Beyond the Cameras

By stevson97

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Rory Pinnock has always had everything she has ever wanted handed to her on a silver platter. Literally. With... More

Beyond the Cameras
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 16

67 4 0
By stevson97

Chapter 16

Tonight was the premiere of Dark Face. I was sitting in a dark limo next to my manager, Shannon Kores, on my way to the red carpet. This was the first time I had talked to her in person since I left and let's just say, sometimes I liked her better over the phone.

"Rory, are you listening? We're meeting up with Andrew Stamm just before we get to the red carpet. Felic is very interested in seeing how the public will react to you and Andrew coming together to this event."

Andrew Stamm. My closest friend in the movie industry. Although I've only ever acted beside him once (and I had one line), we hit it off instantly. I'm sure if I was more involved in movies and TV shows, we would be even closer. I had texted him a couple of times while in Texas, but our schedules were always too weird to actually hang out.

I don't know why Felic would want us to be seen together. Unless...

"Is Andrew up for the lead male role?"

"No, he already has it. That's why Felic is putting you too together for this premiere. Andrew already made an appearance with Selene at the Charity for Children event. The feedback was pretty even, but Selene is a great actress so this didn't hurt her chances."

Selene Dorwick. Some call her a teenage prodigy, but I call her a venomous snake. Sure she was the female version of Johnny Depp, meaning she could play any role put before her, but that's only because her entire life is an act. Only a select few have been able to see the inner beauty (note the sarcasm) of Selene Dorwick.

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Rory, if you want this role, you're really going to have to work for it. Not only is Selene a great actress, but she has experience, something you lack, unfortunately. But you are a new face and if I know Felic Cassano, I know that he would love to be the one responsible for 'making' a new actress."

"But I'm not new. I've done this before," I whined, staring out of the window at the lights of the passing cars.

"Experience," Shannon reminded me. "Experience is everything. Now lets review once more over what you will be asked."

I groaned again, "Mom already drilled me twice this morning. I think I have a pretty firm grip on what I'm supposed to say."

"Well, you know what they say. Third times a charm," Shannon smirked at me and I knew there was no more arguing.

Luckily, my phone started ringing with an incoming FaceTime from Jo.

"I face to take this," I smiled, relieved of the timing.

I pressed the answer button and watched as four excited faces popped into view.

Their voices all sounded over each other as two said how much they missed me and the other two commented on how beautiful I look.

"Aww, I miss you guys too. And thank you. Its Elle Saab," I bragged, posing for dramatic effect.

Tonight, I was wearing a gorgeous red dress with little flowers all over it and pockets! I love pocket dresses.

"So I guess you're on your way to the Dark Face premiere," Grace asked.

"I am," I answered, "But I won't tell you guys what happens. You'll have to wait and go see it for yourselves when it comes out."

"Fair enough. Are any big name celebrities suppose to be there? You know, besides you," Jo asked, pushing a piece of dirty blonde hair behind her ear.

"Well, I'm meeting up Andrew Stamm in a few minutes-"

"Andrew Stamm," They all squealed and simultaneously sighed.


"Yeah..." I trailed off, giving them all funny looks. "Anyway, Andrew and I will be walking the carpet together so we are meeting before to collaborate a bit."

"So he's like your date for this premiere," Lou asked, twirling a piece of hair around her finger and easing an eyebrow at me.

"I guess so, but there's definitely nothing romantic going on between us if that's what you're insinuating."

"Oh no. I know you wouldn't still my man, but I am saying if you have to kiss him to get me an autograph, I wouldn't be mad," she winked at me as I opened my mouth in shock.

Lou barely ever teased like this unless she was feeling really confident.

"What's happened to you," I asked, as Shannon held up five fingers telling me we were almost there.

Lou instantly blushed and I knew something had happened while I was gone.

"Well, since you asked," Jo started to say, but Lou covered her mouth, still blushing red.

"What," I exclaimed, much more intrigued now than I was a few seconds ago.

"Callan kissed her," Grace shouted out, smirking at Lou who was now hiding her solid red face in her hands.

I squealed and laughed with the other girls.

