You respond, a gentle smile taking over your features and they nod, knowing there was no way of convincing you to stay.

"We'll miss you." Erwin says and plants a kiss on your forehead. At the same time, you feel as Levi presses his lips against the back of your head.

"I'll be watching over you." You promise and they nod, not fully sure if they are able to let you go. Erwin's arm falls to the side of his body and he pulls away,

"We'll run out of here and set this place on fire." Levi vows. "Nobody will ever set foot here again and you will be able to rest with Hanji by your side."

"Thank you." You whisper in response.

You help them get ready before saying one last goodbye to all of them. The teenagers are the first to run away, Annie leading the pack with a map in one hand while the other forms a human chain with Mikasa and Armin.

The blonde girl flashes you one last look and, as you wave her goodbye, you notice as her cheeks turn bright red and she looks away. She pulls the other two as they watch you, tears in their eyes until they turn around the corner. Just like that, they are gone.

The one that goes after them is Moblit, who has rushed back to the room next door where Hanji's body remained to say one final goodbye. He waves at you from around the corner and you flash him a smile, hoping that he would remember you this way.

And finally, Erwin and Levi. Each one of them holding a few vials of flammable liquid they found around the laboratory. They hug you one more time, "for good luck" before they run out of the room, pouring the contents on the floor leaving a trail behind them.

When they are far enough, they ignite the flames.

Slowly, you walk towards the other room to find Hanji's body, a bullet in between her eyes. Her skin is a light shade of gray and the veins on her face look a distinguished tone of purple, though a smile still rests on her lips.

Reaching down, you pick up her lifeless body. Her head above one of your arms while the other holds the spot behind her knees. The smile on her face is still very much there and you finally allow yourself to cry, pulling her closer to you.

"I'm coming, love." You whisper, planting a kiss on her forehead, picking her up from the floor.

Your footsteps echo through the empty, metal hallways. It's a maze you have already memorized from playing around when you were younger. It takes you around ten minutes to find your way towards the massive doors.

Hanji's body in your arms, you press the red button to open the gate, though the spiked fence still remains in place. On the other side resides zombies of all types, some in a more advanced state of decomposition than others.

Gently, you place your beloved's body down on the floor before you. From your back pocket, you pull out the knife gifted to you by Erwin and, before you are able to slice your hand open, you hear rushed footsteps leaving the upper floor and a comforting sensation fills your heart when you realize it is your friends running away from the scene. Safe and sound.

With a smile on your face, you bring the knife to the palm of your hand and with great difficulty push it into your skin, once a puncture wound has been made, you glide the knife down your skin and it widens the cut.

Before the blood has enough time to reach inside the cylinder, the metal fence comes down and a horde of zombies comes your way. With nothing to protect yourself but the small knife, you realize that there is no point in protecting yourself, so you simply allow them to bite you.

Your legs, arms, neck, chunks of flesh being ripped apart.

Before you become infected, you squeeze your hand into the container and when the liquid inside comes in contact with your blood, it immediately transforms into gas. It takes less than ten second for the first dozen zombies to fall to the ground and you realize your mother didn't lie after all. The cure works and all it took was a drop of your blood.

So you throw it on the floor, watching as the glass container shatters into a millions pieces and it releases the gas into the atmosphere. Your job is done.

One by one, the zombies stop moving and there is a moment of silence. No more agonizing souls roaming the earth in search for human flesh, only the quiet relief of the apocalypse being over.

Due to the amount of bites you suffered, the cure unfortunately will take out your heart in a few seconds so you drag your body towards Hanji's, lying beside her for one last time while lacing your fingers together. You have exactly the time it takes you to reach her for the cure to stop your heart and, much like Hanji, you close your eyes with a smile on your face, for the last time.

Seven years go by from what was known to be the worst threat to humankind known to date. The zombies who mutated and survived the cure were annihilated within the first few weeks and the government deemed the world free.

Willy Tybur's plan to restart the human race failed due to his... instant death after the laboratory where his and the richest people in the world's frozen bodies was set on fire. Nobody was ever able to figure out what happened and it was deemed an accident. A burst gas pipe and a fire that started itself.

Unfortunately, Moblit was caught in the explosion after he sacrificed himself to save the teenagers and his two other friends. Once realizing he was stuck between the fire and freedom, he used the excuse of wanting to bring your body and Hanji's along so he could provide you with a proper burial but it was too late. The fire caught up to him before he could catch up to you.

Levi says he died with a smile on his face, happy to be reunited with two of his best friends though a hint of sadness still present in his eyes for leaving behind the other two.

Annie and Mikasa started their own little family, adopting a young boy whose parents and older brother were turned at the beginning of the apocalypse. Together, they built a small house in the mountains, away from the grim reminder of their teenage years.

As for Armin, he lived his life by himself. He remodeled the house where you all lived together for a while at the beginning and where Eren's head is buried. When they go visit, it's a known fact that he will be seated underneath the tree, talking to the tombstone.

Reiner, Jean and Connie became political figures and began traveling the world, telling others about their experience and how they survived with the help of their friends and five adults. They dedicated their book to you, Hanji and Moblit.

Last but not least, Erwin and Levi ran away together. To this day nobody knows exactly where they are, but they occasionally send out letters. The paper smells like a park filled with flowers in full bloom and the handwriting is always a mixture of cursive and regular, so everybody will know they wrote it together.

"To our favorite brats,

We hope things are going well with you all. We are doing great.

Our little house in the middle of nowhere is perfect for just the two of us. Well, it's more of a cottage but you get the idea. We have so many farm animals that Levi hates taking care of but I personally find them delightful. (They just shit everywhere, Levi wanted me to include this part.)

Our flowers are almost in full bloom this time of the year and, with this letter, we have included a single flower to each of you. They are the purple lilies that we named after Hanji, Moblit and y/n. Somehow, they are the most beautiful ones we have.

I don't think we have been to the city in years but we are willing to come once Annie and Mikasa decide to get married. Hell, we'll even provide the flower for your bouquets as long as you agree to let Erwin's officiate the ceremony. He got ordained last month to celebrate the wedding of someone in the village we live in.

We miss you all but life has been too painful to ever look back at the way things were. Please know that we are safe and that you are all loved.

Hanji, y/n and Moblit are looking over us. We just know it.

With love,

Levi Ackerman and Erwin Smith."

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You were a sweet girl, sweet yet not stupid. From being bullied in your first University, your parents had packed up and left your home forgetting ev...
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*โ™กโˆž:๏ฝก.๏ฝกใ€€ใ€€๏ฝก.๏ฝก:โˆžโ™ก* "๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ?" "๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ." reader based & college A/U. HIGHEST RATI...
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