"I will definitely get the details of that later, but I have to meet Andrew so I'll see you guys later."

"Okay! Make sure to get us free stuff," Kallie yelled.

"And tell Andrew Stamm that I love him," Jo added, blowing me a kiss.

"Will do," I laughed, waving and ending the video chat.

"Those are some interesting new friends," Shannon commented, typing away on her iPhone.

"Yup. They're the best," I smiled.

The car pulled to a stop and I saw a black limo already waiting on us.

My driver stepped out of our limo and opened my door for me. I saw Andrew was already out of his and was holding out a hand for me to grab onto.

"Thank you kind sir," I smiled, taking his hand to step out of the vehicle.

Once I was steady on my feet Andrew enveloped me in a hug.

"How have you been little sis," he mumbled into my hair.

'Little sis' was Andrew's nickname for me. Even though I wasn't even a year younger than him, I was considerably shorter so the nickname stuck. I just called him Andrew since everyone else called him Drew. It drove him crazy.

"It's been nice. Having a break, but I think I'm ready to get back into the business."

I hoped if I told myself that enough then it might actually come true at some point. I hoped, at least.

"You better be," he laughed, pulling back from me. I finally was able to give him a once over and saw that he was still was of the hottest guys I knew. He was dressed in a silvery gray suit that did wonders to his eyes. His dirty blonde hair was neatly styled back which was a stark contrast to the messy mop I usually saw him with.

He grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"You need to nail this part so that way we can work together. Plus, I don't know if I can handle working with her again," he shuddered as I laughed.

"I'll try my best," I reassured him, patting his arm. "Now are we going to get going or what?"

"You haven't changed a bit," he laughed, opening his limo door for me to climb into.


"Are you ready for this?"

This was an inside joke between Andrew and so I couldn't help, but smile at the memories that went along with it. Plus it helped to hide how nervous I really was.

The chauffeur opened the limo door and we were bombarded with flashes of light.

I heard my name being shouted from all directions, but all I could do was put on my biggest smile and follow Shannon to mine and Andrew's first interview.

The way it worked was there was a huge red carpet where all the celebrities like me walked, then on the sides were hoards of paparazzi snapping pictures like crazy.

Right now, I was only concerned with making sure I didn't give away too much to the reporters as they grilled me on my life.

The first reporter had a huge smile on her face and was dressed very smart to appeal more to the public.

"Ms. Pinnock, Mr. Stamm, is it a coincidence that, as rumor has it, both of you are being considered for roles in the new Felic Cassano movie and then you show up to this premiere together," a microphone is shoved between the two of us so that every word out of our mouths can be caught and broadcasted on TV tomorrow night.

I, being the more eloquent speaker, speak up first to lead Andrew in the right direction with his answers.

"I don't know," I smile, even though the corners of my mouth are already starting to twitch. "Andrew and I have been great friends for years and when we found out Mr. Cassano's new movie was coming out, we couldn't miss the chance to come together."

"So I take it you too are both fans of Felic Cassano's work?"

"Of course," Andrew speaks,"Mr. Cassano is revered as one of the greatest movie producers of all time and I can't argue with that."

I nodded along with his words to show I agreed with him.

The interviewer moved the microphone back in front of her face to ask another question, but one look from Shannon caused her to send us on our way instead.

The rest of the red carpet interviews went much the same. Most of the questions were directed towards why Andrew and I were her together and if the rumors were true. We could never give straight answers for either so I'm sure that will produce even more rumors.

A few reporters had the nerve to ask me about my personal life, what I had been doing away from Hollywood, but Shannon set them straight with the flick of her hand.

Andrew's manager met back up with us when we made it to the front of the red carpet to take pictures. Johnny wasn't there to shuffle me along so Shannon had to stay focused on directing me around.

And believe me, she had a lot ahead of her.


I love Andrew. He doesn't show up very much in this story, but when he does, it's important. You'll get to meet a new character or two in the next chapter, as well. Perhaps a sassy little girl (we need more of those). Anyway, drama is coming. Beware.

P.S. The song is 'Welcome to Hollywood' by Mitchell Musso.


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